ADFGVX cipher: Difference between revisions

add task to aarch64 assembly raspberry pi 3
(add task to arm assembly raspberry pi)
(add task to aarch64 assembly raspberry pi 3)
Line 116:
Decrypted : ATTACKAT1200AM
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits <br> }}
<syntaxhighlight lang AArch64 Assembly>
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program adfgvx64.s */
/* remark 1 : At each launch, the random values are identical.
To change them, modify the value of the seed (graine) */
/* remark 2 : this program not run in android with termux
because the call system stats is not find */
/* Constantes */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
.equ SIZE, 6
.equ KEYSIZE, 9
.equ FSTAT, 80
.equ O_RDWR, 0x0002 // open for reading and writing
.include "../../ficmacros64.s"
/* Structures **/
/* structure de type stat 64 bits : infos fichier */
.struct 0
Stat_dev_t: // ID of device containing file
.struct Stat_dev_t + 8
Stat_ino_t: // inode
.struct Stat_ino_t + 4
Stat_mode_t: // File type and mode
.struct Stat_mode_t + 4
Stat_nlink_t: // Number of hard links
.struct Stat_nlink_t + 4
Stat_uid_t: // User ID of owner
.struct Stat_uid_t + 8
Stat_gid_t: // Group ID of owner
.struct Stat_gid_t + 8
Stat_rdev_t: // Device ID (if special file)
.struct Stat_rdev_t + 8
Stat_size_deb: // la taille est sur 8 octets si gros fichiers
.struct Stat_size_deb + 4
Stat_size_t: // Total size, in bytes
.struct Stat_size_t + 4
Stat_blksize_t: // Block size for filesystem I/O
.struct Stat_blksize_t + 4
Stat_blkcnt_t: // Number of 512B blocks allocated
.struct Stat_blkcnt_t + 4
Stat_atime: // date et heure fichier
.struct Stat_atime + 8
Stat_mtime: // date et heure modif fichier
.struct Stat_atime + 8
Stat_ctime: // date et heure creation fichier
.struct Stat_atime + 8
/* Initialized data */
szText: .asciz "ATTACKAT1200AM"
//szText: .asciz "ABCDEFGHIJ"
szMessOpen: .asciz "File open error.\n"
szMessStat: .asciz "File information error.\n"
szMessRead: .asciz "File read error.\n"
szMessClose: .asciz "File close error.\n"
szMessDecryptText: .asciz "Decrypted text :\n"
szMessCryptText: .asciz "Encrypted text :\n"
szMessErrorChar: .asciz "Character text not Ok!\n"
szFileName: .asciz "unixdict.txt"
szMessPolybius: .asciz "6 x 6 Polybius square:\n"
szTitle: .asciz " | A D F G V X\n---------------\n"
szLine1: .asciz "A | \n"
szLine2: .asciz "D | \n"
szLine3: .asciz "F | \n"
szLine4: .asciz "G | \n"
szLine5: .asciz "V | \n"
szLine6: .asciz "X | \n"
szListCharCode: .asciz "ADFGVX"
szListChar: .asciz "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
.equ LGLISTCHAR, . - szListChar - 1
szMessStart: .asciz "Program 64 bits start.\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
.align 4
qGraine: .quad 1234567 // random init
/* UnInitialized data */
sKeyWord: .skip 16
sKeyWordSorted: .skip 16
tabPolybius: .skip SIZE * SIZE + 4
sBuffer: .skip 1000
sBuffex1: .skip 1000
sBuffex2: .skip 1000
tabPosit: .skip 16
tabPositInv: .skip 16
/* code section */
.global main
main: // entry of program
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStart
bl affichageMess
bl createPolybius // create 6*6 polybius
ldr x0,qAdrsKeyWord
bl generateKey // generate key
cmp x0,#-1 // file error ?
