AVL Tree/Performance
Red/Black Performance versus AVL Performance
The following C# program was used to test the relative performance of Red/Black Trees versus AVL Trees.
<lang csharp> // SetPerform - Tests Red/Black (3State) Sets against AVL Sets (4State).
using System; using System.Collections.Generic;
//****************************************************************************** //******************************** Red/Black Sets ****************************** //******************************************************************************
public enum Direction { FromLeft, FromRight };
public enum TriState {
Header, Red, Black
public class RedBlackNode {
public RedBlackNode Left; public RedBlackNode Right; public RedBlackNode Parent; public TriState Color;
public bool IsHeader { get { return Color == TriState.Header; } }
public class RedBlackSetNode<T> : RedBlackNode
public T Data;
public RedBlackSetNode() { Left = this; Right = this; Parent = null; Color = TriState.Header; }
public RedBlackSetNode(T t) { Left = null; Right = null; Color = TriState.Black; Data = t; }
class RedBlackUtility {
public static ulong Depth(RedBlackNode Root) { if (Root != null) { ulong Left = Root.Left != null ? Depth(Root.Left) : 0; ulong Right = Root.Right != null ? Depth(Root.Right) : 0; return Left < Right ? Right + 1 : Left + 1; } else return 0; }
public static ulong Paths(RedBlackNode Root, ulong weight) { if (Root != null) { ulong Left = Root.Left != null ? Paths(Root.Left, weight + 1) : 0; ulong Right = Root.Right != null ? Paths(Root.Right, weight + 1) : 0; return Left + Right + weight; } else return 0; }
public static RedBlackNode PreviousItem(RedBlackNode RedBlackNode) { if (RedBlackNode.IsHeader) { return RedBlackNode.Right; }
if (RedBlackNode.Left != null) { RedBlackNode = RedBlackNode.Left; while (RedBlackNode.Right != null) RedBlackNode = RedBlackNode.Right; } else { RedBlackNode y = RedBlackNode.Parent; if (y.IsHeader) return y; while (RedBlackNode == y.Left) { RedBlackNode = y; y = y.Parent; } RedBlackNode = y; } return RedBlackNode; }
public static RedBlackNode NextItem(RedBlackNode RedBlackNode) { if (RedBlackNode.IsHeader) return RedBlackNode.Left;
if (RedBlackNode.Right != null) { RedBlackNode = RedBlackNode.Right; while (RedBlackNode.Left != null) RedBlackNode = RedBlackNode.Left; } else { RedBlackNode y = RedBlackNode.Parent; if (y.IsHeader) return y; while (RedBlackNode == y.Right) { RedBlackNode = y; y = y.Parent; } RedBlackNode = y; } return RedBlackNode; }
static RedBlackNode Minimum(RedBlackNode x) { while (x.Left != null) x = x.Left; return x; }
static RedBlackNode Maximum(RedBlackNode x) { while (x.Right != null) x = x.Right; return x; }
static void RotateLeft(RedBlackNode x, ref RedBlackNode Root) { RedBlackNode y = x.Right;
x.Right = y.Left; if (y.Left != null) y.Left.Parent = x; y.Parent = x.Parent;
if (x == Root) Root = y; else if (x == x.Parent.Left) x.Parent.Left = y; else x.Parent.Right = y; y.Left = x; x.Parent = y; }
static void RotateRight(RedBlackNode x, ref RedBlackNode Root) { RedBlackNode y = x.Left;
x.Left = y.Right; if (y.Right != null) y.Right.Parent = x; y.Parent = x.Parent;
if (x == Root) Root = y; else if (x == x.Parent.Right) x.Parent.Right = y; else x.Parent.Left = y; y.Right = x; x.Parent = y; }
public static void Rebalance(RedBlackNode x, ref RedBlackNode Root) { x.Color = TriState.Red; while (x != Root && x.Parent.Color == TriState.Red) { if (x.Parent == x.Parent.Parent.Left) { RedBlackNode y = x.Parent.Parent.Right; if (y != null && y.Color == TriState.Red) { x.Parent.Color = TriState.Black; y.Color = TriState.Black; x.Parent.Parent.Color = TriState.Red; x = x.Parent.Parent; } else { if (x == x.Parent.Right) { x = x.Parent; RotateLeft(x, ref Root); } x.Parent.Color = TriState.Black; x.Parent.Parent.Color = TriState.Red; RotateRight(x.Parent.Parent, ref Root); } } else { RedBlackNode y = x.Parent.Parent.Left; if (y != null && y.Color == TriState.Red) { x.Parent.Color = TriState.Black; y.Color = TriState.Black; x.Parent.Parent.Color = TriState.Red; x = x.Parent.Parent; } else { if (x == x.Parent.Left) { x = x.Parent; RotateRight(x, ref Root); } x.Parent.Color = TriState.Black; x.Parent.Parent.Color = TriState.Red; RotateLeft(x.Parent.Parent, ref Root); } } } Root.Color = TriState.Black; }
static void TSwap<X>(ref X u, ref X v) { X t = u; u = v; v = t; }
public static RedBlackNode RebalanceForRemove(RedBlackNode z, ref RedBlackNode Root, ref RedBlackNode Leftmost, ref RedBlackNode Rightmost) { RedBlackNode y = z; RedBlackNode x = null; RedBlackNode x_Parent = null;
if (y.Left == null) x = y.Right; else if (y.Right == null) x = y.Left; else { y = y.Right; while (y.Left != null) y = y.Left; x = y.Right; }
