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See [[AVL_tree/C|AVL tree/C]]
See [[AVL_tree/C|AVL tree/C]]

<lang cpp>
<lang cpp>
#include <algorithm>
// AVL in Managed C++
#include <iostream>

/* AVL node */
using namespace System;
template <class T>
using namespace System;
class AVLnode {
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
T key;
using namespace System::Threading;
int balance;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
AVLnode *left, *right, *parent;

AVLnode(T k, AVLnode *p) : key(k), balance(0), parent(p),
namespace ISharp
left(NULL), right(NULL) {}

~AVLnode() {
public enum class State
delete left;
delete right;

/* AVL tree */
public enum class Direction { FromLeft, FromRight };
template <class T>
class AVLtree {
bool insert(T key);
void deleteKey(const T key);
void printBalance();

public ref struct Node
AVLnode<T> *root;
Node^ Left;
Node^ Right;
Node^ Parent;
State Balance;

AVLnode<T>* rotateLeft ( AVLnode<T> *a );
AVLnode<T>* rotateRight ( AVLnode<T> *a );
AVLnode<T>* rotateLeftThenRight ( AVLnode<T> *n );
Left = this;
AVLnode<T>* rotateRightThenLeft ( AVLnode<T> *n );
Right = this;
void rebalance ( AVLnode<T> *n );
Parent = nullptr;
int height ( AVLnode<T> *n );
Balance = State::Header;
void setBalance ( AVLnode<T> *n );
void printBalance ( AVLnode<T> *n );

void clearNode ( AVLnode<T> *n );
Node(Node^ p)
Left = nullptr;
Right = nullptr;
Parent = p;
Balance = State::Balanced;

property Boolean IsHeader
{ Boolean get() { return Balance == State::Header; } }

/* AVL class definition */
generic <typename T>
template <class T>
public delegate void TypeFound(Object^ O, T type);
void AVLtree<T>::rebalance(AVLnode<T> *n) {

if (n->balance == -2) {
generic <typename T>
if (height(n->left->left) >= height(n->left->right))
public delegate void TypeAdded(Object^ O, T type);
n = rotateRight(n);

generic <typename T>
n = rotateLeftThenRight(n);
public delegate void TypeRemoved(Object^ O, T type);

generic <typename T>
public delegate void TypeUpdated(Object^ O, T before, T after);

generic<typename T>
public interface struct IHasher
int GetHashCode(T t);

generic<typename T>
public ref class Hasher abstract : IHasher<T>

static property Hasher<T>^ Default { Hasher<T>^ get(); }

virtual int GetHashCode(T t) = 0;

generic<typename T>
public ref class DefaultHasher : Hasher<T>

virtual int GetHashCode(T t) override
return t->GetHashCode();

generic<typename T>
Hasher<T>^ Hasher<T>::Default::get() { return gcnew DefaultHasher<T>(); }

generic<typename T>
public interface struct ICloneable
T Clone();

generic<typename T>
public interface class ICloner { T Clone(T t); };

generic<typename T>
public ref struct Cloner abstract : ICloner<T>
static property Cloner<T>^ Default { Cloner<T>^ get(); }

static property Cloner<T>^ Invisible { Cloner<T>^ get(); }

virtual T Clone(T t) = 0;

generic<typename T>
public ref struct DefaultCloner1 : Cloner<T>
virtual T Clone(T t) override
ICloneable<T>^ copier = (ICloneable<T>^)t;
return copier->Clone();

generic<typename T>
public ref struct DefaultCloner2 : Cloner<T>
virtual T Clone(T t) override
ICloneable<T>^ copier = (ICloneable<T>^)t;
return (T)copier->Clone();

generic<typename T>
public ref struct DefaultNoCloner : Cloner<T>
virtual T Clone(T t) override
return t;

generic<typename T>
Cloner<T>^ Cloner<T>::Default::get()
Type^ TypeT = T::typeid;
Type^ TypeIC1 = ICloneable<T>::typeid;
Type^ TypeIC2 = ICloneable::typeid;
if (TypeIC1->IsAssignableFrom(TypeT))
return gcnew DefaultCloner1<T>();
else if (TypeIC2->IsAssignableFrom(TypeT))
return gcnew DefaultCloner2<T>();
return gcnew DefaultNoCloner<T>();

generic<typename T>
Cloner<T>^ Cloner<T>::Invisible::get() { return gcnew DefaultNoCloner<T>(); }
public ref struct OutOfKeyOrderException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("A tree was found to be out of key order.");

OutOfKeyOrderException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct TreeInvalidParentException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that the parent structure of a tree is invalid.");

TreeInvalidParentException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct TreeOutOfBalanceException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that the tree is out of balance.");

TreeOutOfBalanceException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct InvalidEmptyTreeException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that an empty tree is invalid.");

InvalidEmptyTreeException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct InvalidEndItemException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The validation routines detected that the end item of a tree is invalid.");

InvalidEndItemException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct EntryAlreadyExistsException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("An entry already exists in the collection.");

EntryAlreadyExistsException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct DifferentKeysException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The specified items have different keys.");

DifferentKeysException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct AddSubTreeFailedException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("Subtree creation failed.");

AddSubTreeFailedException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct IsEndItemException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The requested action cannot be performed on an end item.");

IsEndItemException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("ISharp Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct EntryNotFoundException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("The requested entry could not be located in the specified collection.");

EntryNotFoundException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

public ref struct InvalidSetOperationException : public Exception
static String^ message = gcnew String("An invalid set operation was specified.");

InvalidSetOperationException() : Exception(message)
HelpLink = gcnew String("mail@BenedictBede.com");
Source = gcnew String("StandardGenericLibrary Collections Subsystem");

Node^ PreviousItem(Node^ node)
if (node->IsHeader) {return node->Right;}

else if (node->Left != nullptr)
Node^ y = node->Left;
while (y->Right != nullptr) y = y->Right;
node = y;
Node^ y = node->Parent;
if (y->IsHeader) return y;
while (node == y->Left) {node = y; y = y->Parent;}
node = y;
return node;

Node^ NextItem(Node^ node)
if (node->IsHeader) return node->Left;

if (node->Right != nullptr)
node = node->Right;
while (node->Left != nullptr) node = node->Left;
Node^ y = node->Parent;
if (y->IsHeader) return y;
while (node == y->Right) {node = y; y = y->Parent;}
node = y;
return node;

void SwapNodeReference(Node^% first, Node^% second)
{Node^ temporary = first; first = second; second = temporary;}

void LeftNodeSwap(Node^ Root, Node^ Replace)
if (Replace->Left) Replace->Left->Parent = Root;
if (Replace->Right) Replace->Right->Parent = Root;

if (Root->Right) Root->Right->Parent = Replace;

if (Replace == Root->Left)
Replace->Parent = Root->Parent;
Root->Parent = Replace;

Root->Left = Replace->Left;
Replace->Left = Root;
Root->Left->Parent = Replace;

if (Replace->Parent->Left == Replace)
Replace->Parent->Left = Root;
Replace->Parent->Right = Root;



State Balance = Root->Balance;
Root->Balance = Replace->Balance;

void SwapNodes(Node^ A, Node^ B)
if (B == A->Left)
if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A;
if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A;

if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B;

if (!A->Parent->IsHeader)
if (A->Parent->Left == A)
A->Parent->Left = B;
A->Parent->Right = B;
else A->Parent->Parent = B;
else if (n->balance == 2) {
if (height(n->right->right) >= height(n->right->left))

B->Parent = A->Parent;
n = rotateLeft(n);
A->Parent = B;
n = rotateRightThenLeft(n);

A->Left = B->Left;
B->Left = A;

else if (B == A->Right)
if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A;
if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A;

if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B;

if (!A->Parent->IsHeader)
if (A->Parent->Left == A)
A->Parent->Left = B;
A->Parent->Right = B;
else A->Parent->Parent = B;

B->Parent = A->Parent;
if (n->parent != NULL) {
A->Parent = B;

A->Right = B->Right;
B->Right = A;

else if (A == B->Left)
if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B;
if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B;

if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A;

if (!B->Parent->IsHeader)
if (B->Parent->Left == B)
B->Parent->Left = A;
B->Parent->Right = A;
else B->Parent->Parent = A;
else {
root = n;

A->Parent = B->Parent;
B->Parent = A;

B->Left = A->Left;
A->Left = B;

else if (A == B->Right)
if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B;
if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B;

if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A;

if (!B->Parent->IsHeader)
if (B->Parent->Left == B)
B->Parent->Left = A;
B->Parent->Right = A;
else B->Parent->Parent = A;

template <class T>
A->Parent = B->Parent;
AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateLeft(AVLnode<T> *a) {
B->Parent = A;
AVLnode<T> *b = a->right;
b->parent = a->parent;
a->right = b->left;

B->Right = A->Right;
if (a->right != NULL)
A->Right = B;
a->right->parent = a;

b->left = a;
a->parent = b;
if (A->Parent == B->Parent)
if (!A->Parent->IsHeader)
if (A->Parent->Left == A)
A->Parent->Left = B;
A->Parent->Right = B;
else A->Parent->Parent = B;

if (!B->Parent->IsHeader)
if (b->parent != NULL) {
if (b->parent->right == a) {
if (B->Parent->Left == B)
b->parent->right = b;
B->Parent->Left = A;
else {
B->Parent->Right = A;
b->parent->left = b;
else B->Parent->Parent = A;

if (B->Left) B->Left->Parent = A;
if (B->Right) B->Right->Parent = A;
return b;

if (A->Left) A->Left->Parent = B;
if (A->Right) A->Right->Parent = B;


State Balance = A->Balance;
A->Balance = B->Balance;

template <class T>
void RotateLeft(Node^% Root)
AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateRight(AVLnode<T> *a) {
AVLnode<T> *b = a->left;
Node^ Parent = Root->Parent;
b->parent = a->parent;
Node^ x = Root->Right;
a->left = b->right;

if (a->left != NULL)
Root->Parent = x;
a->left->parent = a;
x->Parent = Parent;
if (x->Left) x->Left->Parent = Root;

Root->Right = x->Left;
b->right = a;
x->Left = Root;
a->parent = b;
Root = x;

if (b->parent != NULL) {
void RotateRight(Node^% Root)
if (b->parent->right == a) {
b->parent->right = b;
Node^ Parent = Root->Parent;
Node^ x = Root->Left;
else {

b->parent->left = b;
Root->Parent = x;
x->Parent = Parent;
if (x->Right) x->Right->Parent = Root;

