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3d turtle graphics

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 12:08, 5 November 2023 by PureFox (talk | contribs) ({{header|Wren}}: Changed to Wren S/H)
3d turtle graphics is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Create a 3d representation of a house and bar chart, similar to that of Simple turtle graphics, but

  • (you can) use a cube for the house and an equilateral square pyramid for the roof, and
  • (likewise if it helps) use columns with a square cross section for the bar chart.


Assumes jqt and a "recent" (2022) version of J.

NB. pre-requisites:
NB. ;install each cut 'gl2 gles github:zerowords/tgsjo'
clearscreen ''
createTurtle 0 0 0

EYE_tgsjo_=: 0 0 _90
rotR 180+94 10 0

column=: {{
    4 repeats {{'height width'=. y
        2 repeats {{'height width'=. y
            forward width
            pitch 90
            forward height
            pitch 90
        }} y
        forward width
        right 90
    }} y

cube=: {{ column y,y }}

codihedral=: 180p_1*_3 o.%%:2
pyramid=: {{
    4 repeats {{
        roll codihedral
        pitch triangle y
        forward y
        left 90
    }} y

NB. in 3d, we want to know which turning mechanism to use, when drawing a plane figure
triangle=: {{
    3 repeats (u {{
        forward y
        u 120
    }}) y

house=: {{
    cube y
    roll 180
    pyramid y

barchart=: {{'lst size'=. y
    if.#lst do.
        scale=. size%>./lst
        width=. size%#lst
        for_j. lst do.
            column (j * scale),width
            forward width
        back size

penColor Red
house 150
pen 0
back 30
right 180
pen 1
penColor Blue
barchart 0.5 0.3333 2 1.3 0.5; 200
pen 0
left 180
forward 30
roll 180


Fairly straightforward extension of Simple_turtle_graphics.exw, apart from the time spent staring at my own hand figuring out the sequences of angles.
Reuses turtle.e, however the code I really wanted to squirrel away has ended up in turtle_projection.e. You can run this online here.

-- demo\rosetta\3D_turtle_graphics.exw
-- ===================================
--  Fairly straightforward extension of Simple_turtle_graphics.exw, apart from
--  the time spent staring at my own hand figuring out the sequences of angles.
--  The turtle itself always draws in normal space, ie with the y axis vertical,
--  the x axis horizontal, and the z axis effectively a point, with any and all
--  3D effects generated by projection onto a camera plane, which can be moved
--  about with the usual four arrow and +/- keys. Note the camera handling was 
--  cribbed from demo/pGUI/rubik.e, less than perfect here but will have to do.
--  Invoking turn() (aka yaw) does pretty much what you would expect, whereas 
--  roll() rotates about the direction of travel. To simulate pitch() (aka to 
--  climb or nosedive) perform a roll(90), turn(pitch) sequence, avoiding any
--  temptation to "level off" before moving, as that just complicates angles.
with javascript_semantics
include turtle.e -- (common code for 2D and 3D versions)
include turtle_projection.e -- (final 3D projection stuff)

atom px = 0, py = 0, pz = 0,    -- position
     hx = 1, hy = 0, hz = 0,    -- heading
     nx = 0, ny = 0, nz = 1     -- normal

procedure walk3D(atom d)
    // Move forward by distance d pixels.
    // Aside: not entirely sure why rounding to 4dp (and normalising
    //  to 8dp) helps, but without it errors seem to build quickly..
    //  Of course in my opinion regularly teleporting the turtle back 
    //  to {0,0,0} would just be cheating whereas this makes it exact
    sequence p1 = {px,py,pz}
    px = round(px+d*hx,10000)
    py = round(py+d*hy,10000)
    pz = round(pz+d*hz,10000)
    if pen_down then
        -- (not entirely sure why it's "{y,x} =" either, but it is.)
        atom {{y1,x1},{y2,x2}} = rotate_and_project({p1,{px,py,pz}})
    end if
end procedure

function left_unit_vector()
    return {ny*hz-nz*hy,nz*hx-nx*hz,nx*hy-ny*hx}
end function

function normalize(sequence v)
    v = sq_round(sq_mul(v,1/sqrt(sum(sq_power(v,2)))),100000000)
    return v
end function


procedure rot3D(atom angle, integer tp)
    angle *= CD_DEG2RAD
    atom cos_a = cos(angle),
         sin_a = sin(angle),
         {ux,uy,uz} = left_unit_vector()
    if tp=ROLL then
        -- aka rotation about the heading
        {nx,ny,nz} = normalize({nx*cos_a-ux*sin_a,
    else -- tp=TURN
        -- aka rotation about the normal
        {hx,hy,hz} = normalize({hx*cos_a+ux*sin_a,
    end if
end procedure

procedure rtm3D(sequence s)
    -- s is a list of {roll,turn,dist}, any of which can be 0.
    for i=1 to length(s) do
        atom {roll,turn,dist} = s[i]
        if roll then rot3D(roll,ROLL) end if
        if turn then rot3D(turn,TURN) end if
        if dist then walk3D(dist) end if
    end for
end procedure
procedure rectangle(atom width, height, depth=width)
    rtm3D({{ 0, 0,height},{  0,90,width},{0,90,height},{0,90,width},
           {-90,90,width},{ 90,90,0}})
end procedure

procedure draw_house(atom width, height)
    // Draw a house at the current position
    // heading must be {1,0,0} for house to be upright
    // house walls
    rectangle(width, height)