if (y != z) { z.Left.Parent = y; y.Left = z.Left; if (y != z.Right) { x_Parent = y.Parent; if (x != null) x.Parent = y.Parent; y.Parent.Left = x; y.Right = z.Right; z.Right.Parent = y; } else x_Parent = y;
if (Root == z) Root = y; else if (z.Parent.Left == z) z.Parent.Left = y; else z.Parent.Right = y; y.Parent = z.Parent; TSwap(ref y.Color, ref z.Color); y = z; } else // y == z { x_Parent = y.Parent; if (x != null) x.Parent = y.Parent; if (Root == z) Root = x; else if (z.Parent.Left == z) z.Parent.Left = x; else z.Parent.Right = x; if (Leftmost == z) if (z.Right == null) Leftmost = z.Parent; else Leftmost = Minimum(x); if (Rightmost == z) if (z.Left == null) Rightmost = z.Parent; else Rightmost = Maximum(x); } if (y.Color != TriState.Red) { while (x != Root && (x == null || x.Color == TriState.Black)) if (x == x_Parent.Left) { RedBlackNode w = x_Parent.Right; if (w.Color == TriState.Red) { w.Color = TriState.Black; x_Parent.Color = TriState.Red; RotateLeft(x_Parent, ref Root); w = x_Parent.Right; } if ((w.Left == null || w.Left.Color == TriState.Black) && (w.Right == null || w.Right.Color == TriState.Black)) { w.Color = TriState.Red; x = x_Parent; x_Parent = x_Parent.Parent; } else { if (w.Right == null || w.Right.Color == TriState.Black) { if (w.Left != null) w.Left.Color = TriState.Black; w.Color = TriState.Red; RotateRight(w, ref Root); w = x_Parent.Right; } w.Color = x_Parent.Color; x_Parent.Color = TriState.Black; if (w.Right != null) w.Right.Color = TriState.Black; RotateLeft(x_Parent, ref Root); break; } } else { RedBlackNode w = x_Parent.Left; if (w.Color == TriState.Red) { w.Color = TriState.Black; x_Parent.Color = TriState.Red; RotateRight(x_Parent, ref Root); w = x_Parent.Left; } if ((w.Right == null || w.Right.Color == TriState.Black) && (w.Left == null || w.Left.Color == TriState.Black)) { w.Color = TriState.Red; x = x_Parent; x_Parent = x_Parent.Parent; } else { if (w.Left == null || w.Left.Color == TriState.Black) { if (w.Right != null) w.Right.Color = TriState.Black; w.Color = TriState.Red; RotateLeft(w, ref Root); w = x_Parent.Left; } w.Color = x_Parent.Color; x_Parent.Color = TriState.Black; if (w.Left != null) w.Left.Color = TriState.Black; RotateRight(x_Parent, ref Root); break; } } if (x != null) x.Color = TriState.Black; } return y; }
public static int BlackCount(RedBlackNode RedBlackNode, RedBlackNode Root) { if (RedBlackNode == null) return 0; else { int count = RedBlackNode.Color == TriState.Black ? 1 : 0;
if (RedBlackNode == Root) return count; else return count + BlackCount(RedBlackNode.Parent, Root); } }
public struct RedBlackSetEntry<T> : IEnumerator<T> {
public RedBlackSetEntry(RedBlackSetNode<T> n) { RedBlackNode = n; }
public T Value { get { return RedBlackNode.Data; } }
public bool IsEnd { get { return RedBlackNode.IsHeader; } }
public bool MoveNext() { RedBlackNode = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)RedBlackUtility.NextItem(RedBlackNode); return RedBlackNode.IsHeader ? false : true; }
public bool MovePrevious() { RedBlackNode = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)RedBlackUtility.PreviousItem(RedBlackNode); return RedBlackNode.IsHeader ? false : true; }
public void Reset() { while (!MoveNext()) ; }
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { return RedBlackNode.Data; } }
T IEnumerator<T>.Current { get { return RedBlackNode.Data; } }
public static bool operator ==(RedBlackSetEntry<T> x, RedBlackSetEntry<T> y) { return x.RedBlackNode == y.RedBlackNode; } public static bool operator !=(RedBlackSetEntry<T> x, RedBlackSetEntry<T> y) { return x.RedBlackNode != y.RedBlackNode; }
public override string ToString() { return Value.ToString(); }
public void Dispose() { }
public RedBlackSetNode<T> RedBlackNode;
class RedBlackSet<T> : IEnumerable<T>
IComparer<T> Comparer; RedBlackSetNode<T> Header; ulong RedBlackNodes;
//*** Constructors/Destructor ***
public RedBlackSet() { Comparer = Comparer<T>.Default; Header = new RedBlackSetNode<T>(); RedBlackNodes = 0; }
public RedBlackSet(IComparer<T> c) { Comparer = c; Header = new RedBlackSetNode<T>(); RedBlackNodes = 0; }
//*** Properties ***
RedBlackSetNode<T> Root { get { return (RedBlackSetNode<T>)Header.Parent; } set { Header.Parent = value; } }
RedBlackSetNode<T> LeftMost { get { return (RedBlackSetNode<T>)Header.Left; } set { Header.Left = value; } }
RedBlackSetNode<T> RightMost { get { return (RedBlackSetNode<T>)Header.Right; } set { Header.Right = value; } }
public RedBlackSetEntry<T> Begin { get { return new RedBlackSetEntry<T>((RedBlackSetNode<T>)Header.Left); } }
public RedBlackSetEntry<T> End { get { return new RedBlackSetEntry<T>(Header); } }
public ulong Length { get { return RedBlackNodes; } }
public ulong Depth { get { return RedBlackUtility.Depth(Root); } }
//*** Indexer ***
