Take notes on the command line

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Invoking NOTES without commandline arguments displays the current contents of the local NOTES.TXT if it exists. If NOTES has arguments, the current date and time are appended to the local NOTES.TXT followed by a newline. Then all the arguments, joined with spaces, prepended with a tab, and appended with a trailing newline, are written to NOTES.TXT. If NOTES.TXT doesn't already exist in the current directory then a new NOTES.TXT file should be created.
<lang Ada>with Ada.Calendar.Formatting; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Notes is
Notes_Filename : constant String := "notes.txt"; Notes_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Argument_Count : Natural := Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count;
if Argument_Count = 0 then begin Ada.Text_IO.Open (File => Notes_File, Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Name => Notes_Filename); while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File => Notes_File) loop Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File => Notes_File)); end loop; exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => null; end; else begin Ada.Text_IO.Open (File => Notes_File, Mode => Ada.Text_IO.Append_File, Name => Notes_Filename); exception when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Name_Error => Ada.Text_IO.Create (File => Notes_File, Name => Notes_Filename); end; Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (File => Notes_File, Item => Ada.Calendar.Formatting.Image (Date => Ada.Calendar.Clock)); Ada.Text_IO.Put (File => Notes_File, Item => Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT); for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop Ada.Text_IO.Put (File => Notes_File, Item => Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I)); if I /= Argument_Count then Ada.Text_IO.Put (File => Notes_File, Item => ' '); end if; end loop; Ada.Text_IO.Flush (File => Notes_File); end if; if Ada.Text_IO.Is_Open (File => Notes_File) then Ada.Text_IO.Close (File => Notes_File); end if;
end Notes;</lang>
<lang autohotkey>Notes := "Notes.txt"
If 0 = 0 ; no arguments {
If FileExist(Notes) { FileRead, Content, %Notes% MsgBox, %Content% } Else MsgBox, %Notes% does not exist Goto, EOF
- date and time, colon, newline (CRLF), tab
Date := A_DD "/" A_MM "/" A_YYYY Time := A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec "." A_MSec FileAppend, %Date% %Time%:`r`n%A_Tab%, %Notes%
- command line parameters, trailing newline (CRLF)
Loop, %0%
FileAppend, % %A_Index% " ", %Notes%
FileAppend, `r`n, %Notes%
An implementation of DIR$
is all that's required for this to work with older versions of QB.
<lang qbasic>IF LEN(COMMAND$) THEN
END IF</lang>
Batch File
<lang dos>@echo off if %1@==@ (
if exist notes.txt more notes.txt goto :eof
) echo %date% %time%:>>notes.txt echo %*>>notes.txt</lang>
<lang c>#include <stdio.h>
- include <time.h>
- define note_file "NOTES.TXT"
int main(int argc, char**argv) { FILE *note = 0; time_t tm; int i; char *p;
if (argc < 2) { if ((note = fopen(note_file, "r"))) while ((i = fgetc(note)) != EOF) putchar(i);
} else if ((note = fopen(note_file, "a"))) tm = time(0); p = ctime(&tm);
/* skip the newline */ while (*p) fputc(*p != '\n'?*p:'\t', note), p++;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) fprintf(note, "%s%c", argv[i], 1 + i - argc ? ' ' : '\n'); }
if (note) fclose(note); return 0; }</lang>
<lang cpp>#include <fstream>
- include <iostream>
- include <ctime>
using namespace std;
- define note_file "NOTES.TXT"
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc>1) { ofstream Notes(note_file, ios::app); time_t timer = time(NULL); if(Notes.is_open()) { Notes << asctime(localtime(&timer)) << '\t'; for(int i=1;i<argc;i++) Notes << argv[i] << ' '; Notes << endl; Notes.close(); } } else { ifstream Notes(note_file, ios::in); string line; if(Notes.is_open()) { while(!Notes.eof()) { getline(Notes, line); cout << line << endl; } Notes.close(); } } }</lang>
