In this task, the job is to verify that a file called "input.txt" exists or not and that the directory called "docs" exists or not. Assuming current directory or fullpath. Either "/input.txt" or "\input.txt" for the former and "/docs/" or "\docs\" for the second test.

Check that file exists
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


import java.util.File;
public class FileExistsTest {
   public static boolean isFileExists(String filename) {
       boolean exists = new File(filename).exists();
       return exists;
   public static void test(String type, String filename) {
       System.out.println("The following " + type + " called " + filename + 
           (isFileExists(filename) ? " exists." : " not exists.")
   public static void main(String args[]) {
        test("file", "input.txt");
        test("file", File.seperator + "input.txt");
        test("directory", "docs");
        test("directory", File.seperator + "docs" + File.seperator);


  sub isFileExists($) {
      my ($filename) = @_;
      return -e $filename;
  sub test($$) {
      my ($type, $filename) = @_;
      print "The following " . $type . " called " . $filename . 
          (isFileExists($filename) ? " exists." : " not exists.");
  my $FileSeperator = ($^O eq "MSWin32") ? "\\" : "/";
  test("file", "input.txt");
  test("file", $FileSeperator . "input.txt");
  test("directory", "docs");
  test("directory", $FileSeperator ."docs". $FileSeperator);

  # Short version
  my $FileSeperator = ($^O eq "MSWin32") ? "\\" : "/";
  print -e 'input.txt';
  print -e $FileSeperator.'input.txt';
  print -e 'docs';
  print -e $FileSeperator.'docs'.$FileSeperator;