Anti-primes: Difference between revisions

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(Add Maple implementation)
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<pre>The first 20 anti-primes are:
1 2 4 6 12 24 36 48 60 120 180 240 360 720 840 1260 1680 2520 5040 7560</pre>
<lang erlang>divcount(N) -> divcount(N, 1, 0).
divcount(N, D, Count) when D*D > N -> Count;
divcount(N, D, Count) ->
Divs = case N rem D of
0 ->
case N - D*D of
0 -> 1;
_ -> 2
_ -> 0
divcount(N, D + 1, Count + Divs).
antiprimes(N) -> antiprimes(N, 1, 0, []).
antiprimes(0, _, _, L) -> lists:reverse(L);
antiprimes(N, M, Max, L) ->
Count = divcount(M),
case Count > Max of
true -> antiprimes(N-1, M+1, Count, [M|L]);
false -> antiprimes(N, M+1, Max, L)
main(_) ->
io:format("The first 20 anti-primes are ~w~n", [antiprimes(20)]).
The first 20 anti-primes are [1,2,4,6,12,24,36,48,60,120,180,240,360,720,840,1260,1680,2520,5040,7560]
