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{{incorrect|R|Values shouldn't be just accumulated indefinitely: the older is sent away by the arriving of the new one, according to a given period, i.e. max number of values that are kept; check the link in the task for details}}
This is easiest done with two functions: one to handle the state (i.e. the numbers already entered), and one to calculate the average.
<lang R>

Revision as of 11:49, 25 July 2009

Averages/Simple moving average
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Computing the simple moving average of a series of numbers.

Create a stateful function/class/instance that takes a number as argument and returns a simple moving average of its arguments so far.

See also: Standard Deviation


ahk forum: discussion For Integers: <lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % MovingAverage(5,3)  ; 5, averaging length <- 3 MsgBox % MovingAverage(1)  ; 3 MsgBox % MovingAverage(-3)  ; 1 MsgBox % MovingAverage(8)  ; 2 MsgBox % MovingAverage(7)  ; 4

MovingAverage(x,len="") {  ; for integers (faster)

 Static sum:=0, n:=0, m:=10 ; default averaging length = 10
 If (len>"")                ; non-blank 2nd parameter: set length, reset
    sum := n := i := 0, m := len
 If (n < m)                 ; until the buffer is not full
    sum += x, n++           ;   keep summing data
 Else                       ; when buffer is full
    sum += x-v%i%           ;   add new, subtract oldest
 v%i% := x, i := mod(i+1,m) ; remember last m inputs, cycle insertion point
 Return sum/n

}</lang> For floating point numbers: <lang AutoHotkey> MovingAverage(x,len="") {  ; for floating point numbers

 Static n:=0, m:=10         ; default averaging length = 10
 If (len>"")                ; non-blank 2nd parameter: set length, reset
    n := i := 0, m := len
 n += n < m, sum := 0
 v%i% := x, i := mod(i+1,m) ; remember last m inputs, cycle insertion point
 Loop %n%                   ; recompute sum to avoid error accumulation
    j := A_Index-1, sum += v%j%
 Return sum/n



<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdarg.h>

typedef struct sma_obj {

 double sma;
 double sum;
 int period;
 double *values;
 int lv;

} sma_obj_t;

typedef union sma_result {

 sma_obj_t *handle;
 double sma;
 double *values;

} sma_result_t;

enum Action { SMA_NEW, SMA_FREE, SMA_VALUES, SMA_ADD, SMA_MEAN }; sma_result_t sma(enum Action action, ...) {

 va_list vl;
 sma_result_t r;
 sma_obj_t *o;
 double v;
 va_start(vl, action);
 switch(action) {
 case SMA_NEW: // args: int period
   r.handle = malloc(sizeof(sma_obj_t));
   r.handle->sma = 0.0;
   r.handle->period = va_arg(vl, int);
   r.handle->values = malloc(r.handle->period * sizeof(double));
   r.handle->lv = 0;
   r.handle->sum = 0.0;
 case SMA_FREE: // args: sma_obj_t *handle
   r.handle = va_arg(vl, sma_obj_t *);
   r.handle = NULL;
 case SMA_VALUES: // args: sma_obj_t *handle
   o = va_arg(vl, sma_obj_t *);
   r.values = o->values;
 case SMA_MEAN: // args: sma_obj_t *handle
   o = va_arg(vl, sma_obj_t *);
   r.sma = o->sma;
 case SMA_ADD: // args: sma_obj_t *handle, double value
   o = va_arg(vl, sma_obj_t *);
   v = va_arg(vl, double);
   if ( o->lv < o->period ) {
     o->values[o->lv++] = v;
     o->sum += v;
     o->sma = o->sum / o->lv;
   } else {
     o->sum -= o->values[ o->lv % o->period];
     o->sum += v;
     o->sma = o->sum / o->period;
     o->values[ o->lv % o->period ] = v; o->lv++;
   r.sma = o->sma;
 return r;


<lang c>double v[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 };

int main() {

 int i;
 sma_obj_t *h3 = sma(SMA_NEW, 3).handle;
 sma_obj_t *h5 = sma(SMA_NEW, 5).handle;
 for(i=0; i < sizeof(v)/sizeof(double) ; i++) {
   printf("next number %lf, SMA_3 = %lf, SMA_5 = %lf\n",

v[i], sma(SMA_ADD, h3, v[i]).sma, sma(SMA_ADD, h5, v[i]).sma);

 sma(SMA_FREE, h3);
 sma(SMA_FREE, h5);
 return 0;


Common Lisp

This implementation uses a circular list to store the numbers within the window; at the beginning of each iteration pointer refers to the list cell which holds the value just moving out of the window and to be replaced with the just-added value.

<lang lisp>(defun simple-moving-average (period &aux

   (sum 0) (count 0) (values (make-list period)) (pointer values))
 (setf (rest (last values)) values)  ; construct circularity
 (lambda (n)
   (when (first pointer)
     (decf sum (first pointer)))     ; subtract old value
   (incf sum n)                      ; add new value
   (incf count)
   (setf (first pointer) n)
   (setf pointer (rest pointer))     ; advance pointer
   (/ sum (min count period))))</lang>


This implementation produces two (function) objects sharing state. It is idiomatic in E to separate input from output (read from write) rather than combining them into one object.

