Arithmetic evaluation/REXX
This REXX program is the same as the REXX program on the Rosetta Code task Arithmetic evaluation,
but this version contains considerably more whitespace, and some REXX statements have more commentation.
<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm evaluates an infix-type arithmetic expression & shows result.*/
nchars = '0123456789.eEdDqQ' /*possible parts of a #, sans ± */ e= '***error!***' $= ' ' doubleOps = '&|*/' z=
parse arg x 1 ox1 if x= then call serr 'no input was specified.'
x=space(x) L=length(x) x=translate(x, '()()', "[]{}")
/* [↓] the variable J is bumped */ do forever /* within the DO loop below */ j=j+1 /* [↑] so it can't be an index. */
if j>L then leave /*is J pointer beyond length X ? */
_ = substr(x,j,1) /*pick off a single character. */ _2 = getX() newT = pos(_, ' ()[]{}^÷')\==0
if newT then do z=z _ $ iterate end
possDouble=pos(_,doubleOps)\==0 /*is _ a possible double operator*/
if possDouble then do /*is this a possible double oper?*/
if _2==_ then do /*yup, it's one of 'em.*/ _=_ || _ /*use a double operator*/ x=overlay($,x,Nj) /*blank out the*/ end /* 2nd symbol.*/ z=z _ $ iterate end
if _=='+' | _=="-" then do p_=word(z, words(z)) /*last Z token.*/
if p_=='(' then z=z 0 /*handle unary ±.*/
z=z _ $ iterate /*forever*/ end lets=0 sigs=0 #=_
do j=j+1 to L /*build a valid number. */ _=substr(x,j,1) /* [↓] short-circuit IF.*/
if lets==1 & sigs==0 then if _=='+' | _=='-' then do sigs=1 #=# || _ iterate end if pos(_, nchars)==0 then leave
lets=lets+datatype(_, 'M') /*keep track of #exponents.*/ #=# || translate(_, 'EEEEE', 'eDdQq') /*keep building #.*/ end /*j*/
if \datatype(#, 'N') then call serr 'invalid number: ' #
z=z # $ end /*forever*/
if _=='+' | _=='-' then z=0 z /*be able to handle unary cases. */
x='(' space(z) ') ' tokens=words(x) /*force stacking for expression. */
do i=1 for tokens /*assign input tokens to @ array.*/ @.i=word(x, i) end /*i*/
L=max(20, length(x)) /*use 20 for the min show width. */ op = ')(-+/*^' rOp= substr(op, 3) p. = s. = n = length(op) epr= stack=
do i=1 for n _= substr(op,i,1) s._= (i+1) % 2 p._= s._ + (i==n) end /*i*/
/*[↓] assign operator priorities.*/ do #=1 for tokens /*process each token from @. list*/ ? = @.#
if ?=='**' then ?="^" /*change─►REXX-type exponentation*/
select /*@.# is: (, operator, ), operand*/ when ?=='(' then stack='(' stack
when isOp(?) then do /*is token an operator?*/ !=word(stack,1) /*get token from stack.*/
do while !\==')' & s.!>=p.? epr=epr ! /*add it to expression.*/ stack=subword(stack,2) /*del token from stack.*/ !=word(stack,1) /*get token from stack.*/ end /*while ···)*/
stack=? stack /*add token to stack.*/ end
when ?==')' then do /*is token a group sep?*/ !=word(stack,1) /*get token from stack.*/
do while !\=='(' epr=epr ! /*add it to expression.*/ stack=subword(stack, 2) /*del token from stack.*/ !=word(stack, 1) /*get token from stack.*/ end /*while ···( */
stack=subword(stack, 2) /*del token from stack.*/ end
otherwise epr=epr ? /*add operand to epr. */ end /*select*/
end /*#*/
epr=space(epr stack) tokens=words(epr) x=epr z= stack=
do i=1 for tokens /*assign input tokens. */ @.i=word(epr,i) end /*i*/
dop= '/ // % ÷' /*division operands, all forms. */ bop= '& | &&' /*binary (or logical) operands. */ aop= '- + * ^ **' dop bop /*all forms of arithmetic opers. */ lop=aop '||' /*arithmetic ops + legal operands*/
do #=1 for tokens /*process each token from @. list*/ ? = @.# ?? = ? w=words(stack) /*the number of entries in stack.*/ b=word(stack, max(1, w)) /*B: is the last stack entry. */ a=word(stack, max(1, w-1)) /*the stack's "first" operand. */ division =wordpos(?, dop)\==0 /*a flag for: doing a division. */ arith =wordpos(?, aop)\==0 /*" " " " arithmetic. */ bitOp =wordpos(?, bop)\==0 /*" " " " binary math.*/
if datatype(?,'N') then do stack=stack ? iterate end
if wordpos(?,lop)==0 then do z=e 'illegal operator:' ? leave end if w<2 then do z=e 'illegal epr expression.' leave end if ?=='^' then ??="**" /*REXXify ^ ──► ** (make legal)*/
if ?=='÷' then ??="/" /*REXXify ÷ ──► / (make legal)*/
if division & b=0 then do z=e 'division by zero: ' b leave end
if bitOp & \isBit(a) then do z=e "token isn't logical: " a leave end
if bitOp & \isBit(b) then do z=e "token isn't logical: " b leave end
select /*perform arith. operation*/ when ??=='+' then y = a + b when ??=='-' then y = a - b when ??=='*' then y = a * b when ??=='/' | ??=="÷" then y = a / b when ??=='//' then y = a // b when ??=='%' then y = a % b when ??=='^' | ??=="**" then y = a ** b when ??=='||' then y = a || b
otherwise z=e 'invalid operator:' ? leave end /*select*/
if datatype(y,'W') then y=y/1 /*normalize number with ÷ by 1.*/
_=subword(stack, 1, w-2) stack=_ y /*rebuild the stack with answer. */ end /*#*/
if word(z,1)==e then stack= /*handle special case of errors. */
z=space(z stack) /*append any residual entries. */ say 'answer──►' z /*display the answer (result). */ parse source upper . how . /*invoked via C.L. or REXX pgm?*/
if how=='COMMAND' | ,
\datatype(z,'W') then exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
return z /*return Z ──► invoker (RESULT).*/
/*──────────────────────────────────ISBIT subroutine────────────────────*/
isBit: return arg(1)==0 | arg(1)==1 /*returns 1 if arg1 is bin bit.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────ISOP subroutine─────────────────────*/
isOp: return pos(arg(1), rOp)\==0 /*is argument1 a "real" operator?*/
/*──────────────────────────────────SERR subroutine─────────────────────*/
serr: say; say e arg(1); say; exit 13 /*issue an error message with txt*/
/*──────────────────────────────────GETX subroutine─────────────────────*/
getX: do Nj=j+1 to length(x)
_n=substr(x, Nj, 1) if _n==$ then iterate /*$ variable contains one blank.*/ return substr(x, Nj, 1) /*ignore any blanks in the string*/ end /*Nj*/
return $ /*reached end-of-tokens, return $*/</lang>
execution is identical to the condensed version on the main Rosetta Code task page.