Root->Left = x->Right;
x->Right = Root;
Root = x;

void BalanceLeft(Node^% Root)
Node^ Left = Root->Left; // Left Subtree of Root Node

switch (Left->Balance)
case State::LeftHigh:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Left->Balance = State::Balanced;
case State::RightHigh:
Node^ subRight = Left->Right; // Right subtree of Left
switch (subRight->Balance)
case State::Balanced:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Left->Balance = State::Balanced;

case State::RightHigh:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Left->Balance = State::LeftHigh;

case State::LeftHigh:
Root->Balance = State::RightHigh;
Left->Balance = State::Balanced;
subRight->Balance = State::Balanced;
Root->Left = Left;

case State::Balanced:
Root->Balance = State::LeftHigh;
Left->Balance = State::RightHigh;

void BalanceRight(Node^% Root)
Node^ Right = Root->Right; // Right Subtree of Root Node

switch (Right->Balance)
case State::RightHigh:
Root ->Balance = State::Balanced;
Right->Balance = State::Balanced;

case State::LeftHigh:
Node^ subLeft = Right->Left; // Left Subtree of Right
switch (subLeft->Balance)
case State::Balanced:
Root ->Balance = State::Balanced;
Right->Balance = State::Balanced;

case State::LeftHigh:
Root ->Balance = State::Balanced;
Right->Balance = State::RightHigh;

case State::RightHigh:
Root ->Balance = State::LeftHigh;
Right->Balance = State::Balanced;
subLeft->Balance = State::Balanced;
Root->Right = Right;

case State::Balanced:
Root ->Balance = State::RightHigh;
Right->Balance = State::LeftHigh;

void BalanceTree(Node^ Root, Direction From)
bool Taller = true;

while (Taller)
Node^ Parent = Root->Parent;
Direction NextFrom = (Parent->Left == Root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight;

if (From == Direction::FromLeft)
switch (Root->Balance)
case State::LeftHigh:
if (Parent->IsHeader)
else if (Parent->Left == Root)
Taller = false;

case State::Balanced:
Root->Balance = State::LeftHigh;
Taller = true;

case State::RightHigh:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Taller = false;
switch (Root->Balance)
case State::LeftHigh:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Taller = false;

case State::Balanced:
Root->Balance = State::RightHigh;
Taller = true;

case State::RightHigh:
if (Parent->IsHeader)
else if (Parent->Left == Root)
Taller = false;

if (Taller) // skip up a level
if (Parent->IsHeader)
Taller = false;
Root = Parent;
From = NextFrom;

void BalanceTreeRemove(Node^ Root, Direction From)
if (Root->IsHeader) return;
bool Shorter = true;

while (Shorter)
Node^ Parent = Root->Parent;
Direction NextFrom = (Parent->Left == Root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight;

if (From == Direction::FromLeft)
switch (Root->Balance)
case State::LeftHigh:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Shorter = true;

case State::Balanced:
Root->Balance = State::RightHigh;
Shorter = false;

case State::RightHigh:
if (Root->Right->Balance == State::Balanced)
Shorter = false;
Shorter = true;
if (Parent->IsHeader)
else if (Parent->Left == Root)
switch (Root->Balance)
case State::RightHigh:
Root->Balance = State::Balanced;
Shorter = true;

case State::Balanced:
Root->Balance = State::LeftHigh;
return b;
Shorter = false;

case State::LeftHigh:
if (Root->Left->Balance == State::Balanced)
Shorter = false;
Shorter = true;
if (Parent->IsHeader)
else if (Parent->Left == Root)

if (Shorter)
if (Parent->IsHeader)
Shorter = false;
From = NextFrom;
Root = Parent;

template <class T>
Node^ Minimum(Node^ node)
AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateLeftThenRight(AVLnode<T> *n) {
n->left = rotateLeft(n->left);
while (node->Left) node=node->Left;
return node;
return rotateRight(n);

template <class T>
Node^ Maximum(Node^ node)
AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateRightThenLeft(AVLnode<T> *n) {
n->right = rotateRight(n->right);
while (node->Right) node=node->Right;
return node;
return rotateLeft(n);

template <class T>
void AdjustAdd(Node^ Root)
int AVLtree<T>::height(AVLnode<T> *n) {
if (n == NULL)
Node^ Header = Root->Parent;
return -1;
while (!Header->IsHeader) Header=Header->Parent;
return 1 + std::max(height(n->left), height(n->right));

if (Root->Parent->Left == Root)
if (Header->Left == Root->Parent) Header->Left = Root;
if (Header->Right == Root->Parent) Header->Right = Root;

template <class T>
void AdjustRemove(Node^ Parent, Direction Direction)
void AVLtree<T>::setBalance(AVLnode<T> *n) {
n->balance = height(n->right) - height(n->left);
Node^ Header = Parent;
while (!Header->IsHeader) Header=Header->Parent;

if (Header->Parent == nullptr)
Header->Left = Header;
Header->Right = Header;
Header->Left = Minimum(Header->Parent);
Header->Right = Maximum(Header->Parent);

template <class T>
unsigned long long Depth(Node^ Root)
void AVLtree<T>::printBalance(AVLnode<T> *n) {
if (Root)
if (n != NULL) {
unsigned long long Left = Root->Left ? Depth(Root->Left) : 0;
std::cout << n->balance << " ";
unsigned long long Right = Root->Right ? Depth(Root->Right) : 0;
return Left < Right ? Right+1 : Left+1;
return 0;

template <class T>
unsigned long long Count(Node^ Root)
AVLtree<T>::AVLtree(void) : root(NULL) {}

if (Root)
template <class T>
AVLtree<T>::~AVLtree(void) {
unsigned long long left = Root->Left ? Count(Root->Left) : 0;
delete root;
unsigned long long right = Root->Right ? Count(Root->Right) : 0;
return left + right + 1;
return 0;

public enum class SetOperation
template <class T>
bool AVLtree<T>::insert(T key) {
if (root == NULL) {
root = new AVLnode<T>(key, NULL);

generic<typename T>
public ref class SetNode : Node

T Data;

SetNode(T dataType, Node^ Parent) : Node(Parent) {Data = dataType; }

generic<typename T>
public value struct SetEntry : System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<T>

SetEntry(Node^ n) { _Node = n; }

property T Value
T get()
if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException();
return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data;
void set(T Value)
else {
*n = root,
if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException();
((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data = Value;

while (true) {
property Boolean IsHeader { Boolean get() { return _Node->IsHeader; } }
if (n->key == key)
return false;

parent = n;
virtual Boolean MoveNext()
_Node = NextItem(_Node);
return _Node->IsHeader ? false : true;

bool goLeft = n->key > key;
Boolean MovePrevious()
n = goLeft ? n->left : n->right;
_Node = PreviousItem(_Node);
return _Node->IsHeader ? false : true;

if (n == NULL) {
static SetEntry<T> operator ++(SetEntry<T> entry)
if (goLeft) {
parent->left = new AVLnode<T>(key, parent);
entry._Node = NextItem(entry._Node);
return entry;
else {
parent->right = new AVLnode<T>(key, parent);

static SetEntry<T> operator --(SetEntry<T> entry)
entry._Node = PreviousItem(entry._Node);
return entry;

static SetEntry<T> operator +(SetEntry<T> C, unsigned long long Increment)
SetEntry<T> Result = SetEntry<T>(C._Node);
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < Increment; i++) ++Result;
return Result;

static SetEntry<T> operator +(unsigned long long Increment, SetEntry<T> C)
SetEntry<T> Result = SetEntry<T>(C._Node);
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < Increment; i++) ++Result;
return Result;

static SetEntry<T> operator -(SetEntry<T> C, unsigned long long Decrement)
SetEntry<T> Result = SetEntry<T>(C._Node);
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < Decrement; i++) --Result;
return Result;

virtual void Reset()
{ while (!_Node->IsHeader) _Node = NextItem(_Node); }

virtual property Object^ InterfaceCurrentA
Object^ get() = System::Collections::IEnumerator::Current::get
if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException();
return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data;

virtual property T InterfaceCurrentB
T get() = System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<T>::Current::get
if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException();
return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data;

static Boolean operator ==(SetEntry<T> x, SetEntry<T> y) { return x._Node == y._Node; }
static Boolean operator !=(SetEntry<T> x, SetEntry<T> y) { return x._Node != y._Node; }

static long long operator -(SetEntry<T> This, SetEntry<T> iter)
long long Result = 0;
while (This._Node != iter._Node) { iter.MoveNext(); Result++; }
return Result;

virtual String^ ToString() override
if (_Node->Balance == State::Header) throw gcnew IsEndItemException();
return Value->ToString();

Node^ _Node;

generic<typename T>
public ref class Set : public System::Collections::Generic::ICollection<T>,
public System::ICloneable,
public ISerializable,
public IComparable<Set<T>^>,
public IEquatable<Set<T>^>
event TypeAdded<T>^ Added;
event TypeRemoved<T>^ Removed;
event TypeUpdated<T>^ Updated;

Node^ Header;
System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer;
ICloner<T>^ TCloner;
IHasher<T>^ THasher;
unsigned long long Nodes;

property Node^ Root
Node^ get() { return Header->Parent; }
void set(Node^ Value) { Header->Parent = Value; }

//*** Constructors ***


Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = System::Collections::Generic::Comparer<T>::Default;
TCloner = ISharp::Cloner<T>::Default;
THasher = ISharp::Hasher<T>::Default;

Set(System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TCompare)
Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = TCompare;
TCloner = ISharp::Cloner<T>::Default;
THasher = ISharp::Hasher<T>::Default;

Set(Set<T>^ SetToCopy)
Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = SetToCopy->TComparer;
TCloner = SetToCopy->TCloner;
THasher = SetToCopy->THasher;

Set(System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>^ Collection)
Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = System::Collections::Generic::Comparer<T>::Default;
TCloner = ISharp::Cloner<T>::Default;
THasher = ISharp::Hasher<T>::Default;

for each (T t in Collection) Add(TCloner->Clone(t));

Set(... array<T>^ Collection)
Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = System::Collections::Generic::Comparer<T>::Default;
TCloner = ISharp::Cloner<T>::Default;
THasher = ISharp::Hasher<T>::Default;

for each (T t in Collection) Add(TCloner->Clone(t));

Set(System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>^ Collection,
System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TCompare)
Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = TCompare;
TCloner = ISharp::Cloner<T>::Default;
THasher = ISharp::Hasher<T>::Default;
for each (T t in Collection) Add(TCloner->Clone(t));

Set(Set<T>^ A,
Set<T>^ B,
SetOperation operation)
Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = A->TComparer;
TCloner = A->TCloner;
THasher = A->THasher;
CombineSets(A, B, this, operation);

Set(SerializationInfo^ si, StreamingContext sc)
System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TCompare = (System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^)si->GetValue("TComparer", System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>::typeid);
ISharp::ICloner<T>^ TClone = (ISharp::ICloner<T>^)si->GetValue("TCloner", ICloner<T>::typeid);
ISharp::IHasher<T>^ THasher = (ISharp::IHasher<T>^)si->GetValue("THasher", IHasher<T>::typeid);

Header = gcnew Node();
TComparer = TCompare;
TCloner = TClone;

Type^ type = T::typeid;

unsigned long long LoadCount = si->GetUInt64("Count");

for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < LoadCount; i++)
Object^ obj = si->GetValue(i.ToString(), type);
Add((T)obj, false);

