Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2): Difference between revisions

Line 7,536:
sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) => [2]
sqrt(2) / sqrt(2) => [1]
{{trans|Standard ML}}
To facilitate comparison of the two languages, I follow the Standard ML implementation closely.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">
(* Compile and run with (for instance):
ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package zarith && ./a.out
(* A term_generator thunk generates terms, which a t structure
memoizes. *)
type t
type term_generator = unit -> Z.t option
type ng8 = Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t
(* Create a continued fraction. *)
val make : term_generator -> t
(* Does the indexed term exist? *)
val exists : t -> int -> bool
(* Retrieve the indexed term. *)
val get : t -> int -> Z.t
(* Use a t as a term_generator thunk. *)
val to_term_generator : t -> term_generator
(* Get a human-readable string. *)
val default_max_terms : int ref
val to_string : ?max_terms:int -> t -> string
(* Create a continued fraction representing an integer. *)
val of_bigint : Z.t -> t
val of_int : int -> t
(* Create a continued fraction representing a rational number. *)
val of_bigrat : Q.t -> t
val of_bigints : Z.t -> Z.t -> t
val of_ints : int -> int -> t
(* Create a continued fraction that has one term repeated
forever. *)
val constant_term_of_bigint : Z.t -> t
val constant_term_of_int : int -> t
(* Create a continued fraction by arithmetic. (I have not bothered
here to implement ng4, although one likely would wish to have
ng4 as well.) *)
val ng8_of_ints : (int * int * int * int
* int * int * int * int) -> ng8
val ng8_stopping_processing_threshold : Z.t ref
val ng8_infinitization_threshold : Z.t ref
val apply_ng8 : ng8 -> t -> t -> t
val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
val ( * ) : t -> t -> t
val ( / ) : t -> t -> t
val ( ~- ) : t -> t
val pow : t -> int -> t
(* Miscellaneous continued fractions. *)
val zero : t
val one : t
val two : t
val three : t
val four : t
val one_fourth : t
val one_third : t
val one_half : t
val two_thirds : t
val three_fourths : t
val golden_ratio : t
val silver_ratio : t
val sqrt2 : t
val sqrt5 : t
module Continued_fraction : CONTINUED_FRACTION =
type term_generator = unit -> Z.t option
type record_t =
terminated : bool; (* Is the generator exhausted? *)
memo_count : int; (* How many terms are memoized? *)
memo : Z.t Array.t; (* Memoized terms. *)
generate : term_generator; (* The source of terms. *)
type t = record_t ref
type ng8 = Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t
let make generator =
ref { terminated = false;
memo_count = 0;
memo = Array.make 32;
generate = generator }
let resize_if_necessary (cf : t) i =
let record = !cf in
if record.terminated then
else if i < Array.length record.memo then
let new_size = 2 * (i + 1) in
let new_memo = Array.make new_size in
let rec copy_terms i =
if i = record.memo_count then
let term = record.memo.(i) in
new_memo.(i) <- term;
copy_terms (i + 1)
let new_record = { record with memo = new_memo } in
copy_terms 0;
cf := new_record
let rec update_terms (cf : t) i =
let record = !cf in
if record.terminated then
else if i < record.memo_count then
match record.generate () with
| None ->
let new_record = { record with terminated = true} in
cf := new_record
| Some term ->
let () = record.memo.(record.memo_count) <- term in
let new_record = { record with memo_count =
succ record.memo_count } in
cf := new_record;
update_terms cf i
let exists (cf : t) i =
resize_if_necessary cf i;
update_terms cf i;
i < (!cf).memo_count
let get (cf : t) i =
let record = !cf in
if record.memo_count <= i then
raise (Invalid_argument
let to_term_generator (cf : t) =
let i : int ref = ref 0 in
fun () -> let j = !i in
if exists cf j then
i := succ j;
Some (get cf j)
let default_max_terms = ref 20
let to_string ?(max_terms = !default_max_terms) (cf : t) =
if max_terms < 1 then
raise (Invalid_argument
let rec loop i accum =
if not (exists cf i) then
accum ^ "]"
else if i = max_terms then
accum ^ ",...]"