public bool this[T Key] { get { RedBlackSetNode<T> RedBlackNode = Search(Key); if (RedBlackNode == null) return false; else return true; } }
//*** Methods ***
RedBlackSetNode<T> Add(T Key, RedBlackSetNode<T> y, Direction From) { RedBlackSetNode<T> z = new RedBlackSetNode<T>(Key); RedBlackNodes++;
if (y == Header) { Root = z; RightMost = z; LeftMost = z; } else if (From == Direction.FromLeft) { y.Left = z; if (y == LeftMost) LeftMost = z; } else { y.Right = z; if (y == RightMost) RightMost = z; }
z.Parent = y; RedBlackUtility.Rebalance(z, ref Header.Parent); return z; }
public RedBlackSetNode<T> Add(T Key) { RedBlackSetNode<T> y = Header; RedBlackSetNode<T> x = Root;
int c = -1; while (x != null) { y = x; c = Comparer.Compare(Key, x.Data); if (c < 0) x = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)x.Left; else if (c > 0) x = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)x.Right; else throw new EntryAlreadyExistsException(); }
Direction From = c < 0 ? Direction.FromLeft : Direction.FromRight; return Add(Key, y, From); }
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new RedBlackSetEntry<T>(Header); }
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() { return new RedBlackSetEntry<T>(Header); }
public void Remove(T Key) { RedBlackSetNode<T> root = Root;
for (; ; ) { if (root == null) throw new EntryNotFoundException();
int Compare = Comparer.Compare(Key, root.Data);
if (Compare < 0) root = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)root.Left;
else if (Compare > 0) root = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)root.Right;
else // Item is found { RedBlackUtility.RebalanceForRemove(root, ref Header.Parent, ref Header.Left, ref Header.Right); RedBlackNodes--; break; } } }
public RedBlackSetNode<T> Search(T Key) { if (Root == null) return null; else { RedBlackSetNode<T> search = Root;
do { long result = Comparer.Compare(Key, search.Data);
if (result < 0) search = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)search.Left;
else if (result > 0) search = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)search.Right;
else break;
} while (search != null);
return search; } }
public override string ToString() { string StringOut = "{";
RedBlackSetEntry<T> start = Begin; RedBlackSetEntry<T> end = End; RedBlackSetEntry<T> last = End; last.MovePrevious();
while (start != end) { string NewStringOut = start.Value.ToString(); if (start != last) NewStringOut = NewStringOut + ","; StringOut = StringOut + NewStringOut; start.MoveNext(); }
StringOut = StringOut + "}"; return StringOut; }
public void Validate() { if (RedBlackNodes == 0 || Root == null) { if (RedBlackNodes != 0) { throw new InvalidEmptySetException(); } if (Root != null) { throw new InvalidEmptySetException(); } if (Header.Left != Header) { throw new InvalidEndItemException(); } if (Header.Right != Header) { throw new InvalidEndItemException(); } }
int Length = RedBlackUtility.BlackCount(LeftMost, Root);
for (RedBlackSetEntry<T> Iterator = Begin; Iterator != End; Iterator.MoveNext()) { RedBlackSetNode<T> x = Iterator.RedBlackNode; RedBlackSetNode<T> L = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)x.Left; RedBlackSetNode<T> R = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)x.Right;
if (x.Color == TriState.Red) if ((L != null && L.Color == TriState.Red) || (R != null && R.Color == TriState.Red)) throw new InvalidRedBlackNodeColorException();
if (L != null && Comparer.Compare(x.Data, L.Data) <= 0) throw new OutOfKeyOrderException();
if (R != null && Comparer.Compare(R.Data, x.Data) <= 0) throw new OutOfKeyOrderException();
if (L == null && R == null && RedBlackUtility.BlackCount(x, Root) != Length) throw new InvalidBlackCountException(); }
if (Root != null) { RedBlackSetNode<T> x = Root; while (x.Left != null) x = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)x.Left;
if (LeftMost != x) throw new InvalidEndItemException();
RedBlackSetNode<T> y = Root; while (y.Right != null) y = (RedBlackSetNode<T>)y.Right;
if (RightMost != y) throw new InvalidEndItemException(); } }
public class EntryNotFoundException : Exception {
static String message = "The requested entry could not be located in the specified collection.";
public EntryNotFoundException() : base(message) { }
public class InvalidEndItemException : Exception {
static String message = "The validation routines detected that the end item of a tree is invalid.";
public InvalidEndItemException() : base(message) { }
public class InvalidEmptySetException : Exception {
static String message = "The validation routines detected that an empty tree is invalid.";
public InvalidEmptySetException() : base(message) { }
public class OutOfKeyOrderException : Exception {
static String message = "A trees was found to be out of Key order.";
public OutOfKeyOrderException() : base(message) { }
public class SetInvalidParentException : Exception {