//*** Operators ***

static Set<T>^ operator |(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
Set<T>^ U = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer);
U->TCloner = A->TCloner;
U->THasher = A->THasher;
CombineSets(A, B, U, SetOperation::Union);
return U;

static Set<T>^ operator &(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
Set<T>^ I = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer);
I->TCloner = A->TCloner;
I->THasher = A->THasher;
CombineSets(A, B, I, SetOperation::Intersection);
return I;

static Set<T>^ operator ^(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
Set<T>^ S = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer);
S->TCloner = A->TCloner;
S->THasher = A->THasher;
CombineSets(A, B, S, SetOperation::SymmetricDifference);
return S;

static Set<T>^ operator -(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
Set<T>^ S = gcnew Set<T>(A->TComparer);
S->TCloner = A->TCloner;
S->THasher = A->THasher;
CombineSets(A, B, S, SetOperation::Difference);
return S;

static Boolean operator ==(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Equality);

static Boolean operator !=(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Inequality);

static Boolean operator <(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Subset);

static Boolean operator >(Set<T>^ A, Set<T>^ B)
return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation::Superset);

property Boolean default [T]
Boolean get(T key)
if (Root == nullptr)
return false;
Node^ search = Root;

int Result = TComparer->Compare(key, static_cast<SetNode<T>^>(search)->Data);

if (Result < 0) search = search->Left;

else if (Result > 0) search = search->Right;

else break;

} while (search != nullptr);

return search != nullptr;

return true;
static Set<T>^ operator +(Set<T>^ set, T t)
set->Add(t, false);
return set;

template <class T>
static Set<T>^ operator -(Set<T>^ set, T t)
void AVLtree<T>::deleteKey(const T delKey) {
if (root == NULL)
return set;

//*** Properties ***
*n = root,
*parent = root,
*delNode = NULL,
*child = root;

while (child != NULL) {
property SetEntry<T> Begin
parent = n;
{ SetEntry<T> get() { return SetEntry<T>(Header->Left); } }
n = child;

child = delKey >= n->key ? n->right : n->left;
property ICloner<T>^ TypeCloner
if (delKey == n->key)
delNode = n;
ICloner<T>^ get() { return TCloner; }
void set(ICloner<T>^ Value) { TCloner = Value; }
property System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ Comparer
{System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ get() { return TComparer; } }

virtual property int Count { int get() { return (int)Length; } }

property SetEntry<T> End
{ SetEntry<T> get() { return SetEntry<T>(Header); } }

property T First
{ T get() { return ((SetNode<T>^)LeftMost)->Data; } }

property int Hash { int get() { return GetHashCode(); } }

property IHasher<T>^ Hasher
IHasher<T>^ get() { return THasher; }
void set(IHasher<T>^ Value) { THasher = Value; }

virtual property Boolean IsReadOnly { Boolean get() { return false; } }

virtual property Boolean IsSynchronized { Boolean get() { return true; } }

property T Last
{ T get() { return ((SetNode<T>^)RightMost)->Data; } }

property Node^ LeftMost
Node^ get() { return Header->Left; }
void set(Node^ Value) { Header->Left = Value; }

property unsigned long long Length { unsigned long long get() { return Count;} }

property Node^ RightMost
Node^ get() { return Header->Right; }
void set(Node^ Value) { Header->Right = Value; }
property Object^ SyncRoot { Object^ get() { return this; } }

//*** Public Methods ***

SetEntry<T> After(T Value, Boolean equals)
return SetEntry<T>(equals ? AfterEquals(Value) : After(Value));

virtual void Add(T t)
Add(t, false);

void Add(SetEntry<T> cse)
Add(TCloner->Clone(cse.Value), false);

unsigned long long Add(System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>^ copy)
unsigned long long count = 0;

for each(T t in copy)
Add(TCloner->Clone(t), false);

return count;

SetEntry<T> Before(T value, bool equals)
return SetEntry<T>(equals ? BeforeEquals(value) : Before(value));

virtual void Clear() { Remove(); }

void CallRemoved(T data) { Removed(this, data); }

virtual Object^ Clone()
Set<T>^ setOut = gcnew Set<T>(TComparer);
setOut->TCloner = TCloner;
setOut->THasher = THasher;
return setOut;

virtual int CompareTo(Set<T>^ B)
return CompareSets(this, B);

virtual bool Contains(T t)
Node^ found = Search(t);
return found != nullptr ? true : false;

virtual Boolean Contains(Set<T>^ ss)
for each (T t in ss)
if (Search(t) == nullptr) return false;

return true;

virtual void CopyTo(array<T>^ arr, int i)
SetEntry<T> begin = SetEntry<T>((SetNode<T>^)Header->Left);
SetEntry<T> end = SetEntry<T>(Header);

while (begin != end)
arr->SetValue(TCloner->Clone(((SetNode<T>^)begin._Node)->Data), i);
i++; begin.MoveNext();

virtual void CopyTo(System::Array^ arr, int i)
SetEntry<T> begin = SetEntry<T>((SetNode<T>^)Header->Left);
SetEntry<T> end = SetEntry<T>(Header);

while (begin != end)
arr->SetValue(TCloner->Clone(((SetNode<T>^)begin._Node)->Data), i);
i++; begin.MoveNext();

virtual Boolean Equals(Set<T>^ compare)
SetEntry<T> first1 = Begin;
SetEntry<T> last1 = End;
SetEntry<T> first2 = compare->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last2 = compare->End;

Boolean equals = true;

while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
if (TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value) == 0)
{ first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); }
{ equals = false; break; }

if (equals)
if (delNode != NULL) {
delNode->key = n->key;
if (first1 != last1) equals = false;
if (first2 != last2) equals = false;

child = n->left != NULL ? n->left : n->right;
return equals;

if (root->key == delKey) {
T Find(T value)
root = child;
Node^ _Node = Search(value);
if (_Node == nullptr)
throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException();
return ((SetNode<T>^)_Node)->Data;

virtual System::Collections::IEnumerator^ InterfaceGetEnumeratorSimple() sealed = System::Collections::IEnumerable::GetEnumerator
{ return gcnew SetEntry<T>(Header); }

virtual System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<T>^ InterfaceGetEnumerator() sealed = System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<T>::GetEnumerator
{ return gcnew SetEntry<T>(Header); }

virtual Int32 GetHashCode() override
Int32 HashCode = 0;
for each (T t in this) HashCode += THasher->GetHashCode(t);
return HashCode;

virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo^ si, StreamingContext sc)

Type^ type = T::typeid;

unsigned long long index = 0;
for each (T e in *this)
si->AddValue(index.ToString(), e, type);

si->AddValue("Count", index);
si->AddValue("TComparer", TComparer, TComparer->GetType());
si->AddValue("TCloner", TCloner, TCloner->GetType());
si->AddValue("THasher", THasher, THasher->GetType());

SetEntry<T> Insert(T t) { return SetEntry<T>(Add(t, false)); }

SetEntry<T> Locate(T value)
Node^ _Node = Search(value);
if (_Node == nullptr)
throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException();
return SetEntry<T>(_Node);

void Notify()

unsigned long long Remove()
for each (T t in this) Removed(this, t);
unsigned long long count = Nodes;
Root = nullptr;
LeftMost = Header;
RightMost = Header;
Nodes = 0;
return count;

virtual bool Remove(T data)
Node^ root = Root;

for (; ; )
if (root == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException();

int compare = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data);

if (compare < 0)
root = root->Left;

else if (compare > 0)
root = root->Right;

else // Item is found
if (root->Left != nullptr && root->Right != nullptr)
Node^ replace = root->Left;
while (replace->Right != nullptr) replace = replace->Right;
SwapNodes(root, replace);

Node^ Parent = root->Parent;

Direction From = (Parent->Left == root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight;

if (LeftMost == root)
Node^ n = NextItem(root);

if (n->IsHeader)
{ LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; }
LeftMost = n;
else if (RightMost == root)
Node^ p = PreviousItem(root);

if (p->IsHeader)
{ LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; }
RightMost = p;

if (root->Left == nullptr)
if (Parent == Header)
Header->Parent = root->Right;
else if (Parent->Left == root)
Parent->Left = root->Right;
Parent->Right = root->Right;

if (root->Right != nullptr) root->Right->Parent = Parent;
if (Parent == Header)
Header->Parent = root->Left;
else if (Parent->Left == root)
Parent->Left = root->Left;
Parent->Right = root->Left;

if (root->Left != nullptr) root->Left->Parent = Parent;

AdjustRemove(Parent, From);
Removed(this, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data);
return true;

void Remove(SetEntry<T> i) { Remove(i._Node); }

Node^ Search(T data)
if (Root == nullptr)
return nullptr;
Node^ search = Root;

int Result = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data);

if (Result < 0) search = search->Left;

else if (Result > 0) search = search->Right;

else break;

} while (search != nullptr);

return search;

virtual String^ ToString() override
String^ StringOut = gcnew String("{");

SetEntry<T> start = Begin;
SetEntry<T> end = End;
SetEntry<T> last = End - 1;

while (start != end)
String^ NewStringOut = start.Value->ToString();
if (start != last) NewStringOut = NewStringOut + gcnew String(",");
StringOut = StringOut + NewStringOut;

StringOut = StringOut + gcnew String("}");
return StringOut;

void Update(T value)
if (Root == nullptr)
throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException();
Node^ search = Root;

int Result = TComparer->Compare(value, ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data);

if (Result < 0) search = search->Left;

else if (Result > 0) search = search->Right;

else break;

} while (search != nullptr);

if (search == nullptr) throw gcnew EntryNotFoundException();

T saved = ((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data;
((SetNode<T>^)search)->Data = value;
Updated(this, saved, value);

void Update(SetEntry<T>^ entry, T after) { Update((SetNode<T>^)entry->_Node, after); }

void Validate()
if (Nodes == 0 || Root == nullptr)
if (Nodes != 0) { throw gcnew InvalidEmptyTreeException(); }
if (Root != nullptr) { throw gcnew InvalidEmptyTreeException(); }
if (LeftMost != Header) { throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException(); }
if (RightMost != Header) { throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException(); }


if (Root != nullptr)
Node^ x = Root;
while (x->Left != nullptr) x = x->Left;

if (LeftMost != x) throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException();

Node^ y = Root;
while (y->Right != nullptr) y = y->Right;

if (RightMost != y) throw gcnew InvalidEndItemException();

//*** Private Methods ***


Node^ After(T data)
Node^ y = Header;
Node^ x = Root;

while (x != nullptr)
if (TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data) < 0)
{ y = x; x = x->Left; }
x = x->Right;

return y;

Node^ AfterEquals(T data)
Node^ y = Header;
Node^ x = Root;

while (x != nullptr)
int c = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data);
if (c == 0)
{ y = x; break; }
else if (c < 0)
{ y = x; x = x->Left; }
x = x->Right;

return y;

