Compiler/lexical analyzer: Difference between revisions

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23 1 End_of_input
23 1 End_of_input

{{works with|ratfor77|[ public domain 1.0]}}
{{works with|gfortran|11.2.1}}
{{works with|f2c|20100827}}

<lang ratfor>######################################################################
# The Rosetta Code scanner in Ratfor 77.
# How to deal with FORTRAN 77 input is a problem. I use formatted
# input, treating each line as an array of type CHARACTER--regrettably
# of no more than some predetermined, finite length. It is a very
# simple method and presents no significant difficulties, aside from
# the restriction on line length of the input.
# On a POSIX platform, the program can be compiled with f2c and run
# somewhat as follows:
# ratfor77 lex-in-ratfor.r > lex-in-ratfor.f
# f2c -C -Nc40 lex-in-ratfor.f
# cc -O lex-in-ratfor.c -lf2c
# ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.t
# With gfortran, a little differently:
# ratfor77 lex-in-ratfor.r > lex-in-ratfor.f
# gfortran -O2 -fcheck=all -std=legacy lex-in-ratfor.f
# ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.t
# I/O is strictly from default input and to default output, which, on
# POSIX systems, usually correspond respectively to standard input and
# standard output. (I did not wish to have to deal with unit numbers;
# these are now standardized in ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, but that is not
# available in FORTRAN 77.)

# Some parameters you may with to modify.

define(LINESZ, 256) # Size of an input line.
define(OUTLSZ, 512) # Size of an output line.
define(PSHBSZ, 10) # Size of the character pushback buffer.
define(STRNSZ, 4096) # Size of the string pool.


define(EOF, -1)
define(NEWLIN, 10) # Unix newline (the LF control character).
define(BACKSL, 92) # ASCII backslash.

define(ILINNO, 1) # Line number's index.
define(ICOLNO, 2) # Column number's index.

define(CHRSZ, 3) # See ILINNO and ICOLNO above.
define(ICHRCD, 3) # Character code's index.

define(TOKSZ, 5) # See ILINNO and ICOLNO above.
define(ITOKNO, 3) # Token number's index.
define(IARGIX, 4) # Index of the string pool index.
define(IARGLN, 5) # Index of the string length.

define(TKELSE, 0)
define(TKIF, 1)
define(TKPRNT, 2)
define(TKPUTC, 3)
define(TKWHIL, 4)
define(TKMUL, 5)
define(TKDIV, 6)
define(TKMOD, 7)
define(TKADD, 8)
define(TKSUB, 9)
define(TKNEG, 10)
define(TKLT, 11)
define(TKLE, 12)
define(TKGT, 13)
define(TKGE, 14)
define(TKEQ, 15)
define(TKNE, 16)
define(TKNOT, 17)
define(TKASGN, 18)
define(TKAND, 19)
define(TKOR, 20)
define(TKLPAR, 21)
define(TKRPAR, 22)
define(TKLBRC, 23)
define(TKRBRC, 24)
define(TKSEMI, 25)
define(TKCMMA, 26)
define(TKID, 27)
define(TKINT, 28)
define(TKSTR, 29)
define(TKEOI, 30)

define(LOC10, 1) # Location of "10" in the string pool.
define(LOC92, 3) # Location of "92" in the string pool.


subroutine addstr (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)

# Add a string to the string pool.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character src(*) # Source string.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length in source string.
integer i, n # Index and length in string pool.

integer j

if (STRNSZ < istrng + (n0 - 1))
write (*, '(''string pool exhausted'')')
for (j = 0; j < n0; j = j + 1)
strngs(istrng + j) = src(i0 + j)
i = istrng
n = n0
istrng = istrng + n0

subroutine cpystr (strngs, i, n, dst, i0)

# Copy a string from the string pool to an output string.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer i, n # Index and length in string pool.
character dst(OUTLSZ) # Destination string.
integer i0 # Index within destination string.

integer j

if (i0 < 1 || OUTLSZ < i0 + (n - 1))
write (*, '(''string boundary exceeded'')')
for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 1)
dst(i0 + j) = strngs(i + j)


subroutine getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)

# Get a character, with its line number and column number.

implicit none

character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer chr(CHRSZ)

