15 puzzle game: Difference between revisions

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Line 5,195:
[https://easylang.onlinedev/apps/15-puzzle.html Run it]
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Line 5,203:
len f[] 16
proc draw . .
for i = 1 to 16
h = f[i]
if h < 16
x = (i - 1) mod 4 * 24 + 3
y = (i - 1) div 4 * 24 + 3
color 210
move x y
rect 22 22
move x + 4 y + 6
if h < 10
move x + 6 y + 6
color 885
text h
color 885
text h
global done .
proc smiley . .
s = 3.5
x = 86
y = 86
move x y
color 983
circle 2.8 * s
color 000
move x - s y - s
circle s / 3
move x + 3.5 y - 3.5
circle s / 3
linewidth s / 3
curve [ x - s y + s x y + 2 * s x + s y + s ]
proc init . .
done = 0
for i = 1 to 16
f[i] = i
# shuffle
for i = 15 downto 2
r = random i
swap f[r] f[i]
# make it solvable
inv = 0
for i = 1 to 15
for j = 1 to i - 1
if f[j] > f[i]
inv += 1
if inv mod 2 <> 0
if inv mod 2 <>swap 0f[1] f[2]
swap f[1] f[2]
textsize 12
textsize 12
call draw
proc move_tile . .
c = mouse_x div 25
r = mouse_y div 25
i = r * 4 + c + 1
if c > 0 and f[i - 1] = 16
swap f[i] f[i - 1]
elif r > 0 and f[i - 4] = 16
swap f[i] f[i - 4]
elif r < 3 and f[i + 4] = 16
swap f[i] f[i + 4]
elif c < 3 and f[i + 1] = 16
swap f[i] f[i + 1]
call draw
done for i = 1 to 15
for if f[i] => 1f[i to+ 151]
if f[i] > f[i + 1]return
done = 0.
done = 1
if donetimer = 10.5
move 10 30
text "Well done!"
on mouse_down
if done = 10
call init move_tile
elif done = 3
call move_tile init
on timer
if done = 1
done = 2
timer 2
done = 3
call init
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drawboard B()</syntaxhighlight>
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// 16 Puzzle // 26 september 2023 //
begin globals
CFMutableStringRef board : board = fn MutableStringNew
end globals
void local fn buildUI
Long i, j, k = 1 // k is button number
window 1, @"16 Puzzle", ( 0, 0, 200, 200 ), 3
for j = 3 to 0 step -1 : for i = 0 to 3 // Top to bottom, left to right
button k, Yes, 1, @"", ( 20 + 40 * i, 20 + 40 * j , 40, 40 ), , NSBezelStyleShadowlessSquare
ControlSetFont(k, fn FontSystemFontOfSize( 21 ) )
ControlSetAlignment( k, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
k ++
next : next
menu 1, , 1, @"File": menu 1, 1, , @"Close", @"w" : MenuItemSetAction( 1, 1, @"performClose:" )
editmenu 2 : menu 2, 0, No : menu 3, , , @"Level"
for i = 1 to 8 : menu 3, i, , str( i ) : next
MenuSetOneItemOnState( 3, 3 )
end fn
void local fn newGame
CFStringRef s
Long i, m, n = 16, p = 0 // n is empty starting tile, p holds previous move
Bool ok
MutableStringSetString (board, @" 123456789ABCDEF " )
for i = 1 to fn MenuSelectedItem( 3 )^2 // Number of shuffles is square of level
do : ok = Yes
m = n + int( 2.6 * rnd( 4 ) - 6.5 ) // Choose a random move, but
if m < 1 or m > 16 or m == p then ok = No // not of bounds or previous,
if n mod 4 = 0 and m = n + 1 then ok = No // and don't exchange eg tile 4 and 5
if n mod 4 = 1 and m = n - 1 then ok = No // or 9 and 8
until ok = Yes // Found a move, swap in board string
s = mid( board, m, 1 ) : mid( board, m, 1 ) = @" " : mid( board, n, 1 ) = s
p = n : n = m
for i = 1 to 16 // Stamp the buttons, p is unicode of board char, s is button title
p = (Long) fn StringCharacterAtIndex( board, i )
if p > 64 then s = fn StringWithFormat ( @"%d", p - 55 ) else s = mid( board, i, 1 )
button i, Yes, 1, s
if fn StringIsEqual( s, @" ") == Yes then button i, No
end fn
void local fn move ( n as Long )
CFStringRef s
Long i, m, x = -1 // x is empty
Bool ok
for i = 1 to 4 // see if clicked button is next to empty
m = n + int( 2.6 * i - 6.5 ) // -4. -1, +1, +4
ok = Yes
if m < 1 or m > 16 then ok = No // Not out of bounds etc
if n mod 4 = 0 and m = n + 1 then ok = No
if n mod 4 = 1 and m = n - 1 then ok = No
if ok == Yes
if fn StringIsEqual( mid( board, m, 1 ), @" " ) then x = m
end if
if x > -1 // Swap places in board string and button titles
s = mid( board, n, 1 ) : mid( board, n, 1 ) = @" " : mid( board, x, 1 ) = s
button x, Yes, 1 , fn ButtonTitle( n ) : button n, No, 1, @" "
end if
if fn StringIsEqual( board, @" 123456789ABCDEF " )
alert 112, , @"Well done.", @"Another game?", @"Yes;No", Yes
end if
end fn
void local fn doMenu( mnu as Long, itm as Long )
if mnu == 3 then MenuSetOneItemOnState( 3, itm ) : fn newGame
end fn
void local fn DoDialog( evt as Long, tag as Long )
select evt
case _btnClick : fn move( tag )
case _alertDidEnd : if tag == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn then fn newGame else end
end select
end fn
fn buildUI
fn newGame
on dialog fn doDialog
on menu fn doMenu