SetNode<T>^ Add(T data, bool exist)
Node^ root = Root;

if (root == nullptr)
Root = gcnew SetNode<T>(data, Header);
LeftMost = Root;
RightMost = Root;
Added(this, ((SetNode<T>^)Root)->Data);
return (SetNode<T>^)Root;
for (; ; )
int compare = TComparer->Compare(data, static_cast<SetNode<T>^>(root)->Data);

if (compare == 0) // Item Exists
if (exist)
T saved = ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data;
((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data = data;
Updated(this, saved, data);
return (SetNode<T>^)root;
throw gcnew EntryAlreadyExistsException();

else if (compare < 0)
if (root->Left != nullptr)
root = root->Left;
SetNode<T>^ NewNode = gcnew SetNode<T>(data, root);
root->Left = NewNode;
Added(this, NewNode->Data);
return NewNode;

if (root->Right != nullptr)
root = root->Right;
SetNode<T>^ NewNode = gcnew SetNode<T>(data, root);
root->Right = NewNode;
Added(this, NewNode->Data);
return NewNode;

unsigned long long Add(Node^ begin, Node^ end)
bool success = true;
unsigned long long count = 0;

SetEntry<T> i(begin);

while (success && i._Node != end)
if (!i._Node->IsHeader)
Add(TCloner->Clone(i.Value), false);
catch (Exception^) { success = false; }
else i.MoveNext();
if (!success)
if (count != 0)
SetEntry<T> start(begin); start.MovePrevious();

while (i != start)
SetEntry<T> j(i._Node); j.MovePrevious();
if (!i._Node->IsHeader) Remove(i.Value);
i = j;
throw gcnew AddSubTreeFailedException();
return Count;

Node^ Before(T data)
Node^ y = Header;
Node^ x = Root;

while (x != nullptr)
if (TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data) <= 0)
x = x->Left;
{ y = x; x = x->Right; }

return y;

Node^ BeforeEquals(T data)
Node^ y = Header;
Node^ x = Root;

while (x != nullptr)
int c = TComparer->Compare(data, ((SetNode<T>^)x)->Data);
if (c == 0)
{ y = x; break; }
else if (c < 0)
x = x->Left;
{ y = x; x = x->Right; }

return y;

void Bounds()
LeftMost = GetFirst();
RightMost = GetLast();

void Copy(SetNode<T>^ CopyRoot)
if (Root != nullptr) Remove();
if (CopyRoot != nullptr)
Copy(Header->Parent, CopyRoot, Header);
LeftMost = GetFirst();
RightMost = GetLast();

void Copy(Node^% root, SetNode<T>^ CopyRoot, Node^ Parent)
root = gcnew SetNode<T>(TCloner->Clone(CopyRoot->Data), Parent);

root->Balance = CopyRoot->Balance;

if (CopyRoot->Left != nullptr)
Copy(root->Left, (SetNode<T>^)CopyRoot->Left, (SetNode<T>^)root);

if (CopyRoot->Right != nullptr)
Copy(root->Right, (SetNode<T>^)CopyRoot->Right, (SetNode<T>^)root);

Added(this, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data);

Node^ GetFirst()
if (Root == nullptr)
return Header;

Node^ search = Root;
while (search->Left != nullptr) search = search->Left;
return search;

Node^ GetLast()
if (Root == nullptr)
return Header;

Node^ search = Root;
while (search->Right != nullptr) search = search->Right;
return search;

void Import(SetNode<T>^ n)
if (n != nullptr) ImportTree(n);

void ImportTree(SetNode<T>^ n)
if (n->Left != nullptr) ImportTree((SetNode<T>^)n->Left);
Add(n->Data, false);
if (n->Right != nullptr) ImportTree((SetNode<T>^)n->Right);

void Notify(SetNode<T>^ root)
if (root != nullptr)
if (root->Left != nullptr)

Added(this, root->Data);

if (root->Right != nullptr)

void Remove(Node^ root)
if (root->Left != nullptr && root->Right != nullptr)
Node^ replace = root->Left;
while (replace->Right != nullptr) replace = replace->Right;
SwapNodes(root, replace);

Node^ Parent = root->Parent;

Direction From = (Parent->Left == root) ? Direction::FromLeft : Direction::FromRight;

if (LeftMost == root)
Node^ n = NextItem(root);

if (n->IsHeader)
{ LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; }
LeftMost = n;
else if (RightMost == root)
Node^ p = PreviousItem(root);

if (p->IsHeader)
{ LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; }
RightMost = p;

if (root->Left == nullptr)
if (Parent == Header)
Header->Parent = root->Right;
else if (Parent->Left == root)
Parent->Left = root->Right;
Parent->Right = root->Right;

if (root->Right != nullptr) root->Right->Parent = Parent;
if (Parent == Header)
Header->Parent = root->Left;
else if (Parent->Left == root)
Parent->Left = root->Left;
Parent->Right = root->Left;

if (root->Left != nullptr) root->Left->Parent = Parent;

AdjustRemove(Parent, From);
Removed(this, ((SetNode<T>^)root)->Data);

unsigned long long Remove(Node^ i, Node^ j)
if (i == LeftMost && j == Header)
return Remove();
unsigned long long count = 0;
while (i != j)
SetEntry<T> iter(i); iter.MoveNext();
if (i != Header) { Remove(i); count++; }
i = iter._Node;

return count;

void Update(SetNode<T>^ Node, T value)
if (TComparer->Compare(Node->Data, value) != 0) throw gcnew DifferentKeysException();
T saved = Node->Data;
Node->Data = value;
Updated(this, saved, value);

void Validate(SetNode<T>^ root)
if (root == nullptr) return;

if (root->Left != nullptr)
SetNode<T>^ Left = (SetNode<T>^)root->Left;

if (TComparer->Compare(Left->Data, root->Data) >= 0)
throw gcnew OutOfKeyOrderException();

if (Left->Parent != root)
throw gcnew TreeInvalidParentException();


if (root->Right != nullptr)
SetNode<T>^ Right = (SetNode<T>^)root->Right;

if (TComparer->Compare(Right->Data, root->Data) <= 0)
throw gcnew OutOfKeyOrderException();

if (Right->Parent != root)
throw gcnew TreeInvalidParentException();


unsigned long long DepthLeft = root->Left != nullptr ? Depth(root->Left) : 0;
unsigned long long DepthRight = root->Right != nullptr ? Depth(root->Right) : 0;

if (DepthLeft > DepthRight && DepthLeft - DepthRight > 2)
throw gcnew TreeOutOfBalanceException();

if (DepthLeft < DepthRight && DepthRight - DepthLeft > 2)
throw gcnew TreeOutOfBalanceException();

//*** Static Methods

static void CombineSets(Set<T>^ A,
Set<T>^ B,
Set<T>^ R,
SetOperation operation)
System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer = R->TComparer;
ISharp::ICloner<T>^ TCloner = R->TCloner;

SetEntry<T> first1 = A->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last1 = A->End;
SetEntry<T> first2 = B->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last2 = B->End;

switch (operation)
case SetOperation::Union:
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value);

if (order < 0)

else if (order > 0)

while (first1 != last1)
while (first2 != last2)

case SetOperation::Intersection:
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value);

if (order < 0)

else if (order > 0)


case SetOperation::SymmetricDifference:
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value);

if (order < 0)

else if (order > 0)

{ first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); }

while (first1 != last1)

while (first2 != last2)

case SetOperation::Difference:
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value);

if (order < 0)

else if (order > 0)

{ first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); }

while (first1 != last1)

throw gcnew InvalidSetOperationException();
else {

static Boolean CheckSets(Set<T>^ A,
if (parent->left == n) {
Set<T>^ B,
parent->left = child;
SetOperation operation)
System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer = A->TComparer;

SetEntry<T> first1 = A->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last1 = A->End;
SetEntry<T> first2 = B->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last2 = B->End;

switch (operation)
case SetOperation::Equality:
case SetOperation::Inequality:
bool equals = true;

while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
if (TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value) == 0)
{ first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); }
{ equals = false; break; }

if (equals)
if (first1 != last1) equals = false;
if (first2 != last2) equals = false;

if (operation == SetOperation::Equality)
return equals;
return !equals;

case SetOperation::Subset:
case SetOperation::Superset:
bool subset = true;

while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
int order = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value);

if (order < 0)
{ subset = false; break; }

else if (order > 0)

{ first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); }

if (subset)
if (first1 != last1) subset = false;

if (operation == SetOperation::Subset)
return subset;
return !subset;
else {

throw gcnew InvalidSetOperationException();
parent->right = child;

static int CompareSets(Set<T>^ A,
Set<T>^ B)
System::Collections::Generic::IComparer<T>^ TComparer = A->TComparer;

SetEntry<T> first1 = A->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last1 = A->End;
SetEntry<T> first2 = B->Begin;
SetEntry<T> last2 = B->End;

int Result = 0;

while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
Result = TComparer->Compare(first1.Value, first2.Value);
if (Result == 0)
{ first1.MoveNext(); first2.MoveNext(); }
return Result;

if (first1 != last1) return 1;
if (first2 != last2) return -1;

return 0;

template <class T>
void AVLtree<T>::printBalance() {
std::cout << std::endl;

int main(void)
using namespace ISharp;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Set<int> S = gcnew Set<int>(1, 3, 5 , 6, 7, 9);
AVLtree<int> t;

std::cout << "Inserting integer values 1 to 10" << std::endl;
return 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

std::cout << "Printing balance: ";

Revision as of 10:33, 13 July 2016

AVL tree
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at AVL tree. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at any time they differ by more than one, rebalancing is done to restore this property. Lookup, insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst cases, where n is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more tree rotations.

AVL trees are often compared with red-black trees because they support the same set of operations and because red-black trees also take O(log n) time for the basic operations. Because AVL trees are more rigidly balanced, they are faster than red-black trees for lookup-intensive applications. Similar to red-black trees, AVL trees are height-balanced, but in general not weight-balanced nor μ-balanced; that is, sibling nodes can have hugely differing numbers of descendants.

Task: Implement an AVL tree in the language of choice and provide at least basic operations.


