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{{works with|ratfor77|[ public domain 1.0]}}
{{works with|gfortran|11.3.0}}
{{works with|f2c|20100827}}

<lang ratfor>######################################################################
# The Rosetta Code AST interpreter in Ratfor 77.
# In FORTRAN 77 and therefore in Ratfor 77, there is no way to specify
# that a value should be put on a call stack. Therefore there is no
# way to implement recursive algorithms in Ratfor 77 (although see the
# Ratfor for the "syntax analyzer" task, where a recursive language is
# implemented *in* Ratfor). Thus we cannot simply follow the
# recursive pseudocode, and instead use non-recursive algorithms.
# How to deal with FORTRAN 77 input is another problem. I use
# formatted input, treating each line as an array of type
# CHARACTER--regrettably of no more than some predetermined, finite
# length. It is a very simple method and presents no significant
# difficulties, aside from the restriction on line length of the
# input.
# Output is a bigger problem. If one uses gfortran, "advance='no'" is
# available, but not if one uses f2c. The method employed here is to
# construct the output in lines--regrettably, again, of fixed length.
# On a POSIX platform, the program can be compiled with f2c and run
# somewhat as follows:
# ratfor77 interp-in-ratfor.r > interp-in-ratfor.f
# f2c -C -Nc80 interp-in-ratfor.f
# cc interp-in-ratfor.c -lf2c
# ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.ast
# With gfortran, a little differently:
# ratfor77 interp-in-ratfor.r > interp-in-ratfor.f
# gfortran -fcheck=all -std=legacy interp-in-ratfor.f
# ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.ast
# I/O is strictly from default input and to default output, which, on
# POSIX systems, usually correspond respectively to standard input and
# standard output. (I did not wish to have to deal with unit numbers;
# these are now standardized in ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, but that is not
# available in FORTRAN 77.)

# Some parameters you may wish to modify.

define(LINESZ, 256) # Size of an input line.
define(OUTLSZ, 1024) # Size of an output line.
define(STRNSZ, 4096) # Size of the string pool.
define(NODSSZ, 4096) # Size of the nodes pool.
define(STCKSZ, 4096) # Size of stacks.
define(MAXVAR, 256) # Maximum number of variables.


define(NEWLIN, 10) # The Unix newline character (ASCII LF).
define(DQUOTE, 34) # The double quote character.
define(BACKSL, 92) # The backslash character.


define(NODESZ, 3)
define(NNEXTF, 1) # Index for next-free.
define(NTAG, 1) # Index for the tag.
# For an internal node --
define(NLEFT, 2) # Index for the left node.
define(NRIGHT, 3) # Index for the right node.
# For a leaf node --
define(NITV, 2) # Index for the string pool index.
define(NITN, 3) # Length of the value.

define(NIL, -1) # Nil node.

define(RGT, 10000)
define(STAGE2, 20000)

# The following all must be less than RGT.
define(NDID, 0)
define(NDSTR, 1)
define(NDINT, 2)
define(NDSEQ, 3)
define(NDIF, 4)
define(NDPRTC, 5)
define(NDPRTS, 6)
define(NDPRTI, 7)
define(NDWHIL, 8)
define(NDASGN, 9)
define(NDNEG, 10)
define(NDNOT, 11)
define(NDMUL, 12)
define(NDDIV, 13)
define(NDMOD, 14)
define(NDADD, 15)
define(NDSUB, 16)
define(NDLT, 17)
define(NDLE, 18)
define(NDGT, 19)
define(NDGE, 20)
define(NDEQ, 21)
define(NDNE, 22)
define(NDAND, 23)
define(NDOR, 24)


function issp (c)

# Is a character a space character?

implicit none

character c
logical issp

integer ic

ic = ichar (c)
issp = (ic == 32 || (9 <= ic && ic <= 13))

function skipsp (str, i, imax)

# Skip past spaces in a string.

implicit none

character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipsp

logical issp

logical done

skipsp = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipsp)
done = .true.
else if (!issp (str(skipsp)))
done = .true.
skipsp = skipsp + 1

function skipns (str, i, imax)

# Skip past non-spaces in a string.

implicit none

character str(*)
integer i
integer imax
integer skipns

logical issp

logical done

skipns = i
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (imax <= skipns)
done = .true.
else if (issp (str(skipns)))
done = .true.
skipns = skipns + 1

function trimrt (str, n)

# Find the length of a string, if one ignores trailing spaces.

implicit none

character str(*)
integer n
integer trimrt

logical issp

logical done

trimrt = n
done = .false.
while (!done)
if (trimrt == 0)
done = .true.
else if (!issp (str(trimrt)))
done = .true.
trimrt = trimrt - 1


subroutine addstq (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)

