Color wheel: Difference between revisions

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with Ada.Numerics; use Ada.Numerics;
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Color_Wheel is
type Colour_Level is mod 2 ** 8;
type RGB is record
R, G, B : Colour_Level;
end record;
BLACK : constant RGB := (0, 0, 0);
type Image_Grid is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of RGB;
Diameter : constant Integer := 480;
Radius : constant Integer := Diameter / 2;
Radius_Fl : constant Float := Float (Radius);
Image : Image_Grid (-Radius .. Radius, -Radius .. Radius);
V : constant Float := 1.0;
procedure Write_PPM (Grid : Image_Grid; Filename : String) is
PPM_File : File_Type;
Create (PPM_File, Out_File, Filename);
Put_Line (PPM_File, "P3");
Put_Line (PPM_File, Grid'Length (1)'Image & Grid'Length (2)'Image);
Put_Line (PPM_File, "255");
for Y in reverse -Radius .. Radius loop
for X in -Radius .. Radius loop
Put_Line (PPM_File, Grid (X, Y).R'Image & Grid (X, Y).G'Image & Grid (X, Y).B'Image);
end loop;
end loop;
Close (PPM_File);
end Write_PPM;
function Atan2 (Y, X : Float) return Float is
Res : Float;
if X > 0.0 then Res := Arctan (Y / X);
elsif X < 0.0 and then Y >= 0.0 then Res := Arctan (Y / X) + Pi;
elsif X < 0.0 and then Y < 0.0 then Res := Arctan (Y / X) - Pi;
elsif X = 0.0 and then Y > 0.0 then Res := Pi / 2.0;
elsif X = 0.0 and then Y > 0.0 then Res := -Pi / 2.0;
else Res := -Pi / 2.0; -- Technically: Undefined
end if;
return Res;
end Atan2;
for Y in -Radius .. Radius loop
for X in -Radius .. Radius loop
XX : constant Float := Float (X);
YY : constant Float := Float (Y);
Dist : constant Float := Sqrt (XX ** 2 + YY ** 2);
Hue_Int, Hue_Frac, P, Q, T : Float;
Point : RGB;
if Dist <= Radius_Fl then
Sat : constant Float := Dist / Radius_Fl;
Hue : Float := Atan2 (YY, XX);
RR, GG, BB : Float;
if Hue < 0.0 then Hue := Hue + 2.0 * Pi; end if;
Hue := (Hue * 180.0 / Pi) / 60.0;
Hue_Int := Float'Floor (Hue);
Hue_Frac := Hue - Hue_Int;
P := V - Sat;
Q := V - Sat * Hue_Frac;
T := V - Sat * (V - Hue_Frac);
case Integer (Hue_Int) is
when 0 => RR := V; GG := T; BB := P;
when 1 => RR := Q; GG := V; BB := P;
when 2 => RR := P; GG := V; BB := T;
when 3 => RR := P; GG := Q; BB := V;
when 4 => RR := T; GG := P; BB := V;
when 5 => RR := V; GG := P; BB := Q;
when others => null;
end case;
Point.R := Colour_Level (Integer (Float'Floor (RR * 255.0)));
Point.G := Colour_Level (Integer (Float'Floor (GG * 255.0)));
Point.B := Colour_Level (Integer (Float'Floor (BB * 255.0)));
Image (X, Y) := Point;
Image (X, Y) := BLACK;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
Write_PPM (Image, "color_wheel.ppm");
end Color_Wheel;
=={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}==
