Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2): Difference between revisions

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-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3
{{works with|Mercury|22.01.1}}
{{trans|Standard ML}}
This program was written with reference to the Standard ML, but really is a different kind of implementation: the continued fractions are represented as lazy lists.
The program is not very fast, but this might be due mainly to the <code>integer</code> type in the Mercury standard library not being very fast. I do not know. If so, an interface to the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library might speed things up quite a bit.
The program comes in two source files. The <code>continued_fraction</code> module source goes in file <code>continued_fraction.m</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Mercury">
%%% -*- mode: mercury; prolog-indent-width: 2; -*-
:- module continued_fraction.
:- interface.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module integer.
:- import_module lazy.
:- import_module rational.
%% A continued fraction is a kind of lazy list. The list is always
%% infinitely long. However, you need not consider terms that come
%% after an infinite term.
:- type continued_fraction
---> continued_fraction(lazy(node)).
:- type node
---> cons(term, continued_fraction).
:- type term
---> infinite_term
; integer_term(integer).
%% ng8 = {A12, A1, A2, A, B12, B1, B2, B}.
:- type ng8 == {integer, integer, integer, integer,
integer, integer, integer, integer}.
%% Get a human-readable string. The second form takes a "MaxTerms"
%% argument. The first form uses a default value for MaxTerms.
:- func to_string(continued_fraction) = string.
:- func to_string(int, continued_fraction) = string.
%% Make a term from a regular int.
:- func int_term(int) = term.
%% A "continued fraction" with only infinite terms.
:- func infinite_continued_fraction = continued_fraction.
%% A continued fraction whose term repeats infinitely.
:- func repeating_term(term) = continued_fraction.
%% A continued fraction representing an integer.
:- func from_integer(integer) = continued_fraction.
:- func from_int(int) = continued_fraction.
%% A continued fraction representing a rational number.
:- func from_rational(rational) = continued_fraction.
%% A continued fraction that is a bihomographic function of two other
%% continued fractions.
:- func apply_ng8(ng8, continued_fraction,
continued_fraction) = continued_fraction.
:- func '+'(continued_fraction,
continued_fraction) = continued_fraction.
:- func '-'(continued_fraction,
continued_fraction) = continued_fraction.
:- func '*'(continued_fraction,
continued_fraction) = continued_fraction.
:- func '/'(continued_fraction,
continued_fraction) = continued_fraction.
%% Miscellaneous continued fractions.
:- func zero = continued_fraction.
:- func one = continued_fraction.
:- func two = continued_fraction.
:- func three = continued_fraction.
:- func four = continued_fraction.
:- func one_fourth = continued_fraction.
:- func one_third = continued_fraction.
:- func one_half = continued_fraction.
:- func two_thirds = continued_fraction.
:- func three_fourths = continued_fraction.
:- func golden_ratio = continued_fraction. % (1 + sqrt(5))/2
:- func silver_ratio = continued_fraction. % (1 + sqrt(2))
:- func sqrt2 = continued_fraction. % The square root of two.
:- func sqrt5 = continued_fraction. % The square root of five.
:- implementation.
:- import_module string.
to_string(CF) = to_string(20, CF).
to_string(MaxTerms, CF) = S :-
to_string(MaxTerms, CF, 0, "[", S).
:- pred to_string(int::in, continued_fraction::in, int::in,
string::in, string::out) is det.
to_string(MaxTerms, CF, I, S0, S) :-
CF = continued_fraction(Node),
force(Node) = cons(Term, CF1),
(if (Term = integer_term(N))
then (if (I = MaxTerms) then (S = S0 ++ ",...]")
else (TermStr = (integer.to_string(N)),
Separator = (if (I = 0) then ""
else if (I = 1) then ";"
else ","),
to_string(MaxTerms, CF1, I + 1,
S0 ++ Separator ++ TermStr, S)))
else (S = S0 ++ "]")).
int_term(I) = integer_term(integer(I)).
infinite_continued_fraction = CF :-
CF = repeating_term(infinite_term).
repeating_term(T) = CF :-
CF = continued_fraction(Node),
Node = delay((func) = cons(T, repeating_term(T))).
from_integer(I) = CF :-
CF = continued_fraction(Node),
Node = delay((func) = cons(integer_term(I), infinite_continued_fraction)).
from_int(I) = from_integer(integer(I)).
from_rational(R) = CF :-
N = numer(R),
D = denom(R),
CF = from_rational_integers(N, D).