The structure is the same as the implementation of Standard Deviation#E.

<lang e>pragma.enable("accumulator") def makeMovingAverage(period) {

   def values := ([null] * period).diverge()
   var index := 0
   var count := 0
   def insert(v) {
       values[index] := v
       index := (index + 1) %% period
       count += 1
   /** Returns the simple moving average of the inputs so far, or null if there
       have been no inputs. */
   def average() {
       if (count > 0) {
           return accum 0 for x :notNull in values { _ + x } / count.min(period)
   return [insert, average]


<lang e>? for period in [3, 5] { > def [insert, average] := makeMovingAverage(period) > println(`Period $period:`) > for value in [1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1] { > insert(value) > println(value, "\t", average()) > } > println() > } 0.0 1.0 0.9428090415820626 0.8660254037844386 0.9797958971132716 1.0 1.3997084244475297 2.0</lang>


<lang forth>

f+! ( f addr -- ) dup f@ f+ f! ;
,f0s ( n -- ) falign 0 do 0e f, loop ;
period @ ;
used cell+ ;
head 2 cells + ;
sum 3 cells + faligned ;
ring ( addr -- faddr )
 dup sum float+ swap head @ floats + ;
update ( fvalue addr -- addr )
      dup ring f@ fnegate dup sum f+!
 fdup dup ring f!         dup sum f+!
 dup head @ 1+  over period mod  over head ! ;
 create ( period -- ) dup , 0 , 0 , 1+ ,f0s
 does>  ( fvalue -- avg )
   dup used @ over period < if 1 over used +! then
   dup sum f@ used @ 0 d>f f/ ;

3 moving-average sma 1e sma f. \ 1. 2e sma f. \ 1.5 3e sma f. \ 2. 4e sma f. \ 3. </lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>program Movavg

 implicit none
 integer :: i
 write (*, "(a)") "SIMPLE MOVING AVERAGE: PERIOD = 3"
 do i = 1, 5
   write (*, "(a, i2, a, f8.6)") "Next number:", i, "   sma = ", sma(real(i))
 end do
 do i = 5, 1, -1
   write (*, "(a, i2, a, f8.6)") "Next number:", i, "   sma = ", sma(real(i))
 end do 


function sma(n)

 real :: sma
 real, intent(in) :: n
 real, save :: a(3) = 0
 integer, save :: count = 0
 if (count < 3) then
   count = count + 1
   a(count) = n
   a = eoshift(a, 1, n)
 end if
 sma = sum(a(1:count)) / real(count)

end function

end program Movavg </lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import java.util.LinkedList; public class MovingAverage {

   LinkedList<Double> window;
   private int size;
   public MovingAverage(int size) {
       window = new LinkedList<Double>();
       this.size = size;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       double[] testData = {1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1};
       int[] windowSizes = {3,5};
       for(int windSize : windowSizes){
           MovingAverage ma = new MovingAverage(windSize);
           for (double x : testData) {
   public void newNum(double num) {
       if (window.size() > size) {
   public double getAvg() {
       if (window.isEmpty()) return 0;
       double ret = 0;
       double sum = 0;
       for (double num : window) {
          sum += num;
       return sum / Math.min(window.size(), size);

}</lang> Output:




<lang perl>sub sma ($)

{my ($period, $sum, @a) = shift, 0;
 return sub
    {unshift @a, shift;
     $sum += $a[0];
     @a > $period and $sum -= pop @a;
     return $sum / @a;}}</lang>


Works with: Python version 3.x

<lang python>def simplemovingaverage(period):

   assert period == int(period) and period > 0, "Period must be an integer >0"
   summ = n = 0.0
   values = [0.0] * period     # old value queue
   def sma(x):
       nonlocal summ, n, values
       n += 1
       values.insert(0, x)
       summ += x - values.pop()
       n = n if n <= period else period
       return summ / n
   return sma

if __name__ == '__main__':

   for period in [3, 5]:
       print ("\nSIMPLE MOVING AVERAGE: PERIOD =", period)
       sma = simplemovingaverage(period)
       for i in range(1,6):
           print ("  Next number = %-2g, SMA = %g " % (i, sma(i)))
       for i in range(5, 0, -1):
           print ("  Next number = %-2g, SMA = %g " % (i, sma(i)))</lang>

Sample output

  Next number = 1 , SMA = 1 
  Next number = 2 , SMA = 1.5 
  Next number = 3 , SMA = 2 
  Next number = 4 , SMA = 3 
  Next number = 5 , SMA = 4 
  Next number = 5 , SMA = 4.66667 
  Next number = 4 , SMA = 4.66667 
  Next number = 3 , SMA = 4 
  Next number = 2 , SMA = 3 
  Next number = 1 , SMA = 2 

