Bilinear interpolation: Difference between revisions

Line 1,325:
var Game ="Lenna100.jpg", "Lenna100_larger.png", 1.6, 1.6)</lang>
<lang Yabasic>// Rosetta Code problem:
// Adapted from Nim to Yabasic by Galileo, 01/2022
import ReadFromPPM2
sub lerp(s, e, t)
return s + (e - s) * t
end sub
sub blerp(c00, c10, c01, c11, tx, ty)
return lerp(lerp(c00, c10, tx), lerp(c01, c11, tx), ty)
end sub
sub scale(scaleX, scaleY)
local width, height, x, y, gx, gy, gxi, gyi, gxf, gyf, c00$, c10$, c01$, c11$
width = peek("winwidth")
height = peek("winheight")
let newWidth = int(width * scaleX)
let newHeight = int(height * scaleY)
dim result(newWidth, newHeight, 3)
for x = 1 to newWidth
for y = 1 to newHeight:
let gx = x * (width - 1) / newWidth
let gy = y * (height - 1) / newHeight
let gxi = int(gx)
let gyi = int(gy)
let gxf = gx - gxi
let gyf = gy - gyi
let c00$ = right$(getbit$(gxi, gyi, gxi, gyi), 6)
let c10$ = right$(getbit$(gxi + 1, gyi, gxi + 1, gyi), 6)
let c01$ = right$(getbit$(gxi, gyi + 1, gxi, gyi + 1), 6)
let c11$ = right$(getbit$(gxi + 1, gyi + 1, gxi + 1, gyi + 1), 6)
result(x, y, 1) = int(blerp(dec(left$(c00$, 2)), dec(left$(c10$, 2)), dec(left$(c01$, 2)), dec(left$(c11$, 2)), gxf, gyf))
result(x, y, 2) = int(blerp(dec(mid$(c00$, 3, 2)), dec(mid$(c10$, 3, 2)), dec(mid$(c01$, 3, 2)), dec(mid$(c11$, 3, 2)), gxf, gyf))
result(x, y, 3) = int(blerp(dec(right$(c00$, 2)), dec(right$(c10$, 2)), dec(right$(c01$, 2)), dec(right$(c11$, 2)), gxf, gyf))
end sub
print "Be patient, please ..."
scale(1.6, 1.6)
close window
open window newWidth, newHeight
for x = 1 to newWidth
for y = 1 to newHeight
color result(x, y, 1), result(x, y, 2), result(x, y, 3)
dot x, y