<lang csharp>using System; using System.IO; using System.Text;
namespace RosettaCode {
internal class Program { private const string FileName = "NOTES.TXT";
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length==0) { string txt = File.ReadAllText(FileName); Console.WriteLine(txt); } else { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(DateTime.Now).Append("\n\t"); foreach (string s in args) sb.Append(s).Append(" "); sb.Append("\n");
if (File.Exists(FileName)) File.AppendAllText(FileName, sb.ToString()); else File.WriteAllText(FileName, sb.ToString()); } } }
<lang clojure>(ns rosettacode.notes
(:use [clojure.string :only [join]]))
(defn notes [notes]
(if (seq notes) (spit "NOTES.txt" (str (java.util.Date.) "\n" "\t" (join " " notes) "\n") :append true) (println (slurp "NOTES.txt"))))
(notes *command-line-args*)</lang>
Example output
rayne@ubuntu:~/cljprojs/rosettacode$ java -cp 'lib/*' clojure.main src/rosettacode/notes.clj I tawt I taw a puddy cat! rayne@ubuntu:~/cljprojs/rosettacode$ java -cp 'lib/*' clojure.main src/rosettacode/notes.clj I did! I did! rayne@ubuntu:~/cljprojs/rosettacode$ cat NOTES.txt Wed Dec 29 14:09:24 CST 2010 I tawt I taw a puddy cat! Wed Dec 29 14:09:28 CST 2010 I did! I did! rayne@ubuntu:~/cljprojs/rosettacode$ java -cp 'lib/*' clojure.main src/rosettacode/notes.clj Wed Dec 29 14:09:24 CST 2010 I tawt I taw a puddy cat! Wed Dec 29 14:09:28 CST 2010 I did! I did!
<lang e>#!/usr/bin/env rune
def f := <file:notes.txt> def date := makeCommand("date")
switch (interp.getArgs()) {
match [] { if (f.exists()) { for line in f { print(line) } } } match noteArgs { def w := f.textWriter(true) w.print(date()[0], "\t", " ".rjoin(noteArgs), "\n") w.close() }
<lang Euphoria>constant cmd = command_line() constant filename = "notes.txt" integer fn object line sequence date_time
if length(cmd) < 3 then
fn = open(filename,"r") if fn != -1 then while 1 do line = gets(fn) if atom(line) then exit end if puts(1,line) end while close(fn) end if
fn = open(filename,"a") -- if such file doesn't exist it will be created date_time = date() date_time = date_time[1..6] date_time[1] += 1900 printf(fn,"%d-%02d-%02d %d:%02d:%02d\n",date_time) line = "\t" for n = 3 to length(cmd) do line &= cmd[n] & ' ' end for line[$] = '\n' puts(fn,line) close(fn)
end if</lang>
<lang fsharp>open System;; open System.IO;;
let file_path = "notes.txt";;
let show_notes () =
try printfn "%s" <| File.ReadAllText(file_path) with _ -> printfn "Take some notes first!";;
let take_note (note : string) =
let now = DateTime.Now.ToString() in let note = sprintf "%s\n\t%s" now note in use file_stream = File.AppendText file_path in (* 'use' closes file_stream automatically when control leaves the scope *) file_stream.WriteLine note;;
[<EntryPoint>] let main args =
match Array.length args with | 0 -> show_notes() | _ -> take_note <| String.concat " " args; 0;;</lang>
> .\TakeNotes.exe Take some notes first! > .\TakeNotes.exe some note with multiple words > .\TakeNotes.exe another note, with coma in it > .\TakeNotes.exe 2011-10-15 20:36:52 some note with multiple words 2011-10-15 20:37:22 another note with coma in it
<lang factor>#! /usr/bin/env factor USING: kernel calendar calendar.format io io.encodings.utf8 io.files sequences command-line namespaces ;
command-line get [
"notes.txt" utf8 file-contents print
] [
" " join "\t" prepend "notes.txt" utf8 [ now timestamp>ymdhms print print flush ] with-file-appender
] if-empty</lang>
<lang fantom> class Notes {
public static Void main (Str[] args) { notesFile := File(`notes.txt`) // the backticks make a URI if (args.isEmpty) { if (notesFile.exists) { notesFile.eachLine |line| { echo (line) } } } else { // notice the following uses a block so the 'printLine/close' // operations are all applied to the same output stream for notesFile notesFile.out(true) // 'true' to append to file { printLine ( DateTime.now.toLocale("DD-MM-YY hh:mm:ss").toStr ) printLine ( "\t" + args.join(" ") ) close } } }