# Add a quoted string to the string pool.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character src(*) # Source string.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length in source string.
integer i, n # Index and length in string pool.

integer j
logical done

1000 format ('attempt to treat an unquoted string as a quoted string')

if (src(i0) != char (DQUOTE) || src(i0 + n0 - 1) != char (DQUOTE))
write (*, 1000)

i = istrng

n = 0
j = i0 + 1
done = .false.
while (j != i0 + n0 - 1)
if (i == STRNSZ)
write (*, '(''string pool exhausted'')')
else if (src(j) == char (BACKSL))
if (j == i0 + n0 - 1)
write (*, '(''incorrectly formed quoted string'')')
if (src(j + 1) == 'n')
strngs(istrng) = char (NEWLIN)
else if (src(j + 1) == char (BACKSL))
strngs(istrng) = src(j + 1)
write (*, '(''unrecognized escape sequence'')')
istrng = istrng + 1
n = n + 1
j = j + 2
strngs(istrng) = src(j)
istrng = istrng + 1
n = n + 1
j = j + 1

subroutine addstu (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)

# Add an unquoted string to the string pool.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character src(*) # Source string.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length in source string.
integer i, n # Index and length in string pool.

integer j

if (STRNSZ < istrng + (n0 - 1))
write (*, '(''string pool exhausted'')')
for (j = 0; j < n0; j = j + 1)
strngs(istrng + j) = src(i0 + j)
i = istrng
n = n0
istrng = istrng + n0

subroutine addstr (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)

# Add a string (possibly given as a quoted string) to the string
# pool.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
character src(*) # Source string.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length in source string.
integer i, n # Index and length in string pool.

if (n0 == 0)
i = 0
n = 0
else if (src(i0) == char (DQUOTE))
call addstq (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)
call addstu (strngs, istrng, src, i0, n0, i, n)


subroutine push (stack, sp, i)

implicit none

integer stack(STCKSZ)
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer i # Value to push.

if (sp == STCKSZ)
write (*, '(''stack overflow in push'')')
stack(sp) = i
sp = sp + 1

function pop (stack, sp)

implicit none

integer stack(STCKSZ)
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer pop

if (sp == 1)
write (*, '(''stack underflow in pop'')')
sp = sp - 1
pop = stack(sp)

function nstack (sp)

implicit none

integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer nstack

nstack = sp - 1 # Current cardinality of the stack.


subroutine initnd (nodes, frelst)

# Initialize the nodes pool.

implicit none

integer nodes (NODESZ, NODSSZ)
integer frelst # Head of the free list.

integer i

for (i = 1; i < NODSSZ; i = i + 1)
nodes(NNEXTF, i) = i + 1
frelst = 1

subroutine newnod (nodes, frelst, i)

# Get the index for a new node taken from the free list.

integer nodes (NODESZ, NODSSZ)
integer frelst # Head of the free list.
integer i # Index of the new node.

integer j

if (frelst == NIL)
write (*, '(''nodes pool exhausted'')')
i = frelst
frelst = nodes(NNEXTF, frelst)
for (j = 1; j <= NODESZ; j = j + 1)
nodes(j, i) = 0

subroutine frenod (nodes, frelst, i)

# Return a node to the free list.

integer nodes (NODESZ, NODSSZ)
integer frelst # Head of the free list.
integer i # Index of the node to free.

nodes(NNEXTF, i) = frelst
frelst = i

function strtag (str, i, n)

implicit none

character str(*)
integer i, n
integer strtag

character*16 s
integer j

for (j = 0; j < 16; j = j + 1)
if (j < n)
s(j + 1 : j + 1) = str(i + j)
s(j + 1 : j + 1) = ' '

if (s == "Identifier ")
strtag = NDID
else if (s == "String ")
strtag = NDSTR
else if (s == "Integer ")
strtag = NDINT
else if (s == "Sequence ")
strtag = NDSEQ
else if (s == "If ")
strtag = NDIF
else if (s == "Prtc ")
strtag = NDPRTC
else if (s == "Prts ")
strtag = NDPRTS
else if (s == "Prti ")
strtag = NDPRTI
else if (s == "While ")
strtag = NDWHIL
else if (s == "Assign ")
strtag = NDASGN
else if (s == "Negate ")
strtag = NDNEG
else if (s == "Not ")
strtag = NDNOT
else if (s == "Multiply ")
strtag = NDMUL
else if (s == "Divide ")
strtag = NDDIV
else if (s == "Mod ")
strtag = NDMOD
else if (s == "Add ")
strtag = NDADD
else if (s == "Subtract ")
strtag = NDSUB
else if (s == "Less ")
strtag = NDLT
else if (s == "LessEqual ")
strtag = NDLE
else if (s == "Greater ")
strtag = NDGT
else if (s == "GreaterEqual ")
strtag = NDGE
else if (s == "Equal ")
strtag = NDEQ
else if (s == "NotEqual ")
strtag = NDNE
else if (s == "And ")
strtag = NDAND
else if (s == "Or ")
strtag = NDOR
else if (s == "; ")
strtag = NIL
write (*, '(''unrecognized input line: '', A16)') s

subroutine readln (strngs, istrng, tag, iarg, narg)