beq 100f
bl affichageMess // display key
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessCryptText
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszText // text encrypt
ldr x1,qAdrtabPolybius
ldr x2,qAdrsKeyWord
ldr x3,qAdrsBuffer // result buffer
bl encryption
cmp x0,#-1 // error if unknow character in text
beq 100f
bl affichageMess // display text encrypted
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessDecryptText
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrsBuffer // text decrypt
ldr x1,qAdrtabPolybius
ldr x2,qAdrsKeyWord
ldr x3,qAdrsBuffex1 // result buffer
bl decryption
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0, #0 // return code
mov x8, #EXIT // request to exit program
svc #0 // perform the system call
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrszMessDecryptText: .quad szMessDecryptText
qAdrszMessCryptText: .quad szMessCryptText
qAdrszMessStart: .quad szMessStart
qAdrsKeyWord: .quad sKeyWord
qAdrszText: .quad szText
/* create 6 * 6 polybius */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
ldr x0,qAdrszListChar // character list address
mov x1,#LGLISTCHAR // character list size
ldr x2,qAdrtabPolybius
bl shufflestrings // shuffle list
ldr x0,qAdrszMessPolybius
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszTitle // display polybius lines
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszLine1
mov x3,#0
mov x4,#4
ldrb w1,[x2,x3]
strb w1,[x0,x4]
add x4,x4,#2
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#SIZE
blt 1b
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszLine2
mov x3,#SIZE
mov x4,#4
ldrb w1,[x2,x3]
strb w1,[x0,x4]
add x4,x4,#2
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#SIZE * 2
blt 2b
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszLine3
mov x3,#SIZE * 2
mov x4,#4
ldrb w1,[x2,x3]
strb w1,[x0,x4]
add x4,x4,#2
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#SIZE * 3
blt 3b
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszLine4
mov x3,#SIZE * 3
mov x4,#4
ldrb w1,[x2,x3]
strb w1,[x0,x4]
add x4,x4,#2
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#SIZE * 4
blt 4b
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszLine5
mov x3,#SIZE * 4
mov x4,#4
ldrb w1,[x2,x3]
strb w1,[x0,x4]
add x4,x4,#2
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#SIZE * 5
blt 5b
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszLine6
mov x3,#SIZE * 5
mov x4,#4
ldrb w1,[x2,x3]
strb w1,[x0,x4]
add x4,x4,#2
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#SIZE * 6
blt 6b
bl affichageMess
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrszListChar: .quad szListChar
qAdrtabPolybius: .quad tabPolybius
qAdrszMessPolybius: .quad szMessPolybius
qAdrszTitle: .quad szTitle
qAdrszLine1: .quad szLine1
qAdrszLine2: .quad szLine2
qAdrszLine3: .quad szLine3
qAdrszLine4: .quad szLine4
qAdrszLine5: .quad szLine5
qAdrszLine6: .quad szLine6
/* generate key word */
/* x0 key word address */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!
stp x12,x13,[sp,-16]!
mov x9,x0
mov x0,AT_FDCWD
ldr x1,qAdrszFileName // file name
mov x2,#O_RDWR // flags
mov x3,#0 // mode
mov x8,#OPEN // file open
svc 0
cmp x0,#0 // error ?
ble 99f
mov x11,x0 // FD save
ldr x1,qAdrsBuffer // buffer address
mov x8, #FSTAT // call systeme NEWFSTAT
svc 0
cmp x0,#0
blt 98f
// load file size
ldr x1,qAdrsBuffer // buffer address
ldr w6,[x1,#Stat_size_t] // file size
//ldr w6,[x1,mbox_data_size]
lsr x12,x6,#5 // align size to multiple 16 for stack alignement
lsl x12,x12,#5
add x12,x12,#32 // add for great buffer
sub sp,sp,x12 // reserve buffer on stack
mov fp,sp // address save
mov x0,x11
mov x1,fp
mov x2,x12
mov x8,#READ // call system read file
svc 0
cmp x0,#0 // error read ?
blt 97f
mov x0,x11
mov x8,#CLOSE // call system close file
svc 0
cmp x0,#0 // error close ?
