Colour pinstripe/Display: Difference between revisions

Add Factor
m (added a bullet list for the requirements.)
(Add Factor)
Line 438:
(make-position xpos top)
(make-position xpos bottom)))))))</lang>
<lang factor>USING: accessors arrays colors.constants kernel locals math
math.ranges opengl sequences ui ui.gadgets ui.render ;
CONSTANT: palette
COLOR: black
COLOR: red
COLOR: green
COLOR: blue
COLOR: magenta
COLOR: cyan
COLOR: yellow
COLOR: white
CONSTANT: bands 4
TUPLE: pinstripe < gadget ;
: <pinstripe> ( -- pinstripe ) pinstripe new ;
M: pinstripe pref-dim* drop { 400 400 } ;
: set-color ( n -- ) palette length mod palette nth gl-color ;
:: draw-pinstripe ( pinstripe n -- )
pinstripe dim>> first2 :> ( w h )
h 4 /i :> quarter
quarter n * :> y2
y2 quarter - :> y1
0 w n <range> [| x |
x n / set-color x y1 2array x n + y2 2array gl-fill-rect
] each ;
M: pinstripe draw-gadget*
bands [1,b] [ draw-pinstripe ] with each ;
<pinstripe> "Color pinstripe" open-window</lang>