} </lang>
$ fan notes.fan started notes file $ fan notes.fan added second set of notes $ fan notes.fan and a third $ fan notes.fan 30-01-11 12:30:05 started notes file 30-01-11 12:30:17 added second set of notes 30-01-11 12:30:30 and a third
The following is SwiftForth-specific, and runs in the Forth environment rather than as a standalone terminal application. Win32Forth only needs simple replacements of DATE and TIME . A Unix Forth would come closer to the 'commandline' requirement, as Windows Forths for whatever reason very eagerly discard the Windows console. Because this runs in the Forth environment, the otherwise acceptable application words are stuffed in a wordlist. Standard Forth doesn't have the notion of create-it-if-it-doesn't-exist, so OPEN just tries again with CREATE-FILE if OPEN-FILE fails.
<lang forth>vocabulary note-words get-current also note-words definitions
\ -- notes.txt variable file
- open s" notes.txt" r/w open-file if
s" notes.txt" r/w create-file throw then file ! ;
- appending file @ file-size throw file @ reposition-file throw ;
- write file @ write-file throw ;
- close file @ close-file throw ;
\ -- SwiftForth console workaround 9 constant TAB
- type ( c-addr u -- )
bounds ?do i c@ dup TAB = if drop 8 spaces else emit then loop ;
\ -- dump notes.txt create buf 4096 allot
- dump ( -- )
cr begin buf 4096 file @ read-file throw dup while buf swap type repeat drop ;
\ -- time and date
- time @time (time) ;
- date @date (date) ;
\ -- add note
- cr s\" \n" write ;
- tab s\" \t" write ;
- space s" " write ;
- add-note ( c-addr u -- ) appending
date write space time write cr tab ( note ) write cr ;
\ -- note
- note ( "note" -- )
open 0 parse dup if add-note else 2drop dump then close ;
previous</lang> The following is exactly the same program, but written in 4tH. 4tH has an I/O system which is different from ANS-Forth. The notes file is specified on the commandline. <lang forth>\ -- notes.txt include lib/argopen.4th include lib/ansfacil.4th
\ -- dump notes.txt 4096 buffer: buf
- dump ( -- )
input 1 arg-open begin buf dup 4096 accept dup while type repeat drop drop close ;
\ -- time and date
- :00 <# # # [char] : hold #> type ;
- -00 <# # # [char] - hold #> type ;
- .time 0 .r :00 :00 ;
- .date 0 .r -00 -00 ;
\ -- add note
- add-note ( c-addr u -- )
output append [+] 1 arg-open -rot time&date .date space .time cr 9 emit type cr close ;
\ -- note
- note ( "note" -- )
argn 2 < abort" Usage: notes filename" refill drop 0 parse dup if add-note else 2drop dump then ;
<lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "io" "os" "strings" "time"
const fn = "NOTES.TXT"
func main() {
if len(os.Args) == 1 { f, err := os.Open(fn) if err != nil { // don't report "file does not exist" as an error, but // if it seems to be there but just can't be opened for // some reason, print original error from open attempt. if _, statErr := os.Stat(fn); statErr == nil { fmt.Println(err) } return } if _, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, f); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } if cErr := f.Close(); err == nil && cErr != nil { fmt.Println(err) } return } f, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } _, err = fmt.Fprint(f, time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123), "\n\t", strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " "), "\n") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } if cErr := f.Close(); err == nil && cErr != nil { fmt.Println(cErr) }
<lang haskell>import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Time (getClockTime)
main :: IO () main = do
args <- getArgs if null args then catch (readFile "notes.txt" >>= putStr) (\_ -> return ()) else do ct <- getClockTime appendFile "notes.txt" $ show ct ++ "\n\t" ++ unwords args ++ "\n"</lang>
Sample output after a few runs:
Thu Apr 22 19:01:41 PDT 2010 Test line 1. Thu Apr 22 19:01:45 PDT 2010 Test line 2.
