15 puzzle game: Difference between revisions

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===Text-based version===
Text-based game that works with both command-line and MiniMicro versions of MiniScript. The MiniMicro has animation showing the changes in the board when the tiles are being shuffled or a move is made.
Text-based game that works with both command-line and [http://miniscript.org/MiniMicro Mini Micro] versions of MiniScript. The Mini Micro has animation showing the changes in the board when the tiles are being shuffled or a move is made.
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">
isMiniMicro = version.hostName == "Mini Micro"
Line 8,244 ⟶ 8,245:
end while
print "Congratulations! You solved the puzzle!"</syntaxhighlight>
===Fully animated version===
This fully animated implementation is for use with [http://miniscript.org/MiniMicro Mini Micro]. It uses assets that come with the Mini Micro as well as a sound file of wood blocks scrapping and hitting each other that is separate from this code. This scrip will still run without it and will not simulate the sound of the tiles moving. You may find this file on [https://github.com/chinhouse/MiniScript/blob/main/Puzzle-15/small_wooden_bricks_movement.mp3 Github].
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">
woodSound = file.loadSound("small_wooden_bricks_movement.mp3")
puzzleTiles = function
gfx.scale = 2
woodImg = file.loadImage("/sys/pics/textures/Wood.png")
gfx.drawImage woodImg,0,0
gfx.color = color.black
gfx.drawRect 6,6, 244,244
bgBoard = new Sprite
bgBoard.image = gfx.getImage(0, 0, 256, 256)
bgBoard.scale = 1.6
bgBoard.x = (960 - 1.6 * 256) / 2 + 128 * 1.6
bgBoard.y = (640 - 1.6 * 256) / 2 + 128 * 1.6
bgBoard.tint = color.rgb(102,51,0)
sprites = [bgBoard]
gfx.drawImage woodImg,0,0
positions = range(1,15)
spriteScale = 1.5
spriteSize = 64
tileXOffset = (960 - 3 * spriteSize * spriteScale) / 2
tileYOffset = (640 - 3 * spriteSize * spriteScale) / 2
for i in range(0,14)
s = str(i+1)
pos = positions[i]
x = pos % 4
y = floor(pos / 4)
xp = x * spriteSize + (spriteSize - (s.len * 14 + 2)) / 2
yp = y * spriteSize + 20
gfx.print s, xp, yp, color.black, "normal"
sprite = new Sprite
sprite.image = gfx.getImage(x * spriteSize, y * spriteSize, spriteSize, spriteSize)
sprite.scale = spriteScale
xs = i % 4; ys = 3 - floor(i / 4)
sprite.x = spriteSize * (xs) * spriteScale + tileXOffset
sprite.y = spriteSize * ys * spriteScale + tileYOffset
sprite.localBounds = new Bounds
sprite.localBounds.width = spriteSize
sprite.localBounds.height = spriteSize
// tint the blocks with different shades of brown
sat = floor(rnd * 47 - 10) * 3
sprite.tint = color.rgb(153 + sat, 102 + sat, 51 + sat)
end for
return sprites
end function
moveTiles = function(sprites, instructions, t = 6, mute = false)
direction = instructions[0]
delta = Directions[direction]
if not mute and woodSound and direction then woodSound.play 0.1
for i in range(96, 1, -t)
for tile in instructions[1:]
sprites[tile].x += delta[1] * t
sprites[tile].y += -delta[0] * t
end for
wait 1/3200
end for
end function
// These coordinates are [row,col] not [x,y]
Directions = {"up": [-1,0], "right": [0,1], "down": [1, 0], "left": [0,-1]}
TileNum = range(1, 15)
Puzzle15 = {"grid":[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]],
"blankPos": [3,3], "movesToShuffled": [], "movesMade": [], "moveCount": 0}
Puzzle15.__setTile = function(position, value)
row = position[0]; col = position[1]
self.grid[row][col] = value
end function
Puzzle15.__getTile = function(position)
row = position[0]; col = position[1]
return self.grid[row][col]
end function
Puzzle15.__getOppositeDirection = function(direction)
directions = Directions.indexes
oppix = (directions.indexOf(direction) + 2) % 4
return directions[oppix]
end function
Puzzle15.__getDirectionToTile = function(n)
for row in range(0, 3)
for col in range(0, 3)
if self.grid[row][col] == n then
dr = row - self.getBlankPos[0]
dc = col - self.getBlankPos[1]
return Directions.indexOf([sign(dr), sign(dc)])
end if
end for
end for
return null
end function
Puzzle15.getState = function
return self.grid
end function
Puzzle15.getBlankPos = function
return self.blankPos
end function
Puzzle15.hasWon = function
count = 1
for r in range(0, 3)
for c in range(0, 3)
if self.grid[r][c] != count then return false
count += 1
end for
end for
return true
end function
Puzzle15.move = function(direction)
if not Directions.hasIndex(direction) then return false
move = Directions[direction]
curPos = self.blankPos[:]
newPos = [curPos[0] + move[0], curPos[1] + move[1]]
if (-1 < newPos[0] < 4) and (-1 < newPos[1] < 4) then
value = self.__getTile(newPos)
self.__setTile(curPos, value)
self.__setTile(newPos, 16) // 16 is the blank tile
self.blankPos = newPos
if self.movesMade.len > 0 then
lastMove = self.movesMade[-1]
lastMove = ""
end if
if lastMove != "" and self.__getOppositeDirection(lastMove) == direction then
end if
self.moveCount += 1
return value // return tile that was moved
return false
end if
end function
Puzzle15.moveNumber = function(n)
direction = Puzzle15.__getDirectionToTile(n)
origDir = direction
if direction == null then return 0
tiles = [self.__getOppositeDirection(direction)]
while origDir == direction
tileNum = self.move(origDir)
tiles.insert(1, tileNum)
direction = self.__getDirectionToTile(n)
end while
return tiles
end function
Puzzle15.shuffle = function(n, sprites)
lastMove = ""
directions = Directions.indexes
cnt = 0
instructions = []
while self.movesToShuffled.len < n
if self.movesToShuffled.len == 0 then
lastMove = ""
lastMove = self.movesToShuffled[-1]
end if
moveTo = directions[floor(rnd * 4)]
cnt += 1
oppMove = self.__getOppositeDirection(moveTo)
tileMoved = self.move(moveTo)
if oppMove != lastMove and tileMoved then
instructions.push([oppMove, tileMoved])
lastMove = moveTo
else if oppMove == lastMove then
end if
end while
for i in instructions
moveTiles(sprites, i, 96, true)
end for
end function
display(4).sprites = puzzleTiles
Puzzle15.shuffle(200, display(4).sprites)
while not Puzzle15.hasWon
if mouse.button and not wasPressed then
tile = 16
for i in range(1, 15)
sprite = display(4).sprites[i]
//print sprite.localBounds
if sprite.contains(mouse) then tile = i
end for
if tile != 16 then
instructions = Puzzle15.moveNumber(tile)
if instructions then moveTiles(display(4).sprites, instructions)
end if
end if
wasPressed = mouse.button
end while
fanfare = file.loadSound("/sys/sounds/fanfare.wav")
fanfare.play 0.25
while fanfare.isPlaying
end while