# Read a line of the AST input.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer tag # The node tag or NIL.
integer iarg # Index of an argument in the string pool.
integer narg # Length of an argument in the string pool.

integer trimrt
integer strtag
integer skipsp
integer skipns

character line(LINESZ)
character*20 fmt
integer i, j, n

# Read a line of text as an array of characters.
write (fmt, '(''('', I10, ''A)'')') LINESZ
read (*, fmt) line

n = trimrt (line, LINESZ)

i = skipsp (line, 1, n + 1)
j = skipns (line, i, n + 1)
tag = strtag (line, i, j - i)

i = skipsp (line, j, n + 1)
call addstr (strngs, istrng, line, i, (n + 1) - i, iarg, narg)

function hasarg (tag)

implicit none

integer tag
logical hasarg

hasarg = (tag == NDID || tag == NDINT || tag == NDSTR)

subroutine rdast (strngs, istrng, nodes, frelst, iast)

# Read in the AST. A non-recursive algorithm is used.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer nodes (NODESZ, NODSSZ) # Nodes pool.
integer frelst # Head of the free list.
integer iast # Index of root node of the AST.

integer nstack
integer pop
logical hasarg

integer stack(STCKSZ)
integer sp # Stack pointer.
integer tag, iarg, narg
integer i, j, k

sp = 1

call readln (strngs, istrng, tag, iarg, narg)
if (tag == NIL)
iast = NIL
call newnod (nodes, frelst, i)
iast = i
nodes(NTAG, i) = tag
nodes(NITV, i) = 0
nodes(NITN, i) = 0
if (hasarg (tag))
nodes(NITV, i) = iarg
nodes(NITN, i) = narg
call push (stack, sp, i + RGT)
call push (stack, sp, i)
while (nstack (sp) != 0)
j = pop (stack, sp)
k = mod (j, RGT)
call readln (strngs, istrng, tag, iarg, narg)
if (tag == NIL)
i = NIL
call newnod (nodes, frelst, i)
nodes(NTAG, i) = tag
if (hasarg (tag))
nodes(NITV, i) = iarg
nodes(NITN, i) = narg
call push (stack, sp, i + RGT)
call push (stack, sp, i)
if (j == k)
nodes(NLEFT, k) = i
nodes(NRIGHT, k) = i


subroutine flushl (outbuf, noutbf)

# Flush a line from the output buffer.

implicit none

character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.

character*20 fmt
integer i

if (noutbf == 0)
write (*, '()')
write (fmt, 1000) noutbf
1000 format ('(', I10, 'A)')
write (*, fmt) (outbuf(i), i = 1, noutbf)
noutbf = 0

subroutine wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, ch)

# Write a character to output.

implicit none

character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
character ch # The character to output.

# This routine silently truncates anything that goes past the buffer
# boundary.

if (ch == char (NEWLIN))
call flushl (outbuf, noutbf)
else if (noutbf < OUTLSZ)
noutbf = noutbf + 1
outbuf(noutbf) = ch

subroutine wrtstr (outbuf, noutbf, str, i, n)

# Write a substring to output.

implicit none

character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
character str(*) # The string from which to output.
integer i, n # Index and length of the substring.

integer j

for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 1)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, str(i + j))

subroutine wrtint (outbuf, noutbf, ival)

# Write a non-negative integer to output.

implicit none

character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
integer ival # The non-negative integer to print.

integer skipsp

character*40 buf
integer i

# Using "write" probably is the slowest way one could think of to do
# this, but people do formatted output all the time, anyway. :) The
# reason, of course, is that output tends to be slow anyway.
write (buf, '(I40)') ival
for (i = skipsp (buf, 1, 41); i <= 40; i = i + 1)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, buf(i:i))


define(VARSZ, 3)
define(VNAMEI, 1) # Variable name's index in the string pool.
define(VNAMEN, 2) # Length of the name.
define(VVALUE, 3) # Variable's value.