blt 96f
sub sp,sp,#0x1000 // create array word address on stack
mov x10,sp // save address array
mov x1,#0
mov x2,fp
mov x5,#0 // index word ok
mov x3,#0 // word length
ldrb w4,[fp,x1] // load character
cmp w4,#0x0D // end word ?
beq 2f // yes
add x1,x1,#1
add x3,x3,#1
b 1b
cmp x3,#KEYSIZE // word length = key length ?
bne 3f // no ?
mov x0,x2
bl wordControl // contril if all letters are différent ?
cmp x0,#1
bne 3f
str x2,[x10,x5,lsl #3] // if ok store word address in array on stack
add x5,x5,#1 // increment word counter
add x1,x1,#2
cmp x1,x6 // end ?
beq 4f
add x2,fp,x1 // new word begin
mov x3,#0 // init word length
b 1b // and loop
mov x0,x5 // number random to total words
bl genereraleas
ldr x2,[x10,x0,lsl #3] // load address word
mov x1,#0
5: // copy random word in word result
ldrb w3,[x2,x1]
strb w3,[x9,x1]
add x1,x1,#1
cmp x1,#KEYSIZE
blt 5b
strb wzr,[x9,x1] // zero final
mov x0,x9
b 100f
// display errors
ldr x0,qAdrszMessClose
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1 // error
b 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessRead
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1 // error
b 100f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessStat
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1 // error
b 101f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessOpen
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1 // error
b 101f
add sp,sp,x12
add sp,sp,#0x1000
ldp x12,x13,[sp],16
ldp x10,x11,[sp],16
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrszFileName: .quad szFileName
qAdrszMessOpen: .quad szMessOpen
qAdrszMessRead: .quad szMessRead
qAdrszMessStat: .quad szMessStat
qAdrszMessClose: .quad szMessClose
qAdrsBuffer: .quad sBuffer
/* control if letters are diferents */
/* x0 contains the address of the string */
/* x0 return 1 if Ok else return 0 */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
mov x1,#0 // init index 1
ldrb w3,[x0,x1] // load one character
cmp x3,#0x0D // end word ?
mov x5,#1
csel x0,x5,x0,eq // yes is ok
//moveq x0,#1 // yes is ok
beq 100f // -> end
add x2,x1,#1 // init index two
ldrb w4,[x0,x2] // load one character
cmp w4,#0x0D // end word ?
add x5,x1,1
csel x1,x5,x1,eq // yes increment index 1
beq 1b // and loop1
cmp x3,x4 // caracters equals ?
csel x0,xzr,x0,eq // yes is not good
beq 100f // and end
add x2,x2,#1 // else increment index 2
b 2b // and loop 2
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* key sort by insertion sort */
/* x0 contains the address of String */
/* x1 contains the first element */
/* x2 contains the number of element */
/* x3 contains result address */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!
ldr x7,qAdrtabPosit
mov x10,x3
mov x3,#0
0: // init position array and copy key
strb w3,[x7,x3] // in result array
ldrb w4,[x0,x3]
strb w4,[x10,x3]
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,#KEYSIZE
blt 0b
add x3,x1,#1 // start index i
1: // start loop
ldrb w4,[x10,x3] // load value A[i]
ldrb w8,[x7,x3] // load position
sub x5,x3,#1 // index j
ldrb w6,[x10,x5] // load value A[j]
ldrb w9,[x7,x5] // load position
cmp x6,x4 // compare value
ble 3f
add x5,x5,#1 // increment index j
strb w6,[x10,x5] // store value A[j+1]
strb w9,[x7,x5] // store position
subs x5,x5,#2 // j = j - 1
bge 2b // loop if j >= 0
add x5,x5,#1 // increment index j
strb w4,[x10,x5] // store value A[i] in A[j+1]
strb w8,[x7,x5]
add x3,x3,#1 // increment index i
cmp x3,x2 // end ?