    // door

    // roof

    // return to original position and direction

end procedure

procedure draw_barchart(sequence nums, atom w, h)
    // draw a barchart occupying the middle 60% of w,h
    // nums can contain +ve and/or -ve values.
    integer n = length(nums)
    atom mx = max(max(nums),0),
         mn = min(min(nums),0),
         r = mx-mn,                 -- range
         zl = abs(mn)/r*h*0.6+h/5,  -- zero line
         bw = w*0.6/n               -- bar width
    for i=1 to n do
        atom ni = nums[i]/r*h*0.6
    end for
    // return to origin({w/2,0}) and direction 0:
end procedure

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
    integer {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
    atom hw = width/2, qw = width/4, qh = height/4

    draw_house(qw,qh)               -- house in the left half

    rtm3D({{0,180,qh},{0,90,qw},{0,90,0}}) -- return to {0,0}

    rtm3D({{0,90,hw},{0,-90,0}})    -- barchart in the right half

    draw_barchart({0.5, -4/3, 2, 1.3, 0.5},width/2,height)

    rtm3D({{0,-90,hw},{0,90,0}})    -- return to {0,0}

    -- sanity checks (but I got a 0.0002 under pwa/p2js when dev tools open...)
    if platform()!=JS then
    end if

    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function key_cb(Ihandle ih, atom c)
    if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
    integer axis = find(c,{K_RIGHT,K_DOWN,'+',K_LEFT,K_UP,'-'})
    if axis then
        integer angle = 1
        if axis>3 then
            angle = 359
            axis -= 3
        end if
        if length(view_rotations) 
        and view_rotations[$][1] = axis then
            view_rotations[$][2] = mod(view_rotations[$][2]+angle,360)
            view_rotations = append(view_rotations,{axis,angle})
        end if  
    elsif c='0' then
        view_rotations = {}
    end if      
    return IUP_CONTINUE
end function

canvas = IupCanvas(Icallback("redraw_cb"),"RASTERSIZE=600x400")
dlg = IupDialog(canvas,`TITLE="3D turtle graphics"`)
cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, canvas)
IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL) -- release minimum limit
IupSetCallback(dlg, "KEY_CB",  Icallback("key_cb"))
IupSetAttributeHandle(NULL, "PARENTDIALOG", dlg)
if platform()!=JS then
end if


Library: DOME
Library: Wren-turtle
import "dome" for Window
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color
import "math" for Math
import "./turtle" for Turtle

class Main {
    construct new(width, height) {
        Window.resize(width, height)
        Canvas.resize(width, height)
        Window.title = "3d turtle graphics"
        _w = width
        _h = height

    init() {
        _t = Turtle.new()
        barChart([15, 10, 50, 35, 20], _w/3)

    drawRectCuboid(x, y, hsize, vsize) {
        // draw front rectangle
        _t.drawRect(x, y, hsize, vsize)

        // draw back rectangle
        _t.drawRect(x + hsize/2, y - hsize/2, hsize, vsize)

        var side = ((2 * hsize * hsize).sqrt/2).floor

        // turn right 45 degrees
        // goto bottom left front
        _t.goto(x, y + vsize)

        // goto top left front
        _t.goto(x, y)

        // goto bottom right front
        _t.goto(x + hsize, y + vsize)

        // goto top right front
        _t.goto(x + hsize, y)

    drawHouse3D(size) {
        // save initial turtle position and direction
        var saveX = _t.x
        var saveY = _t.y
        var saveD = _t.dir

        _t.pen.width = 2

        // draw house
        drawRectCuboid(_w/8, _h/2, size, size)

        // draw roof
        _t.goto(_w/8, _h/2)

        _t.dir = 63

        _t.dir = 102

        // draw door
        var doorWidth  = (size/4).floor
        var doorHeight = (size/2.5).floor
        _t.drawRect(_w/4 + doorWidth/2, _h/2 + (size/2).floor - doorHeight, doorWidth, doorHeight) 

        // draw window
        var windWidth  = (size/3).floor
        var windHeight = (size/4).floor
        _t.drawRect(_w/4 + size/1.8, _h/2 + (size/2.8).floor - windHeight, windWidth, windHeight)

        // restore initial turtle position and direction
        _t.x = saveX
        _t.y = saveY
        _t.dir = saveD        
    // nums assumed to be all non-negative
    barChart(nums, size) {
        _t.pen.color = Color.brown

        // save intial turtle position and direction
        var saveX = _t.x
        var saveY = _t.y
        var saveD = _t.dir

        // find maximum
        var max = 0
        for (n in nums) if (n > max) max = n

        // scale to fit within a square with sides 'size' and draw chart
        var barWidth = (size / nums.count).floor
        var startX = _w / 2 + 20
        var startY = _h / 2
        for (i in 0...nums.count) { // nums.count) {
            var barHeight = (nums[i] * size / max).round
            drawRectCuboid(startX, startY - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight)            
            startX = startX + barWidth

        // restore intial turtle position and direction
        _t.x = saveX
        _t.y = saveY
        _t.dir = saveD

    update() {}

    draw(alpha) {}

var Game = Main.new(800, 800)
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