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Higher-order functions

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Revision as of 07:13, 1 February 2007 by rosettacode>Sgeier (fixing capitalization TCL -> Tcl)
Higher-order functions
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Pass a function as an argument to another function.


Standard: ANSI C

Compiler: GCC version 3.4.2 (mingw-special)

Simple example, the pointer to the function to be passed as an argument is the only involved pointer.

Definition of a function whose only parameter is a pointer to a function with no parameters and no return value:

 void myFuncSimple( void (*funcParameter)(void) )
     /* ... */
     (*funcParameter)();  /* Call the passed function. */
     funcParameter();     /* Same as above with slight different syntax. */
     /* ... */

Note that you can't call the passed function by " *funcParameter() ", since that would mean "call funcParameter and than apply the * operator on the returned value".


 void funcToBePassed(void);
 /* ... */

Complex example.

Definition of a function whose return value is a pointer to int and whose only parameter is a pointer to a function, whose (in turn) return value is a pointer to double and whose only parameter is a pointer to long.

 int* myFuncComplex( double* (*funcParameter)(long* parameter) )
      long* inLong;
      double* outDouble;
      /* ... */
      outDouble = (*funcParameter)(inLong);  /* Call the passed function and store returned pointer. */
      outDouble = funcParameter(inLong);     /* Same as above with slight different syntax. */
      /* ... */


 double* funcToBePassed(long* parameter);
 /* ... */
 int* outInt;  
 outInt = myFuncComplex(&funcToBePassed);

Finally, declaration of a pointer variable of the proper type to hold such a function as myFunc:

 int* (*funcPointer)( double* (*funcParameter)(long* parameter) );
 /* ... */
 funcPointer = myFuncComplex;

Of course, in a real project you shouldn't write such a convoluted code, but use some typedef instead, in order to break complexity into steps.


Function Pointer

Standard: ANSI C++

Compiler: GCC version 3.4.2 (mingw-special)

Same as C.


Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

 #include <iostream>
 template<class Func>
 void first(Func func)
 void second()
   std::cout << "second" << std::endl;
 int main()
   return 0;

Template and Inheritance

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

 #include <iostream>
 #include <functional>
 template<class Func>
 typename Func::result_type first(Func func, typename Func::argument_type arg)
   return func(arg);
 class second : public std::unary_function<int, int>
   result_type operator()(argument_type arg)
     return arg * arg;
 int main()
   std::cout << first(second(), 2) << std::endl;
   return 0;


Interpreter: GHCi 6.6

A function is just a value that wants arguments:

func1 f = f "a string"
func2 s = "func2 called with " ++ s

main = putStrLn $ func1 func2

Or, with an anonymous function:

func f = f 1 2 

main = print $ func (\x y -> x+y)
-- output: 3

Note that func (\x y -> x+y) is equivalent to func (+). (Operators are functions too.)


 function first(func) {
   return func();
 function second() {
   return "second";
 var result = first(second);
 result = first(function() { return "third"; });


Interpreter: Perl

Passing a pointer to a function

my $retval = first('data', \&second);

sub first ($ $){
  my $val = shift;
  my $func = shift;
  return $func->($val);

sub second ($){

Passing a string to be used as a function

my $retval = first('data', 'second');

sub first ($ $){
  my $val = shift;
  my $func = shift;
  return &{$func}($val);

sub second ($){


Interpreter: Python 2.5

 def first(function):
     return function()
 def second():
     return "second"
 result = first(second)


 result = first(lambda: "second")


function first($func) {
  return $func();

function second() {
  return 'second';

$result = first('second');


 # this procedure executes its argument:
 proc demo {function} { 
 # for example:
 demo bell
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