static String message = "The validation routines detected that the Parent structure of a tree is invalid.";
public SetInvalidParentException() : base(message) { }
public class InvalidBlackCountException : Exception {
static String message = "An invalid black node count was encountered.";
public InvalidBlackCountException() : base(message) { }
public class InvalidRedBlackNodeColorException : Exception {
static String message = "The color of a node is invalid.";
public InvalidRedBlackNodeColorException() : base(message) { }
public class EntryAlreadyExistsException : Exception {
static String message = "The set entry already exists.";
public EntryAlreadyExistsException() : base(message) { }
//************************************************************************ //****************************** AVL Sets ******************************** //************************************************************************
public enum State { Header, LeftHigh, Balanced, RightHigh };
public enum SetOperation {
Union, Intersection, SymmetricDifference, Difference, Equality, Inequality, Subset, Superset
public class Node {
public Node Left; public Node Right; public Node Parent; public State Balance;
public Node() { Left = this; Right = this; Parent = null; Balance = State.Header; }
public Node(Node p) { Left = null; Right = null; Parent = p; Balance = State.Balanced; }
public bool IsHeader { get { return Balance == State.Header; } }
public class SetNode<T> : Node {
public T Data;
public SetNode() { }
public SetNode(T dataType, Node Parent) : base(Parent) { Data = dataType; }
public override int GetHashCode() { return Data.GetHashCode(); }
class Utility // Nongeneric Tree Balancing {
static void RotateLeft(ref Node Root) { Node Parent = Root.Parent; Node x = Root.Right;
Root.Parent = x; x.Parent = Parent; if (x.Left != null) x.Left.Parent = Root;
Root.Right = x.Left; x.Left = Root; Root = x; }
static void RotateRight(ref Node Root) { Node Parent = Root.Parent; Node x = Root.Left;
Root.Parent = x; x.Parent = Parent; if (x.Right != null) x.Right.Parent = Root;
Root.Left = x.Right; x.Right = Root; Root = x; }
static void BalanceLeft(ref Node Root) { Node Left = Root.Left;
switch (Left.Balance) { case State.LeftHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Left.Balance = State.Balanced; RotateRight(ref Root); break;
case State.RightHigh: { Node subRight = Left.Right; switch (subRight.Balance) { case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Left.Balance = State.Balanced; break;
case State.RightHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Left.Balance = State.LeftHigh; break;
case State.LeftHigh: Root.Balance = State.RightHigh; Left.Balance = State.Balanced; break; } subRight.Balance = State.Balanced; RotateLeft(ref Left); Root.Left = Left; RotateRight(ref Root); } break;
case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.LeftHigh; Left.Balance = State.RightHigh; RotateRight(ref Root); break; } }
static void BalanceRight(ref Node Root) { Node Right = Root.Right;
switch (Right.Balance) { case State.RightHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Right.Balance = State.Balanced; RotateLeft(ref Root); break;
case State.LeftHigh: { Node subLeft = Right.Left; // Left Subtree of Right switch (subLeft.Balance) { case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Right.Balance = State.Balanced; break;
case State.LeftHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Right.Balance = State.RightHigh; break;
case State.RightHigh: Root.Balance = State.LeftHigh; Right.Balance = State.Balanced; break; } subLeft.Balance = State.Balanced; RotateRight(ref Right); Root.Right = Right; RotateLeft(ref Root); } break;
case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.RightHigh; Right.Balance = State.LeftHigh; RotateLeft(ref Root); break; } }
public static void BalanceSet(Node Root, Direction From) { bool Taller = true;
while (Taller) { Node Parent = Root.Parent; Direction NextFrom = (Parent.Left == Root) ? Direction.FromLeft : Direction.FromRight;
if (From == Direction.FromLeft) { switch (Root.Balance) { case State.LeftHigh: if (Parent.IsHeader) BalanceLeft(ref Parent.Parent); else if (Parent.Left == Root) BalanceLeft(ref Parent.Left); else BalanceLeft(ref Parent.Right); Taller = false; break;
case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.LeftHigh; Taller = true; break;
case State.RightHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Taller = false; break; } } else { switch (Root.Balance) { case State.LeftHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Taller = false; break;
case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.RightHigh; Taller = true; break;