This implementation uses the type system to enforce the height invariants, though not the BST invariants <lang agda> module Avl where

-- The Peano naturals data Nat : Set where

z : Nat
s : Nat -> Nat

-- An AVL tree's type is indexed by a natural. -- Avl N is the type of AVL trees of depth N. There arj 3 different -- node constructors: -- Left: The left subtree is one level deeper than the right -- Balanced: The subtrees have the same depth -- Right: The right Subtree is one level deeper than the left -- Since the AVL invariant is that the depths of a node's subtrees -- always differ by at most 1, this perfectly encodes the AVL depth invariant. data Avl : Nat -> Set where

 Empty : Avl z
 Left : {X : Nat} -> Nat -> Avl (s X) -> Avl X -> Avl (s (s X))
 Balanced : {X : Nat} -> Nat -> Avl X -> Avl X -> Avl (s X)
 Right : {X : Nat} -> Nat -> Avl X -> Avl (s X) -> Avl (s (s X))

-- A wrapper type that hides the AVL tree invariant. This is the interface -- exposed to the user. data Tree : Set where

 avl : {N : Nat} -> Avl N -> Tree

-- Comparison result data Ord : Set where

 Less : Ord
 Equal : Ord
 Greater : Ord

-- Comparison function cmp : Nat -> Nat -> Ord cmp z (s X) = Less cmp z z = Equal cmp (s X) z = Greater cmp (s X) (s Y) = cmp X Y

-- Insertions can either leave the depth the same or -- increase it by one. Encode this in the type. data InsertResult : Nat -> Set where

 Same : {X : Nat} -> Avl X -> InsertResult X
 Bigger : {X : Nat} -> Avl (s X) -> InsertResult X

-- If the left subtree is 2 levels deeper than the right, rotate to the right. -- balance-left X L R means X is the root, L is the left subtree and R is the right. balance-left : {N : Nat} -> Nat -> Avl (s (s N)) -> Avl N -> InsertResult (s (s N)) balance-left X (Right Y A (Balanced Z B C)) D = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-left X (Right Y A (Left Z B C)) D = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Right Y C D)) balance-left X (Right Y A (Right Z B C)) D = Same (Balanced Z (Left X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-left X (Left Y (Balanced Z A B) C) D = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-left X (Left Y (Left Z A B) C) D = Same (Balanced Z (Left X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-left X (Left Y (Right Z A B) C) D = Same (Balanced Z (Right X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-left X (Balanced Y (Balanced Z A B) C) D = Bigger (Right Z (Balanced X A B) (Left Y C D)) balance-left X (Balanced Y (Left Z A B) C) D = Bigger (Right Z (Left X A B) (Left Y C D)) balance-left X (Balanced Y (Right Z A B) C) D = Bigger (Right Z (Right X A B) (Left Y C D))

-- Symmetric with balance-left balance-right : {N : Nat} -> Nat -> Avl N -> Avl (s (s N)) -> InsertResult (s (s N)) balance-right X A (Left Y (Left Z B C) D) = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Right Y C D)) balance-right X A (Left Y (Balanced Z B C) D) = Same(Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-right X A (Left Y (Right Z B C) D) = Same(Balanced Z (Left X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-right X A (Balanced Z B (Left Y C D)) = Bigger(Left Z (Right X A B) (Left Y C D)) balance-right X A (Balanced Z B (Balanced Y C D)) = Bigger (Left Z (Right X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-right X A (Balanced Z B (Right Y C D)) = Bigger (Left Z (Right X A B) (Right Y C D)) balance-right X A (Right Z B (Left Y C D)) = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Left Y C D)) balance-right X A (Right Z B (Balanced Y C D)) = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Balanced Y C D)) balance-right X A (Right Z B (Right Y C D)) = Same (Balanced Z (Balanced X A B) (Right Y C D))

-- insert' T N does all the work of inserting the element N into the tree T. insert' : {N : Nat} -> Avl N -> Nat -> InsertResult N insert' Empty N = Bigger (Balanced N Empty Empty) insert' (Left Y L R) X with cmp X Y insert' (Left Y L R) X | Less with insert' L X insert' (Left Y L R) X | Less | Same L' = Same (Left Y L' R) insert' (Left Y L R) X | Less | Bigger L' = balance-left Y L' R insert' (Left Y L R) X | Equal = Same (Left Y L R) insert' (Left Y L R) X | Greater with insert' R X insert' (Left Y L R) X | Greater | Same R' = Same (Left Y L R') insert' (Left Y L R) X | Greater | Bigger R' = Same (Balanced Y L R') insert' (Balanced Y L R) X with cmp X Y insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Less with insert' L X insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Less | Same L' = Same (Balanced Y L' R) insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Less | Bigger L' = Bigger (Left Y L' R) insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Equal = Same (Balanced Y L R) insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Greater with insert' R X insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Greater | Same R' = Same (Balanced Y L R') insert' (Balanced Y L R) X | Greater | Bigger R' = Bigger (Right Y L R') insert' (Right Y L R) X with cmp X Y insert' (Right Y L R) X | Less with insert' L X insert' (Right Y L R) X | Less | Same L' = Same (Right Y L' R) insert' (Right Y L R) X | Less | Bigger L' = Same (Balanced Y L' R) insert' (Right Y L R) X | Equal = Same (Right Y L R) insert' (Right Y L R) X | Greater with insert' R X insert' (Right Y L R) X | Greater | Same R' = Same (Right Y L R') insert' (Right Y L R) X | Greater | Bigger R' = balance-right Y L R'

-- Wrapper around insert' to use the depth-agnostic type Tree. insert : Tree -> Nat -> Tree insert (avl T) X with insert' T X ... | Same T' = avl T' ... | Bigger T' = avl T' </lang>


See AVL_tree/C_sharp.


See AVL tree/C


Translation of: D

<lang cpp>

  1. include <algorithm>
  2. include <iostream>

/* AVL node */ template <class T> class AVLnode { public:

   T key;
   int balance;
   AVLnode *left, *right, *parent;
   AVLnode(T k, AVLnode *p) : key(k), balance(0), parent(p),
                       left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
   ~AVLnode() {
       delete left;
       delete right;


/* AVL tree */ template <class T> class AVLtree { public:

   bool insert(T key);
   void deleteKey(const T key);
   void printBalance();


   AVLnode<T> *root;
   AVLnode<T>* rotateLeft          ( AVLnode<T> *a );
   AVLnode<T>* rotateRight         ( AVLnode<T> *a );
   AVLnode<T>* rotateLeftThenRight ( AVLnode<T> *n );
   AVLnode<T>* rotateRightThenLeft ( AVLnode<T> *n );
   void rebalance                  ( AVLnode<T> *n );
   int height                      ( AVLnode<T> *n );
   void setBalance                 ( AVLnode<T> *n );
   void printBalance               ( AVLnode<T> *n );
   void clearNode                  ( AVLnode<T> *n );


/* AVL class definition */ template <class T> void AVLtree<T>::rebalance(AVLnode<T> *n) {

   if (n->balance == -2) {
       if (height(n->left->left) >= height(n->left->right))
           n = rotateRight(n);
           n = rotateLeftThenRight(n);
   else if (n->balance == 2) {
       if (height(n->right->right) >= height(n->right->left))
           n = rotateLeft(n);
           n = rotateRightThenLeft(n);
   if (n->parent != NULL) {
   else {
       root = n;


template <class T> AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateLeft(AVLnode<T> *a) {

   AVLnode<T> *b = a->right;
   b->parent = a->parent;
   a->right = b->left;
   if (a->right != NULL)
       a->right->parent = a;
   b->left = a;
   a->parent = b;
   if (b->parent != NULL) {
       if (b->parent->right == a) {
           b->parent->right = b;
       else {
           b->parent->left = b;
   return b;


template <class T> AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateRight(AVLnode<T> *a) {

   AVLnode<T> *b = a->left;
   b->parent = a->parent;
   a->left = b->right;
   if (a->left != NULL)
       a->left->parent = a;
   b->right = a;
   a->parent = b;
   if (b->parent != NULL) {
       if (b->parent->right == a) {
           b->parent->right = b;
       else {
           b->parent->left = b;
   return b;


template <class T> AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateLeftThenRight(AVLnode<T> *n) {

   n->left = rotateLeft(n->left);
   return rotateRight(n);


template <class T> AVLnode<T>* AVLtree<T>::rotateRightThenLeft(AVLnode<T> *n) {

   n->right = rotateRight(n->right);
   return rotateLeft(n);


template <class T> int AVLtree<T>::height(AVLnode<T> *n) {

   if (n == NULL)
       return -1;
   return 1 + std::max(height(n->left), height(n->right));


template <class T> void AVLtree<T>::setBalance(AVLnode<T> *n) {

   n->balance = height(n->right) - height(n->left);


template <class T> void AVLtree<T>::printBalance(AVLnode<T> *n) {

   if (n != NULL) {
       std::cout << n->balance << " ";


template <class T> AVLtree<T>::AVLtree(void) : root(NULL) {}

template <class T> AVLtree<T>::~AVLtree(void) {

   delete root;


template <class T> bool AVLtree<T>::insert(T key) {

   if (root == NULL) {
       root = new AVLnode<T>(key, NULL);
   else {
           *n = root,
       while (true) {
           if (n->key == key)
               return false;
           parent = n;
           bool goLeft = n->key > key;
           n = goLeft ? n->left : n->right;
           if (n == NULL) {
               if (goLeft) {
                   parent->left = new AVLnode<T>(key, parent);
               else {
                   parent->right = new AVLnode<T>(key, parent);
   return true;


template <class T> void AVLtree<T>::deleteKey(const T delKey) {

   if (root == NULL)
       *n       = root,
       *parent  = root,
       *delNode = NULL,
       *child   = root;
   while (child != NULL) {
       parent = n;
       n = child;
       child = delKey >= n->key ? n->right : n->left;
       if (delKey == n->key)
           delNode = n;
   if (delNode != NULL) {
       delNode->key = n->key;
       child = n->left != NULL ? n->left : n->right;
       if (root->key == delKey) {
           root = child;
       else {
           if (parent->left == n) {
               parent->left = child;
           else {
               parent->right = child;


template <class T> void AVLtree<T>::printBalance() {

   std::cout << std::endl;


int main(void) {

   AVLtree<int> t;
   std::cout << "Inserting integer values 1 to 10" << std::endl;
   for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
   std::cout << "Printing balance: ";

} </lang>

Inserting integer values 1 to 10
Printing balance: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 

More elaborate version

See AVL_tree/C++


Translation of: Java

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

class AVLtree {

   private Node* root;
   private static struct Node {
       private int key, balance;
       private Node* left, right, parent;
       this(in int k, Node* p) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
           key = k;
           parent = p;
   public bool insert(in int key) pure nothrow @safe {
       if (root is null)
           root = new Node(key, null);
       else {
           Node* n = root;
           Node* parent;
           while (true) {
               if (n.key == key)
                   return false;
               parent = n;
               bool goLeft = n.key > key;
               n = goLeft ? n.left : n.right;
               if (n is null) {
                   if (goLeft) {
                       parent.left = new Node(key, parent);
                   } else {
                       parent.right = new Node(key, parent);
       return true;
   public void deleteKey(in int delKey) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       if (root is null)
       Node* n = root;
       Node* parent = root;
       Node* delNode = null;
       Node* child = root;
       while (child !is null) {
           parent = n;
           n = child;
           child = delKey >= n.key ? n.right : n.left;
           if (delKey == n.key)
               delNode = n;
       if (delNode !is null) {
           delNode.key = n.key;
           child = n.left !is null ? n.left : n.right;
           if (root.key == delKey) {
               root = child;
           } else {
               if (parent.left is n) {
                   parent.left = child;
               } else {
                   parent.right = child;
   private void rebalance(Node* n) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       if (n.balance == -2) {
           if (height(n.left.left) >= height(n.left.right))
               n = rotateRight(n);
               n = rotateLeftThenRight(n);
       } else if (n.balance == 2) {
           if (height(n.right.right) >= height(n.right.left))
               n = rotateLeft(n);
               n = rotateRightThenLeft(n);
       if (n.parent !is null) {
       } else {
           root = n;
   private Node* rotateLeft(Node* a) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       Node* b = a.right;
       b.parent = a.parent;
       a.right = b.left;
       if (a.right !is null)
           a.right.parent = a;
       b.left = a;
       a.parent = b;
       if (b.parent !is null) {
           if (b.parent.right is a) {
               b.parent.right = b;
           } else {
               b.parent.left = b;
       setBalance(a, b);
       return b;
   private Node* rotateRight(Node* a) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       Node* b = a.left;
       b.parent = a.parent;
       a.left = b.right;
       if (a.left !is null)
           a.left.parent = a;
       b.right = a;
       a.parent = b;
       if (b.parent !is null) {
           if (b.parent.right is a) {
               b.parent.right = b;
           } else {
               b.parent.left = b;
       setBalance(a, b);
       return b;
   private Node* rotateLeftThenRight(Node* n) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       n.left = rotateLeft(n.left);
       return rotateRight(n);
   private Node* rotateRightThenLeft(Node* n) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       n.right = rotateRight(n.right);
       return rotateLeft(n);
   private int height(in Node* n) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       if (n is null)
           return -1;
       return 1 + max(height(n.left), height(n.right));
   private void setBalance(Node*[] nodes...) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       foreach (n; nodes)
           n.balance = height(n.right) - height(n.left);
   public void printBalance() const @safe {
   private void printBalance(in Node* n) const @safe {
       if (n !is null) {
           write(n.balance, ' ');


void main() @safe {

   auto tree = new AVLtree();
   writeln("Inserting values 1 to 10");
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. 11)
   write("Printing balance: ");


Inserting values 1 to 10
Printing balance: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 


A package: <lang go>package avl

// AVL tree adapted from Julienne Walker's presentation at // http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/datastructures/jsw_tut_avl.aspx. // This port uses similar indentifier names.

