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Example uses the [ <tt>ldap-client]</tt>] package:
<lang haskell>

Revision as of 20:57, 9 April 2018

Active Directory/Search for a user
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Make sure you Connect to Active Directory


<lang C>#include <ldap.h>

char *name, *password; ...

LDAP *ld = ldap_init("", 389); ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, name, password);

LDAPMessage **result; ldap_search_s(ld, "dc=somewhere,dc=com", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, /* search for all persons whose names start with joe or shmoe */ "(&(objectclass=person)(|(cn=joe*)(cn=shmoe*)))", NULL, /* return all attributes */ 0, /* want both types and values of attrs */ result); /* ldap will allocate room for return messages */

/* arduously do stuff here to result, with ldap_first_message(), ldap_parse_result(), etc. */

ldap_msgfree(*result); /* free messages */ ldap_unbind(ld); /* disconnect */</lang>


Based on dopenldap. <lang d> import openldap; import std.stdio;

void main() {

 // connect to server
 auto ldap = LDAP("ldap://localhost");
 // search for uid
 auto r = ldap.search_s("dc=example,dc=com", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%s)".format("test"));
 // show properties
 writeln("Found dn: %s", r[0].dn);
 foreach(k, v; r[0].entry)
   writeln("%s = %s", k, v);
 // bind on found entry
 int b = ldap.bind_s(r[0].dn, "password");
 scope(exit) ldap.unbind;
 if (b)
   writeln("error on binding");
 // do something

} </lang>


Eiffel does not have the notion of "return", but "Result". A consequence of this is that Eiffel routines are Single-entry-Single-exit, which means less bugs. In the example (below), the Result is of type BOOLEAN.

Moreover, strings in Eiffel are objects and cannot be directly passed to the Windows OS. As such, they need to undergo a format change through the facilities of a WEL_STRING, which makes the appropriate structure conversion. <lang Eiffel> feature -- Validation

is_user_credential_valid (a_domain, a_username, a_password: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is the pair `a_username'/`a_password' a valid credential in `a_domain'? local l_domain, l_username, l_password: WEL_STRING do create l_domain.make (a_domain) create l_username.make (a_username) create l_password.make (a_password) Result := cwel_is_credential_valid (l_domain.item, l_username.item, l_password.item) end </lang>

Because Active Directory is a Windows OS facility, in Eiffel we must use the WEL (Windows Eiffel Library) components. Thus, the code above is not cross-platform. Moreover, the call to `cwel_is_credential_valid' is shown below:

<lang Eiffel> cwel_is_credential_valid (a_domain, a_username, a_password: POINTER): BOOLEAN external "C inline use %"wel_user_validation.h%"" alias "return cwel_is_credential_valid ((LPTSTR) $a_domain, (LPTSTR) $a_username, (LPTSTR) $a_password);" end </lang>


Example uses the ldap-client package:

<lang haskell> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main (main) where

import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text (encodeUtf8) import Ldap.Client (Attr(..), Filter(..)) import qualified Ldap.Client as Ldap (Dn(..), Host(..), search, with, typesOnly)

main :: IO () main = do

   entries <- Ldap.with (Ldap.Plain "localhost") 389 $ \ldap -> ldap (Ldap.Dn "") (Ldap.typesOnly True) (Attr "uid" := Text.encodeUtf8 "user") []
   for_ entries $ \entry ->
       print entry



The following code uses the Apache Directory project, version 1.0.0.

<lang java>import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;

public class LdapSearchDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, LdapException, CursorException {
       new LdapSearchDemo().demonstrateSearch();
   private void demonstrateSearch() throws IOException, LdapException, CursorException {
       try (LdapConnection conn = new LdapNetworkConnection("localhost", 11389)) {
           conn.bind("uid=admin,ou=system", "********");
           search(conn, "*mil*");
   private void search(LdapConnection connection, String uid) throws LdapException, CursorException {
       String baseDn = "ou=users,o=mojo";
       String filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=" + uid + ")))";
       SearchScope scope = SearchScope.SUBTREE;
       String[] attributes = {"dn", "cn", "sn", "uid"};
       int ksearch = 0;
       EntryCursor cursor =, filter, scope, attributes);
       while ( {
           Entry entry = cursor.get();
           System.out.printf("Search entry %d = %s%n", ksearch, entry);



Using LDAP connecting to a local ApacheDS LDAP directory server.

