Cheryl's birthday: Difference between revisions

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3) After Bernard's revelation, Albert now knows, so month must be unique, leaving only:
July 16</pre>
<lang Nim>import tables
import sets
import strformat
type Date = tuple[month: string, day: int]
const Dates = [Date ("May", 15), ("May", 16), ("May", 19), ("June", 17), ("June", 18),
("July", 14), ("July", 16), ("August", 14), ("August", 15), ("August", 17)]
MonthTable: Table[int, HashSet[string]] =
var t: Table[int, HashSet[string]]
for date in Dates:
t.mgetOrPut(, initHashSet[string]()).incl(date.month)
DayTable: Table[string, HashSet[int]] =
var t: Table[string, HashSet[int]]
for date in Dates:
t.mgetOrPut(date.month, initHashSet[int]()).incl(
var possibleMonths: HashSet[string] # Set of possible months.
var possibleDays: HashSet[int] # Set of possible days.
# Albert: I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, ...
# => eliminate months with a single possible day.
for month, days in DayTable.pairs:
if days.len > 1:
# ... but I know that Bernard does not know too.
# => eliminate months with one day present only in this month.
for month, days in DayTable.pairs:
for day in days:
if MonthTable[day].len == 1:
echo fmt"After first Albert's sentence, possible months are {possibleMonths}."
# Bernard: At first I don't know when Cheryl's birthday is, ...
# => eliminate days with a single possible month.
for day, months in MonthTable.pairs:
if months.len > 1:
# ... but I know now.
# => eliminate days which are compatible with several months in "possibleMonths".
var impossibleDays: HashSet[int] # Days which are eliminated by this sentence.
for day in possibleDays:
if (MonthTable[day] * possibleMonths).len > 1:
echo fmt"After Bernard's sentence, possible days are {possibleDays}."
# Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl's birthday is.
# => eliminate months which are compatible with several days in "possibleDays".
var impossibleMonths: HashSet[string] # Months which are eliminated by this sentence.
for month in possibleMonths:
if (DayTable[month] * possibleDays).len > 1:
doAssert possibleMonths.len == 1
let month = possibleMonths.pop()
echo fmt"After second Albert's sentence, remaining month is {month}..."
possibleDays = possibleDays * DayTable[month]
doAssert possibleDays.len == 1
let day = possibleDays.pop()
echo fmt"and thus remaining day is {day}."
echo ""
echo fmt"So birthday date is {month} {day}."</lang>
<pre>After first Albert's sentence, possible months are {"August", "July"}.
After Bernard's sentence, possible days are {16, 17, 15}.
After second Albert's sentence, remaining month is July...
and thus remaining day is 16.
So birthday date is July 16</pre>