Bézier curves/Intersections: Difference between revisions

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(→‎C implementation 2: Added gnu::const attributes to try to help an optimizer.)
(Added Icon.)
Line 1,215: Line 1,215:
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.854983, 1.345017)
(-0.854983, 1.345017)


This implementation combines rectangle overlap (as in the Modula-2) and curve flattening (as in one of the C implementations), and tries to arrange the calculations efficiently. I think it may be a new algorithm worth serious consideration. Curve flattening alone requires too many line-segment-intersection checks, but rectangle overlap "prunes the tree".

Furthermore, the algorithm returns <math>t</math>-parameter pairs, which is ideal.

(Icon is a very good language in which to express this algorithm. The problem is few people will know how to read it. :D )

<syntaxhighlight lang="icon">
# This program combines the methods of the 2nd C implementation (which
# by itself is inefficient) with those of the Modula-2 implementation,
# and then rearranges the computations to try to achieve greater
# efficiency.
# The algorithm actually returns t-parameters for two curves, as a
# pair for each intersection point. This is exactly what one might
# want: for instance, to break a font glyph, made from two or more
# other glyphs, into pieces at the points of intersection of all the
# outlines.
# The code below is written to illustrate the algorithm rather than to
# squeeze performance out of Icon. For instance, I use a "set" to
# store the workload, and, when choosing the next workitem-pair to
# work on, do so by random selection. It would be faster, certainly,
# to use an Icon "list", as either a stack or a queue or both.
# It is also possible, of course, to cast the algorithm as a recursive
# procedure.
# References on the s-power basis:
# J. Sánchez-Reyes, ‘The symmetric analogue of the polynomial power
# basis’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 16 no 3, July 1997,
# page 319.
# J. Sánchez-Reyes, ‘Applications of the polynomial s-power basis
# in geometry processing’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol 19
# no 1, January 2000, page 35.

record point (x, y)
record spower (c0, c1, c2)
record curve (x, y)
record workitem (P, t0, t1, pt0, pt1)

$define P_controls [point (-1, 0), point ( 0, 10), point ( 1, 0)]
$define Q_controls [point ( 2, 1), point (-8, 2), point ( 2, 3)]

$define DEFAULT_NUMPIECES 2 # Bisection.

# Tolerance of the ratio of a bound on the non-linear component to the
# length of the segment. I use a max norm but you can use your
# favorite norm.

# For demonstration, I choose a minimum spacing between intersection
# points equal to several times single precision machine epsilon. I
# measure distance using a max norm, but you can use your favorite
# norm.

procedure main ()
local P, Q
local intersections, xsect

P := controls_to_curve ! P_controls
Q := controls_to_curve ! Q_controls

intersections := find_intersections (P, Q)

write ()
write_tabbed_line (" convex up\t" ||
" convex left\t")
every xsect := !intersections do
write_tabbed_line (xsect[1] || "\t(" ||
xsect[2].x || ", " || xsect[2].y || ")\t" ||
xsect[3] || "\t(" ||
xsect[4].x || ", " || xsect[4].y || ")")
write ()

procedure write_tabbed_line (line)
write (detab (line, 18, 56, 74))

procedure find_intersections (P, Q, tol, spacing)
# Return a list of [tP, pointP, tQ, pointQ] for the intersections,
# sorted by tP values.

local workload, ts
local tP, ptP
local tQ, ptQ
local tbl, intersections


workload := initial_workload (P, Q)

tbl := table ()
every ts := process_workload (tol, workload) do
tP := ts[1]; ptP := curve_eval (P, tP)
tQ := ts[2]; ptQ := curve_eval (Q, tQ)
not (max (abs ((!tbl)[2].x - ptP.x),
abs ((!tbl)[2].y - ptP.y)) < spacing) &
not (max (abs ((!tbl)[4].x - ptQ.x),
abs ((!tbl)[4].y - ptQ.y)) < spacing) &
tbl[tP] := [tP, ptP, tQ, ptQ]
tbl := sort (tbl, 1)
every put (intersections := [], (!tbl)[2])
return intersections

procedure process_workload (tol, workload)
# Generate pairs of t-parameters.