This program drives the ldapsearch command and captures the output into an external data queue via ooRexx rxqueue facility. The contents of the queue are then read into program variables for further processing.

<lang ooRexx>/* Rexx */ do

 LDAP_URL        = 'ldap://localhost:11389'
 LDAP_DN_STR     = 'uid=admin,ou=system'
 LDAP_CREDS      = '********'
 LDAP_BASE_DN    = 'ou=users,o=mojo'
 LDAP_SCOPE      = 'sub'
 LDAP_FILTER     = '"(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))"'
 LDAP_ATTRIBUTES = '"dn" "cn" "sn" "uid"'
 ldapCommand =               ,
   'ldapsearch'              ,
   '-s base'                 ,
   '-H' LDAP_URL             ,
   '-LLL'                    ,
   '-x'                      ,
   '-v'                      ,
   '-s' LDAP_SCOPE           ,
   '-D' LDAP_DN_STR          ,
   '-w' LDAP_CREDS           ,
   '-b' LDAP_BASE_DN         ,
   LDAP_FILTER               ,
   LDAP_ATTRIBUTES           ,
   '2>&1'                    ,
   '|'                       ,
   'rxqueue'                 ,
 address command,
 ldapResult. = 
 loop ln = 1 to queued()
   parse pull line
   ldapResult.0  = ln
   ldapResult.ln = line
   end ln
 loop ln = 1 to ldapResult.0
   parse var ldapResult.ln 'dn:'  dn_   ,
     0                     'uid:' uid_  ,
     0                     'sn:'  sn_   ,
     0                     'cn:'  cn_
     when length(strip(dn_,  'b')) > 0 then dn  = dn_
     when length(strip(uid_, 'b')) > 0 then uid = uid_
     when length(strip(sn_,  'b')) > 0 then sn  = sn_
     when length(strip(cn_,  'b')) > 0 then cn  = cn_
     otherwise nop
   end ln
 say 'Distiguished Name:' dn
 say '      Common Name:' cn
 say '          Surname:' sn
 say '           userID:' uid

end exit </lang> Output:

Distiguished Name:  cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo
      Common Name:  John Milton
          Surname:  Milton
           userID:  jmilton


<lang PicoLisp>(de ldapsearch (Sn)

     (list "ldapsearch" "-xH" "ldap://"
        "-b" "dc=debian,dc=org"
        (pack "sn=" Sn) )
        (cons 'cn (prog (from "cn: ") (line T)))
        (cons 'uid (prog (from "uid: ") (line T))) ) ) )</lang>


: (ldapsearch "Fischer")
-> ((cn . "Mika") (uid . "mf"))


Uses the Apache LDAP API, connecting to a local ApacheDS LDAP directory server. <lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols binary

import import import import import import import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

