Audio frequency generator: Difference between revisions

Initial submission for Audio Frequency Generator in FutureBasic
(Added FreeBASIC)
(Initial submission for Audio Frequency Generator in FutureBasic)
Line 151:
Using the free FutureBasic IDE, this code compiles as a stand-alone Macintosh Audio Frequency Generator.
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
include "Tlbx AVKit.incl"
_window = 1
begin enum 1
end enum
void local fn FixViews
select ( fn ButtonState( _playBtn ) )
case NSControlStateValueOn
slider _freqSlider, YES
textfield _freqFld, YES
slider _ampSlider, YES
textfield _ampFld, YES
case NSControlStateValueOff
slider _freqSlider, NO
textfield _freqFld, NO
slider _ampSlider, NO
textfield _ampFld, NO
end select
end fn
void local fn BuildWindow
window _window, @“Audio Frequency Generator”, (0,0,455,193), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
textlabel _freqLabel, @"Frequency:", (18,158,63,14)
ControlSetSize( _freqLabel, NSControlSizeSmall )
slider _freqSlider,, 441, (87,151,266,22), 20, 7400,, _window
ControlSetSize( _freqSlider, NSControlSizeSmall )
ControlSetContinuous( _freqSlider, YES )
textfield _freqFld,, @"1000.0", (361,156,55,19)
ControlSetSize( _freqFld, NSControlSizeSmall )
ControlSetAlignment( _freqFld, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetFormat( _freqFld, @"0123456789.", YES, 0, 7 )
textlabel _hzLabel, @"Hz", (418,158,19,14)
ControlSetSize( _hzLabel, NSControlSizeSmall )
textlabel _ampLabel, @"Amplitude:", (18,106,63,14)
ControlSetSize( _ampLabel, NSControlSizeSmall )
slider _ampSlider,, 0.2, (87,100,266,22), 0, 1 , 11
ControlSetSize( _ampSlider, NSControlSizeSmall )
ControlSetContinuous( _ampSlider, YES )
textfield _ampFld,, @"0.20", (361,104,55,19)
ControlSetSize( _ampFld, NSControlSizeSmall )
ControlSetAlignment( _ampFld, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetFormat( _ampFld, @"0123456789.", YES, 0, 7 )
textlabel _infoFld,, (20,15,400,76), _window
ControlSetAlignment( _infoFld, NSTextAlignmentLeft )
button _playBtn,YES,NSControlStateValueOff, @"Play tone", (345,18,91,24), NSButtonTypeMomentaryLight, NSBezelStyleRegularSquare, _window
fn FixViews
end fn
void local fn PlayFrequency( frequency as float, amplitude as float )
AVAudioEngineRef audioEngine = fn AVAudioEngineInit
AppSetProperty( @"engine", audioEngine )
AVAudioPlayerNodeRef player = fn AVAudioPlayerNodeInit
AppSetProperty( @"player", player )
AVAudioMixerNodeRef mixer = fn AVAudioEngineMainMixerNode( audioEngine )
float sampleRate = fn AVAudioFormatSampleRate( fn AVAudioNodeOutputFormatForBus( mixer, 0 ) )
AVAudioFrameCount frameBufferLength = fn floorf(sampleRate / frequency) * 1
AVAudioPCMBufferRef buffer = fn AVAudioPCMBufferWithFormat( fn AVAudioNodeOutputFormatForBus( player, 0 ), frameBufferLength )
AVAudioPCMBufferSetFrameLength( buffer, frameBufferLength )
NSInteger channelCount = fn AVAudioFormatChannelCount( fn AVAudioNodeOutputFormatForBus( mixer, 0 ) )
AVAudioFrameCount frameLength = fn AVAudioPCMBufferFrameLength(buffer)
CFStringRef infoStr = fn StringWithFormat( @"%ld channels\nfrequency = %.1f Hz amplitude = %.2f\nsample rate = %.1f frame length = %u", channelCount, frequency, amplitude, sampleRate, frameLength )
ControlSetStringValue( _infoFld, infoStr )
ptr p = (ptr)fn AVAudioPCMBufferFloatChannelData(buffer)
xref floatChannelData(100) as ^float
floatChannelData = p
long i, channelNumber
float theta, value
^float channelBuffer
for i = 0 to frameLength - 1
theta = frequency * i * 2.0 * M_PI / sampleRate
value = fn sinf(theta)