// The Key interface must be supported by data stored in the AVL tree. type Key interface {

   Less(Key) bool
   Eq(Key) bool


// Node is a node in an AVL tree. type Node struct {

   Data    Key      // anything comparable with Less and Eq.
   Balance int      // balance factor
   Link    [2]*Node // children, indexed by "direction", 0 or 1.


// A little readability function for returning the opposite of a direction, // where a direction is 0 or 1. Go inlines this. // Where JW writes !dir, this code has opp(dir). func opp(dir int) int {

   return 1 - dir


// single rotation func single(root *Node, dir int) *Node {

   save := root.Link[opp(dir)]
   root.Link[opp(dir)] = save.Link[dir]
   save.Link[dir] = root
   return save


// double rotation func double(root *Node, dir int) *Node {

   save := root.Link[opp(dir)].Link[dir]
   root.Link[opp(dir)].Link[dir] = save.Link[opp(dir)]
   save.Link[opp(dir)] = root.Link[opp(dir)]
   root.Link[opp(dir)] = save
   save = root.Link[opp(dir)]
   root.Link[opp(dir)] = save.Link[dir]
   save.Link[dir] = root
   return save


// adjust valance factors after double rotation func adjustBalance(root *Node, dir, bal int) {

   n := root.Link[dir]
   nn := n.Link[opp(dir)]
   switch nn.Balance {
   case 0:
       root.Balance = 0
       n.Balance = 0
   case bal:
       root.Balance = -bal
       n.Balance = 0
       root.Balance = 0
       n.Balance = bal
   nn.Balance = 0


func insertBalance(root *Node, dir int) *Node {

   n := root.Link[dir]
   bal := 2*dir - 1
   if n.Balance == bal {
       root.Balance = 0
       n.Balance = 0
       return single(root, opp(dir))
   adjustBalance(root, dir, bal)
   return double(root, opp(dir))


func insertR(root *Node, data Key) (*Node, bool) {

   if root == nil {
       return &Node{Data: data}, false
   dir := 0
   if root.Data.Less(data) {
       dir = 1
   var done bool
   root.Link[dir], done = insertR(root.Link[dir], data)
   if done {
       return root, true
   root.Balance += 2*dir - 1
   switch root.Balance {
   case 0:
       return root, true
   case 1, -1:
       return root, false
   return insertBalance(root, dir), true


// Insert a node into the AVL tree. // Data is inserted even if other data with the same key already exists. func Insert(tree **Node, data Key) {

   *tree, _ = insertR(*tree, data)


func removeBalance(root *Node, dir int) (*Node, bool) {

   n := root.Link[opp(dir)]
   bal := 2*dir - 1
   switch n.Balance {
   case -bal:
       root.Balance = 0
       n.Balance = 0
       return single(root, dir), false
   case bal:
       adjustBalance(root, opp(dir), -bal)
       return double(root, dir), false
   root.Balance = -bal
   n.Balance = bal
   return single(root, dir), true


func removeR(root *Node, data Key) (*Node, bool) {

   if root == nil {
       return nil, false
   if root.Data.Eq(data) {
       switch {
       case root.Link[0] == nil:
           return root.Link[1], false
       case root.Link[1] == nil:
           return root.Link[0], false
       heir := root.Link[0]
       for heir.Link[1] != nil {
           heir = heir.Link[1]
       root.Data = heir.Data
       data = heir.Data
   dir := 0
   if root.Data.Less(data) {
       dir = 1
   var done bool
   root.Link[dir], done = removeR(root.Link[dir], data)
   if done {
       return root, true
   root.Balance += 1 - 2*dir
   switch root.Balance {
   case 1, -1:
       return root, true
   case 0:
       return root, false
   return removeBalance(root, dir)


// Remove a single item from an AVL tree. // If key does not exist, function has no effect. func Remove(tree **Node, data Key) {

   *tree, _ = removeR(*tree, data)

}</lang> A demonstration program: <lang go>package main

import (



type intKey int

// satisfy avl.Key func (k intKey) Less(k2 avl.Key) bool { return k < k2.(intKey) } func (k intKey) Eq(k2 avl.Key) bool { return k == k2.(intKey) }

// use json for cheap tree visualization func dump(tree *avl.Node) {

   b, err := json.MarshalIndent(tree, "", "   ")
   if err != nil {


func main() {

   var tree *avl.Node
   fmt.Println("Empty tree:")
   fmt.Println("\nInsert test:")
   avl.Insert(&tree, intKey(3))
   avl.Insert(&tree, intKey(1))
   avl.Insert(&tree, intKey(4))
   avl.Insert(&tree, intKey(1))
   avl.Insert(&tree, intKey(5))
   fmt.Println("\nRemove test:")
   avl.Remove(&tree, intKey(3))
   avl.Remove(&tree, intKey(1))


Empty tree:

Insert test:
   "Data": 3,
   "Balance": 0,
   "Link": [
         "Data": 1,
         "Balance": -1,
         "Link": [
               "Data": 1,
               "Balance": 0,
               "Link": [
         "Data": 4,
         "Balance": 1,
         "Link": [
               "Data": 5,
               "Balance": 0,
               "Link": [

Remove test:
   "Data": 4,
   "Balance": 0,
   "Link": [
         "Data": 1,
         "Balance": 0,
         "Link": [
         "Data": 5,
         "Balance": 0,
         "Link": [


Solution of homework #4 from course http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis194/spring13/lectures.html. <lang haskell>data Tree a = Leaf | Node Int (Tree a) a (Tree a)

 deriving (Show, Eq)

foldTree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a foldTree = foldr insert Leaf

height Leaf = -1 height (Node h _ _ _) = h

depth a b = 1 + (height a `max` height b)

insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a insert v Leaf = Node 1 Leaf v Leaf insert v t@(Node n left v' right)

   | v' < v = rotate $ Node n left v' (insert v right)
   | v' > v = rotate $ Node n (insert v left) v' right
   | otherwise = t

max' :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe a max' Leaf = Nothing max' (Node _ _ v right) = case right of

                              Leaf -> Just v
                              _    -> max' right

delete :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a delete _ Leaf = Leaf delete x (Node h left v right)

   | x == v = maybe left (\m -> rotate $ Node h left m (delete m right)) (max' right)
   | x > v  = rotate $ Node h left v (delete x right)
   | x < v  = rotate $ Node h (delete x left) v right 

rotate :: Tree a -> Tree a rotate Leaf = Leaf -- left left case rotate (Node h (Node lh ll lv lr) v r)

   | lh - height r > 1 && height ll - height lr > 0 = 
     Node lh ll lv (Node (depth r lr) lr v r)

-- right right case rotate (Node h l v (Node rh rl rv rr))

   | rh - height l > 1 && height rr - height rl > 0 =
     Node rh (Node (depth l rl) l v rl) rv rr

-- left right case rotate (Node h (Node lh ll lv (Node rh rl rv rr)) v r)

   | lh - height r > 1 = Node h (Node (rh+1) (Node (lh-1) ll lv rl) rv rr) v r

-- right left case rotate (Node h l v (Node rh (Node lh ll lv lr) rv rr))

   | rh - height l > 1 = Node h l v (Node (lh+1) ll lv (Node (rh-1) lr rv rr))

-- re-weighting rotate (Node h l v r) = let (l', r') = (rotate l, rotate r)

                       in Node (depth l' r') l' v r'

draw :: Show a => Tree a -> String draw t = "\n" ++ draw' t 0 ++ "\n"

   draw' Leaf _ = []
   draw' (Node h l v r) d = draw' r (d+1) ++ node ++ draw' l (d+1)
       node = padding d ++ show (v, h) ++ "\n"
       padding n = replicate (n*4) ' '</lang>
*Main> putStr $ draw $ foldTree [1..15]



This code has been cobbled together from various online examples. It's not easy to find a clear and complete explanation of AVL trees. Textbooks tend to concentrate on red-black trees because of their better efficiency. (AVL trees need to make 2 passes through the tree when inserting and deleting: one down to find the node to operate upon and one up to rebalance the tree.) <lang java>public class AVLtree {