class RDirectorySearchLDAP public

 properties constant
   log_ = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RDirectorySearchLDAP.class)
 properties private constant
   ldapHostName = String 'localhost'
   ldapPort = int 11389
   ldapDnStr = String 'uid=admin,ou=system'
   ldapCreds = String '********'
   isTrue = boolean (1 == 1)
   isFalse = boolean (1 \== 1)
 properties private static
   connection = LdapConnection
 method main(args = String[]) public static
   connected = isFalse
     connected = setUp()
     if connected then do
     if connected then do
 method search(uid = String '*') static returns boolean
   state      = isTrue
   cursor     = EntryCursor
   baseDn     = 'ou=users,o=mojo'
   filter     = '(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=' || uid || ')))'
   scope      = SearchScope.SUBTREE
   attributes = String[] [String 'dn', 'cn', 'sn', 'uid']
     if log_.isTraceEnabled() then log_.trace('LDAP search')
     if log_.isInfoEnabled() then do'Begin search')'  search base distinguished name:' baseDn)'  search filter:' filter)'  search attributes:' Arrays.asList(attributes))
     cursor =, filter, scope, attributes)
     loop ksearch = 1 while
       ev = cursor.get()
       if log_.isInfoEnabled() then'Search cursor entry count:' ksearch)
       if log_.isInfoEnabled() then
       end ksearch
   catch lex = LdapException
     state = isFalse
     log_.error('LDAP Error in cursor loop: Iteration' ksearch, Throwable lex)
   catch ex = Exception
     state = isFalse
     log_.error('I/O Error in cursor loop: Iteration' ksearch, Throwable ex)
   return state
 method setUp() static returns boolean
   state = isFalse
     if log_.isInfoEnabled() then'LDAP Connection to' ldapHostName 'on port' ldapPort)
     connection = LdapNetworkConnection(ldapHostName, ldapPort)
     if log_.isTraceEnabled() then log_.trace('LDAP bind')
     connection.bind(ldapDnStr, ldapCreds)
     state = isTrue
   catch lex = LdapException
     state = isFalse
     log_.error('LDAP Error', Throwable lex)
   catch iox = IOException
     state = isFalse
     log_.error('I/O Error', Throwable iox)
   return state
 method tearDown() static returns boolean
   state = isFalse
     if log_.isTraceEnabled() then log_.trace('LDAP unbind')
     state = isTrue
   catch lex = LdapException
     state = isFalse
     log_.error('LDAP Error', Throwable lex)
     catch iox = IOException
       state = isFalse
       log_.error('I/O Error on connection.close()', Throwable iox)
   return state

</lang> Output:

[16:51:37] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] - LDAP Connection to localhost on port 11389 
[16:51:39] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] - Begin search 
[16:51:39] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] -   search base distinguished name: ou=users,o=mojo 
[16:51:39] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] -   search filter: (&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*))) 
[16:51:39] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] -   search attributes: [dn, cn, sn, uid] 
[16:51:39] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] - Search cursor entry count: 1 
[16:51:39] INFO  [RDirectorySearchLDAP] - Entry 
    dn: cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo 
    uid: jmilton 
    sn: Milton 
    cn: John Milton


Translation of: Python
Library: php-ldap

<lang php><?php

$l = ldap_connect(''); ldap_set_option($l, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($l, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, false);

$bind = ldap_bind($l, '', 'password');

$base = 'dc=example, dc=com'; $criteria = '(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=username))'; $attributes = array('displayName', 'company');

$search = ldap_search($l, $base, $criteria, $attributes); $entries = ldap_get_entries($l, $search);



Works with: Python version 2.6
Library: python-ldap

python-ldap Documentation

<lang python>import ldap

l = ldap.initialize("ldap://") try:

   l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
   l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
   bind = l.simple_bind_s("", "password")
   base = "dc=example, dc=com"
   criteria = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=username))"
   attributes = ['displayName', 'company']
   result = l.search_s(base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, criteria, attributes)
   results = [entry for dn, entry in result if isinstance(entry, dict)]
   print results





Works with: ooRexx
Works with: Regina

Using LDAP connecting to a local ApacheDS LDAP directory server.

