module { "name": "RealSet", "description": "Real intervals and finite unions thereof", "version": "0.0.2", "homepage": "", "license": "MIT", "author": "pkoppstein at gmail dot com", }; # A RealSet is a jq array consisting of numbers and/or two-element arrays # [a,b], where a and b are numbers with a < b, where: # * each number represents the closed interval containing that number; # * each array [a,b] represents the open interval from a to b exclusive; # * the items in the outer array are sorted in ascending order in the obvious way. # Examples: # [] representes the empty RealSet. # [1,2] represents the union of the closed intervals containing 1 and 2. # [[1,2]] represents the open interval from 1 to 2 exclusive. # [1, [1,2], 2] represents the closed interval from 1 to 2 inclusive. # [-infinite, 0] represents the open interval consisting of the finite negative numbers. # [infinite] represents the closed interval whose only element is positive inifinity. # To compute the RealSet corresponding to a finite union of real # intervals, the RealSet filter defined below can be used. # Unless otherwise specified, the filters defined here assume the input is a RealSet. def isRealSet: if length == 0 then true else . as $in | .[0] | type as $t | ($t == "number" or ($t == "array" and length == 2 and all(.[]; type == "number") and .[0] < .[1] )) and ($in[1:] | isRealSet) end; # Input should be canonical except possibly for triplets such as [0,1],1,[1,2] def canonicalize: if length < 3 then . elif (.[0]|type) == "array" and (.[1]|type) == "number" and (.[2]|type) == "array" and .[0][1] == .[1] and .[1] == .[2][0] then [[.[0][0], .[2][1]]] + .[3:] | canonicalize else [.[0]] + ( .[1:] | canonicalize ) end; def containsNumber($r): def _containsNumber: if length == 0 then false else .[0] as $first | if $first|type == "number" then if $r == $first then true elif $r > $first then .[1:] | _containsNumber else false end else # it must be an array (($first[0] < $r) and ($r < $first[1])) or (.[1:] | _containsNumber) end end; _containsNumber; def containsOpenInterval($a; $b): def coi: if length == 0 then false else .[0] as $first | if $first|type == "number" then .[1:] | coi elif $first[0] <= $a and $first[1] >= $b then true elif $first[1] > $a then false else .[1:] | coi end end; coi ; # $rs should be a RealSet in canonical form def contains( $rs ): if $rs | length == 0 then true elif $rs[0] | type == "number" then containsNumber($rs[0]) and contains($rs[1:]) else (containsOpenInterval($rs[0][0]; $rs[0][1]) and contains($rs[1:])) end; # Input: a RealSet # Add the open interval ($A,$B) to the input def add( $A; $B ): reduce .[] as $x ({ ans: [], min: $A, max: $B}; if $x | type == "number" then if .min then if $x <= .min then .ans += [$x] elif $x >= .max then .ans += [[.min,.max], $x] | .min = null | .max = null elif .min < $x and $x < .max then . else .ans += [$x] end else .ans += [$x] end else $x as [$a, $b] | if .min then if $b <= .min then .ans += [$x] elif $a >= .max then .ans += [[.min,.max], $x] | .min = null | .max = null else .min = ([$a, .min]|min) | .max = ([$b, .max]|max) end else .ans += [$x] end end) | if .min then .ans + [[.min, .max]] else .ans end | canonicalize ; # Input: a RealSet # Add the number $r to the input def addNumber( $r ): # addNumberHelper assumes $r is NOT in the input RealSet # and that it has no pair [_,$r], [$r,_] def addNumberHelper: . as $in | (first( range(0;length) as $i | (if ($in[$i]|type) == "number" then $in[$i] else $in[$i][1] end) as $v | if $v > $r then $i else empty end ) // false) as $ix | if $ix == false then . + [$r] else .[:$ix] + [$r] + .[$ix:] end; if length==0 then [$r] elif containsNumber($r) then . else . as $in # watch out for the sequence: [_, $r], [$r, _] | (first( range(0;length - 1) as $i | if ($in[$i]|type) == "number" and $in[$i] > $r then false elif ($in[$i]|type) == "array" and $in[$i][0] > $r then false elif ($in[$i]|type) == "array" and $in[$i][1] ==$r and ($in[$i+1]|type) == "array" and $in[$i+1][0]==$r then $i else empty end ) // false) as $ix | if $ix != false then $in[:$ix] + [[ $in[$ix][0], $in[$ix+1][1]] ] + $in[$ix+2:] else addNumberHelper end end ; # add two RealSets naively # Actually $rs need not be canonical. def add($rs): reduce $rs[] as $x (.; if $x|type == "number" then addNumber($x) else add($x[0]; $x[1]) end); # Return a RealSet def intersectionNumber($r): first(.[] | if type == "number" then if . == $r then [$r] elif . > $r then [] else empty end else . as [$a, $b] | if $a < $r and $r < $b then [$r] elif $b > $r then [] else empty end end) // [] ; # Return a RealSet def intersectionInterval($a; $b): reduce .[] as $x ({ans: [], done: false }; if .done then . else if $x|type == "number" then if $a < $x and $x < $b then .ans += [$x] else . end else $x as [$A, $B] | if $A > $b then .done = true elif $B < $a then . else [ ([$a,$A])|max, ([$b,$B]|min) ] as $y | if $y[0] < $y[1] then .ans += [$y] else . end end end end) | .ans; def intersection($rs): . as $in | reduce $rs[] as $x ([]; if $x|type == "number" then . + ($in|intersectionNumber($x)) else $x as [$a, $b] | . + ($in|intersectionInterval($a;$b)) end); # $r should be a number def minusNumber($r): if $r == -infinite then intersection( [[-infinite, $r], [$r, infinite], infinite] ) elif $r == infinite then intersection( [-infinite, [-infinite, $r], [$r, infinite]] ) else intersection( [-infinite, [-infinite, $r], [$r, infinite], infinite] ) end; # $a and $b should be numbers with $a < $b def minusInterval($a; $b): intersection( {left: (if $a == -infinite then null else [[-infinite, $a]] end), right: (if $b == infinite then null else [[$b, infinite]] end) } | .left + [$a, $b] + .right ); def minus($rs): . as $in | reduce $rs[] as $x ($in; if $x | type == "number" then minusNumber($x) else minusInterval($x[0]; $x[1]) end); # The length of the empty RealSet is 0 def RealSetLength: if any(.[] | select(type=="array") | .[]; isinfinite) then infinite else map( select(type=="array") | .[1] - .[0] ) | add // 0 end; # Given an array consisting of open intervals represented by [a,b] # with a<b, and singleton intervals represented by the singleton # value, compute the corresponding RealSet def RealSet: . as $in | [] | add($in) ;
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