Bitwise IO

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Revision as of 01:05, 28 December 2008 by rosettacode>ShinTakezou (rewritten the task text; added needs-review templates...)
Bitwise IO
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The aim of this task is to write functions (or create a class if your language is Object Oriented and you prefer) for reading and writing sequences of bits. While the output of a print "STRING" is the ASCII byte sequence "S", "T", "R", "I", "N", "G", the output of a "print" of the bits sequence 0101011101010 (13 bits) must be 0101011101010; real I/O is performed always quantized by byte (avoiding endianness issues and relying on underlying buffering for performance), therefore you must obtain as output the bytes 0101 0111 0101 0000 (bold bits are padding bits), i.e. in hexadecimal 57 50.

As test, you can implement a rough (e.g. don't care about error handling or other issues) compression/decompression program for ASCII sequences of bytes, i.e. bytes for which the most significant bit is always unused, so that you can write seven bits instead of eight (each 8 bytes of input, we write 7 bytes of output).

These bit oriented I/O functions can be used to implement compressors and decompressors; e.g. Dynamic and Static Huffman encodings use variable length bits sequences, while LZW (see LZW compression) use fixed words nine (or more) bits long.

  • Limits in the maximum number of bits that can be written/read in a single read/write operation are allowed.
  • Errors handling is not mandatory


This example may be incorrect due to a recent change in the task requirements or a lack of testing. Please verify it and remove this message. If the example does not match the requirements or does not work, replace this message with Template:incorrect or fix the code yourself.

<ada> with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams; with Ada.Finalization;

package Bit_Streams is

  type Bit is range 0..1;
  type Bit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Bit;
  type Bit_Stream (Channel : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is limited private;
  procedure Read (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : out Bit_Array);
  procedure Write (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : Bit_Array);


  type Bit_Stream (Channel : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is
     new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with
     Read_Count  : Natural := 0;
     Write_Count : Natural := 0;
     Input       : Stream_Element_Array (1..1);
     Output      : Stream_Element_Array (1..1);
  end record;
  overriding procedure Finalize (Stream : in out Bit_Stream);

end Bit_Streams; </ada> The package provides a bit stream interface to a conventional stream. The object of Bit_Stream has a discriminant of any stream type. This stream will be used for physical I/O. Bit_Stream reads and writes arrays of bits. There is no need to have flush procedure, because this is done upon object destruction. The implementation is straightforward, big endian encoding is of bits into Stream_Element units is used: <ada> package body Bit_Streams is

  procedure Finalize (Stream : in out Bit_Stream) is
     if Stream.Write_Count > 0 then
        Stream.Output (1) := Stream.Output (1) * 2**(Stream_Element'Size - Stream.Write_Count);
        Stream.Channel.Write (Stream.Output);
     end if;
  end Finalize;
  procedure Read (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : out Bit_Array) is
     Last : Stream_Element_Offset;
     for Index in Data'Range loop
        if Stream.Read_Count = 0 then
           Stream.Channel.Read (Stream.Input, Last);
           Stream.Read_Count := Stream_Element'Size;
        end if;
        Data (Index) := Bit (Stream.Input (1) / 2**(Stream_Element'Size - 1));
        Stream.Input (1)  := Stream.Input (1) * 2;
        Stream.Read_Count := Stream.Read_Count - 1;
     end loop;
  end Read;
  procedure Write (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : Bit_Array) is
     for Index in Data'Range loop
        if Stream.Write_Count = Stream_Element'Size then
           Stream.Channel.Write (Stream.Output);
           Stream.Write_Count := 0;
        end if;
        Stream.Output (1)  := Stream.Output (1) * 2 or Stream_Element (Data (Index));
        Stream.Write_Count := Stream.Write_Count + 1;
     end loop;
  end Write;

end Bit_Streams; </ada>

Example of use: <ada> with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Bit_Streams; use Bit_Streams;

procedure Test_Bit_Streams is

  File   : File_Type;
  ABACUS : Bit_Array :=
              (  1,0,0,0,0,0,1,  -- A, big endian
                 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,  -- B
                 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,  -- A
                 1,0,0,0,0,1,1,  -- C
                 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,  -- U
                 1,0,1,0,0,1,1   -- S 	
  Data : Bit_Array (ABACUS'Range);


  Create (File, Out_File, "abacus.dat");
     Bits : Bit_Stream (Stream (File));
     Write (Bits, ABACUS);
  Close (File);
  Open (File, In_File, "abacus.dat");
     Bits : Bit_Stream (Stream (File));
     Read (Bits, Data);
  Close (File);
  if Data /= ABACUS then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;

end Test_Bit_Streams; </ada>


Note: errors handling in this code is experimental!

