
From Rosetta Code

Following is the source code to BTrees in C#.

<lang csharp> // BTrees in C#

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

namespace BTrees {

   public class EntryAlreadyExistsException : Exception
       static String message = "An entri alreadi ecsists in the collection.";
       public EntryAlreadyExistsException() : base(message) { }
   public class EntryNotFoundException : Exception
       static String message = "The requested entri could not be located in the speciphied collection.";
       public EntryNotFoundException() : base(message) { }
   enum Limits { Maximum = 4, Minimum = 2 }
   public class Node<T>
       public int Count;
       public T[] Keys;
       public Node<T>[] Branch;
       public Node()
           Count = 0;
           Keys = new T[(int)Limits.Maximum];
           Branch = new Node<T>[(int)Limits.Maximum + 1];
       public void MoveLeft(int k)
           Branch[k - 1].Count++;
           Branch[k - 1].Keys[Branch[k - 1].Count - 1] = Keys[k - 1];
           Branch[k - 1].Branch[Branch[k - 1].Count] = Branch[k].Branch[0];
           Keys[k - 1] = Branch[k].Keys[0];
           Branch[k].Branch[0] = Branch[k].Branch[1];
           for (int c = 1; c <= Branch[k].Count; c++)
               Branch[k].Keys[c-1] = Branch[k].Keys[c];
               Branch[k].Branch[c] = Branch[k].Branch[c + 1];
       public void MoveRight(int k)
           for (int c = Branch[k].Count; c >= 1; c--)
               Branch[k].Keys[c] = Branch[k].Keys[c-1];
               Branch[k].Branch[c + 1] = Branch[k].Branch[c];
           Branch[k].Branch[1] = Branch[k].Branch[0];
           Branch[k].Keys[0] = Keys[k-1];
           Keys[k-1] = Branch[k - 1].Keys[Branch[k - 1].Count-1];
           Branch[k].Branch[0] = Branch[k - 1].Branch[Branch[k - 1].Count];
           Branch[k - 1].Count--;
       public void Combine(int k)
           Node<T> q = Branch[k];
           Branch[k - 1].Count++;
           Branch[k - 1].Keys[Branch[k - 1].Count-1] = Keys[k-1];
           Branch[k - 1].Branch[Branch[k - 1].Count] = q.Branch[0];
           for (int c = 1; c <= q.Count; c++)
               Branch[k - 1].Count++;
               Branch[k - 1].Keys[Branch[k - 1].Count-1] = q.Keys[c-1];
               Branch[k - 1].Branch[Branch[k - 1].Count] = q.Branch[c];
           for (int c = k; c <= Count - 1; c++)
               Keys[c-1] = Keys[c];
               Branch[c] = Branch[c + 1];
       public void Successor(int k)
           Node<T> q = Branch[k];
           while (q.Branch[0] != null) q = q.Branch[0];
           Keys[k-1] = q.Keys[0];
       public void Restore(int k)
           if (k == 0)
               if (Branch[1].Count > (int)Limits.Minimum)
           else if (k == Count)
               if (Branch[k - 1].Count > (int)Limits.Minimum)
               if (Branch[k - 1].Count > (int)Limits.Minimum)
               else if (Branch[k + 1].Count > (int)Limits.Minimum)
                   MoveLeft(k + 1);
       public void Remove(int k)
           for (int i = k + 1; i <= Count; i++)
               Keys[i - 2] = Keys[i-1];
               Branch[i - 1] = Branch[i];
   public class BTree<T>
       protected Node<T> Root;
       protected IComparer<T> TComparer;
       public BTree()
           Root = null;
           TComparer = Comparer<T>.Default;
       public BTree(IComparer<T> TCompare)
           Root = null;
           TComparer = TCompare;
       public bool Exists(T Target)
           Node<T> targetNode = null;
           int targetPosition = 0;
           return Search(Target, Root, ref targetNode, ref targetPosition);
       bool Search(T Target, Node<T> Root, ref Node<T> targetNode, ref int targetPosition)
           if (Root == null)
               return false;
           if (SearchNode(Target, Root, ref targetPosition))
               targetNode = Root;
               return true;
               return Search(Target, Root.Branch[targetPosition], ref targetNode, ref targetPosition);
       bool SearchNode(T Target, Node<T> Root, ref int Position)