blt 1b // no -> loop
ldr x1,qAdrtabPositInv // inverse position
mov x2,#0 // index
ldrb w3,[x7,x2] // load position index
strb w2,[x1,x3] // store index in position
add x2,x2,#1 // increment index
cmp x2,#KEYSIZE // end ?
blt 4b
mov x0,x10
ldp x10,x11,[sp],16
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // TODO: retaur à completer
qAdrtabPosit: .quad tabPosit
qAdrtabPositInv: .quad tabPositInv
/* text encryption */
/* x0 contains the address of text */
/* x1 contains polybius address
/* x2 contains the key address */
/* x3 contains result buffer address */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!
mov x9,x0 // save text address
mov x8,x3
mov x10,x1 // save address polybius
mov x0,x2 // key address
mov x1,#0 // first character
mov x2,#KEYSIZE // key length
ldr x3,qAdrsKeyWordSorted // result address
bl keySort // sort leters of key
// bl affichageMess // if you want display sorted key
// ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
// bl affichageMess
ldr x3,qAdrsBuffex1
mov x5,#0 // init text index
mov x4,#0 // init result index
ldrb w0,[x9,x5] // load a byte to text
cmp x0,#0 // end ?
beq 4f
mov x6,#0 // init index polybius
ldrb w7,[x10,x6] // load character polybius
cmp x7,x0 // equal ?
beq 3f
add x6,x6,#1 // increment index
cmp x6,#SIZEC // not find -> error
bge 99f
b 2b // and loop
mov x0,x6
bl convPosCode // convert position in code character
strb w0,[x3,x4] // line code character
add x4,x4,#1
strb w1,[x3,x4] // column code character
add x4,x4,#1
add x5,x5,#1 // increment text index
b 1b
mov x0,#0 // zero final -> text result
strb w0,[x3,x4]
mov x5,x3
mov x1,#0 // index position column
mov x7,#0 // index text
ldr x2,qAdrtabPositInv
ldrb w0,[x2,x1] // load position text
7: // loop to characters transposition
ldrb w6,[x5,x0] // load character
strb w6,[x8,x7] // store position final
add x7,x7,#1 // increment final index
add x0,x0,#KEYSIZE // add size key
cmp x0,x4 // end ?
blt 7b
add x1,x1,#1 // add index column
cmp x1,#KEYSIZE // < key size
blt 5b // yes -> loop
mov x6,#0 // zero final
strb w6,[x8,x7]
mov x0,x8 // return address encrypted text
b 100f
99: // display error
ldr x0,qAdrszMessErrorChar
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x10,x11,[sp],16
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
qAdrsBuffex1: .quad sBuffex1
qAdrsKeyWordSorted: .quad sKeyWordSorted
qAdrszMessErrorChar: .quad szMessErrorChar
/* text decryption */
/* x0 contains the address of text */
/* x1 contains polybius address
/* x2 contains the key */
/* x3 contains result buffer */
/* x0 return decoded text */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!
stp x12,x13,[sp,-16]!
mov x4,#0
1: // compute text length
ldrb w5,[x0,x4]
cmp x5,#0
add x11,x4,1
csel x4,x11,x4,ne
bne 1b
mov x12,x0
mov x11,x1
mov x10,x2
mov x13,x3
// compute line number and remainder
mov x1,#KEYSIZE // compute line number and remainder
udiv x8,x4,x1 // line number
msub x7,x8,x1,x4 // remainder characters last line
mov x0,x10 // key address
mov x1,#0 // first character
mov x2,#KEYSIZE // size
ldr x3,qAdrsKeyWordSorted // result address
bl keySort // sort key
ldr x10,qAdrtabPositInv // inverse position
mov x2,#0 // index colonne tabposit
mov x5,#0 // text index
mov x0,#0 // index line store text
mov x1,#0 // counter line
ldr x9,qAdrsBuffex2
ldrb w3,[x10,x2] // load position
ldrb w6,[x12,x5] // load text character
add x3,x3,x0 // compute position with index line
strb w6,[x9,x3] // store character in good position
add x5,x5,#1 // increment index text
cmp x5,x4 // end ?
