15 puzzle solver

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 10:04, 13 October 2017 by Nigel Galloway (talk | contribs)
15 puzzle solver
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Your task is to write a program that finds a solution in the fewest moves possible to a random Fifteen Puzzle Game.
For this task you will be using the following puzzle:

15 14  1  6
 9 11  4 12
 0 10  7  3
13  8  5  2


 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0

The output must show the moves' directions, like so: left, left, left, down, right... and so on.

Extra credit.

Solve the following problems:

 2  1  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0


  0 12  9 13
 15 11 10 14
  3  7  2  5
  4  8  6  1


The Solver

Translation of: FSharp

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 11th., 2017 const int Nr[]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}; using N = std::tuple<int,int,unsigned long,std::string,int>; void fN(const N,const int); const N fI(const N n){

 int           g = (11-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)+1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<16),std::get<3>(n)+"d",(Nr[a>>g]<=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fG(const N n){

 int           g = (19-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)-1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>16),std::get<3>(n)+"u",(Nr[a>>g]>=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fE(const N n){

 int           g = (14-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)+1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<4),std::get<3>(n)+"r",(Nc[a>>g]<=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fL(const N n){

 int           g = (16-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)-1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>4),std::get<3>(n)+"l",(Nc[a>>g]>=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} void fZ(const N n, const int g){

 if (std::get<2>(n)==0x123456789abcdef0){
   int g{};for (char a: std::get<3>(n)) ++g;
   std::cout<<"Solution found with "<<g<<" moves: "<<std::get<3>(n)<<std::endl; exit(0);}
 if (std::get<4>(n) <= g) fN(n,g);

} void fN(const N n, const int g){

 const int i{std::get<0>(n)}, e{std::get<1>(n)}, l{std::get<3>(n).back()};
 switch(i){case  0: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           case  3: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           default: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}}}

} void Solve(N n){for(int g{};;++g) fN(n,g);} </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 N start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852,"",0);

} </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m2.897s
user    0m2.887s
sys     0m0.008s


<lang fsharp> // A Naive 15 puzzle solver using no memory. Nigel Galloway: October 6th., 2017 let Nr = [|3;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;2;2;2;2;3;3;3|] let Nc = [|3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2|] let rec Solve n =

 let rec fN (i,g,e,l,_) = seq {
   let   fI = let n = (11-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i+1,g,e-a+(a<<<16),'d'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] <= i)
   let   fG = let n = (19-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i-1,g,e-a+(a>>>16),'u'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] >= i)
   let   fE = let n = (14-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g+1,e-a+(a<<<4), 'r'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] <= g)
   let   fL = let n = (16-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g-1,e-a+(a>>>4), 'l'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] >= g)
   let   fZ (n,i,g,e,l) = seq{yield (n,i,g,e,l); if l then yield! fN (n,i,g,e,l)}
   match (i,g,l) with
     |(0,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(0,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(0,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(3,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(3,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(_,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |_            -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
 let n = Seq.collect fN n
 match (Seq.tryFind(fun(_,_,n,_,_)->n=0x123456789abcdef0UL)) n with
 |Some(_,_,_,n,_) -> printf "Solution found with %d moves: " (List.length n); List.iter (string >> printf "%s") (List.rev n); printfn ""
 |_               -> Solve (Seq.filter(fun (_,_,_,_,n)->not n) n)

Solve [(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852UL,[],false)] </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

see: Pretty Print of Optimal Soltion


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: The task calls for a solution in the fewest moves which is 52 not 58

Brute force width-first search, probably not quite optimal, since the scoring algorithm may trim some better paths from the search space.
Shows first solution found. No multi-tile moves. <lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Solve15puzzle.exw -- ============================== -- constant udlr = {"up", "down", "left", "right"} sequence board = tagset(15)&0 integer pos = 16

integer collected = 0 sequence lines = repeat("",5)

procedure print_board(integer last) integer k = 2

   for i=1 to length(board) do
       string this = iff(i=pos?"   ":sprintf("%3d",{board[i]}))
       lines[k] &= this
       if mod(i,4)=0 then k+=1 end if
   end for
   collected += 1
   if collected=6 or last then
       lines = repeat("",5)
       collected = 0
       for i=2 to 5 do
           lines[i] &= "      "
       end for
   end if

end procedure

function move(integer d) integer valid = 0 integer stick = 0

   for k=1 to 8 by 2 do
       if board[k]!=k then exit end if
       if board[k+1]!=k+1 then exit end if
       stick = k+1
   end for
   integer new_pos = pos+{+4,-4,+1,-1}[d]
   if new_pos>=1 and new_pos<=16
   and (mod(pos,4)=mod(new_pos,4) -- same col, or row:
    or floor((pos-1)/4)=floor((new_pos-1)/4)) then
       {board[pos],board[new_pos]} = {board[new_pos],0}
       valid = pos>stick and new_pos>stick
       pos = new_pos
   end if
   return {valid,stick}

end function

constant posns = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,10,14,11,12,15}

function score(sequence board) integer res = 0, pos, act_pos

   for i=1 to 15 do
       pos = posns[i]
       act_pos = find(pos,board)
       res += (abs(mod(pos,4)-mod(act_pos,4))+
   end for
   return res

end function

if 0 then

   for i=1 to 5555555 do {}=move(rand(4)) end for      -- (25% are likely invalid)


   board = {15,14, 1, 6,
             9,11, 4,12,
             0,10, 7, 3,
            13, 8, 5, 2}
   pos = find(0,board)

end if atom t0 = time() integer pos0 = pos, s, valid, stick sequence board0 = board, boards = {{0,score(board),{},board,pos}}, new_boards, moves integer visited = new_dict() while 1 do

   new_boards = {}
   for i=1 to length(boards) do
       for c=1 to 4 do
           {?,?,moves,board,pos} = boards[i]
           {valid,stick} = move(c)
           if valid and getd_index(board,visited)=0 then
               moves &= c
               s = score(board)
               if s=0 then exit end if
               new_boards = append(new_boards,{8-stick,s,moves,board,pos})
           end if
       end for
       if s=0 then exit end if
   end for
   if s=0 then exit end if
   if length(new_boards)>16384 then
       boards = sort(new_boards)[1..16384]
       integer dsv = dict_size(visited)
       {?,s,{},board,pos} = boards[1]
       lines[1] = sprintf("thinking... %d boards visited, best score: %d (0=solved):",{dsv,s})
       boards = new_boards
   end if

end while

pos = pos0 board = board0 lines[1] = "solved!!: " print_board(0) for i=1 to length(moves) do

   integer mi = moves[i]
   string m = udlr[mi]
   string this = sprintf("move %d, %s:",{i,m})
   lines[1] &= sprintf("%-18s",{this})
   moves[i] = upper(m[1])
   {} = move(mi)

end for printf(1,"solved in %d moves (%d boards visited, %s)\n",{length(moves),dict_size(visited),elapsed(time()-t0)}) printf(1,"moves: %s\n",{moves}) {} = wait_key()</lang>

thinking... 39204 boards visited, best score: 1910 (0=solved):
 15     1  6
  8 14 11  4
  9 10  3 12
 13  5  7  2

thinking... 71666 boards visited, best score: 1760 (0=solved):
    15  1  6
  8 14 11  4
  9 10  3 12
 13  5  7  2

thinking... 103082 boards visited, best score: 1840 (0=solved):
 15  1  6
  8 14 11  4
  9 10  3 12
 13  5  7  2

solved in 58 moves (1330046 boards visited, 49.59s)