A little contrived; this REXX program drives the ldapsearch command. <lang REXX>/* Rexx */ do

 LDAP_URL        = 'ldap://localhost:11389'
 LDAP_DN_STR     = 'uid=admin,ou=system'
 LDAP_CREDS      = '********'
 LDAP_BASE_DN    = 'ou=users,o=mojo'
 LDAP_SCOPE      = 'sub'
 LDAP_FILTER     = '"(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))"'
 LDAP_ATTRIBUTES = '"dn" "cn" "sn" "uid"'
 ldapCommand =               ,
   'ldapsearch'              ,
   '-s base'                 ,
   '-H' LDAP_URL             ,
   '-LLL'                    ,
   '-x'                      ,
   '-v'                      ,
   '-s' LDAP_SCOPE           ,
   '-D' LDAP_DN_STR          ,
   '-w' LDAP_CREDS           ,
   '-b' LDAP_BASE_DN         ,
   LDAP_FILTER               ,
   LDAP_ATTRIBUTES           ,
 say ldapCommand
 address command,

end exit </lang> Output:

ldapsearch -s base -H ldap://localhost:11389 -LLL -x -v -s sub -D uid=admin,ou=system -w ******** -b ou=users,o=mojo "(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))" "dn" "cn" "sn" "uid" 
ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost:11389/??base )
filter: (&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))
requesting: dn cn sn uid 
dn: cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo
uid: jmilton
sn: Milton
cn: John Milton


Assume AD server talks LDAP.

Library: RubyGems

<lang ruby>require 'rubygems' require 'net/ldap'

ldap = => 'hostname', :base => 'base') ldap.authenticate('bind_dn', 'bind_pass')

filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.pres('objectclass') filter &= Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('sn','Jackman')

  1. or

filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.construct('(&(objectclass=*)(sn=Jackman))')

results = => filter) # returns an array of Net::LDAP::Entry objects

puts results[0][:sn] # ==> "Jackman"</lang>


This allows the client on the web to see their directory.
The user can click on any file or directory and this will give them the following options:
 [upload] data from their computer to the server
 [delete] data from their directory 
 [rename] files
 [view]   image files

<lang runbasic>' --------------------------------------------- ' Directory maintenance ' --------------------------------------------- cr$ = chr$(13) dirOf$ = "c:\*.*" ' get directory of

' ------------------------------------------- ' Shell out directory ' -------------------------------------------

[dirShell] cls

html "


loc$ = strRep$(dirOf$,"*.*","") x$ = shell$("dir ";dirOf$)

i = 1 while word$(x$,i,cr$) <> "" a$ = word$(x$,i,cr$) if trim$(a$) = "" then goto [next] if left$(a$,1) = " " then goto [next] if left$(a$,1) = cr$ then goto [next] type$ = mid$(a$,26,3) size$ = mid$(a$,30,9) size$ = strRep$(size$,",","") size = val(size$) if type$ <> "DIR" and size = 0 then goto [next] name$ = mid$(a$,40) a$ = strRep$(a$,"<","[") a$ = strRep$(a$,">","]") html left$(a$,39) link #ddir,name$, [doDir] #ddir setkey(type$;"|";loc$;name$) html "
" goto [next1]


print a$


i = i + 1 wend wait [doDir] type$ = word$(EventKey$,1,"|") name$ = word$(EventKey$,2,"|")

if type$ = "DIR" then dirOf$ = name$;"\*.*" goto [dirShell] end if

html "<script> document.getElementById('wk').innerHTML = '" nname$ = strRep$(name$,"\","\\") html "What do you want to do with ";nname$;"
" button #dofile, "Upload",[upload] button #dofile, "Delete",[delete] button #rename, "Rename",[rename] button #view, "View", [view] html "';</script>" wait


kill name$
goto [dirShell]

[view] nname$ = strRep$(name$,"\","/") print "File:";nname$ nname$ = mid$(nname$,3) html "<EMBED SRC=""..";nname$;""">" print "<EMBED SRC=""..";nname$;""">"


[upload] print "Upload File:";name$ files #f, name$ if #f HASANSWER() = 0 then print "File: ";name$;" not found" end if

' ------------------------------------- ' load data to directory ' ------------------------------------- OPEN name$ FOR binary AS #f filedata$ = input$(#f, LOF(#f)) CLOSE #f print filedata$ wait

f$ = photoDir$;uploadId$ OPEN f$ FOR binary AS #f PRINT #f, filedata$ CLOSE #f wait

