Category talk:Dc Implementations

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 08:08, 28 February 2019 by Yeti (talk | contribs) (→‎Heirloom Dc)
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Confusing not really DC in BusyBox

Quoting at 20190227-1940-GMT:


dc expression...

Tiny RPN calculator. Operations: +, add, -, sub, *, mul, /, div, %, mod, **, exp, and, or, not, eor, p - print top of the stack (without altering the stack), f - print entire stack, o - pop the value and set output radix (value must be 10 or 16). Examples: 'dc 2 2 add' -> 4, 'dc 8 8 * 2 2 + /' -> 16.

End of quote.

How can this non-implementation be mentioned? Should it?

--Yeti (talk) 19:32, 27 February 2019 (UTC)

Heirloom Dc

Just as reminder to somewhen mention it:

--Yeti (talk) 19:43, 27 February 2019 (UTC)