Compound data type: Difference between revisions

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TI-89 BASIC does not have user-defined data structures. The specific example of a point is best handled by using the built-in vectors or complex numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Scheme">#lang transd
// If the Point type needs encapsulation and/or methods, it should be
// implemented as class. Otherwise, the named tuple will do.
class Point: {
x: Double(), y: Double(),
@init: (λ _x Double() _y Double() (= x _x) (= y _y)),
@to-String: (λ ss StringStream() (textout to: ss
"Point( x: " x "; y: " y " )"))
// ... other methods can be defined here ...
MainModule: {
Point2: typealias(Tuple<Double Double>()),
_start: (λ
(with pt Point(2.5 3.7)
(lout "Class: " pt)
(with pt Point2(2.5 3.7)
(lout "\nNamed tuple: " pt)
Class: Point( x: 2.5; y: 3.7 )
Named tuple: [[2.5, 3.7]]