:- func from_rational_integers(integer, integer) = continued_fraction.
from_rational_integers(N, D) = CF :-
if (D = zero) then (CF = infinite_continued_fraction)
else (divide_with_rem(N, D, Q, R),
CF = continued_fraction(
delay((func) = cons(integer_term(Q),
from_rational_integers(D, R)))
(X : continued_fraction) + (Y : continued_fraction) = (
apply_ng8({zero, one, one, zero, zero, zero, zero, one}, X, Y)
(X : continued_fraction) - (Y : continued_fraction) = (
apply_ng8({zero, one, negative_one, zero, zero, zero, zero, one}, X, Y)
(X : continued_fraction) * (Y : continued_fraction) = (
apply_ng8({one, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one}, X, Y)
(X : continued_fraction) / (Y : continued_fraction) = (
apply_ng8({zero, one, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero}, X, Y)
apply_ng8(NG, X, Y) = CF :-
NG = {A12, A1, A2, A, B12, B1, B2, B},
(if iseqz(B12, B1, B2, B) then (
%% There are no more finite terms to output.
CF = infinite_continued_fraction
else if iseqz(B2, B) then (
absorb_x_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1)
else if at_least_one_iseqz(B2, B) then (
absorb_y_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1)
else if iseqz(B1) then (
absorb_x_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1)
else (
maybe_divide(A12, B12, Q12, R12),
maybe_divide(A1, B1, Q1, R1),
maybe_divide(A2, B2, Q2, R2),
maybe_divide(A, B, Q, R),
(if (not (iseqz(B12)), Q = Q12, Q = Q1, Q = Q2)
then (
%% Output a term.
if (integer_exceeds_infinitizing_threshold(Q))
then (CF = infinite_continued_fraction)
else (NG1 = {B12, B1, B2, B, R12, R1, R2, R},
CF = continued_fraction(
delay((func) = cons(integer_term(Q),
apply_ng8(NG1, X, Y)))
else (
%% Put A1, A2, and A over a common denominator and compare some
%% magnitudes.
N1 = A1 * B2 * B,
N2 = A2 * B1 * B,
N = A * B1 * B2,
(if (abs(N1 - N) > abs(N2 - N))
then (absorb_x_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1))
else (absorb_y_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1)))
:- pred absorb_x_term(ng8::in, ng8::out,
continued_fraction::in, continued_fraction::out,
continued_fraction::in, continued_fraction::out)
is det.
absorb_x_term(!NG, !X, !Y) :-
(!.NG) = {A12, A1, A2, A, B12, B1, B2, B},
(!.X) = continued_fraction(XNode),
force(XNode) = cons(XTerm, X1),
(if (XTerm = integer_term(N))
then (New_NG = {A2 + (A12 * N), A + (A1 * N), A12, A1,
B2 + (B12 * N), B + (B1 * N), B12, B1},
(if (ng8_exceeds_processing_threshold(New_NG))
then (
%% Pretend we have reached an infinite term.
!:NG = {A12, A1, A12, A1, B12, B1, B12, B1},
!:X = infinite_continued_fraction
else (!:NG = New_NG, !:X = X1)))
else (!:NG = {A12, A1, A12, A1, B12, B1, B12, B1},
!:X = infinite_continued_fraction)).
:- pred absorb_y_term(ng8::in, ng8::out,
continued_fraction::in, continued_fraction::out,
continued_fraction::in, continued_fraction::out)
is det.
absorb_y_term(!NG, !X, !Y) :-
(!.NG) = {A12, A1, A2, A, B12, B1, B2, B},
(!.Y) = continued_fraction(YNode),
force(YNode) = cons(YTerm, Y1),
(if (YTerm = integer_term(N))
then (New_NG = {A1 + (A12 * N), A12, A + (A2 * N), A2,
B1 + (B12 * N), B12, B + (B2 * N), B2},
(if (ng8_exceeds_processing_threshold(New_NG))
then (
%% Pretend we have reached an infinite term.
!:NG = {A12, A12, A2, A2, B12, B12, B2, B2},
!:Y = infinite_continued_fraction
else (!:NG = New_NG, !:Y = Y1)))
else (!:NG = {A12, A12, A2, A2, B12, B12, B2, B2},
!:Y = infinite_continued_fraction)).
:- pred ng8_exceeds_processing_threshold(ng8::in) is semidet.
:- pred integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(integer::in) is semidet.
ng8_exceeds_processing_threshold({A12, A1, A2, A,
B12, B1, B2, B}) :-
(integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(A12) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(A1) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(A2) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(A) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(B12) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(B1) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(B2) ;
integer_exceeds_processing_threshold(Integer) :-
abs(Integer) >= pow(two, integer(512)).
:- pred integer_exceeds_infinitizing_threshold(integer::in) is semidet.
integer_exceeds_infinitizing_threshold(Integer) :-
abs(Integer) >= pow(two, integer(64)).
:- pred maybe_divide(integer::in, integer::in,
integer::out, integer::out) is det.
maybe_divide(N, D, Q, R) :-
if iseqz(D) then (Q = zero, R = zero)
else divide_with_rem(N, D, Q, R).
:- pred iseqz(integer::in) is semidet.
:- pred iseqz(integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.
:- pred iseqz(integer::in, integer::in,
integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.
iseqz(Integer) :- Integer = zero.
iseqz(A, B) :- iseqz(A), iseqz(B).
iseqz(A, B, C, D) :- iseqz(A), iseqz(B), iseqz(C), iseqz(D).