case State.RightHigh: if (Parent.IsHeader) BalanceRight(ref Parent.Parent); else if (Parent.Left == Root) BalanceRight(ref Parent.Left); else BalanceRight(ref Parent.Right); Taller = false; break; } }
if (Taller) // skip up a level { if (Parent.IsHeader) Taller = false; else { Root = Parent; From = NextFrom; } } } }
public static void BalanceSetRemove(Node Root, Direction From) { if (Root.IsHeader) return;
bool Shorter = true;
while (Shorter) { Node Parent = Root.Parent; Direction NextFrom = (Parent.Left == Root) ? Direction.FromLeft : Direction.FromRight;
if (From == Direction.FromLeft) { switch (Root.Balance) { case State.LeftHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Shorter = true; break;
case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.RightHigh; Shorter = false; break;
case State.RightHigh: if (Root.Right.Balance == State.Balanced) Shorter = false; else Shorter = true; if (Parent.IsHeader) BalanceRight(ref Parent.Parent); else if (Parent.Left == Root) BalanceRight(ref Parent.Left); else BalanceRight(ref Parent.Right); break; } } else { switch (Root.Balance) { case State.RightHigh: Root.Balance = State.Balanced; Shorter = true; break;
case State.Balanced: Root.Balance = State.LeftHigh; Shorter = false; break;
case State.LeftHigh: if (Root.Left.Balance == State.Balanced) Shorter = false; else Shorter = true; if (Parent.IsHeader) BalanceLeft(ref Parent.Parent); else if (Parent.Left == Root) BalanceLeft(ref Parent.Left); else BalanceLeft(ref Parent.Right); break; } }
if (Shorter) { if (Parent.IsHeader) Shorter = false; else { From = NextFrom; Root = Parent; } } } }
public static Node PreviousItem(Node Node) { if (Node.IsHeader) { return Node.Right; }
if (Node.Left != null) { Node = Node.Left; while (Node.Right != null) Node = Node.Right; } else { Node y = Node.Parent; if (y.IsHeader) return y; while (Node == y.Left) { Node = y; y = y.Parent; } Node = y; } return Node; }
public static Node NextItem(Node Node) { if (Node.IsHeader) return Node.Left;
if (Node.Right != null) { Node = Node.Right; while (Node.Left != null) Node = Node.Left; } else { Node y = Node.Parent; if (y.IsHeader) return y; while (Node == y.Right) { Node = y; y = y.Parent; } Node = y; } return Node; }
public static ulong Depth(Node Root) { if (Root != null) { ulong Left = Root.Left != null ? Depth(Root.Left) : 0; ulong Right = Root.Right != null ? Depth(Root.Right) : 0; return Left < Right ? Right + 1 : Left + 1; } else return 0; }
static void SwapNodeReference(ref Node First, ref Node Second) { Node Temporary = First; First = Second; Second = Temporary; }
public static void SwapNodes(Node A, Node B) { if (B == A.Left) { if (B.Left != null) B.Left.Parent = A; if (B.Right != null) B.Right.Parent = A;
if (A.Right != null) A.Right.Parent = B;
if (!A.Parent.IsHeader) { if (A.Parent.Left == A) A.Parent.Left = B; else A.Parent.Right = B; } else A.Parent.Parent = B;
B.Parent = A.Parent; A.Parent = B;
A.Left = B.Left; B.Left = A;
SwapNodeReference(ref A.Right, ref B.Right); } else if (B == A.Right) { if (B.Right != null) B.Right.Parent = A; if (B.Left != null) B.Left.Parent = A;
if (A.Left != null) A.Left.Parent = B;
if (!A.Parent.IsHeader) { if (A.Parent.Left == A) A.Parent.Left = B; else A.Parent.Right = B; } else A.Parent.Parent = B;
B.Parent = A.Parent; A.Parent = B;
A.Right = B.Right; B.Right = A;
SwapNodeReference(ref A.Left, ref B.Left); } else if (A == B.Left) { if (A.Left != null) A.Left.Parent = B; if (A.Right != null) A.Right.Parent = B;
if (B.Right != null) B.Right.Parent = A;
if (!B.Parent.IsHeader) { if (B.Parent.Left == B) B.Parent.Left = A; else B.Parent.Right = A; } else B.Parent.Parent = A;
A.Parent = B.Parent; B.Parent = A;
B.Left = A.Left; A.Left = B;
SwapNodeReference(ref A.Right, ref B.Right); } else if (A == B.Right) { if (A.Right != null) A.Right.Parent = B; if (A.Left != null) A.Left.Parent = B;
if (B.Left != null) B.Left.Parent = A;
if (!B.Parent.IsHeader) { if (B.Parent.Left == B) B.Parent.Left = A; else B.Parent.Right = A; } else B.Parent.Parent = A;
A.Parent = B.Parent; B.Parent = A;
B.Right = A.Right; A.Right = B;
SwapNodeReference(ref A.Left, ref B.Left); } else { if (A.Parent == B.Parent) SwapNodeReference(ref A.Parent.Left, ref A.Parent.Right); else { if (!A.Parent.IsHeader) { if (A.Parent.Left == A) A.Parent.Left = B; else A.Parent.Right = B; } else A.Parent.Parent = B;
if (!B.Parent.IsHeader) { if (B.Parent.Left == B) B.Parent.Left = A; else B.Parent.Right = A; } else B.Parent.Parent = A; }
if (B.Left != null) B.Left.Parent = A; if (B.Right != null) B.Right.Parent = A;
if (A.Left != null) A.Left.Parent = B; if (A.Right != null) A.Right.Parent = B;
SwapNodeReference(ref A.Left, ref B.Left); SwapNodeReference(ref A.Right, ref B.Right); SwapNodeReference(ref A.Parent, ref B.Parent); }
State Balance = A.Balance; A.Balance = B.Balance; B.Balance = Balance; }
