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From Rosetta Code
This is an example of a library. You may see a list of other libraries used on Rosetta Code at Category:Solutions by Library.

Wren-ecm is a module which adds support for factorizing integers using Lenstra's elliptical curve method (ECM) to the Wren programming language. It consists of a single class: Ecm whose methods are all static, plus some supporting constants.

It requires Wren-gmp to run and so is only currently available in embedded scripts and does not run under Wren-cli.

It is the thirtieth in a series of modules (listed on the language's main page) designed to assist with writing Rosetta Code tasks so the same code does not have to be written or copy/pasted time and time again thereby bloating a task's script code unnecessarily.

To use it you need to copy the source code (in the talk page) to a text file called ecm.wren and place this in the same directory as the importing script so the Wren-gmp executable can find it.

As intimated earlier there is a dependency on the Wren-gmp (and hence Wren-trait) modules which also need to be copied to the same directory. Although you will certainly need to use Wren-gmp's Mpz class with this module it can in fact be imported via Wren-ecm itself.

Wren-ecm also has a dependency on the Random module which is an optional part of Wren's standard library.

Pages in category "Wren-ecm"

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