   private Node root;
   private class Node {
       private int key;
       private int balance;
       private Node left, right, parent;
       Node(int k, Node p) {
           key = k;
           parent = p;
   public boolean insert(int key) {
       if (root == null)
           root = new Node(key, null);
       else {
           Node n = root;
           Node parent;
           while (true) {
               if (n.key == key)
                   return false;
               parent = n;
               boolean goLeft = n.key > key;
               n = goLeft ? n.left : n.right;
               if (n == null) {
                   if (goLeft) {
                       parent.left = new Node(key, parent);
                   } else {
                       parent.right = new Node(key, parent);
       return true;
   public void delete(int delKey) {
       if (root == null)
       Node n = root;
       Node parent = root;
       Node delNode = null;
       Node child = root;
       while (child != null) {
           parent = n;
           n = child;
           child = delKey >= n.key ? n.right : n.left;
           if (delKey == n.key)
               delNode = n;
       if (delNode != null) {
           delNode.key = n.key;
           child = n.left != null ? n.left : n.right;
           if (root.key == delKey) {
               root = child;
           } else {
               if (parent.left == n) {
                   parent.left = child;
               } else {
                   parent.right = child;
   private void rebalance(Node n) {
       if (n.balance == -2) {
           if (height(n.left.left) >= height(n.left.right))
               n = rotateRight(n);
               n = rotateLeftThenRight(n);
       } else if (n.balance == 2) {
           if (height(n.right.right) >= height(n.right.left))
               n = rotateLeft(n);
               n = rotateRightThenLeft(n);
       if (n.parent != null) {
       } else {
           root = n;
   private Node rotateLeft(Node a) {
       Node b = a.right;
       b.parent = a.parent;
       a.right = b.left;
       if (a.right != null)
           a.right.parent = a;
       b.left = a;
       a.parent = b;
       if (b.parent != null) {
           if (b.parent.right == a) {
               b.parent.right = b;
           } else {
               b.parent.left = b;
       setBalance(a, b);
       return b;
   private Node rotateRight(Node a) {
       Node b = a.left;
       b.parent = a.parent;
       a.left = b.right;
       if (a.left != null)
           a.left.parent = a;
       b.right = a;
       a.parent = b;
       if (b.parent != null) {
           if (b.parent.right == a) {
               b.parent.right = b;
           } else {
               b.parent.left = b;
       setBalance(a, b);
       return b;
   private Node rotateLeftThenRight(Node n) {
       n.left = rotateLeft(n.left);
       return rotateRight(n);
   private Node rotateRightThenLeft(Node n) {
       n.right = rotateRight(n.right);
       return rotateLeft(n);
   private int height(Node n) {
       if (n == null)
           return -1;
       return 1 + Math.max(height(n.left), height(n.right));
   private void setBalance(Node... nodes) {
       for (Node n : nodes)
           n.balance = height(n.right) - height(n.left);
   public void printBalance() {
   private void printBalance(Node n) {
       if (n != null) {
           System.out.printf("%s ", n.balance);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       AVLtree tree = new AVLtree();
       System.out.println("Inserting values 1 to 10");
       for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
       System.out.print("Printing balance: ");


Inserting values 1 to 10
Printing balance: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

More elaborate version

See AVL_tree/Java


Translation of: Java

<lang Objective-C> @implementation AVLTree

-(BOOL)insertWithKey:(NSInteger)key {

   if (self.root == nil) {
       self.root = [[AVLTreeNode alloc]initWithKey:key andParent:nil];
   } else {
       AVLTreeNode *n = self.root;
       AVLTreeNode *parent;
       while (true) {
           if (n.key == key) {
               return false;
           parent = n;
           BOOL goLeft = n.key > key;
           n = goLeft ? n.left : n.right;
           if (n == nil) {
               if (goLeft) {
                   parent.left = [[AVLTreeNode alloc]initWithKey:key andParent:parent];
               } else {
                   parent.right = [[AVLTreeNode alloc]initWithKey:key andParent:parent];
               [self rebalanceStartingAtNode:parent];
   return true;


-(void)rebalanceStartingAtNode:(AVLTreeNode*)n {

   [self setBalance:@[n]];
   if (n.balance == -2) {
       if ([self height:(n.left.left)] >= [self height:n.left.right]) {
           n = [self rotateRight:n];
       } else {
           n = [self rotateLeftThenRight:n];
   } else if (n.balance == 2) {
       if ([self height:n.right.right] >= [self height:n.right.left]) {
           n = [self rotateLeft:n];
       } else {
           n = [self rotateRightThenLeft:n];
   if (n.parent != nil) {
       [self rebalanceStartingAtNode:n.parent];
   } else {
       self.root = n;


-(AVLTreeNode*)rotateRight:(AVLTreeNode*)a {

   AVLTreeNode *b = a.left;
   b.parent = a.parent;
   a.left = b.right;
   if (a.left != nil) {
       a.left.parent = a;
   b.right = a;
   a.parent = b;
   if (b.parent != nil) {
       if (b.parent.right == a) {
           b.parent.right = b;
       } else {
           b.parent.left = b;
   [self setBalance:@[a,b]];
   return b;


-(AVLTreeNode*)rotateLeftThenRight:(AVLTreeNode*)n {

   n.left = [self rotateLeft:n.left];
   return [self rotateRight:n];


-(AVLTreeNode*)rotateRightThenLeft:(AVLTreeNode*)n {

   n.right = [self rotateRight:n.right];
   return [self rotateLeft:n];


-(AVLTreeNode*)rotateLeft:(AVLTreeNode*)a {

   //set a's right node as b
   AVLTreeNode* b = a.right;
   //set b's parent as a's parent (which could be nil)
   b.parent = a.parent;
   //in case b had a left child transfer it to a
   a.right = b.left;
   // after changing a's reference to the right child, make sure the parent is set too
   if (a.right != nil) {
       a.right.parent = a;
   // switch a over to the left to be b's left child
   b.left = a;
   a.parent = b;
   if (b.parent != nil) {
       if (b.parent.right == a) {
           b.parent.right = b;
       } else {
           b.parent.right = b;
   [self setBalance:@[a,b]];
   return b;


-(void) setBalance:(NSArray*)nodesArray {

   for (AVLTreeNode* n in nodesArray) {
       n.balance = [self height:n.right] - [self height:n.left];


-(int)height:(AVLTreeNode*)n {

   if (n == nil) {
       return -1;
   return 1 + MAX([self height:n.left], [self height:n.right]);


-(void)printKey:(AVLTreeNode*)n {

   if (n != nil) {
       [self printKey:n.left];
       NSLog(@"%ld", n.key);
       [self printKey:n.right];


-(void)printBalance:(AVLTreeNode*)n {

   if (n != nil) {
       [self printBalance:n.left];
       NSLog(@"%ld", n.balance);
       [self printBalance:n.right];

} @end -- test

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

   @autoreleasepool {
       AVLTree *tree = [AVLTree new];
       NSLog(@"inserting values 1 to 6");
       [tree insertWithKey:1];
       [tree insertWithKey:2];
       [tree insertWithKey:3];
       [tree insertWithKey:4];
       [tree insertWithKey:5];
       [tree insertWithKey:6];
       NSLog(@"printing balance: ");
       [tree printBalance:tree.root];
       NSLog(@"printing key: ");
       [tree printKey:tree.root];
   return 0;



inserting values 1 to 6
printing balance:

printing key:


Translated from the C version at http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/avl-tree-set-2-deletion
The standard distribution includes demo\rosetta\AVL_tree.exw, which contains a slightly longer but perhaps more readable version, with a command line equivalent of https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/AVLtree.html as well as a simple tree structure display routine and additional verification code (both modelled on the C version found on this page) <lang Phix>enum KEY = 0,

    HEIGHT,    -- (NB +/-1 gives LEFT or RIGHT)

sequence tree = {} integer freelist = 0

function newNode(object key) integer node

   if freelist=0 then
       node = length(tree)+1
       tree &= {key,NULL,1,NULL}
       node = freelist
       freelist = tree[freelist]
       tree[node+KEY..node+RIGHT] = {key,NULL,1,NULL}
   end if
   return node

end function

function height(integer node)

   return iff(node=NULL?0:tree[node+HEIGHT])

end function

procedure setHeight(integer node)

   tree[node+HEIGHT] = max(height(tree[node+LEFT]), height(tree[node+RIGHT]))+1

end procedure

function rotate(integer node, integer direction) integer idirection = LEFT+RIGHT-direction integer pivot = tree[node+idirection]

   {tree[pivot+direction],tree[node+idirection]} = {node,tree[pivot+direction]}
   return pivot

end function

function getBalance(integer N)

   return iff(N==NULL ? 0 : height(tree[N+LEFT])-height(tree[N+RIGHT]))

end function

function insertNode(integer node, object key)

   if node==NULL then
       return newNode(key)
   end if
   integer c = compare(key,tree[node+KEY])
   if c!=0 then
       integer direction = HEIGHT+c    -- LEFT or RIGHT
       tree[node+direction] = insertNode(tree[node+direction], key)
       integer balance = trunc(getBalance(node)/2) -- +/-1 (or 0)
       if balance then
           direction = HEIGHT-balance  -- LEFT or RIGHT
           c = compare(key,tree[tree[node+direction]+KEY])
           if c=balance then
               tree[node+direction] = rotate(tree[node+direction],direction)
           end if
           if c!=0 then
               node = rotate(node,LEFT+RIGHT-direction)
           end if
       end if
   end if
   return node

end function

function minValueNode(integer node)

   while 1 do
       integer next = tree[node+LEFT]
       if next=NULL then exit end if
       node = next
   end while
   return node

end function

function deleteNode(integer root, object key) integer c

   if root=NULL then return root end if
   c = compare(key,tree[root+KEY])
   if c=-1 then
       tree[root+LEFT] = deleteNode(tree[root+LEFT], key)
   elsif c=+1 then
       tree[root+RIGHT] = deleteNode(tree[root+RIGHT], key)
   elsif tree[root+LEFT]==NULL
      or tree[root+RIGHT]==NULL then
       integer temp = iff(tree[root+LEFT] ? tree[root+LEFT] : tree[root+RIGHT])
       if temp==NULL then  -- No child case
           {temp,root} = {root,NULL}
       else                -- One child case
           tree[root+KEY..root+RIGHT] = tree[temp+KEY..temp+RIGHT]
       end if
       tree[temp+KEY] = freelist
       freelist = temp
   else                    -- Two child case
       integer temp = minValueNode(tree[root+RIGHT])
       tree[root+KEY] = tree[temp+KEY]
       tree[root+RIGHT] = deleteNode(tree[root+RIGHT], tree[temp+KEY])
   end if
   if root=NULL then return root end if
   integer balance = trunc(getBalance(root)/2)
   if balance then
       integer direction = HEIGHT-balance
       c = compare(getBalance(tree[root+direction]),0)
       if c=-balance then
           tree[root+direction] = rotate(tree[root+direction],direction)
       end if
       root = rotate(root,LEFT+RIGHT-direction)
   end if
   return root

end function

procedure inOrder(integer node)

   if node!=NULL then
       printf(1, "%d ", tree[node+KEY])
   end if

end procedure

integer root = NULL sequence test = shuffle(tagset(50003))

   for i=1 to length(test) do
       root = insertNode(root,test[i])
   end for
   test = shuffle(tagset(50000))
   for i=1 to length(test) do
       root = deleteNode(root,test[i])
   end for
50001 50002 50003