public struct SetEntry<T> : IEnumerator<T> {
public SetEntry(Node N) { _Node = N; }
public T Value { get { return ((SetNode<T>)_Node).Data; } }
public bool IsEnd { get { return _Node.IsHeader; } }
public bool MoveNext() { _Node = Utility.NextItem(_Node); return _Node.IsHeader ? false : true; }
public bool MovePrevious() { _Node = Utility.PreviousItem(_Node); return _Node.IsHeader ? false : true; }
public static SetEntry<T> operator ++(SetEntry<T> entry) { entry._Node = Utility.NextItem(entry._Node); return entry; }
public static SetEntry<T> operator --(SetEntry<T> entry) { entry._Node = Utility.PreviousItem(entry._Node); return entry; }
public void Reset() { while (!MoveNext()) ; }
object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current { get { return ((SetNode<T>)_Node).Data; } }
T IEnumerator<T>.Current { get { return ((SetNode<T>)_Node).Data; } }
public static bool operator ==(SetEntry<T> x, SetEntry<T> y) { return x._Node == y._Node; } public static bool operator !=(SetEntry<T> x, SetEntry<T> y) { return x._Node != y._Node; }
public override bool Equals(object o) { return _Node == ((SetEntry<T>)o)._Node; }
public override int GetHashCode() { return _Node.GetHashCode(); }
public static SetEntry<T> operator +(SetEntry<T> C, ulong Increment) { SetEntry<T> Result = new SetEntry<T>(C._Node); for (ulong i = 0; i < Increment; i++) ++Result; return Result; }
public static SetEntry<T> operator +(ulong Increment, SetEntry<T> C) { SetEntry<T> Result = new SetEntry<T>(C._Node); for (ulong i = 0; i < Increment; i++) ++Result; return Result; }
public static SetEntry<T> operator -(SetEntry<T> C, ulong Decrement) { SetEntry<T> Result = new SetEntry<T>(C._Node); for (ulong i = 0; i < Decrement; i++) --Result; return Result; }
public override string ToString() { return Value.ToString(); }
public void Dispose() { }
public Node _Node;
class Set<T> : IEnumerable<T> {
IComparer<T> Comparer; Node Header; ulong Nodes;
//*** Constructors ***
public Set() { Comparer = Comparer<T>.Default; Header = new Node(); Nodes = 0; }
public Set(IComparer<T> c) { Comparer = c; Header = new Node(); Nodes = 0; }
//*** Properties ***
SetNode<T> Root { get { return (SetNode<T>)Header.Parent; } set { Header.Parent = value; } }
Node LeftMost { get { return Header.Left; } set { Header.Left = value; } }
Node RightMost { get { return Header.Right; } set { Header.Right = value; } }
public SetEntry<T> Begin { get { return new SetEntry<T>(Header.Left); } }
public SetEntry<T> End { get { return new SetEntry<T>(Header); } }
public ulong Length { get { return Nodes; } }
public ulong Depth { get { return Utility.Depth(Root); } }
//*** Operators ***
public bool this[T key] { get { return Search(key); } }
public static Set<T> operator +(Set<T> set, T t) { set.Add(t); return set; }
public static Set<T> operator -(Set<T> set, T t) { set.Remove(t); return set; }
public static Set<T> operator |(Set<T> A, Set<T> B) { Set<T> U = new Set<T>(A.Comparer); CombineSets(A, B, U, SetOperation.Union); return U; }
public static Set<T> operator &(Set<T> A, Set<T> B) { Set<T> I = new Set<T>(A.Comparer); CombineSets(A, B, I, SetOperation.Intersection); return I; }
public static Set<T> operator ^(Set<T> A, Set<T> B) { Set<T> S = new Set<T>(A.Comparer); CombineSets(A, B, S, SetOperation.SymmetricDifference); return S; }
public static Set<T> operator -(Set<T> A, Set<T> B) { Set<T> S = new Set<T>(A.Comparer); CombineSets(A, B, S, SetOperation.Difference); return S; }
public static bool operator ==(Set<T> A, Set<T> B) { return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation.Equality); }
public static bool operator !=(Set<T> A, Set<T> B) { return CheckSets(A, B, SetOperation.Inequality); }
public override bool Equals(object o) { return CheckSets(this, (Set<T>)o, SetOperation.Equality); }
//*** Methods ***
public void Add(T key) { if (Root == null) { Root = new SetNode<T>(key, Header); LeftMost = RightMost = Root; } else { SetNode<T> Search = Root; for (; ; ) { int Compare = Comparer.Compare(key, Search.Data);
if (Compare == 0) // Item Exists throw new EntryAlreadyExistsException();
else if (Compare < 0) { if (Search.Left != null) Search = (SetNode<T>)Search.Left; else { Search.Left = new SetNode<T>(key, Search); if (LeftMost == Search) LeftMost = (SetNode<T>)Search.Left; Utility.BalanceSet(Search, Direction.FromLeft); Nodes++; } }
else { if (Search.Right != null) Search = (SetNode<T>)Search.Right; else { Search.Right = new SetNode<T>(key, Search); if (RightMost == Search) RightMost = (SetNode<T>)Search.Right; Utility.BalanceSet(Search, Direction.FromRight); Nodes++; break; } } } } }
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new SetEntry<T>(Header); }
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() { return new SetEntry<T>(Header); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode((SetNode<T>)Header.Parent); }