File: bitio.h

<c>#ifndef _BIT_IO_H

  1. define _BIT_IO_H
  1. include <stdio.h>
  1. define BITS_PER_BYTE 8

void bits_flush(FILE *o); int bits_write(unsigned int d, int n, FILE *o); int bits_read(unsigned int *d, int n, FILE *o); int bits_getlast(unsigned int *d);

  3. define BITERR_NOERR 0

extern int biterr;

  1. endif</c>

File: bitio.c

<c>#include "bitio.h"

int biterr;

static unsigned char bitbuf=0; static unsigned int cumulus=0; const static unsigned int sochar = sizeof(unsigned char)*BITS_PER_BYTE; const static unsigned int soint = sizeof(unsigned int)*BITS_PER_BYTE;

static unsigned char rbitbuf=0; static unsigned char rfree = 0;

static int read_bit(unsigned int *d, FILE *o) {

  int c;
  if ( rfree == 0 )
     c = fgetc(o);
     if ( c == EOF )
        biterr = BITERR_BITUNDERFLOW;
        return EOF;
     rfree = sochar;
     rbitbuf = c;
  *d <<= 1;
  *d |= ( rbitbuf >> (sochar - 1 ) ) & 1;
  rbitbuf <<= 1;
  return 1;


static int appendbit(unsigned int d, FILE *o) {

  if ( cumulus == sochar )
     fprintf(o, "%c", (unsigned int)bitbuf);
     cumulus = 0; bitbuf = 0;
  bitbuf <<= 1;
  d &= 1 << (soint - 1);
  d >>= (soint - 1);
  bitbuf |= (d&1);
  return 1;


void bits_flush(FILE *o) {

  bitbuf <<= (sochar - cumulus);
  fprintf(o, "%c", bitbuf);
  cumulus = 0; bitbuf = 0;


int bits_read(unsigned int *d, int n, FILE *o) {

  int rbit = 0;
  int rv;
  biterr = BITERR_NOERR;
  if ( n > soint ) { biterr = BITERR_BITOVERFLOW; return EOF; }
  while ( n-- > 0 )
     rv = read_bit(d, o);
     if ( rv == EOF ) return EOF; /* return rv; ? */
     rbit += rv;
  return rbit;


int bits_getlast(unsigned int *d) {

 *d <<= (sochar - rfree);
 *d |= rbitbuf >> rfree;
 rbitbuf = 0;
 rfree = 0;
 return (sochar - rfree);


int bits_write(unsigned int d, int n, FILE *o) {

  unsigned int dpad;
  int wbit=0;
  if ( n > soint ) return -1;
  dpad = d << (soint - n);
  while( n-- > 0)
     wbit += appendbit(dpad, o);
     dpad <<= 1;
  return wbit;


Usage example

This example may be incorrect due to a recent change in the task requirements or a lack of testing. Please verify it and remove this message. If the example does not match the requirements or does not work, replace this message with Template:incorrect or fix the code yourself.

File: bitwrite.c, which write the word ABACUS as 7-bit per byte sequence.

<c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include "bitio.h"

const char *s = "ABACUS";

int main() {

  int i;
  for(i=0; s[i] != 0; i++)
     bits_write(s[i], 7, stdout);
  return 0;


File: bitread.c, which read 7-bits per time and write the group as a byte.

<c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include "bitio.h"

unsigned int db=0;

int main() {

  while( bits_read(&db, 7, stdin) != EOF )
     printf("%c", db & 0x7f);
  return 0;


Feeding bitread with the output of bitwrite, the output to console is simply ABACUS.