' -------------------------------- ' string replace rep str with ' -------------------------------- FUNCTION strRep$(strRep$,rep$,with$) ln = len(rep$) k = instr(strRep$,rep$) while k strRep$ = left$(strRep$,k - 1) + with$ + mid$(strRep$,k + ln) k = instr(strRep$,rep$) WEND END FUNCTION end</lang>

Output as seen by the client on the web

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F42C-D87A

 Directory of c:\
06/10/2009  02:42 PM                24 autoexec.bat
06/10/2009  02:42 PM                10 config.sys
01/30/2012  02:26 PM               206 csb.log
03/09/2012  10:00 AM    [DIR]          data
02/07/2012  07:48 AM       748,990,464 precise-desktop-i386.iso
03/20/2012  04:07 PM    [DIR]          Program Files
02/05/2012  05:09 PM    [DIR]          Python
03/19/2012  04:55 PM    [DIR]          rbp101
01/30/2012  02:26 PM             3,081 RHDSetup.log
01/30/2012  10:14 PM    [DIR]          Users
01/30/2012  02:35 PM    [DIR]          wamp
03/06/2012  04:00 AM    [DIR]          Windows
               5 File(s)    748,993,785 bytes
               7 Dir(s) 952,183,820,288 bytes free


One can do it with the low level Connect to Active Directory based handle with this code:

This is just the basic setup. <lang tcl>set Username "TestUser" set Filter "((&objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName=$Username))" set Base "dc=skycityauckland,dc=sceg,dc=com" set Attrs distinguishedName</lang>

Now do the actual search. <lang tcl>set result [ldap::search $conn $Base $Filter $Attrs -scope subtree]</lang>

If we have only a single result its easy: <lang tcl>if {[llength $result] == 1} {

   puts [dict get [lindex $result 0 1] distinguishedName]


Looping over the result set to output some values. <lang tcl>foreach pair $result {

   lassign $pair cn attributes
   puts [dict get $attributes distinguishedName]


If you're bored you can also use this instead: <lang tcl>package require ldapx set conn [ldapx::connect $BindDN $Password] $conn traverse $Base $Filter $Attrs e {

   puts [$e get distinguishedName]


UNIX Shell

Using LDAP connecting to a local ApacheDS LDAP directory server.

A shell script to drive the ldapsearch command. <lang bash>#!/bin/sh

LDAP_HOST="localhost" LDAP_PORT=11389 LDAP_DN_STR="uid=admin,ou=system" LDAP_CREDS="********" LDAP_BASE_DN="ou=users,o=mojo" LDAP_SCOPE="sub" LDAP_FILTER="(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))" LDAP_ATTRIBUTES="dn cn sn uid"

ldapsearch \

 -s base \
 -h $LDAP_HOST \
 -p $LDAP_PORT \
 -LLL \
 -x \
 -v \

</lang> Output:

ldap_initialize( ldap://localhost:11389 )
filter: (&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=*mil*)))
requesting: dn cn sn uid 
dn: cn=John Milton,ou=users,o=mojo
uid: jmilton
sn: Milton
cn: John Milton


The search string and execution of the string <lang vbscript>strUsername = "TestUser" strQuery = "<LDAP://dc=skycityauckland,dc=sceg,dc=com>;"_

& "(&(objectclass=*)(samaccountname=" & strUsername & "));distinguishedname;subtree"

objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn objCmd.Properties("Page Size")=100 objCmd.CommandText = strQuery Set objRS = objCmd.Execute</lang>

Doing something with a single result (this will output the returned users full DN) <lang vbscript>If objRS.RecordCount = 1 Then

 WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("DistinguishedName")

End If</lang>

Doing something with multiple results (this will output each returned users full DN) <lang vbscript>If objRS.RecordCount > 0 Then

 For Each objUser in ObjRS
   WScript.Echo objRS.Fields("DistinguishedName")

End If</lang>