Circles of given radius through two points: Difference between revisions

OCaml implementation
m (lambdatalk minor edit)
(OCaml implementation)
Line 2,445:
You can construct the following circles:
ERROR: radius of zero</pre>
Original version by [ User:Vanyamil]
<lang OCaml>
(* Task : Circles of given radius through two points *)
(* Types to make code even more readable *)
type point = float * float
type radius = float
type circle = Circle of radius * point
type circ_output =
| OneSolution of circle
| TwoSolutions of circle * circle
| InfiniteSolutions
(* Actual function *)
let circles_2points_radius (x1, y1 : point) (x2, y2 : point) (r : radius) =
let (dx, dy) = (x2 -. x1, y2 -. y1) in
let dist_sq = dx *. dx +. dy *. dy in
match dist_sq, r with
(* Edge case - point circles *)
| 0., 0. -> OneSolution (Circle (r, (x1, y1)))
(* Edge case - coinciding points *)
| 0., _ -> InfiniteSolutions
| _ ->
let side_len_sq = r *. r -. dist_sq /. 4. in
let midp = ((x1 +. x2) *. 0.5, (y1 +. y2) *. 0.5) in
(* Points are too far apart; same whether r = 0 or not *)
if side_len_sq < 0. then NoSolution
(* Points are on diameter *)
else if side_len_sq = 0. then OneSolution (Circle (r, midp))
(* A right-angle triangle is made with the radius as hyp, dist/2 as one side *)
let side_len = sqrt (r *. r -. dist_sq /. 4.) in
let dist = sqrt dist_sq in
(* A 90-deg rotation of a vector (x, y) is obtained by either (y, -x) or (-y, x)
We need both, so pick one and the other is its negative.
let (vx, vy) = (-. dy *. side_len /. dist, dx *. side_len /. dist) in
let c1 = Circle (r, (fst midp +. vx, snd midp +. vy)) in
let c2 = Circle (r, (fst midp -. vx, snd midp -. vy)) in
TwoSolutions (c1, c2)
(* Relevant tests and printing *)
let tests = [
(0.1234, 0.9876), (0.8765, 0.2345), 2.0;
(0.0000, 2.0000), (0.0000, 0.0000), 1.0;
(0.1234, 0.9876), (0.1234, 0.9876), 2.0;
(0.1234, 0.9876), (0.8765, 0.2345), 0.5;
(0.1234, 0.9876), (0.1234, 0.9876), 0.0;
] ;;
let format_output (out : circ_output) = match out with
| NoSolution -> print_endline "No solution"
| OneSolution (Circle (_, (x, y))) -> Printf.printf "One solution: (%.6f, %.6f)\n" x y
| TwoSolutions (Circle (_, (x1, y1)), Circle (_, (x2, y2))) ->
Printf.printf "Two solutions: (%.6f, %.6f) and (%.6f, %.6f)\n" x1 y1 x2 y2
| InfiniteSolutions -> print_endline "Infinite solutions"
let _ =
(fun (a, b, c) -> circles_2points_radius a b c |> format_output)
Two solutions: (1.863112, 1.974212) and (-0.863212, -0.752112)
One solution: (0.000000, 1.000000)
Infinite solutions
No solution
One solution: (0.123400, 0.987600)