  Next number = 1 , SMA = 1 
  Next number = 2 , SMA = 1.5 
  Next number = 3 , SMA = 2 
  Next number = 4 , SMA = 2.5 
  Next number = 5 , SMA = 3 
  Next number = 5 , SMA = 3.8 
  Next number = 4 , SMA = 4.2 
  Next number = 3 , SMA = 4.2 
  Next number = 2 , SMA = 3.8 
  Next number = 1 , SMA = 3 


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Values shouldn't be just accumulated indefinitely: the older is sent away by the arriving of the new one, according to a given period, i.e. max number of values that are kept; check the link in the task for details

This is easiest done with two functions: one to handle the state (i.e. the numbers already entered), and one to calculate the average. <lang R>

  1. concat concatenates the new values to the existing vector of values.
concat <- local({values <- c(); function(x){values <<- c(values, x)}})
  1. moving.average accepts an arbitrary number of numeric inputs (scalars, vectors, matrices, arrays) and calculates the stateful moving average.
moving.average <- function(...)
  #Flatten input variables
  newvalues <- unlist(list(...), use.names=FALSE)
  #Check that all inputs are numeric
     stop("all arguments must be numeric")
  #Calculate mean of variables so far  
moving.average(1,2,3) # 2
moving.average(4,5,6) # 3.5
moving.average(7:9) # 5
moving.average(matrix(1:12, ncol=3)) # 5.857143



A closure: <lang ruby>def simple_moving_average(size)

 nums = []
 sum = 0.0
 lambda do |hello|
   nums << hello
   goodbye = nums.length > size ? nums.shift : 0
   sum += hello - goodbye
   sum / nums.length


ma3 = simple_moving_average(3) ma5 = simple_moving_average(5)

(1.upto(5).to_a + 5.downto(1).to_a).each do |num|

 printf "Next number = %d, SMA_3 = %.3f, SMA_5 = %.1f\n", 
   num, ma3.call(num), ma5.call(num)


A class <lang ruby>class MovingAverager

 def initialize(size)
   @size = size
   @nums = []
   @sum = 0.0
 def <<(hello)
   @nums << hello
   goodbye = @nums.length > @size ? @nums.shift : 0
   @sum += hello - goodbye
 def average
   @sum / @nums.length
 alias to_f average
 def to_s


ma3 = MovingAverager.new(3) ma5 = MovingAverager.new(5)

(1.upto(5).to_a + 5.downto(1).to_a).each do |num|

 printf "Next number = %d, SMA_3 = %.3f, SMA_5 = %.1f\n", 
   num, ma3 << num, ma5 <<num



Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>Object subclass: MovingAverage [

   |valueCollection period collectedNumber sum|
   MovingAverage class >> newWithPeriod: thePeriod [

|r| r := super basicNew. ^ r initWithPeriod: thePeriod

   initWithPeriod: thePeriod [
   	valueCollection := OrderedCollection new: thePeriod.

period := thePeriod. collectedNumber := 0. sum := 0

   sma [   collectedNumber < period
           ifTrue: [ ^ sum / collectedNumber ]
           ifFalse: [ ^ sum / period ] ]
   add: value [
       collectedNumber < period
  	ifTrue: [

sum := sum + value. valueCollection add: value. collectedNumber := collectedNumber + 1. ] ifFalse: [ sum := sum - (valueCollection removeFirst). sum := sum + value. valueCollection add: value ]. ^ self sma



<lang smalltalk>|sma3 sma5|

sma3 := MovingAverage newWithPeriod: 3. sma5 := MovingAverage newWithPeriod: 5.

  1. ( 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 ) do: [ :v |
 ('Next number %1, SMA_3 = %2, SMA_5 = %3' % {
        v . (sma3 add: v) asFloat . (sma5 add: v) asFloat
   }) displayNl



Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>oo::class create SimpleMovingAverage {

   variable vals idx
   constructor Template:Period 3 {
       set idx end-[expr {$period-1}]
       set vals {}
   method val x {
       set vals [lrange [list {*}$vals $x] $idx end]
       expr {[tcl::mathop::+ {*}$vals]/double([llength $vals])}

}</lang> Demonstration: <lang tcl>SimpleMovingAverage create averager3 SimpleMovingAverage create averager5 5 foreach n {1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1} {

   puts "Next number = $n, SMA_3 = [averager3 val $n], SMA_5 = [averager5 val $n]"

}</lang> Output:

Next number = 1, SMA_3 = 1.0, SMA_5 = 1.0
Next number = 2, SMA_3 = 1.5, SMA_5 = 1.5
Next number = 3, SMA_3 = 2.0, SMA_5 = 2.0
Next number = 4, SMA_3 = 3.0, SMA_5 = 2.5
Next number = 5, SMA_3 = 4.0, SMA_5 = 3.0
Next number = 5, SMA_3 = 4.666666666666667, SMA_5 = 3.8
Next number = 4, SMA_3 = 4.666666666666667, SMA_5 = 4.2
Next number = 3, SMA_3 = 4.0, SMA_5 = 4.2
Next number = 2, SMA_3 = 3.0, SMA_5 = 3.8
Next number = 1, SMA_3 = 2.0, SMA_5 = 3.0