function fndvar (vars, numvar, strngs, istrng, i0, n0)

implicit none

integer vars(VARSZ, MAXVAR) # Variables.
integer numvar # Number of variables.
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer i0, n0 # Index and length in the string pool.
integer fndvar # The location of the variable.

integer j, k
integer i, n
logical done1
logical done2

j = 1
done1 = .false.
while (!done1)
if (j == numvar + 1)
done1 = .true.
else if (n0 == vars(VNAMEN, j))
k = 0
done2 = .false.
while (!done2)
if (n0 <= k)
done2 = .true.
else if (strngs(i0 + k) == strngs(vars(VNAMEI, j) + k))
k = k + 1
done2 = .true.
if (k < n0)
j = j + 1
done2 = .true.
done1 = .true.
j = j + 1

if (j == numvar + 1)
if (numvar == MAXVAR)
write (*, '(''too many variables'')')
numvar = numvar + 1
call addstu (strngs, istrng, strngs, i0, n0, i, n)
vars(VNAMEI, numvar) = i
vars(VNAMEN, numvar) = n
vars(VVALUE, numvar) = 0
fndvar = numvar
fndvar = j

function strint (strngs, i, n)

# Convert a string to a non-negative integer.

implicit none

character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer i, n
integer strint

integer j

strint = 0
for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 1)
strint = (10 * strint) + (ichar (strngs(i + j)) - ichar ('0'))

function logl2i (u)


implicit none

logical u
integer logl2i

if (u)
logl2i = 1
logl2i = 0

subroutine run (vars, numvar, _
strngs, istrng, _
nodes, frelst, _
outbuf, noutbf, iast)

# Run (interpret) the AST. The algorithm employed is non-recursive.

implicit none

integer vars(VARSZ, MAXVAR) # Variables.
integer numvar # Number of variables.
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer nodes (NODESZ, NODSSZ) # Nodes pool.
integer frelst # Head of the free list.
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
integer iast # Root node of the AST.

integer fndvar
integer logl2i
integer nstack
integer pop
integer strint

integer dstack(STCKSZ) # Data stack.
integer idstck # Data stack pointer.
integer xstack(STCKSZ) # Execution stack.
integer ixstck # Execution stack pointer.
integer i
integer i0, n0
integer tag
integer ivar
integer ival1, ival2
integer inode1, inode2