:- pred at_least_one_iseqz(integer::in, integer::in) is semidet.
at_least_one_iseqz(A, B) :- (A = zero; B = zero).
:- func two_plus_sqrt5 = continued_fraction.
two_plus_sqrt5 = repeating_term(int_term(4)).
zero = from_int(0).
one = from_int(1).
two = from_int(2).
three = from_int(3).
four = from_int(4).
one_fourth = from_rational(rational(1, 4)).
one_third = from_rational(rational(1, 3)).
one_half = from_rational(rational(1, 2)).
two_thirds = from_rational(rational(2, 3)).
three_fourths = from_rational(rational(3, 4)).
golden_ratio = repeating_term(int_term(1)).
silver_ratio = repeating_term(int_term(2)).
sqrt2 = continued_fraction(delay((func) = cons(int_term(1), silver_ratio))).
sqrt5 = continued_fraction(delay((func) = cons(int_term(2), two_plus_sqrt5))).
:- end_module continued_fraction.
The main program goes in file <code>continued_fraction_task.m</code>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="Mercury">
%%% -*- mode: mercury; prolog-indent-width: 2; -*-
%%% A program in two files:
%%% continued_fraction_task.m (this file)
%%% continued_fraction.m (the continued_fraction module)
%%% Compile with:
%%% mmc --make --use-subdirs continued_fraction_task
:- module continued_fraction_task.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module continued_fraction.
:- import_module integer.
:- import_module rational.
:- import_module string.
:- pred show(string::in, continued_fraction::in, string::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- pred show(string::in, continued_fraction::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
show(Expression, CF, Note, !IO) :-
pad_left(Expression, (' '), 19, Expr1),
print(Expr1, !IO),
print(" => ", !IO),
(if (Note = "")
then (print(to_string(CF), !IO),
else (pad_right(to_string(CF), (' '), 48, CF1_Str),
print(CF1_Str, !IO),
print(Note, !IO),
show(Expression, CF, !IO) :- show(Expression, CF, "", !IO).
:- func thirteen_elevenths = continued_fraction.
thirteen_elevenths = from_rational(rational(13, 11)).
:- func twentytwo_sevenths = continued_fraction.
twentytwo_sevenths = from_rational(rational(22, 7)).
main(!IO) :-
show("golden ratio", golden_ratio, "(1 + sqrt(5))/2", !IO),
show("silver ratio", silver_ratio, "(1 + sqrt(2))", !IO),
show("sqrt(2)", sqrt2, "from the module", !IO),
show("sqrt(2)", silver_ratio - one, "from the silver ratio", !IO),
show("sqrt(5)", sqrt5, "from the module", !IO),
show("sqrt(5)", (two * golden_ratio) - one, "from the golden ratio", !IO),
show("13/11", thirteen_elevenths, !IO),
show("22/7", twentytwo_sevenths, "approximately pi", !IO),
show("13/11 + 1/2", thirteen_elevenths + one_half, !IO),
show("22/7 + 1/2", twentytwo_sevenths + one_half, !IO),
show("(22/7) * 1/2", twentytwo_sevenths * one_half, !IO),
show("(22/7) / 2", twentytwo_sevenths / two, !IO),
show("sqrt(2) + sqrt(2)", sqrt2 + sqrt2, !IO),
show("sqrt(2) - sqrt(2)", sqrt2 - sqrt2, !IO),
show("sqrt(2) * sqrt(2)", sqrt2 * sqrt2, !IO),
show("sqrt(2) / sqrt(2)", sqrt2 / sqrt2, !IO),
:- end_module continued_fraction_task.
<pre>$ mmc --make --use-subdirs continued_fraction_task && ./continued_fraction_task
Making Mercury/int3s/continued_fraction_task.int3
Making Mercury/int3s/continued_fraction.int3
Making Mercury/ints/
Making Mercury/ints/
Making Mercury/cs/continued_fraction.c
Making Mercury/cs/continued_fraction_task.c
Making Mercury/os/continued_fraction.o
Making Mercury/os/continued_fraction_task.o
Making continued_fraction_task
golden ratio => [1;1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,...] (1 + sqrt(5))/2
silver ratio => [2;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] (1 + sqrt(2))
sqrt(2) => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] from the module
sqrt(2) => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] from the silver ratio
sqrt(5) => [2;4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,...] from the module
sqrt(5) => [2;4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,...] from the golden ratio
13/11 => [1;5,2]
22/7 => [3;7] approximately pi
13/11 + 1/2 => [1;1,2,7]
22/7 + 1/2 => [3;1,1,1,4]
(22/7) * 1/2 => [1;1,1,3]
(22/7) / 2 => [1;1,1,3]
sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) => [2;1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]
sqrt(2) - sqrt(2) => [0]
sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) => [2]
sqrt(2) / sqrt(2) => [1]
