Angle difference between two bearings: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX language.)
Line 167:
-45 ∠ 125 = 170
-45 ∠ 145 = -170</pre>
<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates the difference between 2 angles (degrees), normalizes the result. */
call show 20, 45 /*display the angular difference (deg).*/
call show -45, 45 /* " " " " " */
call show -85, 90 /* " " " " " */
call show -95, 90 /* " " " " " */
call show -45, 125 /* " " " " " */
call show -45, 145 /* " " " " " */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
show: procedure; parse arg a,b; $='º' /*obtain the 2 angles (are in degrees).*/
say right(a,5)$ ' -'right(b,5)$ ' ───► 'right(((((b-a)//360)+540)//360)-180, 5)$
return d /* [↑] display the angular difference.*/</lang>
20º - 45º ───► 25º
-45º - 45º ───► 90º
-85º - 90º ───► 175º
-95º - 90º ───► -175º
-45º - 125º ───► 170º
-45º - 145º ───► -170º

Revision as of 22:52, 17 December 2016

Angle difference between two bearings is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Finding the angle between two bearings is often confusing.[1]


We need to find the angle which is the result of the subtraction b2-b1, where b1 and b2 are both bearings. The result must be expressed in the range +180 to -180 degrees. Compute the angle for the following pairs:

  • 20 degrees (b1) and 45 degrees (b2)
  • -45 and 45
  • -85 and 90
  • -95 and 90
  • -45 and 125
  • -45 and 145


<lang javascript>#include <cmath>

  1. include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double getDifference(double b1, double b2) { double val = std::min((b1-b2)<0?b1-b2+360:b1-b2, (b2-b1)<0?b2-b1+360:b2-b1); if (val > M_PI) val -= 2*M_PI; return val; }

int main() { const double deg2rad = M_PI/180.0; const double rad2deg = 180.0/M_PI; cout << getDifference(20.0*deg2rad, 45.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg << endl; cout << getDifference(-45.0*deg2rad, 45.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg << endl; cout << getDifference(-85.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg << endl; cout << getDifference(-95.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg << endl; cout << getDifference(-45.0*deg2rad, 125.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg << endl; cout << getDifference(-45.0*deg2rad, 145.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg << endl; return 0; } </lang>




This approach should be reliable but it is also very inefficient.

<lang javascript>function relativeBearing(b1Rad, b2Rad) { b1y = Math.cos(b1Rad); b1x = Math.sin(b1Rad); b2y = Math.cos(b2Rad); b2x = Math.sin(b2Rad); crossp = b1y * b2x - b2y * b1x; dotp = b1x * b2x + b1y * b2y; if(crossp > 0.) return Math.acos(dotp); return -Math.acos(dotp); }

function test() { var deg2rad = 3.14159265/180.0; var rad2deg = 180.0/3.14159265; return relativeBearing(20.0*deg2rad, 45.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-45.0*deg2rad, 45.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-85.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-95.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-45.0*deg2rad, 125.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-45.0*deg2rad, 145.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n"; }</lang>



<lang JavaScript>(() => {

       [Pi, sin, cos, acos] =
       ['PI', 'sin', 'cos', 'acos']
       .map(k => Math[k]),
       degRad = x => Pi * x / 180.0,
       radDeg = x => 180.0 * x / Pi;

   // relBearing :: Radians -> Radians -> Radians
   const relBearing = (ar, br) => {
           [ax, ay] = [sin(ar), cos(ar)],
           [bx, by] = [sin(br), cos(br)],
           // Cross-product > 0 ?
           sign = ((ay * bx) - (by * ax)) > 0 ? +1 : -1;
       // Sign * dot-product
       return sign * acos((ax * bx) + (ay * by));
   // TEST
   // justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> Text -> Text
   const justifyRight = (n, cFiller, strText) =>
       n > strText.length ? (
           (cFiller.repeat(n) + strText)
       ) : strText;

   // showMap :: Degrees -> Degrees -> String
   const showMap = (da, db) =>
       justifyRight(6, ' ', `${da}° +`) +
       justifyRight(11, ' ',` ${db}°  ->  `) +
       justifyRight(7, ' ', `${(radDeg(relBearing(degRad(da), degRad(db))))
   return [
           [20, 45],
           [-45, 45],
           [-85, 90],
           [-95, 90],
           [-45, 125],
           [-45, 145]
       ].map(xy => showMap(...xy))


 20° +  45°  ->   25.00°
-45° +  45°  ->   90.00°
-85° +  90°  ->   175.0°
-95° +  90°  ->  -175.0°
-45° + 125°  ->   170.0°
-45° + 145°  ->  -170.0°

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.11

<lang perl6>sub infix:<∠> (Int $b1, Int $b2) {

  (my $b = ($b2 - $b1 + 720) % 360) > 180 ?? $b - 360 !! $b;



for 20, 45,

  -45, 45,
  -85, 90,
  -95, 90,
  -45, 125,
  -45, 145
 -> $b1, $b2 { say "$b1 ∠ $b2 = ", $b1 ∠ $b2 }</lang>
20 ∠ 45 = 25
-45 ∠ 45 = 90
-85 ∠ 90 = 175
-95 ∠ 90 = -175
-45 ∠ 125 = 170
-45 ∠ 145 = -170


<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates the difference between 2 angles (degrees), normalizes the result. */ call show 20, 45 /*display the angular difference (deg).*/ call show -45, 45 /* " " " " " */ call show -85, 90 /* " " " " " */ call show -95, 90 /* " " " " " */ call show -45, 125 /* " " " " " */ call show -45, 145 /* " " " " " */ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ show: procedure; parse arg a,b; $='º' /*obtain the 2 angles (are in degrees).*/

     say right(a,5)$   ' -'right(b,5)$   ' ───► 'right(((((b-a)//360)+540)//360)-180, 5)$
     return d                                   /* [↑]  display the angular difference.*/</lang>


   20º  -   45º  ───►    25º
  -45º  -   45º  ───►    90º
  -85º  -   90º  ───►   175º
  -95º  -   90º  ───►  -175º
  -45º  -  125º  ───►   170º
  -45º  -  145º  ───►  -170º


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang zkl>fcn bearingAngleDiff(b1,b2){ // -->Float, b1,b2 can be int or float

 ( (b:=(0.0 + b2 - b1 + 720)%360) > 180 ) and b - 360 or b;

}</lang> <lang zkl>T( 20,45, -45,45, -85,90, -95,90, -45,125, -45,145 ) .pump(Console.println,Void.Read,

     fcn(b1,b2){ "%.1f\UB0; + %.1f\UB0; = %.1f\UB0;"
                 .fmt(b1,b2,bearingAngleDiff(b1,b2)) });</lang>
20.0° + 45.0° = 25.0°
-45.0° + 45.0° = 90.0°
-85.0° + 90.0° = 175.0°
-95.0° + 90.0° = -175.0°
-45.0° + 125.0° = 170.0°
-45.0° + 145.0° = -170.0°
