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Call the write_calendar(Year) predicate to print a calendar for a year.
Works with swi-prolog and requires the day_of_the_week library call.
<lang prolog>% Write out the calender, because format can actually span multiple lines, it is easier
% to write out the static parts in place and insert the generated parts into that format.
write_calendar(Year) :-
month_x3_format(Year, 1, 2, 3, F1_3),
month_x3_format(Year, 4, 5, 6, F4_6),
month_x3_format(Year, 7, 8, 9, F7_9),
month_x3_format(Year, 10, 11, 12, F10_12),
January February March
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
April May June
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
July August September
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
October November December
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
', [Year, F1_3, F4_6, F7_9, F10_12]), !.
% Generate the data for a row of months and then create an atom one row at a time
% for all of the months.
month_x3_format(Year, M1, M2, M3, F) :-
calc_month_rows(Year, M1, M1r),
calc_month_rows(Year, M2, M2r),
calc_month_rows(Year, M3, M3r),
month_x3_format(M1r, M2r, M3r, F).
month_x3_format(M1, M2, M3, '') :- maplist(=(' '), M1), maplist(=(' '), M2), maplist(=(' '), M3).
month_x3_format(M1, M2, M3, F) :-
month_format(' ', M1, M1r, F1),
month_format(F1, M2, M2r, F2),
month_format(F2, M3, M3r, F3),
atom_concat(F3, '\n', F4),
month_x3_format(M1r, M2r, M3r, Fr),
atom_concat(F4, Fr, F).
month_format(Orig, [Su,Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa|R], R, F) :-
maplist(day_format, [Su,Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa], Formatted),
format(atom(F2), '~w~w~w~w~w~w~w ', Formatted),
atom_concat(Orig, F2, F).
day_format(' ', ' ') :- !.
day_format(D, F) :- D < 10, format(atom(F), '~w ', D).
day_format(D, F) :- D >= 10, format(atom(F), '~w ', D).
% Calculate the days of a month, this is done by getting the first day of the month,
% then offsetting that with spaces from the start and then adding 1-NumDaysinMonth and
% finally spaces until the end. The maximum possible size is used and then truncated later.
calc_month_rows(Year, Month, Result) :-
length(Result, 42), % max 6 rows of 7 days
month_days(Month, Year, DaysInMonth),
day_of_the_week(date(Year, Month, 1), FirstWeekDay),
day_offset(FirstWeekDay, Offset),
day_print_map(DaysInMonth, Offset, Result).
day_print_map(DaysInMonth, 0, [1|R]) :-
day_print_map2(DaysInMonth, 2, R).
day_print_map(DaysInMonth, Offset, [' '|R]) :-
dif(Offset, 0),
succ(NewOffset, Offset),
day_print_map(DaysInMonth, NewOffset, R).
day_print_map2(D, D, [D|R]) :- day_print_map(R).
day_print_map2(D, N, [N|R]) :- dif(D,N), succ(N, N1), day_print_map2(D, N1, R).
day_print_map([' '|R]) :- day_print_map(R).
% Figure out the number of days in a month based on whether it is a leap year or not.
month_days(2, Year, Days) :-
is_leap_year(Year) -> Days = 29
; Days = 28.
month_days(Month, _, Days) :-
dif(Month, 2),
nth1(Month, [31, _, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], Days).
% Figure out the space offset based on the day the month starts on.
day_offset(D, D) :- dif(D, 7).
day_offset(7, 0).
% Test for leap years
is_leap_year(Year) :-
0 is Year mod 100 -> 0 is Year mod 400
; 0 is Year mod 4.</lang>