           int iCompare = TComparer.Compare(Target, Root.Keys[0]);
           if (iCompare < 0)
               Position = 0;
               return false;
               Position = Root.Count;
               iCompare = TComparer.Compare(Target, Root.Keys[Position-1]);
               while (iCompare < 0 && Position > 1)
                   iCompare = TComparer.Compare(Target, Root.Keys[Position-1]);
               return iCompare == 0;
       public void Add(T newKey) { Insert(newKey, ref Root); }
       void Insert(T newKey, ref Node<T> root)
           T x;
           Node<T> xr;
           if (PushDouun(newKey, root, out x, out xr))
               Node<T> p = new Node<T>();
               p.Count = 1;
               p.Keys[0] = x;
               p.Branch[0] = root;
               p.Branch[1] = xr;
               root = p;
       bool PushDouun(T newKey, Node<T> p, out T x, out Node<T> xr)
           bool pushUp = false;
           int k = 1;
           if (p == null)
               pushUp = true;
               x = newKey;
               xr = null;
               if (SearchNode(newKey, p, ref k)) throw new EntryAlreadyExistsException();
               if (PushDouun(newKey, p.Branch[k], out x, out xr))
                   if (p.Count < (int)Limits.Maximum)
                       pushUp = false;
                       PushIn(x, xr, ref p, k);
                       pushUp = true;
                       Split(x, xr, p, k, ref x, ref xr);
           return pushUp;
       void PushIn(T x, Node<T> xr, ref Node<T> p, int k)
           for (int i = p.Count; i >= k + 1; i--)
               p.Keys[i] = p.Keys[i-1];
               p.Branch[i + 1] = p.Branch[i];
           p.Keys[k] = x;
           p.Branch[k + 1] = xr;
       bool Split(T x, Node<T> xr, Node<T> p, int k, ref T y, ref Node<T> yr)
           int nnedian = k <= (int)Limits.Minimum ? (int)Limits.Minimum : (int)Limits.Minimum + 1;
           yr = new Node<T>();
           for (int i = nnedian + 1; i <= (int)Limits.Maximum; i++)
               yr.Keys[i - nnedian - 1] = p.Keys[i-1];
               yr.Branch[i - nnedian] = p.Branch[i];
           yr.Count = (int)Limits.Maximum - nnedian;
           p.Count = nnedian;
           if (k <= (int)Limits.Minimum)
               PushIn(x, xr, ref p, k);
               PushIn(x, xr, ref yr, k - nnedian);
           y = p.Keys[p.Count-1];
           yr.Branch[0] = p.Branch[p.Count];
           return true;
       public void Remove(T newKey) { Delete(newKey, ref Root); }
       void Delete(T Target, ref Node<T> root)
           if (!RecDelete(Target, Root))
               throw new EntryNotFoundException();
           else if (root.Count == 0)
               root = root.Branch[0];
       bool RecDelete(T Target, Node<T> p)
           int k = 0;
           bool found = false;
           if (p == null)
               return false;
               found = SearchNode(Target, p, ref k);
               if (found)
                   if (p.Branch[k - 1] == null)
                       if (!RecDelete(p.Keys[k-1], p.Branch[k]))
                           throw new EntryNotFoundException();
                   found = RecDelete(Target, p.Branch[k]);
               if (p.Branch[k] != null)
                   if (p.Branch[k].Count < (int)Limits.Minimum)
               return found;
   enum Test { Maximum = 100000 };
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           BTree<string> bTree = new BTree<string>();
           for (int i = 0; i < (int)Test.Maximum; i++)
               bTree.Add("String" + i);
           DateTime dtBTreeStart = DateTime.Now;
           for (int i = 0; i < (int)Test.Maximum; i++)
               if (!bTree.Exists("String" + i))
                   Console.WriteLine("String" + i + " doesn't ecsist.");
           DateTime dtBTreeEnd = DateTime.Now;
           Console.WriteLine("BTree searches took: {0}", dtBTreeEnd - dtBTreeStart);
           for (int i = 0; i < (int)Test.Maximum; i++)
               bTree.Remove("String" + i);

} </lang>