Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2): Difference between revisions

Line 4,609:
Here I have implemented heuristics to try to get correct answers for problems such as squaring the square root of two.
The Scheme from which this Python was derived is at
Both can be considered as based on the ATS.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
Line 4,766 ⟶ 4,759:
while not done:
(a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) = env[ng]
if b == 0 and b1 == 0 and b2 == 0 and b12 == 0:
if# b1There ==are 0no andmore b12 == 0:terms.
retval = # There are no more terms.None
retvaldone = NoneTrue
elif b == 0 and b2 done == True0:
else:absorb_x_term ()
absorb_x_term ()
elif b == 0 or b2 == 0:
absorb_y_term ()
Line 4,781 ⟶ 4,773:
q1 = a1 // b1
q2 = a2 // b2
q1_diffif b12 != abs (q1 - q)0:
q2_diff = abs (q2 -q12 = a12 // q)b12
if q1_diffb12 >!= q2_diff0 and q == q1 and q == q2 and q == q12:
absorb_x_term ()
elif q1_diff < q2_diff:
absorb_y_term ()
elif b12 == 0 or q != a12 // b12:
# Because q = q1 = q2, the following also are
# true:
# a1/b1 - a/b = r1/b1 - r/b
# a2/b2 - a/b = r2/b2 - r/b
# So we can work with the remainders, which are
# smaller and so less likely to require "big
# integers".
# Rather than compare fractions, we will put the
# numerators over a common denominator of b*b1*b2,
# and then compare the new numerators.
n = (a - (b * q)) * b1 * b2
n1 = (a1 - (b1 * q)) * b * b2
n2 = (a2 - (b2 * q)) * b * b1
if abs (n1 - n) > abs (n2 - n):
absorb_x_term ()
absorb_y_term ()
# Output a term. Notice the resemblance to r2cf.
env[0] = (b12, b1, b2, b, # Divisors.
Line 4,819 ⟶ 4,784:
retval = (None if treat_as_infinite (q) else q)
done = True
# Rather than compare fractions, we will put the
# numerators over a common denominator of b*b1*b2,
# and then a2/b2compare -the a/bnew = r2/b2 - r/bnumerators.
elif b12 == 0 orn q= !=a * a12b1 //* b12:b2
#n1 true:= a1 * b * b2
#n2 = a2 * b * b1
#if Becauseabs q(n1 =- q1n) => q2,abs the(n2 following- also aren):
absorb_x_term ()
elif q1_diff < q2_diff else:
absorb_x_term absorb_y_term ()
return retval
Line 4,850 ⟶ 4,826:
print (" 4 => ", cf2string (four))
print (" (1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => ",
cf2string (cf_div (cf_add (one, cf_div (one, sqrt2)), two))),
" method 1")
print (" (1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => ",
cf2string (NG8 (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8) (silver_ratio,
" method 2")
print (" (1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => ",
cf2string (cf_div (cf_div (cf_div (silver_ratio, sqrt2),
# a1/b1 - a/b = r1/b1 - r/b sqrt2),
absorb_y_term ( sqrt2)),
" method 3")
print (" sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) => ", cf2string (cf_add (sqrt2, sqrt2)))
print (" sqrt(2) - sqrt(2) => ", cf2string (cf_sub (sqrt2, sqrt2)))
Line 4,870 ⟶ 4,856:
3 => [3]
4 => [4]
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...] method 1
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...] method 2
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...] method 3
sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) => [2;1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]
sqrt(2) - sqrt(2) => [0]