int GetHashCode(SetNode<T> Root) { if (Root != null) { int HashCode = Root.GetHashCode();
if (Root.Left != null) HashCode += GetHashCode((SetNode<T>)Root.Left);
if (Root.Right != null) HashCode += GetHashCode((SetNode<T>)Root.Right);
return HashCode; }
return 0; }
public void Remove(T key) { SetNode<T> root = Root;
for (; ; ) { if (root == null) throw new EntryNotFoundException();
int Compare = Comparer.Compare(key, root.Data);
if (Compare < 0) root = (SetNode<T>)root.Left;
else if (Compare > 0) root = (SetNode<T>)root.Right;
else // Item is found { if (root.Left != null && root.Right != null) { SetNode<T> replace = (SetNode<T>)root.Left; while (replace.Right != null) replace = (SetNode<T>)replace.Right; Utility.SwapNodes(root, replace); }
SetNode<T> Parent = (SetNode<T>)root.Parent;
Direction From = (Parent.Left == root) ? Direction.FromLeft : Direction.FromRight;
if (LeftMost == root) { SetEntry<T> e = new SetEntry<T>(root); e.MoveNext();
if (e._Node.IsHeader) { LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; } else LeftMost = e._Node; } else if (RightMost == root) { SetEntry<T> e = new SetEntry<T>(root); e.MovePrevious();
if (e._Node.IsHeader) { LeftMost = Header; RightMost = Header; } else RightMost = e._Node; }
if (root.Left == null) { if (Parent == Header) Header.Parent = root.Right; else if (Parent.Left == root) Parent.Left = root.Right; else Parent.Right = root.Right;
if (root.Right != null) root.Right.Parent = Parent; } else { if (Parent == Header) Header.Parent = root.Left; else if (Parent.Left == root) Parent.Left = root.Left; else Parent.Right = root.Left;
if (root.Left != null) root.Left.Parent = Parent; }
Utility.BalanceSetRemove(Parent, From); Nodes--; break; } } }
public bool Search(T key) { if (Root == null) return false; else { SetNode<T> Search = Root;
do { int Result = Comparer.Compare(key, Search.Data);
if (Result < 0) Search = (SetNode<T>)Search.Left;
else if (Result > 0) Search = (SetNode<T>)Search.Right;
else break;
} while (Search != null);
if (Search == null) return false; else return true; } }
public override string ToString() { string StringOut = "{";
SetEntry<T> start = Begin; SetEntry<T> end = End; SetEntry<T> last = End - 1;
while (start != end) { string new_StringOut = start.Value.ToString(); if (start != last) new_StringOut = new_StringOut + ","; StringOut = StringOut + new_StringOut; ++start; }
StringOut = StringOut + "}"; return StringOut; }
public void Validate() { if (Nodes == 0 || Root == null) { if (Nodes != 0) { throw new InvalidEmptyTreeException(); } if (Root != null) { throw new InvalidEmptyTreeException(); } if (LeftMost != Header) { throw new InvalidEndItemException(); } if (RightMost != Header) { throw new InvalidEndItemException(); } }
if (Root != null) { SetNode<T> x = Root; while (x.Left != null) x = (SetNode<T>)x.Left;
if (LeftMost != x) throw new InvalidEndItemException();
SetNode<T> y = Root; while (y.Right != null) y = (SetNode<T>)y.Right;
if (RightMost != y) throw new InvalidEndItemException(); } }
void Validate(SetNode<T> root) { if (root == null) return;
if (root.Left != null) { SetNode<T> Left = (SetNode<T>)root.Left;
if (Comparer.Compare(Left.Data, root.Data) >= 0) throw new OutOfKeyOrderException();
if (Left.Parent != root) throw new TreeInvalidParentException();
Validate((SetNode<T>)root.Left); }
if (root.Right != null) { SetNode<T> Right = (SetNode<T>)root.Right;
if (Comparer.Compare(Right.Data, root.Data) <= 0) throw new OutOfKeyOrderException();
if (Right.Parent != root) throw new TreeInvalidParentException();
Validate((SetNode<T>)root.Right); }
ulong depth_Left = root.Left != null ? Utility.Depth(root.Left) : 0; ulong depth_Right = root.Right != null ? Utility.Depth(root.Right) : 0;
if (depth_Left > depth_Right && depth_Left - depth_Right > 2) throw new TreeOutOfBalanceException();
if (depth_Left < depth_Right && depth_Right - depth_Left > 2) throw new TreeOutOfBalanceException(); }
public static void CombineSets(Set<T> A, Set<T> B, Set<T> R, SetOperation operation) { IComparer<T> TComparer = R.Comparer; SetEntry<T> First1 = A.Begin; SetEntry<T> Last1 = A.End; SetEntry<T> First2 = B.Begin; SetEntry<T> Last2 = B.End;
switch (operation) { case SetOperation.Union: while (First1 != Last1 && First2 != Last2) { int Order = TComparer.Compare(First1.Value, First2.Value);
if (Order < 0) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); }
else if (Order > 0) { R.Add(First2.Value); First2.MoveNext(); }
else { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); } } while (First1 != Last1) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); } while (First2 != Last2) { R.Add(First2.Value); First2.MoveNext(); } return;