<lang Lua>AVL={balance=0} AVL.__mt={__index = AVL}

function AVL:new(list)

 local o={}  
 setmetatable(o, AVL.__mt)
 for _,v in ipairs(list or {}) do
 return o


function AVL:rebalance()

 local rotated=false
 if self.balance>1 then
   if self.right.balance<0 then
     self.right, self.right.left.right, self.right.left = self.right.left, self.right, self.right.left.right
     self.right.right.balance=self.right.balance>-1 and 0 or 1
     self.right.balance=self.right.balance>0 and 2 or 1
   self, self.right.left, self.right = self.right, self, self.right.left
   self.balance=self.balance==0 and -1 or 0
 elseif self.balance<-1 then
   if self.left.balance>0 then
     self.left, self.left.right.left, self.left.right = self.left.right, self.left, self.left.right.left
     self.left.left.balance=self.left.balance<1 and 0 or -1
     self.left.balance=self.left.balance<0 and -2 or -1
   self, self.left.right, self.left = self.left, self, self.left.right
   self.balance=self.balance==0 and 1 or 0
 return self,rotated


function AVL:insert(v)

 if not self.value then 
   return self,1
 local grow
 if v==self.value then
   return self,0
 elseif v<self.value then
   if not self.left then self.left=self:new() end
   if not self.right then self.right=self:new() end
 return self, (rotated or self.balance==0) and 0 or grow 


function AVL:delete_move(dir,other,mul)

 if self[dir] then
   local sb2,v
   self[dir], sb2, v=self[dir]:delete_move(dir,other,mul)
   return self,(sb2 or self.balance==0) and -1 or 0,v
   return self[other],-1,self.value


function AVL:delete(v,isSubtree)

 local grow=0
 if v==self.value then
   local v
   if self.balance>0 then
   elseif self.left then
     return not isSubtree and AVL:new(),-1
 elseif v<self.value and self.left then
 elseif v>self.value and self.right then
   return self,0
 return self, grow~=0 and (rotated or self.balance==0) and -1 or 0


-- output functions

function AVL:toList(list)

 if not self.value then return {} end
 list=list or {}
 if self.left then self.left:toList(list) end
 if self.right then self.right:toList(list) end
 return list


function AVL:dump(depth)

 if not self.value then return end
 depth=depth or 0
 if self.right then self.right:dump(depth+1) end
 print(string.rep("    ",depth)..self.value.." ("..self.balance..")")
 if self.left then self.left:dump(depth+1) end


-- test

local test=AVL:new{1,10,5,15,20,3,5,14,7,13,2,8,3,4,5,10,9,8,7}

test:dump() print("\ninsert 17:") test=test:insert(17) test:dump() print("\ndelete 10:") test=test:delete(10) test:dump() print("\nlist:") print(unpack(test:toList())) </lang>

            20 (0)
        15 (1)
    14 (1)
        13 (0)
10 (-1)
            9 (0)
        8 (0)
            7 (0)
    5 (-1)
                4 (0)
            3 (1)
        2 (1)
            1 (0)

insert 17:
            20 (0)
        17 (0)
            15 (0)
    14 (1)
        13 (0)
10 (-1)
            9 (0)
        8 (0)
            7 (0)
    5 (-1)
                4 (0)
            3 (1)
        2 (1)
            1 (0)

delete 10:
            20 (0)
        17 (0)
            15 (0)
    14 (1)
        13 (0)
9 (-1)
        8 (-1)
            7 (0)
    5 (-1)
                4 (0)
            3 (1)
        2 (1)
            1 (0)

1       2       3       4       5       7       8       9       13      14      15      17      20


Translation of: D

<lang ruby>class AVLtree {

   has root = nil
   struct Node {
       Number key,
       Number balance = 0,
       Node left = nil,
       Node right = nil,
       Node parent = nil,
   method insert(key) {
       if (root == nil) {
           root = Node(key)
           return true
       var n = root
       var parent = nil
       loop {
           if (n.key == key) {
               return false
           parent = n
           var goLeft = (n.key > key)
           n = (goLeft ? n.left : n.right)
           if (n == nil) {
               var tn = Node(key, parent: parent)
               if (goLeft) {
                   parent.left = tn
               else {
                   parent.right = tn
       return true
   method delete_key(delKey) {
       if (root == nil) { return }
       var n = root
       var parent = root
       var delNode = nil
       var child = root
       while (child != nil) {
           parent = n
           n = child
           child = (delKey >= n.key ? n.right : n.left)
           if (delKey == n.key) {
               delNode = n
       if (delNode != nil) {
           delNode.key = n.key
           child = (n.left != nil ? n.left : n.right)
           if (root.key == delKey) {
               root = child
           else {
               if (parent.left == n) {
                   parent.left = child
               else {
                   parent.right = child
   method rebalance(n) {
       if (n == nil) { return }
       given (n.balance) {
           when (-2) {
               if (self.height(n.left.left) >= self.height(n.left.right)) {
                   n = self.rotate(n, :right)
               else {
                   n = self.rotate_twice(n, :left, :right)
           when (2) {
               if (self.height(n.right.right) >= self.height(n.right.left)) {
                   n = self.rotate(n, :left)
               else {
                   n = self.rotate_twice(n, :right, :left)
       if (n.parent != nil) {
       else {
           root = n
   method rotate(a, dir) {
       var b = (dir == :left ? a.right : a.left)
       b.parent = a.parent
       (dir == :left) ? (a.right = b.left)
                      : (a.left  = b.right)
       if (a.right != nil) {
           a.right.parent = a
       b.$dir = a
       a.parent = b
       if (b.parent != nil) {
           if (b.parent.right == a) {
               b.parent.right = b
           else {
               b.parent.left = b
       self.setBalance(a, b)
       return b
   method rotate_twice(n, dir1, dir2) {
       n.left = self.rotate(n.left, dir1)
       self.rotate(n, dir2)
   method height(n) {
       if (n == nil) { return -1 }
       1 + Math.max(self.height(n.left), self.height(n.right))
   method setBalance(*nodes) {
       nodes.each { |n|
           n.balance = (self.height(n.right) - self.height(n.left))
   method printBalance {
   method printBalance(n) {
       if (n != nil) {
           print(n.balance, ' ')


var tree = AVLtree()

say "Inserting values 1 to 10" 10.times { |i| tree.insert(i) } print "Printing balance: " tree.printBalance</lang>

Inserting values 1 to 10
Printing balance: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0


Note that in general, you would not normally write a tree directly in Tcl when writing code that required an = map, but would rather use either an array variable or a dictionary value (which are internally implemented using a high-performance hash table engine).

Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>package require TclOO

namespace eval AVL {

   # Class for the overall tree; manages real public API
   oo::class create Tree {

variable root nil class constructor Template:NodeClass AVL::Node { set class [oo::class create Node [list superclass $nodeClass]]

# Create a nil instance to act as a leaf sentinel set nil [my NewNode ""] set root [$nil ref]

# Make nil be special oo::objdefine $nil { method height {} {return 0} method key {} {error "no key possible"} method value {} {error "no value possible"} method destroy {} { # Do nothing (doesn't prohibit destruction entirely) } method print {indent increment} { # Do nothing } } }

# How to actually manufacture a new node method NewNode {key} { if {![info exists nil]} {set nil ""} $class new $key $nil [list [namespace current]::my NewNode] }

# Create a new node in the tree and return it method insert {key} { set node [my NewNode $key] if {$root eq $nil} { set root $node } else { $root insert $node } return $node }

# Find the node for a particular key method lookup {key} { for {set node $root} {$node ne $nil} {} { if {[$node key] == $key} { return $node } elseif {[$node key] > $key} { set node [$node left] } else { set node [$node right] } } error "no such node" }

# Print a tree out, one node per line method print {{indent 0} {increment 1}} { $root print $indent $increment return }

   # Class of an individual node; may be subclassed
   oo::class create Node {

variable key value left right 0 refcount newNode constructor {n nil instanceFactory} { set newNode $instanceFactory set 0 [expr {$nil eq "" ? [self] : $nil}] set key $n set value {} set left [set right $0] set refcount 0 } method ref {} { incr refcount return [self] } method destroy {} { if {[incr refcount -1] < 1} next } method New {key value} { set n [{*}$newNode $key] $n setValue $value return $n }

# Getters method key {} {return $key} method value {} {return $value} method left {} {return $left} method right {args} {return $right}

# Setters method setValue {newValue} { set value $newValue } method setLeft {node} { # Non-trivial because of reference management $node ref $left destroy set left $node return } method setRight {node} { # Non-trivial because of reference management $node ref $right destroy set right $node return }

# Print a node and its descendents method print {indent increment} { puts [format "%s%s => %s" [string repeat " " $indent] $key $value] incr indent $increment $left print $indent $increment $right print $indent $increment }

method height {} { return [expr {max([$left height], [$right height]) + 1}] } method balanceFactor {} { expr {[$left height] - [$right height]} }

method insert {node} { # Simple insertion if {$key > [$node key]} { if {$left eq $0} { my setLeft $node } else { $left insert $node } } else { if {$right eq $0} { my setRight $node } else { $right insert $node } }

# Rebalance this node if {[my balanceFactor] > 1} { if {[$left balanceFactor] < 0} { $left rotateLeft } my rotateRight } elseif {[my balanceFactor] < -1} { if {[$right balanceFactor] > 0} { $right rotateRight } my rotateLeft } }

# AVL Rotations method rotateLeft {} { set new [my New $key $value] set key [$right key] set value [$right value] $new setLeft $left $new setRight [$right left] my setLeft $new my setRight [$right right] }

method rotateRight {} { set new [my New $key $value] set key [$left key] set value [$left value] $new setLeft [$left right] $new setRight $right my setLeft [$left left] my setRight $new }


}</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl># Create an AVL tree AVL::Tree create tree

  1. Populate it with some semi-random data

for {set i 33} {$i < 127} {incr i} {

   [tree insert $i] setValue \

[string repeat [format %c $i] [expr {1+int(rand()*5)}]] }

  1. Print it out

tree print

  1. Look up a few values in the tree

for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {

   set k [expr {33+int((127-33)*rand())}]
   puts $k=>[[tree lookup $k] value]


  1. Destroy the tree and all its nodes

tree destroy</lang>

64 => @@@
 48 => 000
  40 => (((((
   36 => $
    34 => """
     33 => !!
     35 => #####
    38 => &&&
     37 => %
     39 => ''''
   44 => ,
    42 => **
     41 => )))
     43 => +++++
    46 => .
     45 => --
     47 => ////
  56 => 888
   52 => 444
    50 => 22222
     49 => 1111
     51 => 333
    54 => 6
     53 => 555
     55 => 77
   60 => <<<<
    58 => ::::
     57 => 99999
     59 => ;
    62 => >>>
     61 => ===
     63 => ??
 96 => ``
  80 => PPPPP
   72 => HHHH
    68 => DDD
     66 => BBBB
      65 => A
      67 => CCC
     70 => FFF
      69 => EEEE
      71 => GGG
    76 => LL
     74 => JJ
      73 => III
      75 => KKKK
     78 => N
      77 => MMMMM
      79 => OOOOO
   88 => XXX
    84 => TTTT
     82 => R
      81 => QQQQ
      83 => SSSS
     86 => V
      85 => UUU
      87 => WWW
    92 => \\\
     90 => Z
      89 => YYYYY
      91 => [
     94 => ^^^^^
      93 => ]]]]
      95 => _____
  112 => pppp
   104 => hh
    100 => d
     98 => bb
      97 => aaa
      99 => cccc
     102 => ff
      101 => eeee
      103 => gggg
    108 => lll
     106 => j
      105 => iii
      107 => kkkkk
     110 => nn
      109 => m
      111 => o
   120 => x
    116 => ttt
     114 => rrrrr
      113 => qqqqq
      115 => s
     118 => vvv
      117 => uuuu
      119 => wwww
    124 => ||||
     122 => zzzz
      121 => y
      123 => {{{
     125 => }}}}
      126 => ~~~~