<lang HicEst>SYSTEM(RUN) ! start this script in RUN-mode
CHARACTER notes="Notes.txt", txt*1000
! Remove file name from the global variable $CMD_LINE: EDIT(Text=$CMD_LINE, Mark1, Right=".hic ", Right=4, Mark2, Delete)
READ(FIle=notes, LENgth=Lnotes) IF( Lnotes ) THEN WINDOW(WINdowhandle=hdl, TItle=notes) WRITE(Messagebox="?Y") "Finished ?" ENDIF
WRITE(Text=txt, Format="UWWW CCYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS, A") 0, $CRLF//$TAB//TRIM($CMD_LINE)//$CRLF OPEN(FIle=notes, APPend) WRITE(FIle=notes, CLoSe=1) txt
ALARM(999) ! quit HicEst immediately</lang>
Thu 2010-09-16 18:42:15 This is line 1 Thu 2010-09-16 18:42:23 This is line 2
Icon and Unicon
<lang Icon> procedure write_out_notes (filename)
file := open (filename, "rt") | stop ("no notes file yet") every write (!file)
procedure add_to_notes (filename, strs)
file := open (filename, "at") | # append to file if it exists open (filename, "cat") | # create the file if not there stop ("unable to open " || filename) writes (file, ctime(&now) || "\n\t") every writes (file, !strs || " ") write (file, "")
procedure main (args)
notes_file := "notes.txt" if *args = 0 then write_out_notes (notes_file) else add_to_notes (notes_file, args)
end </lang>
$ ./take-notes no notes file yet $ ./take-notes finished notes program $ ./take-notes Thu Jun 2 23:39:49 2011 finished notes program $ ./take-notes for Unicon $ ./take-notes Thu Jun 2 23:39:49 2011 finished notes program Thu Jun 2 23:40:13 2011 for Unicon
<lang j>require 'files strings'
notes=: monad define
if. #y do. now=. LF ,~ 6!:0 'hh:mm:ss DD/MM/YYYY' 'notes.txt' fappend~ now, LF ,~ TAB, ' ' joinstring y elseif. -. _1 -: txt=. fread 'notes.txt' do. smoutput txt end.
notes 2}.ARGV exit 0</lang>
Create a Shortcut called Notes that calls the script above using the Target:
"c:\program files\j602\bin\jconsole.exe" path\to\script\notes.ijs
and Start in: .\
Example Use:
In a Windows CMD session...