case SetOperation.Intersection: while (First1 != Last1 && First2 != Last2) { int Order = TComparer.Compare(First1.Value, First2.Value);
if (Order < 0) First1.MoveNext();
else if (Order > 0) First2.MoveNext();
else { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); } } return;
case SetOperation.SymmetricDifference: while (First1 != Last1 && First2 != Last2) { int Order = TComparer.Compare(First1.Value, First2.Value);
if (Order < 0) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); }
else if (Order > 0) { R.Add(First2.Value); First2.MoveNext(); }
else { First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); } }
while (First1 != Last1) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); }
while (First2 != Last2) { R.Add(First2.Value); First2.MoveNext(); } return;
case SetOperation.Difference: while (First1 != Last1 && First2 != Last2) { int Order = TComparer.Compare(First1.Value, First2.Value);
if (Order < 0) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); }
else if (Order > 0) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); }
else { First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); } }
while (First1 != Last1) { R.Add(First1.Value); First1.MoveNext(); } return; }
throw new InvalidSetOperationException(); }
public static bool CheckSets(Set<T> A, Set<T> B, SetOperation operation) { IComparer<T> TComparer = A.Comparer; SetEntry<T> First1 = A.Begin; SetEntry<T> Last1 = A.End; SetEntry<T> First2 = B.Begin; SetEntry<T> Last2 = B.End;
switch (operation) { case SetOperation.Equality: case SetOperation.Inequality: { bool Equals = true;
while (First1 != Last1 && First2 != Last2) { if (TComparer.Compare(First1.Value, First2.Value) == 0) { First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); } else { Equals = false; break; } }
if (Equals) { if (First1 != Last1) Equals = false; if (First2 != Last2) Equals = false; }
if (operation == SetOperation.Equality) return Equals; else return !Equals; }
case SetOperation.Subset: case SetOperation.Superset: { bool Subset = true;
while (First1 != Last1 && First2 != Last2) { int Order = TComparer.Compare(First1.Value, First2.Value);
if (Order < 0) { Subset = false; break; }
else if (Order > 0) First2.MoveNext();
else { First1.MoveNext(); First2.MoveNext(); } }
if (Subset) if (First1 != Last1) Subset = false;
if (operation == SetOperation.Subset) return Subset; else return !Subset; } }
throw new InvalidSetOperationException(); }
public class InvalidEmptyTreeException : Exception {
static String message = "The validation routines detected that an empty tree is invalid.";
public InvalidEmptyTreeException() : base(message) { }
public class TreeInvalidParentException : Exception {
static String message = "The validation routines detected that the Parent structure of a tree is invalid.";
public TreeInvalidParentException() : base(message) { }
public class TreeOutOfBalanceException : Exception {
static String message = "The validation routines detected that the tree is out of State.";
public TreeOutOfBalanceException() : base(message) { }
public class InvalidSetOperationException : Exception {
static String message = "An invalid set operation was requested.";
public InvalidSetOperationException() : base(message) { }
enum Limits { Maximum = 100000 };
class Program {
static void Main() {
//*** First Red/Black Timings ***
RedBlackSet<int> R = new RedBlackSet<int>();
DateTime BuildRedBlackStart = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Limits.Maximum; i++) R.Add(i);
DateTime BuildRedBlackEnd = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Red/Black Build Time = {0}", BuildRedBlackEnd - BuildRedBlackStart);
DateTime SearchRedBlackStart = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Limits.Maximum; i++) { bool inRedBlackSet = R[i]; }
DateTime SearchRedBlackEnd = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Red/Black Search Time = {0}", SearchRedBlackEnd - SearchRedBlackStart);
//*** Now AVL Timings ***
Set<int> A = new Set<int>();
DateTime BuildAVLStart = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Limits.Maximum; i++) A.Add(i);
DateTime BuildAVLEnd = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("AVL Build Time = {0}", BuildAVLEnd - BuildAVLStart);
DateTime SearchAVLStart = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Limits.Maximum; i++) { bool inAVLSet = A[i]; }
DateTime SearchAVLEnd = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("AVL Search Time = {0}", SearchAVLEnd - SearchAVLStart); }
} </lang>
The results were as follows.
Red/Black Build Time = 00:00:00.0469217 Red/Black Search Time = 00:00:00.0156213 AVL Build Time = 00:00:00.0312380 AVL Search Time = 00:00:00.0156456
The times for build are a suprise - AVL is faster to build than red/black. This is contrary to popular belief. The search times being roughly equal is expected.