CSV to HTML translation: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Added Wren)
Line 5,746:
<lang ecmascript>var csv =
"Character,Speech\n" +
"The multitude,The messiah! Show us the messiah!\n" +
"Brians mother,<angry>Now you listen here! He's not the messiah; " +
"he's a very naughty boy! Now go away!</angry>\n" +
"The multitude,Who are you?\n" +
"Brians mother,I'm his mother; that's who!\n" +
"The multitude,Behold his mother! Behold his mother!"
var i = " " // indent
var ii = i + i // double indent
var iii = ii + i // triple indent
var sb = "<table>\n%(i)<tr>\n%(ii)<td>"
for (c in csv) {
sb = sb + ((c == "\n") ? "</td>\n%(i)</tr>\n%(i)<tr>\n%(ii)<td>" :
(c == ",") ? "</td>\n%(ii)<td>" :
(c == "&") ? "&amp;" :
(c == "'") ? "&apos;" :
(c == "<") ? "&lt;" :
(c == ">") ? "&gt;" : c)
sb = sb + "</td>\n%(i)</tr>\n</table>"
// now using first row as a table header
sb = "<table>\n%(i)<thead>\n%(ii)<tr>\n%(iii)<td>"
var hLength = csv.indexOf("\n") + 1 // find length of first row including CR
for (c in csv.take(hLength)) {
sb = sb + ((c == "\n") ? "</td>\n%(ii)</tr>\n%(i)</thead>\n%(i)<tbody>\n%(ii)<tr>\n%(iii)<td>" :
(c == ",") ? "</td>\n%(iii)<td>" : c)
for (c in csv.skip(hLength)) {
sb = sb + ((c == "\n") ? "</td>\n%(ii)</tr>\n%(ii)<tr>\n%(iii)<td>" :
(c == ",") ? "</td>\n%(iii)<td>" :
(c == "&") ? "&amp;" :
(c == "'") ? "&apos;" :
(c == "<") ? "&lt;" :
(c == ">") ? "&gt;" : c)
sb = sb + "</td>\n%(ii)</tr>\n%(i)</tbody>\n</table>"
Same as Kotlin entry.
=={{header|XSLT 2.0}}==