C:\Folder>Notes.lnk "Test line 1" C:\Folder>Notes.lnk "Test" "line" "2" C:\Folder>Notes.lnk Test line 3 C:\Folder>Notes.lnk 2010 5 21 11 31 30.389 Test line 1 2010 5 21 11 31 50.669 Test line 2 2010 5 21 11 32 14.895 Test line 3
<lang java>import java.io.*; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.util.Date;
public class TakeNotes {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length > 0) { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("notes.txt", true)); ps.println(new Date()); ps.print("\t" + args[0]); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) ps.print(" " + args[i]); ps.println(); ps.close(); } else { FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream("notes.txt").getChannel(); fc.transferTo(0, fc.size(), Channels.newChannel(System.out)); fc.close(); } }
<lang javascript>var notes = 'NOTES.TXT';
var args = WScript.Arguments; var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8;
if (args.length == 0) {
if (fso.FileExists(notes)) { var f = fso.OpenTextFile(notes, ForReading); WScript.Echo(f.ReadAll()); f.Close(); }
} else {
var f = fso.OpenTextFile(notes, ForAppending, true); var d = new Date(); f.WriteLine(d.toLocaleString()); f.Write("\t"); // note that WScript.Arguments is not an array, it is a "collection" // it does not have a join() method. for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { f.Write(args(i) + " "); } f.WriteLine(); f.Close();
> del NOTES.TXT > cscript /nologo notes.js > cscript /nologo notes.js this is the first note > cscript /nologo notes.js April 1, 2010 5:18:38 PM this is the first note
<lang lua>filename = "NOTES.TXT"
if #arg == 0 then
fp = io.open( filename, "r" ) if fp ~= nil then print( fp:read( "*all*" ) ) fp:close() end
fp = io.open( filename, "a+" )
fp:write( os.date( "%x %X\n" ) )
fp:write( "\t" ) for i = 1, #arg do
fp:write( arg[i], " " )
end fp:write( "\n" )
MATLAB / Octave
<lang Matlab> function notes(varargin)
% NOTES can be used for taking notes % usage: % notes displays the content of the file NOTES.TXT % notes arg1 arg2 ... % add the current date, time and arg# to NOTES.TXT %
filename = 'NOTES.TXT'; if nargin==0
fid = fopen(filename,'rt'); if fid<0, return; end; while ~feof(fid) fprintf('%s\n',fgetl(fid)); end; fclose(fid);
else fid = fopen(filename,'a+');
if fid<0, error('cannot open %s\n',filename); end;
fprintf(fid, '%s\n\t%s', datestr(now),varargin{1}); for k=2:length(varargin) fprintf(fid, ', %s', varargin{k});
end; fprintf(fid,'\n'); fclose(fid);
end; </lang>
<lang ocaml>#! /usr/bin/env ocaml
- load "unix.cma"
let notes_file = "notes.txt"
let take_notes() =
let gmt = Unix.gmtime (Unix.time()) in let date = Printf.sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" (1900 + gmt.Unix.tm_year) (1 + gmt.Unix.tm_mon) gmt.Unix.tm_mday gmt.Unix.tm_hour gmt.Unix.tm_min gmt.Unix.tm_sec in let oc = open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat; Open_text] 0o644 notes_file in output_string oc (date ^ "\t"); output_string oc (String.concat " " (List.tl(Array.to_list Sys.argv))); output_string oc "\n";
let dump_notes() =
if not(Sys.file_exists notes_file) then (prerr_endline "no local notes found"; exit 1); let ic = open_in notes_file in try while true do print_endline (input_line ic) done with End_of_file -> close_in ic
let () =
if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then dump_notes() else take_notes()</lang>
<lang oz>functor import
Application Open OS System
fun {TimeStamp} N = {OS.localTime} in (1900+N.year)#"-"#(1+N.mon)#"-"#N.mDay#", "#N.hour#":"#N.min#":"#N.sec end
fun {Join X|Xr Sep} {FoldL Xr fun {$ Z X} Z#Sep#X end X} end case {Application.getArgs plain} of nil then try F = {New Open.file init(name:"notes.txt")} in {System.printInfo {F read(list:$ size:all)}} {F close} catch _ then skip end [] Args then F = {New Open.file init(name:"notes.txt" flags:[write text create append])} in {F write(vs:{TimeStamp}#"\n")} {F write(vs:"\t"#{Join Args " "}#"\n")} {F close} end {Application.exit 0}
<lang Perl>my $file = 'notes.txt'; if ( @ARGV ) {
open NOTES, '>>', $file or die "Can't append to file $file: $!"; print NOTES scalar localtime, "\n\t@ARGV\n";
} else {
open NOTES, '<', $file or die "Can't read file $file: $!"; print <NOTES>;
} close NOTES;</lang>
Sample output after a few runs:
Thu Apr 22 19:01:41 2010 Test line 1. Thu Apr 22 19:01:45 2010 Test line 2.
