Church numerals: Difference between revisions

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Garbanzo (talk | contribs)
Added Typed Racket by translating Racket
Line 3,366:
=={{header|Typed Racket}}==
Typed Racket is a sister language to Racket, so this solution just adds type annotations to some of the same code.
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">
#lang typed/racket
(define-type ChurchNat (All (x) (-> (-> x x) (-> x x))))
(: zero ChurchNat)
(define zero (λ (f) (λ (x) x)))
(: one ChurchNat)
(define one (λ (f) f))
(: succ (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat))
(: succ* (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat))
(define succ (λ (n) (λ (f) (λ (x) (f ((n f) x))))))
(define succ* (λ (n) (λ (f) (λ (x) ((n f) (f x)))))) ; different impl
(: add (-> ChurchNat (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat)))
(: add* (-> ChurchNat (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat)))
(define add (λ (n) (λ (m) (λ (f) (λ (x) ((m f) ((n f) x)))))))
(define add* (λ (n) (n succ)))
(: succ** (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat))
(define succ** (add one))
(: mult (-> ChurchNat (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat)))
(: mult* (-> ChurchNat (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat)))
(define mult (λ (n) (λ (m) (λ (f) (m (n f))))))
(define mult* (λ (n) (λ (m) ((m (add n)) zero))))
(: expt (-> ChurchNat (-> ChurchNat ChurchNat)))
(define expt (λ (n) (λ (m) ((m (mult n)) one))))
(: nat->church (-> Natural ChurchNat))
(define (nat->church n)
[(zero? n) zero]
[else (succ (nat->church (sub1 n)))]))
(: church->nat (-> ChurchNat Natural))
(define (church->nat n) (((inst n Natural) add1) 0))
(: three ChurchNat)
(: four ChurchNat)
(define three (nat->church 3))
(define four (nat->church 4))
(church->nat ((add three) four))
(church->nat ((mult three) four))
(church->nat ((expt three) four))
(church->nat ((expt four) three))