for channelNumber = 0 to channelCount - 1
channelBuffer = floatChannelData(channelNumber)
cln channelBuffer[i] = value * amplitude;
AVAudioEngineAttachNode( audioEngine, player )
AVAudioEngineConnect( audioEngine, player, mixer, fn AVAudioNodeOutputFormatForBus( player, 0 ) )
fn AVAudioEngineStart( audioEngine, NULL )
AVAudioPlayerNodePlay( player )
AVAudioPlayerNodeScheduleBufferAtTime( player, buffer, NULL, AVAudioPlayerNodeBufferLoops, NULL, NULL )
end fn
void local fn PlayStopAction
AVAudioPlayerNodeRef player
select ( fn ButtonState( _playBtn ) )
case NSControlStateValueOn
ButtonSetTitle( _playBtn, @"Stop tone" )
fn PlayFrequency( fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqFld), fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampFld) )
case NSControlStateValueOff
player = fn AppProperty( @"player" )
AVAudioPlayerNodeStop( player )
ButtonSetTitle( _playBtn, @"Play tone" )
end select
fn FixViews
end fn
local fn StopPlayer
AVAudioPlayerNodeRef player
player = fn AppProperty( @"player" )
AVAudioPlayerNodeStop( player )
end fn
local fn AdjustFrequency
fn StopPlayer
double frequency = fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqSlider)
CFStringRef freqStr = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.1f", frequency )
ControlSetStringValue(_freqFld, freqStr )
fn PlayFrequency( fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqFld), fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampFld) )
end fn
local fn AdjustAmplitude
fn StopPlayer
double amplitude = fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampSlider)
CFStringRef ampStr = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.2f", amplitude )
ControlSetStringValue(_ampFld, ampStr )
fn PlayFrequency( fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqFld), fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampFld) )
end fn
local fn UserFrequency
double frequency = fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqFld)
fn StopPlayer
if ( ( frequency < 20.0 ) or ( frequency > 7400.0 ) )
alert 1, NSAlertStyleWarning, @"Frequency must be between 20.0 Hz and 7400.0 Hz.", @"Please enter value in range.", @"Okay", YES
CFStringRef freqStr = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.1f", frequency )
ControlSetStringValue(_freqFld, freqStr )
ControlSetDoubleValue( _freqSlider, frequency )
fn PlayFrequency( fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqFld), fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampFld) )
end if
end fn
local fn UserAmplitude
double amplitude = fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampFld)
fn StopPlayer
if ( amplitude > 1.0 )
alert 1, NSAlertStyleWarning, @"Amplitude (volume) must be between 0.0 (silent) and 1.0 (max volume).", @"Please enter value in range.", @"Okay", YES
ControlSetDoubleValue(_ampSlider, amplitude)
CFStringRef ampStr = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.2f", amplitude )
ControlSetStringValue(_ampFld, ampStr )
fn PlayFrequency( fn ControlDoubleValue(_freqFld), fn ControlDoubleValue(_ampFld) )
end if
end fn
void local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long )
select ( ev )
case _btnClick
select ( tag )
case _freqSlider : fn AdjustFrequency
case _ampSlider : fn AdjustAmplitude
case _playBtn : fn PlayStopAction
end select
case _controlTextDidEndEditing
select ( tag )
case _freqFld : fn UserFrequency
case _ampFld : fn UserAmplitude
end select
case _windowWillClose : end
end select
end fn
fn BuildWindow
on dialog fn DoDialog
[[file:Audio Frequency Generator FB.png]]
