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Cheryl's birthday is July 16
<lang groovy>import java.time.Month
class Main {
private static class Birthday {
private Month month
private int day
Birthday(Month month, int day) {
this.month = month = day
Month getMonth() {
return month
int getDay() {
return day
String toString() {
return month.toString() + " " + day
static void main(String[] args) {
List<Birthday> choices = [
new Birthday(Month.MAY, 15),
new Birthday(Month.MAY, 16),
new Birthday(Month.MAY, 19),
new Birthday(Month.JUNE, 17),
new Birthday(Month.JUNE, 18),
new Birthday(Month.JULY, 14),
new Birthday(Month.JULY, 16),
new Birthday(Month.AUGUST, 14),
new Birthday(Month.AUGUST, 15),
new Birthday(Month.AUGUST, 17)
println("There are ${choices.size()} candidates remaining.")
// The month cannot have a unique day because Albert knows the month, and knows that Bernard does not know the answer
Set<Birthday> uniqueMonths = choices.groupBy { it.getDay() }
.findAll() { it.size() == 1 }
.collect { ((Birthday) it).getMonth() }
.toSet() as Set<Birthday>
def f1List = choices.findAll { !uniqueMonths.contains(it.getMonth()) }
println("There are ${f1List.size()} candidates remaining.")
// Bernard now knows the answer, so the day must be unique within the remaining choices
List<Birthday> f2List = f1List.groupBy { it.getDay() }
.findAll { it.size() == 1 }
.toList() as List<Birthday>
println("There are ${f2List.size()} candidates remaining.")
// Albert knows the answer too, so the month must be unique within the remaining choices
List<Birthday> f3List = f2List.groupBy { it.getMonth() }
.findAll { it.size() == 1 }
.toList() as List<Birthday>
println("There are ${f3List.size()} candidates remaining.")
if (f3List.size() == 1) {
println("Cheryl's birthday is ${f3List.head()}")
} else {
System.out.println("No unique choice found")
<pre>There are 10 candidates remaining.
There are 5 candidates remaining.
There are 3 candidates remaining.
There are 1 candidates remaining.
Cheryl's birthday is JULY 16</pre>