# End of file is indicated (as in C) by a negative "char code"
# called "EOF".

character*20 fmt
integer stat
integer chr1(CHRSZ)

if (0 < npshbk)
chr(ICHRCD) = pushbk(ICHRCD, npshbk)
chr(ILINNO) = pushbk(ILINNO, npshbk)
chr(ICOLNO) = pushbk(ICOLNO, npshbk)
npshbk = npshbk - 1
else if (colno <= LINESZ)
chr(ICHRCD) = ichar (line(colno))
chr(ILINNO) = linno
chr(ICOLNO) = colno
colno = colno + 1
# Return a newline character.
chr(ILINNO) = linno
chr(ICOLNO) = colno

# Fetch a new line.
linno = linno + 1
colno = 1

# Read a line of text as an array of characters.
write (fmt, '(''('', I10, ''A1)'')') LINESZ
read (*, fmt, iostat = stat) line

if (stat != 0)
# If end of file has been reached, push an EOF.
chr1(ICHRCD) = EOF
chr1(ILINNO) = linno
chr1(ICOLNO) = colno
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr1)

subroutine pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)

# Push back a character.

implicit none

integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer chr(CHRSZ)

if (PSHBSZ <= npshbk)
write (*, '(''pushback buffer overfull'')')
npshbk = npshbk + 1
pushbk(ICHRCD, npshbk) = chr(ICHRCD)
pushbk(ILINNO, npshbk) = chr(ILINNO)
pushbk(ICOLNO, npshbk) = chr(ICOLNO)

subroutine getpos (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, ln, cn)

# Get the position of the next character.

implicit none

character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer ln, cn # The line and column nos. returned.

integer chr(CHRSZ)

call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
ln = chr(ILINNO)
cn = chr(ICOLNO)
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)


function isspc (c)

# Is c character code for a space?

implicit none

integer c
logical isspc

# The following is correct for ASCII: 32 is the SPACE character, and
# 9 to 13 are control characters commonly regarded as spaces.
# In Unicode these are all code points for spaces, but so are others
# besides.
isspc = (c == 32 || (9 <= c && c <= 13))

function isdgt (c)

# Is c character code for a digit?

implicit none

integer c
logical isdgt

isdgt = (ichar ('0') <= c && c <= ichar ('9'))

function isalph (c)

# Is c character code for a letter?

implicit none

integer c
logical isalph

# The following is correct for ASCII and Unicode, but not for
isalph = (ichar ('a') <= c && c <= ichar ('z')) _
|| (ichar ('A') <= c && c <= ichar ('Z'))

function isid0 (c)

# Is c character code for the start of an identifier?

implicit none

integer c
logical isid0

logical isalph

isid0 = isalph (c) || c == ichar ('_')

function isid1 (c)

# Is c character code for the continuation of an identifier?

implicit none

integer c
logical isid1

logical isalph
logical isdgt

isid1 = isalph (c) || isdgt (c) || c == ichar ('_')


function trimlf (str, n)

# "Trim left" leading spaces.

implicit none

character str(*) # The string to "trim".
integer n # The length.
integer trimlf # The index of the first non-space
# character, or n + 1.

logical isspc

integer j
logical done

j = 1
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (j == n + 1)
done = .true.
else if (!isspc (ichar (str(j))))
done = .true.
j = j + 1
trimlf = j

function trimrt (str, n)

# "Trim right" trailing spaces.

implicit none

character str(*) # The string to "trim".
integer n # The length including trailing spaces.
integer trimrt # The length without trailing spaces.

logical isspc

integer j
logical done

j = n
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (j == 0)
done = .true.
else if (!isspc (ichar (str(j))))
done = .true.
j = j - 1
trimrt = j


subroutine toknam (tokno, str, i)