idstck = 1
ixstck = 1
call push (xstack, ixstck, iast)
while (nstack (ixstck) != 0)
i = pop (xstack, ixstck)
if (i == NIL)
tag = NIL
tag = nodes(NTAG, i)
if (tag == NIL)
else if (tag == NDSEQ)
if (nodes(NRIGHT, i) != NIL)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
if (nodes(NLEFT, i) != NIL)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDID)
# Push the value of a variable.
i0 = nodes(NITV, i)
n0 = nodes(NITN, i)
ivar = fndvar (vars, numvar, strngs, istrng, i0, n0)
call push (dstack, idstck, vars(VVALUE, ivar))
else if (tag == NDINT)
# Push the value of an integer literal.
i0 = nodes(NITV, i)
n0 = nodes(NITN, i)
call push (dstack, idstck, strint (strngs, i0, n0))
else if (tag == NDNEG)
# Evaluate the argument and prepare to negate it.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDNEG + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDNEG + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Negate the evaluated argument.
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, -ival1)
else if (tag == NDNOT)
# Evaluate the argument and prepare to NOT it.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDNOT + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDNOT + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# NOT the evaluated argument.
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 == 0))
else if (tag == NDAND)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to AND them.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDAND + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDAND + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# AND the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, _
logl2i (ival1 != 0 && ival2 != 0))
else if (tag == NDOR)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to OR them.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDOR + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDOR + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# OR the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, _
logl2i (ival1 != 0 || ival2 != 0))
else if (tag == NDADD)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to add them.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDADD + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDADD + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Add the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, ival1 + ival2)
else if (tag == NDSUB)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to subtract them.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDSUB + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDSUB + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Subtract the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, ival1 - ival2)
else if (tag == NDMUL)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to multiply them.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDMUL + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDMUL + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Multiply the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, ival1 * ival2)
else if (tag == NDDIV)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to compute the quotient
# after division.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDDIV + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDDIV + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Divide the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, ival1 / ival2)
else if (tag == NDMOD)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to compute the
# remainder after division.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDMOD + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDMOD + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# MOD the evaluated arguments.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, mod (ival1, ival2))
else if (tag == NDEQ)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to test their equality.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDEQ + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDEQ + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Test for equality.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 == ival2))
else if (tag == NDNE)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to test their
# inequality.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDNE + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDNE + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Test for inequality.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 != ival2))
else if (tag == NDLT)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to test their
# order.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDLT + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDLT + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Do the test.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 < ival2))
else if (tag == NDLE)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to test their
# order.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDLE + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDLE + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Do the test.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 <= ival2))
else if (tag == NDGT)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to test their
# order.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDGT + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDGT + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Do the test.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 > ival2))
else if (tag == NDGE)
# Evaluate the arguments and prepare to test their
# order.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDGE + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDGE + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Do the test.
ival2 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call push (dstack, idstck, logl2i (ival1 >= ival2))
else if (tag == NDASGN)
# Prepare a new node to do the actual assignment.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDASGN + STAGE2
nodes(NITV, inode1) = nodes(NITV, nodes(NLEFT, i))
nodes(NITN, inode1) = nodes(NITN, nodes(NLEFT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
# Evaluate the expression.
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
else if (tag == NDASGN + STAGE2)
# Do the actual assignment, and free the STAGE2 node.
i0 = nodes(NITV, i)
n0 = nodes(NITN, i)
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
ivar = fndvar (vars, numvar, strngs, istrng, i0, n0)
vars(VVALUE, ivar) = ival1
else if (tag == NDIF)
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDIF + STAGE2
# The "then" and "else" clauses, respectively:
nodes(NLEFT, inode1) = nodes(NLEFT, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
nodes(NRIGHT, inode1) = nodes(NRIGHT, nodes(NRIGHT, i))
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDIF + STAGE2)
inode1 = nodes(NLEFT, i) # "Then" clause.
inode2 = nodes(NRIGHT, i) # "Else" clause.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
if (ival1 != 0)
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
else if (inode2 != NIL)
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode2)
else if (tag == NDWHIL)
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDWHIL + STAGE2
nodes(NLEFT, inode1) = nodes(NRIGHT, i) # Loop body.
nodes(NRIGHT, inode1) = i # Top of loop.
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDWHIL + STAGE2)
inode1 = nodes(NLEFT, i) # Loop body.
inode2 = nodes(NRIGHT, i) # Top of loop.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
if (ival1 != 0)
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode2) # Top of loop.
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1) # The body.
else if (tag == NDPRTS)
# Print a string literal. (String literals occur only--and
# always--within Prts nodes; therefore one need not devise a
# way push strings to the stack.)
i0 = nodes(NITV, nodes(NLEFT, i))
n0 = nodes(NITN, nodes(NLEFT, i))
call wrtstr (outbuf, noutbf, strngs, i0, n0)
else if (tag == NDPRTC)
# Evaluate the argument and prepare to print it.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDPRTC + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDPRTC + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Print the evaluated argument.
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call wrtchr (outbuf, noutbf, char (ival1))
else if (tag == NDPRTI)
# Evaluate the argument and prepare to print it.
call newnod (nodes, frelst, inode1)
nodes(NTAG, inode1) = NDPRTI + STAGE2
call push (xstack, ixstck, inode1)
call push (xstack, ixstck, nodes(NLEFT, i))
else if (tag == NDPRTI + STAGE2)
# Free the STAGE2 node.
call frenod (nodes, frelst, i)
# Print the evaluated argument.
ival1 = pop (dstack, idstck)
call wrtint (outbuf, noutbf, ival1)


program interp

implicit none

integer vars(VARSZ, MAXVAR) # Variables.
integer numvar # Number of variables.
character strngs(STRNSZ) # String pool.
integer istrng # String pool's next slot.
integer nodes (NODESZ, NODSSZ) # Nodes pool.
integer frelst # Head of the free list.
character outbuf(OUTLSZ) # Output line buffer.
integer noutbf # Number of characters in outbuf.
integer iast # Root node of the AST.

numvar = 0
istrng = 1
noutbf = 0

call initnd (nodes, frelst)
call rdast (strngs, istrng, nodes, frelst, iast)

call run (vars, numvar, _
strngs, istrng, _
nodes, frelst, _
outbuf, noutbf, iast)

if (noutbf != 0)
call flushl (outbuf, noutbf)


<pre>$ ratfor77 interp-in-ratfor.r > interp-in-ratfor.f && gfortran -O2 -fcheck=all -std=legacy interp-in-ratfor.f && ./a.out < compiler-tests/primes.ast
3 is prime
5 is prime
7 is prime
11 is prime
13 is prime
17 is prime
19 is prime
23 is prime
29 is prime
31 is prime
37 is prime
41 is prime
43 is prime
47 is prime
53 is prime
59 is prime
61 is prime
67 is prime
71 is prime
73 is prime
79 is prime
83 is prime
89 is prime
97 is prime
101 is prime
Total primes found: 26</pre>
