Church numerals: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Elm}}: add Extended Church Numeral functions and comments...)
(→‎All closures and a union for type-punning: Nim - add a object variant mostly functional version...)
Line 1,501: Line 1,501:
<pre>[7, 12, 81, 64, 1, 0, 8, 3, 4]</pre>
<pre>[7, 12, 81, 64, 1, 0, 8, 3, 4]</pre>
Note that the division function uses internal proc recursion instead of resorting to use of the Y-combinator since Nim supports direct proc recursion.
Note that the division function uses internal proc recursion instead of resorting to use of the Y-combinator since Nim supports direct proc recursion.

===Almost Functional Version===

Although Nim is by no means a functional language, we can implement this without using type erasure or raw type casting/"punning" by using object variants to represent what the Haskell/OCaml languages do with "forall RankNTypes" so that one wrapper represents functions nested to any Kind rank and also the actual value (int in this case). Generic types don't work so well here as the generic type must be known when instantiated in Nim, so we can't generate an object of a generic type from an int. However, what does work means that casting/"punning" isn't necessary while still being able to evaluate the Church Numeral representations to values without using side effects, as per the following code:
<lang nim>import sugar

Tag = enum tgChurch, tgArityZero
Church = ref object
case tag: Tag
of tgChurch: church: Church -> Church
of tgArityZero: value: int
func makeCChurch(chf: Church -> Church): Church =
Church(tag: tgChurch, church: chf)
proc applyChurch(ch, charg: Church): Church =
case ch.tag
of tgChurch:
of tgArityZero: charg # never happens!
func composeChurch(chl, chr: Church): Church =
case chl.tag
of tgChurch:
case chr.tag
of tgChurch: makeCChurch((f: Church) =>
of tgArityZero: chl # never happens!
of tgArityZero: chl # never happens!

let churchZero = makeCChurch((f: Church) => makeCChurch((x) => x))
let churchOne = makeCChurch((x) => x)
proc succChurch(ch: Church): Church =
makeCChurch((f) => composeChurch(f, applyChurch(ch, f)))
proc addChurch(cha, chb: Church): Church =
makeCChurch((f) =>
composeChurch(applyChurch(cha, f), applyChurch(chb, f)))
proc multChurch(cha, chb: Church): Church = composeChurch(cha, chb)
proc expChurch(chbs, chexp: Church): Church = applyChurch(chexp, chbs)
proc isZeroChurch(ch: Church): Church =
applyChurch(applyChurch(ch, Church(tag: tgChurch,
church: (_: Church) => churchZero)),
proc predChurch(ch: Church): Church =
proc ff(f: Church): Church =
proc xf(x: Church): Church =
let prd = makeCChurch((g) => makeCChurch((h) =>
applyChurch(h, applyChurch(g, f))))
let frstch = makeCChurch((_) => x)
let idch = makeCChurch((a) => a)
applyChurch(applyChurch(applyChurch(ch, prd), frstch), idch)
proc subChurch(cha, chb: Church): Church =
applyChurch(applyChurch(chb, makeCChurch(predChurch)), cha)
proc divChurch(chdvdnd, chdvsr: Church): Church =
proc divr(chn: Church): Church =
proc tst(chv: Church): Church =
let loopr = makeCChurch((_) => succChurch(divr(chv)))
applyChurch(applyChurch(chv, loopr), churchZero)
tst(subChurch(chn, chdvsr))

# converters...
converter intToChurch(i: int): Church =
func loop(n: int, rch: Church): Church = # recursive function call
if n <= 0: rch else: loop(n - 1, succChurch(rch))
loop(i, churchZero)
# result = churchZero # imperative non recursive way...
# for _ in 1 .. i: result = succChurch(result)
converter churchToInt(ch: Church): int =
func succInt(chv: Church): Church =
case chv.tag
of tgArityZero: Church(tag: tgArityZero, value: chv.value + 1)
of tgChurch: chv
let rslt = applyChurch(applyChurch(ch, Church(tag: tgChurch, church: succInt)),
Church(tag: tgArityZero, value: 0))
case rslt.tag
of tgArityZero: rslt.value
of tgChurch: -1
proc `$`(ch: Church): string = $

# test it...
when isMainModule:
let c3: Church = 3
let c4 = succChurch c3
let c11: Church = 11
let c12 = succChurch c11
echo addChurch(c3, c4), " ",
multChurch(c3, c4), " ",
expChurch(c3, c4), " ",
expChurch(c4, c3), " ",
isZeroChurch(churchZero), " ",
isZeroChurch(c3), " ",
predChurch(c4), " ",
subChurch(c11, c3), " ",
divChurch(c11, c3), " ",
divChurch(c12, c3)</lang>
<pre>7 12 81 64 1 0 3 8 3 4</pre>

The "churchToInt" function works by applying an integer successor function which takes an "arity zero" value and returns an "arity zero" containing that value plus one, then applying an "arity zero" wrapped integer value of zero to the resulting Church value; the result of that is unwrapped to result in the desired integer returned value. The idea of using "arity zero" values as function values is borrowed from Haskell, which wraps all values as data types including integers, etc. (all other than primitive values are thus "lifted"), which allows them to be used as functions. Since Haskell has Type Classes which Nim does not (at least yet), this is not so obvious in Haskell code which is able to treat values such as "lifted" integers as functions automatically, and thus apply the same Type Class functions to them as to regular (also "lifted") functions. Here in the F# code, the necessary functions that would normally be part of the Functor and Applicative Type Classes as applied to Functions in Haskell are supplied here to work with the object variant wrapping of this Function idea.