let separator = if i = 0 then
else if i = 1 then
"," in
let term_string = Z.to_string (get cf i) in
loop (i + 1) (accum ^ separator ^ term_string)
loop 0 "["
let of_bigint i =
let finished = ref false in
make (fun () -> (if !finished then
finished := true;
Some i
let of_int i = of_bigint (Z.of_int i)
let i2cf = of_int
let constant_term_of_bigint i = make (fun () -> Some i)
let constant_term_of_int i = constant_term_of_bigint (Z.of_int i)
let constant_term_cf = constant_term_of_int
let of_bigrat ratnum =
let ratnum = ref ratnum in
make (fun () -> (if Q.is_real !ratnum then
let (n, d) = (Q.num !ratnum,
Q.den !ratnum) in
let (q, r) = Z.ediv_rem n d in
ratnum := { num = d; den = r };
Some q
let of_bigints n d = of_bigrat { num = n; den = d }
let of_ints n d = of_bigints (Z.of_int n) (Z.of_int d)
let ng8_of_ints (a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) =
let f = Z.of_int in
(f a12, f a1, f a2, f a, f b12, f b1, f b2, f b)
let ng8_stopping_processing_threshold = ref Z.(one lsl 512)
let ng8_infinitization_threshold = ref Z.(one lsl 64)
let too_big term =
Z.(abs (term) >= abs (!ng8_stopping_processing_threshold))
let any_too_big (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) =
too_big (a) || too_big (b)
|| too_big (c) || too_big (d)
|| too_big (e) || too_big (f)
|| too_big (g) || too_big (h)
let infinitize term =
if Z.(abs (term) >= abs (!ng8_infinitization_threshold)) then
Some term
let no_terms_source () = None
let equal_zero number = (Z.sign number = 0)
let divide a b =
if equal_zero b then
Z.ediv_rem a b
let apply_ng8 (ng : ng8) =
fun (x : t) (y : t) ->
let ng = ref ng
and xsource = ref (to_term_generator x)
and ysource = ref (to_term_generator y) in
let all_b_are_zero () =
let (_, _, _, _, b12, b1, b2, b) = !ng in
equal_zero b && equal_zero b2
&& equal_zero b1 && equal_zero b12
let all_four_equal (a, b, c, d) =
a = b && a = c && a = d
let absorb_x_term () =
let (a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) = !ng in
match (!xsource) () with
| Some term ->
let new_ng = Z.((a2 + (a12 * term),
a + (a1 * term), a12, a1,
b2 + (b12 * term),
b + (b1 * term), b12, b1)) in
if any_too_big new_ng then
(* Pretend all further x terms are infinite. *)
ng := (a12, a1, a12, a1, b12, b1, b12, b1);
xsource := no_terms_source
ng := new_ng
| None -> ng := (a12, a1, a12, a1, b12, b1, b12, b1)
let absorb_y_term () =
let (a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) = !ng in
match (!ysource) () with
| Some term ->
let new_ng = Z.((a1 + (a12 * term), a12,
a + (a2 * term), a2,
b1 + (b12 * term), b12,
b + (b2 * term), b2)) in
if any_too_big new_ng then
(* Pretend all further y terms are infinite. *)
ng := (a12, a12, a2, a2, b12, b12, b2, b2);
ysource := no_terms_source
ng := new_ng
| None -> ng := (a12, a12, a2, a2, b12, b12, b2, b2)
let rec loop () =
if all_b_are_zero () then
None (* There are no more terms to output. *)
let (_, _, _, _, b12, b1, b2, b) = !ng in
if equal_zero b && equal_zero b2 then
(absorb_x_term (); loop ())
else if equal_zero b || equal_zero b2 then
(absorb_y_term (); loop ())
else if equal_zero b1 then
(absorb_x_term (); loop ())
let (a12, a1, a2, a, _, _, _, _) = !ng in
let (q12, r12) = divide a12 b12
and (q1, r1) = divide a1 b1
and (q2, r2) = divide a2 b2
and (q, r) = divide a b in
if Z.sign b12 <> 0 && all_four_equal (q12, q1, q2, q) then
ng := (b12, b1, b2, b, r12, r1, r2, r);
(* Return a term--or, if a magnitude threshold is
reached, return no more terms . *)
infinitize q
(* Put a1, a2, and a over a common denominator and
compare some magnitudes. *)
let n1 = Z.(a1 * b2 * b)
and n2 = Z.(a2 * b1 * b)
and n = Z.(a * b1 * b2) in
if Z.(abs (n1 - n) > abs (n2 - n)) then
(absorb_x_term (); loop ())
(absorb_y_term (); loop ())
make (fun () -> loop ())
let ( + ) = apply_ng8 (ng8_of_ints (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
let ( - ) = apply_ng8 (ng8_of_ints (0, 1, (-1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
let ( * ) = apply_ng8 (ng8_of_ints (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
let ( / ) = apply_ng8 (ng8_of_ints (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0))
