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Janet is a Clisp based,dialect Clojure-like lispmeant for scriptingsmall systems and prototypingembedded usage.
There is no regexp built into the language, instead there is PEG, Parsing expression grammar.
From the website [](]
Janet is a functional and imperative programming language. It runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, BSDs, and should run on other systems with some porting. The entire language (core library, interpreter, compiler, assembler, PEG) is aboutless 300-500than kB1MB. andYou shouldcan runalso onadd manyJanet constrainedscripting systemsto an application by embedding a single C source file and a single header.
Minimal setup - one binary and you are good to go!
Builtin support for threads, networking, and an event loop
First class closures
Garbage collection
First class green threads (continuations)
Mutable and immutable arrays (array/tuple)
Mutable and immutable hashtables (table/struct)
Mutable and immutable strings (buffer/string)
Tail call optimization
Direct interop with C via abstract types and C functions
Dynamically load C libraries
Lexical scoping
REPL and interactive debugger
Parsing Expression Grammars built in to the core library
500+ functions and macros in the core library
Export your projects to standalone executables with a companion build tool, jpm
Add to a project with just janet.c and janet.h