bge 4f
add x1,x1,#1 // increment line
cmp x1,x8 // line < line size
blt 2f
bgt 11f // line = line size
sub x3,x3,x0 // restaure position column
cmp x3,x7 // position < remainder so add character other line
blt 2f
mov x1,#0 // init ligne
mov x0,#0 // init line shift
add x2,x2,#1 // increment index array position inverse
cmp x2,#KEYSIZE // end ?
csel x2,xzr,x2,ge // init index
b 3f
add x0,x0,#KEYSIZE
b 1b
4: // convertir characters with polybius
mov x3,#0
mov x5,#0
mov x0,x11
ldrb w1,[x9,x3] // load a first character
add x3,x3,#1
ldrb w2,[x9,x3] // load a 2ieme character
bl decodPosCode // decode
strb w0,[x13,x5] // store result in final result
add x5,x5,#1 // increment final result index
add x3,x3,#1 // increment index text
cmp x3,x4 // end ?
blt 5b
mov x0,#0 // final zero
strb w0,[x13,x5]
mov x0,x13 // return final result address
ldp x12,x13,[sp],16
ldp x10,x11,[sp],16
ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // TODO: retaur à completer
qAdrsBuffex2: .quad sBuffex2
/* convertir position en code */
/* x0 contains the position in polybius */
/* x0 return code1 */
/* x1 return code2 */
stp x2,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x3,x4,[sp,-16]!
ldr x4,qAdrszListCharCode
mov x1,#SIZE
udiv x2,x0,x1
msub x3,x2,x1,x0
//bl division
ldrb w0,[x4,x2]
ldrb w1,[x4,x3]
ldp x3,x4,[sp],16
ldp x2,lr,[sp],16
qAdrszListCharCode: .quad szListCharCode
/* convertir code en character */
/* x0 polybius address */
/* x1 code 1 */
/* x2 code 2 */
/* x0 return character */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
ldr x4,qAdrszListCharCode
mov x3,#0
ldrb w5,[x4,x3]
cmp x5,#0
beq 2f
cmp x5,x1
csel x1,x3,x1,eq
cmp x5,x2
csel x2,x3,x2,eq
add x3,x3,#1
b 1b
mov x5,#SIZE
mul x1,x5,x1
add x1,x1,x2
ldrb w0,[x0,x1]
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* shuffle strings algorithme Fisher-Yates */
/* x0 contains the address of the string */
/* x1 contains string length */
/* x2 contains address result string */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // TODO: save à completer
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!
mov x3,#0
1: // loop copy string in result
ldrb w4,[x0,x3]
strb w4,[x2,x3]
add x3,x3,#1
cmp x3,x1
ble 1b
sub x1,x1,#1 // last element
mov x0,x1
bl genereraleas // call random
ldrb w4,[x2,x1] // load byte string index loop
ldrb w3,[x2,x0] // load byte string random index
strb w3,[x2,x1] // and exchange
strb w4,[x2,x0]
subs x1,x1,#1
cmp x1,#1
bge 2b
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16
/* Generation random number */
/* x0 contains limit */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registers
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registers
ldr x1,qAdrqGraine
ldr x2,[x1]
ldr x3,qNbDep1
mul x2,x3,x2
ldr x3,qNbDep2
add x2,x2,x3
str x2,[x1] // maj de la graine pour l appel suivant
cmp x0,#0
beq 100f
udiv x3,x2,x0
msub x0,x3,x0,x2 // résult = remainder
100: // end function
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur 2 registers
ret // return to address lr x30
qAdrqGraine: .quad qGraine
qNbDep1: .quad 0x0019660d
qNbDep2: .quad 0x3c6ef35f
.include "../"
Program 64 bits start.
6 x 6 Polybius square:
| A D F G V X
A | Q A M C 0 X
D | 1 S O Y R E
F | H 7 J T U W
G | V F 3 Z 4 I
V | 8 B 9 K 6 2
X | P D L G 5 N
Encrypted text :
Decrypted text :
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
