99 Bottles of Beer/Assembly: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|ARM Assembly}}: printf missing ?)
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Line 504:
INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
end start</lang>
===x86 Assembly===
<lang X86 Assembly>
push ds
push si
push ax
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 99
call .printHexNumber
mov si, .dataBeerSong1
call .printString
call .printHexNumber
mov si, .dataBeerSong2
call .printString
dec ax
call .printHexNumber
mov si, .dataBeerSong3
call .printString
test ax, ax
jnz .beer_loop
pop ax
pop si
pop ds
push ax
push si
test al, al
jz .done
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
jmp .looping
pop si
pop ax
push ds
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
push word 0
mov bx, ax
xor dx, dx
mov cx, 4r
mov ax, bx
and ax, 0Fh
cmp ax, 9
ja .greater_than_9
add ax, '0'
jmp .converted
add ax, 'A'-0Ah
push ax
shr bx, 4
dec cx
jnz .convert_loop
pop ax
cmp ax, 0
je .done
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
jmp .popoff
pop ds
.dataHelloWorld: db "Hello World!", 0
.dataBeerSong1: db " bottles of beer on the wall ", 0
.dataBeerSong2: db " bottles of beer", 13, 10, "Take one down, pass it around "
.dataBeerSong3: db 0, " bottles of beer on the wall", 0
===Implemented in the nasm preprocessor===
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