Perl 6
<lang perl6>my $file = 'notes.txt';
multi MAIN() {
print slurp($file);
multi MAIN(*@note) {
my $fh = open($file, :a); $fh.say: DateTime.now, "\n\t", @note; $fh.close;
<lang PicoLisp>#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
(load "@lib/misc.l") (if (argv)
(out "+notes.txt" (prinl (stamp) "^J^I" (glue " " @))) (and (info "notes.txt") (in "notes.txt" (echo))) )
<lang powershell>$notes = "notes.txt" if (($args).length -eq 0) {
if(Test-Path $notes) { Get-Content $notes }
} else {
Get-Date | Add-Content $notes "`t" + $args -join " " | Add-Content $notes
<lang PureBasic>#FileName="notes.txt" Define argc=CountProgramParameters() If OpenConsole()
If argc=0 If ReadFile(0,#FileName) While Eof(0)=0 PrintN(ReadString(0)) ; No new notes, so present the old Wend CloseFile(0) EndIf Else ; e.g. we have some arguments Define d$=FormatDate("%yyyy-%mm-%dd %hh:%ii:%ss",date()) If OpenFile(0,#FileName) Define args$="" While argc args$+" "+ProgramParameter() ; Read all arguments argc-1 Wend FileSeek(0,Lof(0)) ; Go to the end of this file WriteStringN(0,d$+#CRLF$+#TAB$+args$) ; Append date & note CloseFile(0) EndIf EndIf
<lang python>import sys, datetime, shutil
- sys.argv[1:] = 'go for it'.split()
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
try: f = open('notes.txt', 'r') shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout) f.close() except IOError: pass
f = open('notes.txt', 'a') f.write(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() + '\n') f.write("\t%s\n" % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) f.close()</lang>
Sample notes.txt file
After assorted runs:
2010-04-01T17:06:20.312000 go for it 2010-04-01T17:08:20.718000 go for it
<lang php>
- !/usr/bin/php
<?php if ($argc > 1)
file_put_contents( 'notes.txt', date('r')."\n\t".implode(' ', array_slice($argv, 1))."\n", FILE_APPEND );
</lang> Note that the error suppression operator (@) is considered bad coding practice.
Sample notes.txt file
zls@zls:~$ ./notes hello rosetta code zls@zls:~$ ./notes todo notes program zls@zls:~$ ./notes Tue, 12 Jun 2012 19:27:35 +0200 hello rosetta code Tue, 12 Jun 2012 19:27:45 +0200 todo notes program
<lang R>#!/usr/bin/env Rscript --default-packages=methods
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if (length(args) == 0) {
conn <- file("notes.txt", 'r') cat(readLines(conn), sep="\n")
} else {
conn <- file("notes.txt", 'a') cat(file=conn, date(), "\n\t", paste(args, collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
} close(conn)</lang>
Title: "Notes" Author: oofoe Date: 2010-10-04 URL: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Take_notes_on_the_command_line
notes: %notes.txt
either any [none? args: system/script/args empty? args] [
if exists? notes [print read notes]
] [
write/binary/append notes rejoin [now lf tab args lf]
Sample session:
> rebol -w notes.r > rebol -w notes.r "Test line 1" > rebol -w notes.r "Test" "line" "2" > rebol -w notes.r Test line 3 > rebol -w notes.r 4-Oct-2010/21:45:16-5:00 Test line 1 4-Oct-2010/21:45:27-5:00 Test line 2 4-Oct-2010/21:45:36-5:00 Test line 3
<lang rexx> /*REXX program to implement the "NOTES" command. */
if arg()==0 then do
if lines(ntxt)\==0 then 'TYPE' ntxt exit end
if 'f0'x==0 then tab='05'x
else tab='09'x
timestamp=right(date(),11,0) time() date('W') '@ECHO' timestamp '>>' ntxt '@ECHO' tab||arg(1) '>>' ntxt </lang>
<lang ruby>notes = 'NOTES.TXT' if ARGV.empty?