# Copy a token name to the character array str, starting at i.

implicit none

integer tokno
character str(*)
integer i
integer j

character*16 names(0:30)
character*16 nm

data names / "Keyword_else ", _
"Keyword_if ", _
"Keyword_print ", _
"Keyword_putc ", _
"Keyword_while ", _
"Op_multiply ", _
"Op_divide ", _
"Op_mod ", _
"Op_add ", _
"Op_subtract ", _
"Op_negate ", _
"Op_less ", _
"Op_lessequal ", _
"Op_greater ", _
"Op_greaterequal ", _
"Op_equal ", _
"Op_notequal ", _
"Op_not ", _
"Op_assign ", _
"Op_and ", _
"Op_or ", _
"LeftParen ", _
"RightParen ", _
"LeftBrace ", _
"RightBrace ", _
"Semicolon ", _
"Comma ", _
"Identifier ", _
"Integer ", _
"String ", _
"End_of_input " /

nm = names(tokno)
for (j = 0; j < 16; j = j + 1)
str(i + j) = nm(1 + j : 1 + j)

subroutine intstr (str, i, n, x)

# Convert a positive integer to a substring.

implicit none

character str(*) # Destination string.
integer i, n # Index and length of the field.
integer x # The positive integer to represent.

integer j
integer y

if (x == 0)
for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j = j + 1)
str(i + j) = ' '
str(i + j) = '0'
y = x
for (j = n - 1; 0 <= j; j = j - 1)
if (y == 0)
str(i + j) = ' '
str(i + j) = char (mod (y, 10) + ichar ('0'))
y = y / 10

subroutine prttok (strngs, tok)

# Print a token.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The token.

integer trimrt

character line(OUTLSZ)
character*20 fmt
integer i, n
integer tokno

for (i = 1; i <= OUTLSZ; i = i + 1)
line(i) = ' '

call intstr (line, 1, 10, tok(ILINNO))
call intstr (line, 12, 10, tok(ICOLNO))

tokno = tok(ITOKNO)
call toknam (tokno, line, 25)
if (tokno == TKID || tokno == TKINT || tokno == TKSTR)
i = tok(IARGIX)
n = tok(IARGLN)
call cpystr (strngs, i, n, line, 45)

n = trimrt (line, OUTLSZ)
write (fmt, '(''('', I10, ''A)'')') n
write (*, fmt) (line(i), i = 1, n)


subroutine wrtpos (ln, cn)

implicit none

integer ln, cn

write (*, 1000) ln, cn
1000 format ('At line ', I5, ', column ' I5)


subroutine utcmnt (ln, cn)

implicit none

integer ln, cn

call wrtpos (ln, cn)
write (*, '(''Unterminated comment'')')

subroutine skpcmt (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, ln, cn)

# Skip to the end of a comment.

implicit none

character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer ln, cn # Line and column of start of comment.

integer chr(CHRSZ)
logical done

done = .false.
while (!done)
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('*'))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('/'))
done = .true.
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == EOF)
call utcmnt (ln, cn)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == EOF)
call utcmnt (ln, cn)

subroutine skpspc (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk)

# Skip spaces and comments.

implicit none

character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.

logical isspc

integer chr(CHRSZ)
integer chr1(CHRSZ)
integer ln, cn
logical done

done = .false.
while (!done)
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
if (!isspc (chr(ICHRCD)))
if (chr(ICHRCD) != ichar ('/'))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
done = .true.
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) != ichar ('*'))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
done = .true.
ln = chr(ILINNO)
cn = chr(ICOLNO)
call skpcmt (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
ln, cn)


subroutine rwdlkp (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, ln, cn, tok)

# Reserved word lookup

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character src(*) # The source string.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length of the substring.
integer ln, cn # Line and column number
# to associate with the token.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

integer tokno
integer i, n

tokno = TKID

if (n0 == 2)
if (src(i0) == 'i' && src(i0 + 1) == 'f')
tokno = TKIF
else if (n0 == 4)
if (src(i0) == 'e' && src(i0 + 1) == 'l' _
&& src(i0 + 2) == 's' && src(i0 + 3) == 'e')
tokno = TKELSE
else if (src(i0) == 'p' && src(i0 + 1) == 'u' _
&& src(i0 + 2) == 't' && src(i0 + 3) == 'c')
tokno = TKPUTC
else if (n0 == 5)
if (src(i0) == 'p' && src(i0 + 1) == 'r' _
&& src(i0 + 2) == 'i' && src(i0 + 3) == 'n' _
&& src(i0 + 4) == 't')
tokno = TKPRNT
else if (src(i0) == 'w' && src(i0 + 1) == 'h' _
&& src(i0 + 2) == 'i' && src(i0 + 3) == 'l' _
&& src(i0 + 4) == 'e')
tokno = TKWHIL

i = 0
n = 0
if (tokno == TKID)
call addstr (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)

tok(ITOKNO) = tokno
tok(IARGIX) = i
tok(IARGLN) = n
tok(ILINNO) = ln
tok(ICOLNO) = cn

subroutine scnwrd (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, ln, cn, buf, n)