local pair, ts

while *workload ~= 0 do
pair := ?workload
delete (workload, pair)
if rectangles_overlap (pair[1].pt0, pair[1].pt1,
pair[2].pt0, pair[2].pt1) then
if flat_enough (tol, pair[1]) then
if flat_enough (tol, pair[2]) then
if ts := segment_parameters (pair[1].pt0, pair[1].pt1,
pair[2].pt0, pair[2].pt1) then
suspend [(1 - ts[1]) * pair[1].t0 + ts[1] * pair[1].t1,
(1 - ts[2]) * pair[2].t0 + ts[2] * pair[2].t1]
every insert (workload, [pair[1],
split_workitem (pair[2])])
if flat_enough (tol, pair[2]) then
every insert (workload, [split_workitem (pair[1]),
every insert (workload, [split_workitem (pair[1]),
split_workitem (pair[2])])

procedure split_workitem (W, num_pieces)
# Split a workitem in pieces and generate the pieces.

local fraction, t1_t0, ts, pts, i

/num_pieces := DEFAULT_NUMPIECES

fraction := 1.0 / num_pieces
t1_t0 := W.t1 - W.t0

every put (ts := [],
W.t0 + (1 to num_pieces - 1) * fraction * t1_t0)
every put (pts := [], curve_eval (W.P, !ts))
ts := [W.t0] ||| ts ||| [W.t1]
pts := [W.pt0] ||| pts ||| [W.pt1]

every i := 1 to *pts - 1 do
suspend (workitem (W.P, ts[i], ts[i + 1], pts[i], pts[i + 1]))

procedure initial_workload (P, Q)
# Create an initial workload set, by breaking P and Q at any extreme
# points.

local workload

every insert (workload := set (), [break_at_extreme_points (P),
break_at_extreme_points (Q)])
return workload

procedure break_at_extreme_points (P)
# Generate workitems for the curve P, after breaking it at any
# extreme points.

local ts, pts, i

ts := [0] ||| sort (curve_extreme_points (P)) ||| [1]
every put (pts := [], curve_eval (P, !ts))
every i := 1 to *pts - 1 do
suspend (workitem (P, ts[i], ts[i + 1], pts[i], pts[i + 1]))

procedure flat_enough (tol, P, t0, t1, pt0, pt1)
# Is the [t0,t1] portion of the curve P flat enough to be treated as
# a straight line between pt0 and pt1, where pt0 and pt1 are the
# endpoints of the portion?

local error, length

# Let flat_enough be called this way, where W is a workitem:
# flat_enough(tol,W)
if /t0 then
pt1 := P.pt1
pt0 := P.pt0
t1 := P.t1
t0 := P.t0
P := P.P

# pt0 and pt1 probably have been computed before and saved, but if
# necessary they could be computed now:
/pt0 := curve_eval (P, t0)
/pt1 := curve_eval (P, t1)

# The degree-2 s-power polynomials are 1-t, t(1-t), t. We want to
# remove the terms in t(1-t). The maximum of t(1-t) is 1/4, reached
# at t=1/2. That accounts for the 1/4=0.25 in the following, which
# uses "max norm" length measurements. (Substitute your favorite
# norm.)
error := 0.25 * max (abs (spower_center_coef (P.x, t0, t1)),
abs (spower_center_coef (P.y, t0, t1)))
length := max (abs (pt1.x - pt0.x), abs (pt1.y - pt0.y))
((error <= length * tol) & return) | fail

procedure curve_eval (P, t)
# Return the point that lies on the curve P at parameter value t.
return point (spower_eval (P.x, t), spower_eval (P.y, t))

procedure curve_extreme_points (P)
# Return a set containing parameter values (values of t) for the
# extreme points of curve P.