let ( ~- ) =
let neg = apply_ng8 (ng8_of_ints (0, 0, (-1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)) in
fun x -> neg x x
let pow =
let one = of_int 1 in
let reciprocal =
apply_ng8 (ng8_of_ints (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)) in
let reciprocal x = reciprocal x x in
fun cf i -> let rec loop (x : t) (n : int) (accum : t) =
if Int.(1 < n) then
let nhalf = Int.(div n 2)
and xsquare = x * x in
if Int.(add nhalf nhalf <> n) then
loop xsquare nhalf (accum * x)
loop xsquare nhalf accum
else if Int.(n = 1) then
(accum * x)
if 0 <= i then
loop cf i one
reciprocal (loop cf Int.(neg i) one)
let zero = of_int 0
let one = of_int 1
let two = of_int 2
let three = of_int 3
let four = of_int 4
let one_fourth = of_ints 1 4
let one_third = of_ints 1 3
let one_half = of_ints 1 2
let two_thirds = of_ints 2 3
let three_fourths = of_ints 3 4
let golden_ratio = constant_term_of_int 1
let silver_ratio = constant_term_of_int 2
let sqrt2 = silver_ratio - one
let sqrt5 = (two * golden_ratio) - one
module CF = Continued_fraction
let i2cf = CF.of_int
and r2cf = CF.of_ints
and constant_term_cf = CF.constant_term_of_int
and cf2string = CF.to_string
let make_pad n = String.make n ' '
let show (expression, cf, note) =
let cf_string = cf2string cf in
let expr_sz = String.length expression
and cf_sz = String.length cf_string
and note_sz = String.length note in
let expr_pad_sz = max (19 - expr_sz) 0
and cf_pad_sz = if note_sz = 0 then 0 else max (48 - cf_sz) 0 in
let expr_pad = make_pad expr_pad_sz
and cf_pad = make_pad cf_pad_sz in
print_string expr_pad;
print_string expression;
print_string " => ";
print_string cf_string;
print_string cf_pad;
print_string note;
print_endline ""
show ("golden ratio", CF.golden_ratio, "(1 + sqrt(5))/2");
show ("silver ratio", CF.silver_ratio, "(1 + sqrt(2))");
show ("sqrt2", CF.sqrt2, "");
show ("sqrt5", CF.sqrt5, "");
show ("1/4", CF.one_fourth, "");
show ("1/3", CF.one_third, "");
show ("1/2", CF.one_half, "");
show ("2/3", CF.two_thirds, "");
show ("3/4", CF.three_fourths, "");
show ("13/11", r2cf 13 11, "");
show ("22/7", r2cf 22 7, "approximately pi");
show ("0",, "");
show ("1",, "");
show ("2", CF.two, "");
show ("3", CF.three, "");
show ("4", CF.four, "");
show ("4 + 3", CF.(four + three), "");
show ("4 - 3", CF.(four - three), "");
show ("4 * 3", CF.(four * three), "");
show ("4 / 3", CF.(four / three), "");
show ("4 ** 3", CF.(pow four 3), "");
show ("4 ** (-3)", CF.(pow four (-3)), "");
show ("negative 4", CF.(-four), "");
CF.(show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2",
(one + (one / sqrt2)) / two, "method 1"));
CF.(show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2",
silver_ratio * pow sqrt2 (-3), "method 2"));
CF.(show ("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2",
(pow silver_ratio 2 + one) / (four * two), "method 3"));
show ("sqrt2 + sqrt2", CF.(sqrt2 + sqrt2), "");
show ("sqrt2 - sqrt2", CF.(sqrt2 - sqrt2), "");
show ("sqrt2 * sqrt2", CF.(sqrt2 * sqrt2), "");
show ("sqrt2 / sqrt2", CF.(sqrt2 / sqrt2), "");
<pre>$ ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package zarith && ./a.out
golden ratio => [1;1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,...] (1 + sqrt(5))/2
silver ratio => [2;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] (1 + sqrt(2))
sqrt2 => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]
sqrt5 => [2;4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,...]
1/4 => [0;4]
1/3 => [0;3]
1/2 => [0;2]
2/3 => [0;1,2]
3/4 => [0;1,3]
13/11 => [1;5,2]
22/7 => [3;7] approximately pi
0 => [0]
1 => [1]
2 => [2]
3 => [3]
4 => [4]
4 + 3 => [7]
4 - 3 => [1]
4 * 3 => [12]
4 / 3 => [1;3]
4 ** 3 => [64]
4 ** (-3) => [0;64]
negative 4 => [-4]
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...] method 1
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...] method 2
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...] method 3
sqrt2 + sqrt2 => [2;1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]
sqrt2 - sqrt2 => [0]
sqrt2 * sqrt2 => [2]
sqrt2 / sqrt2 => [1]
