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Category talk:EasyLang

From Rosetta Code

Here are some common code snippets for implementing tasks in EasyLang.

Associative arrays

The syntax for an associative arrays in EasyLang should look like this:

associative$[][] = [ [ 3 "associative" ] [ 7 "arrays" ] ]

Indexing associative arrays

For associative number arrays:

proc indexAssoc index . array[][] item .
   for i = 1 to len array[][]
      if array[i][1] = index
         item = array[i][2]
   item = number "nan"

For associative string arrays:

proc indexStrAssoc index$ . array$[][] item$ .
   for i = 1 to len array$[][]
      if array$[i][1] = index$
         item$ = array$[i][2]
   item$ = ""

Case conversion

These functions only work with ASCII characters.


func$ toLowercase string$ .
   for i = 1 to len string$
      code = strcode substr string$ i 1
      if code >= 65 and code <= 90
         code += 32
      result$ &= strchar code
   return result$


func$ toUppercase string$ .
   for i = 1 to len string$
      code = strcode substr string$ i 1
      if code >= 97 and code <= 122
         code -= 32
      result$ &= strchar code
   return result$

Find in array

This function is for number arrays:

func findInArray array[] item .
   for i = 1 to len array[]
      if array[i] = item
         return i
   return 0

This function is for string arrays:

func findInStrArray array$[] item$ .
   for i = 1 to len array$[]
      if array$[i] = item$
         return i
   return 0

Sum and product of arrays

func sum array[] .
   for item in array[]
      result += item
   return result
func product array[] .
   result = 1
   for item in array[]
      result *= item
   return result
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