local ts

ts := set ()
insert (ts, spower_extreme_point (P.x))
insert (ts, spower_extreme_point (P.y))
return ts

procedure spower_eval (p, t)
# Evaluate the s-power spline p at t.
return (p.c0 + (p.c1 * t)) * (1 - t) + (p.c2 * t)

procedure spower_center_coef (p, t0, t1)
# Return the center coefficient for the [t0,t1] portion of the
# s-power spline p.
if /t1 then { t1 := t0[2]; t0 := t0[1] } # Allow a list as t0.
return p.c1 * ((t1 - t0 - t0) * t1 + (t0 * t0))

procedure spower_extreme_point (p)
# Return t in [0,1] where p is extreme, else fail.

local t

p.c1 = 0 & fail # The spline is linear
p.c0 = p.c2 & return 0.5 # The spline is "pulse-like".

t := (0.5 * (p.c2 + p.c1 - p.c0)) / p.c1 # Root of the derivative.
0 <= t <= 1 & return t

procedure rectangles_overlap (ptA0, ptA1, ptB0, ptB1)
# Do the rectangles with corners at (ptA0,ptA1) and (ptB0,ptB1)
# overlap?
local ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1
local bx0, by0, bx1, by1

ax0 := ptA0.x; ax1 := ptA1.x
bx0 := ptB0.x; bx1 := ptB1.x
if ax1 < ax0 then ax0 :=: ax1
if bx1 < bx0 then bx0 :=: bx1

bx1 < ax0 & fail
ax1 < bx0 & fail

ay0 := ptA0.y; ay1 := ptA1.y
by0 := ptB0.y; by1 := ptB1.y
if ay1 < ay0 then ay0 :=: ay1
if by1 < by0 then by0 :=: by1

by1 < ay0 & fail
ay1 < by0 & fail


procedure segment_parameters (ptA0, ptA1, ptB0, ptB1)
# Return the respective [0,1] parameters of line segments
# (ptA0,ptA1) and (ptB0,ptB1), for their intersection point. Fail if
# there are not such parameters.

local ax0, ax1, ay0, ay1
local bx0, bx1, by0, by1
local ax1_ax0, ay1_ay0
local bx1_bx0, by1_by0
local anumer, bnumer, denom
local tA, tB, x, y

ax0 := ptA0.x; ax1 := ptA1.x
ay0 := ptA0.y; ay1 := ptA1.y
bx0 := ptB0.x; bx1 := ptB1.x
by0 := ptB0.y; by1 := ptB1.y

ax1_ax0 := ax1 - ax0
ay1_ay0 := ay1 - ay0
bx1_bx0 := bx1 - bx0
by1_by0 := by1 - by0

denom := (ax1_ax0 * by1_by0) - (ay1_ay0 * bx1_bx0)

anumer :=
(bx1_bx0 * ay0) - (by1_by0 * ax0) + (bx0 * by1) - (bx1 * by0)
tA := anumer / denom
0 <= tA <= 1 | fail

bnumer :=
-((ax1_ax0 * by0) - (ay1_ay0 * bx0) + (ax0 * ay1) - (ax1 * ay0))
tB := bnumer / denom
0 <= tB <= 1 | fail

return [tA, tB]

procedure controls_to_curve (p0, p1, p2)
# Convert control points to a curve in s-power basis.
return curve (spower (p0.x, (2 * p1.x) - p0.x - p2.x, p2.x),
spower (p0.y, (2 * p1.y) - p0.y - p2.y, p2.y))

procedure abs (x)
return (if x < 0 then -x else x)

procedure max (x, y)
return (if x < y then y else x)

For each estimated intersection point, the program prints out the <math>t</math>-parameters and the corresponding values of the curves.
convex up convex left
0.07250828117 (-0.8549834377, 1.345016607) 0.1725082997 (-0.8549837251, 1.345016599)
0.1594875309 (-0.6810249382, 2.681025168) 0.8405124691 (-0.681025168, 2.681024938)
0.8274917003 (0.6549834005, 2.854983725) 0.9274917188 (0.6549833933, 2.854983438)
0.9405124667 (0.8810249334, 1.118975334) 0.05948753331 (0.8810246662, 1.118975067)
