Centre and radius of a circle passing through 3 points in a plane: Difference between revisions

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Check radius as the distance between the centre and the first point:
Check radius as the distance between the centre and the first point:

<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
public final class CentreAndRadiusOfACirclePassingThrough3PointsInAPlane {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Circle circle = computeCircle( new Point(22.83, 2.07), new Point(14.39, 30.24), new Point(33.65, 17.31) );
private static Circle computeCircle(Point pointOne, Point pointTwo, Point pointThree) {
double centreX = 0.5 *
( pointOne.x * pointOne.x + pointOne.y * pointOne.y ) * ( pointThree.y - pointTwo.y ) +
( pointTwo.x * pointTwo.x + pointTwo.y * pointTwo.y ) * ( pointOne.y - pointThree.y ) +
( pointThree.x * pointThree.x + pointThree.y * pointThree.y ) * ( pointTwo.y - pointOne.y )
pointOne.x * ( pointThree.y - pointTwo.y ) +
pointTwo.x * ( pointOne.y - pointThree.y ) +
pointThree.x * ( pointTwo.y - pointOne.y )
double centreY = 0.5 *
( pointOne.x * pointOne.x + pointOne.y * pointOne.y ) * ( pointThree.x - pointTwo.x ) +
( pointTwo.x * pointTwo.x + pointTwo.y * pointTwo.y ) * ( pointOne.x - pointThree.x ) +
( pointThree.x * pointThree.x + pointThree.y * pointThree.y ) * ( pointTwo.x - pointOne.x )
pointOne.y * ( pointThree.x - pointTwo.x ) +
pointTwo.y * ( pointOne.x - pointThree.x ) +
pointThree.y * ( pointTwo.x - pointOne.x )
double radius = Math.sqrt( ( centreX - pointOne.x ) * ( centreX - pointOne.x ) +
( centreY - pointOne.y ) * ( centreY - pointOne.y ) );
return new Circle( new Point(centreX, centreY), radius);
private static record Circle(Point centre, double radius) {

public String toString() {
return "centre: (" + format(centre.x) + ", " + format(centre.y) + "), radius = " + format(radius);
private String format(double value) {
return String.format("%.5f", value);
private static record Point(double x, double y) {}

{{ out }}
centre: (18.97852, 16.26541), radius = 14.70862