File.copy_stream(notes, $stdout) rescue nil
File.open(notes, 'a') {|file| file.puts "%s\n\t%s" % [Time.now, ARGV.join(' ')]}
(moved from Racket)
<lang scheme>#lang racket (require racket/date) (define *notes* "NOTES.TXT")
(let ([a (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments))])
(cond [(empty? a) (with-handlers ([exn:fail? void]) (call-with-input-file *notes* (lambda (fi) (copy-port fi (current-output-port))))) ] [else (call-with-output-file *notes* (lambda (fo) (let ([ln (apply string-append (add-between a " "))] [dt (date->string (current-date))]) (fprintf fo "~a~n\t~a~n" dt ln))) #:mode 'text #:exists 'append) ]))</lang>
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i"; $ include "getf.s7i"; $ include "time.s7i";
const string: noteFileName is "NOTES.TXT";
const proc: main is func
local var file: note is STD_NULL; begin if length(argv(PROGRAM)) = 0 then # write NOTES.TXT write(getf(noteFileName)); else # Write date & time to NOTES.TXT, and then arguments note := open(noteFileName, "a"); if note <> STD_NULL then writeln(note, truncToSecond(time(NOW))); writeln(note, "\t" <& join(argv(PROGRAM), " ")); close(note); end if; end if; end func;</lang>
<lang snobol>#! /usr/local/bin/snobol4 -b a = 2 ;* skip '-b' parameter notefile = "notes.txt" while args = args host(2,a = a + 1) " " :s(while) ident(args) :f(append) noparms input(.notes,io_findunit(),,notefile) :s(display)f(end) display output = notes :s(display) endfile(notes) :(end) append output(.notes,io_findunit(),"A",notefile) :f(end) notes = date() notes = char(9) args end</lang>
<lang tcl># Make it easier to change the name of the notes file set notefile notes.txt
if {$argc} {
# Write a message to the file set msg [clock format [clock seconds]]\n\t[join $argv " "] set f [open $notefile a] puts $f $msg close $f
} else {
# Print the contents of the file catch {
set f [open $notefile] fcopy $f stdout close $f
}</lang> Sample output after a few runs:
Thu Apr 01 19:28:07 BST 2010 test 1 two three Thu Apr 01 19:28:49 BST 2010 TODO: Submit notes.tcl to Rosetta Code
UNIX Shell
Bash version <lang bash># NOTES=$HOME/notes.txt if $# -eq 0 ; then
-r $NOTES && more $NOTES
date >> $NOTES echo " $*" >> $NOTES
"Spoiled Bash kid" version <lang bash>N=~/notes.txt;$# -gt 0 && { date ; echo " $*"; exit 0; } >> $N || -r $N && cat $N</lang>
Portable version
<lang shell>NOTES=$HOME/notes.txt
if test "x$*" = "x"
if test -r $NOTES then more $NOTES fi
date >> $NOTES echo " $*" >> $NOTES
Visual Basic .NET
<lang Visual Basic .NET>Imports System.IO
Module Notes
Function Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String) As Integer Try If cmdArgs.Length = 0 Then Using sr As New StreamReader("NOTES.TXT") Console.WriteLine(sr.ReadToEnd) End Using Else Using sw As New StreamWriter("NOTES.TXT", True) sw.WriteLine(Date.Now.ToString()) sw.WriteLine("{0}{1}", ControlChars.Tab, String.Join(" ", cmdArgs)) End Using End If Catch End Try End Function
End Module</lang>
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