Brownian tree: Difference between revisions

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Chemoelectric (talk | contribs)
Torbjoern (talk | contribs)
add evaldraw (.kc) solution for Brownian tree Task
Line 1,483:
Based on the C version. Shows the brownian tree animate. Color each particle based on the time it settled. Dont overwrite existing particles.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
static world[SIZE][SIZE];
// set the seed
if (numframes==0) world[SIZE/2][SIZE/2] = 1;
t = klock();
for (y = 0; y < SIZE; y++){
for (x = 0; x < SIZE; x++){
cell = world[y][x];
if ( cell )
s = 100; // color scale
setcol(128+(s*cell % 128), 128+(s*.7*cell % 128), 128+(s*.1*cell % 128) );
plop_particle(&px, &py) {
for (try=0; try<1000; try++) {
px = int(rnd*SIZE);
py = int(rnd*SIZE);
if (world[py][px] == 0) return PARTICLE_OK;
return GIVE_UP;
for(iter=0; iter<20; iter++) // Rate of particle creation
// set particle's initial position
px=0; py=0;
if ( plop_particle(px,py) == GIVE_UP ) return;
while (1) { // Keep iterating until we bump into a solid particle
// randomly choose a direction
dx = int(rnd * 3) - 1;
dy = int(rnd * 3) - 1;
if (dx + px < 0 || dx + px >= SIZE || dy + py < 0 || dy + py >= SIZE)
// Restart if outside of screen
if ( plop_particle(px,py) == GIVE_UP ) return;
}else if (world[py + dy][px + dx]){
// bumped into something
world[py][px] = time;
py += dy;
px += dx;
This example sets four spawn points, one in each corner of the image, giving the result a vague x-shaped appearance. For visual reasons, movement is restricted to diagonals. So be careful if you change the seed or spawns — they should all fall on the same diagonal.
<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USINGheaderUSING: accessors images images.loader kernel literals math
math.vectors random sets ;
FROM: sets => in? ;