# Scan characters that may represent an identifier, reserved word,
# or integer literal.

implicit none

character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer ln, cn # Line and column number of the start.
character buf(LINESZ) # The output buffer.
integer n # The length of the string collected.

logical isid1

integer chr(CHRSZ)

n = 0
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
ln = chr(ILINNO)
cn = chr(ICOLNO)
while (isid1 (chr(ICHRCD)))
n = n + 1
buf(n) = char (chr(ICHRCD))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)

subroutine scnidr (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _

# Scan an identifier or reserved word.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer ln, cn # Line and column number of the start.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

character buf(LINESZ)
integer n
call scnwrd (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, ln, cn, buf, n)
call rwdlkp (strngs, istrng, buf, 1, n, ln, cn, tok)

subroutine scnint (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _

# Scan a positive integer literal.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer ln, cn # Line and column number of the start.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

logical isdgt

character buf(LINESZ)
integer n0, n
integer i, j, k
character*80 fmt
call scnwrd (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, ln, cn, buf, n0)
for (j = 1; j <= n0; j = j + 1)
if (!isdgt (ichar (buf(j))))
call wrtpos (ln, cn)
write (fmt, 1000) n0
1000 format ('(''Not a legal word: "''', I10, 'A, ''"'')')
write (*, fmt) (buf(k), k = 1, n0)

call addstr (strngs, istrng, buf, 1, n0, i, n)

tok(IARGIX) = i
tok(IARGLN) = n
tok(ILINNO) = ln
tok(ICOLNO) = cn

subroutine utclit (ln, cn)

implicit none

integer ln, cn

call wrtpos (ln, cn)
write (*, '(''Unterminated character literal'')')

subroutine scnch1 (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _

# Scan a character literal, without yet checking that the literal
# ends correctly.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

integer trimlf

integer bufsz
parameter (bufsz = 40)

integer chr(CHRSZ)
integer chr1(CHRSZ)
integer chr2(CHRSZ)
integer ln, cn
character buf(bufsz)
integer i, j, n

# Refetch the opening quote.
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
ln = chr(ILINNO)
cn = chr(ICOLNO)

tok(ILINNO) = ln
tok(ICOLNO) = cn

call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == EOF)
call utclit (ln, cn)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == BACKSL)
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr2)
if (chr2(ICHRCD) == EOF)
call utclit (ln, cn)
else if (chr2(ICHRCD) == ichar ('n'))
tok(IARGIX) = LOC10 # "10" = code for Unix newline
tok(IARGLN) = 2
else if (chr2(ICHRCD) == BACKSL)
tok(IARGIX) = LOC92 # "92" = code for backslash
tok(IARGLN) = 2
call wrtpos (ln, cn)
write (*, '(''Unsupported escape: '', 1A)') _
char (chr2(ICHRCD))
# Character codes are non-negative, so we can use intstr.
call intstr (buf, 1, bufsz, chr1(ICHRCD))

j = trimlf (buf, bufsz)
call addstr (strngs, istrng, buf, j, bufsz - (j - 1), i, n)
tok(IARGIX) = i
tok(IARGLN) = n

subroutine scnch (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _

# Scan a character literal.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

integer ln, cn
integer chr(CHRSZ)

call getpos (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, ln, cn)
call scnch1 (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
if (chr(ICHRCD) != ichar (''''))
while (.true.)
if (chr(ICHRCD) == EOF)
call utclit (ln, cn)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar (''''))
call wrtpos (ln, cn)
write (*, '(''Unsupported multicharacter literal'')')
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)

subroutine scnstr (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _

# Scan a string literal.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

integer ln, cn
integer chr1(CHRSZ)
integer chr2(CHRSZ)
character buf(LINESZ + 10) # Enough space, with some room to spare.
integer n0
integer i, n

call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
ln = chr1(ILINNO)
cn = chr1(ICOLNO)

tok(ILINNO) = ln
tok(ICOLNO) = cn

n0 = 1
buf(n0) = '"'

call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
while (chr1(ICHRCD) != ichar ('"'))
# Our input method always puts a NEWLIN before EOF, and so this
# test is redundant, unless someone changes the input method.
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == EOF || chr1(ICHRCD) == NEWLIN)
call wrtpos (ln, cn)
write (*, '(''Unterminated string literal'')')
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == BACKSL)
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr2)
if (chr2(ICHRCD) == ichar ('n'))
n0 = n0 + 1
buf(n0) = char (BACKSL)
n0 = n0 + 1
buf(n0) = 'n'
else if (chr2(ICHRCD) == BACKSL)
n0 = n0 + 1
buf(n0) = char (BACKSL)
n0 = n0 + 1
buf(n0) = char (BACKSL)
call wrtpos (chr1(ILINNO), chr1(ICOLNO))
write (*, '(''Unsupported escape sequence'')')
n0 = n0 + 1
buf(n0) = char (chr1(ICHRCD))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
n0 = n0 + 1
buf(n0) = '"'

call addstr (strngs, istrng, buf, 1, n0, i, n)
tok(IARGIX) = i
tok(IARGLN) = n

subroutine unxchr (chr)

implicit none

integer chr(CHRSZ)

call wrtpos (chr(ILINNO), chr(ICOLNO))
write (*, 1000) char (chr(ICHRCD))
1000 format ('Unexpected character ''', A1, '''')

subroutine scntok (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _

# Scan a token.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.
integer tok(TOKSZ) # The output token.

logical isdgt
logical isid0

integer chr(CHRSZ)
integer chr1(CHRSZ)
integer ln, cn

call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
ln = chr(ILINNO)
cn = chr(ICOLNO)
tok(ILINNO) = ln
tok(ICOLNO) = cn
tok(IARGIX) = 0
tok(IARGLN) = 0
if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar (','))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar (';'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('('))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar (')'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('{'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('}'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('*'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('/'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('%'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('+'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('-'))
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('<'))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == ichar ('='))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('>'))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == ichar ('='))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('='))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == ichar ('='))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('!'))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == ichar ('='))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('&'))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == ichar ('&'))
call unxchr (chr)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('|'))
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr1)
if (chr1(ICHRCD) == ichar ('|'))
call unxchr (chr)
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar ('"'))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
call scnstr (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
else if (chr(ICHRCD) == ichar (''''))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
call scnch (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
else if (isdgt (chr(ICHRCD)))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
call scnint (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
else if (isid0 (chr(ICHRCD)))
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
call scnidr (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
call unxchr (chr)

subroutine scntxt (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk)

# Scan the text and print the token stream.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.

integer chr(CHRSZ)
integer tok(TOKSZ)

chr(ICHRCD) = ichar ('x')
while (chr(ICHRCD) != EOF)
call skpspc (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk)
call getchr (line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, chr)
if (chr(ICHRCD) != EOF)
call pshchr (pushbk, npshbk, chr)
call scntok (strngs, istrng, _
line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk, _
call prttok (strngs, tok)
tok(ILINNO) = chr(ILINNO)
tok(ICOLNO) = chr(ICOLNO)
tok(IARGIX) = 0
tok(IARGLN) = 0
call prttok (strngs, tok)


program lex

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character line(LINESZ) # Input buffer.
integer linno, colno # Current line and column numbers.
integer pushbk(CHRSZ, PSHBSZ) # Pushback buffer.
integer npshbk # Number of characters pushed back.

integer i, n

istrng = 1

# Locate "10" (newline) at 1 in the string pool.
line(1) = '1'
line(2) = '0'
call addstr (strngs, istrng, line, 1, 2, i, n)
if (i != 1 && n != 2)
write (*, '(''internal error'')')

# Locate "92" (backslash) at 3 in the string pool.
line(1) = '9'
line(2) = '2'
call addstr (strngs, istrng, line, 1, 2, i, n)
if (i != 3 && n != 2)
write (*, '(''internal error'')')

linno = 0
colno = LINESZ + 1 # This will trigger a READ.
npshbk = 0

call scntxt (strngs, istrng, line, linno, colno, pushbk, npshbk)

