15 puzzle game: Difference between revisions

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<syntaxhighlight lang="arturo">
;; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
;; ===>> ~~ Game's functions ~~ <<===
;; --->> ~~ Init functions ~~ <<---
;; This is a solved sample that is used to
;; init and finish the game
solvedTable: @[ " 1 " " 2 " " 3 " " 4 "
" 5 " " 6 " " 7 " " 8 "
" 9 " " 10 " " 11 " " 12 "
" 13 " " 14 " " 15 " " " ]
;; Use this once in :game's init, to get a player position
;; Q: Why use it once?
;; A: This algorithm is slower than just get a stored varible
;; yet this searches for a string for every value from :game
getPlayerPosition: $[table :block][
return index table " "
;; This is the object that represents the game
;; 'table » The sample table to generate the game
define :game [
table :block
init: [
; checks if 'table has 16 elements
ensure [16 = size this\table]
;; The game's table itself
this\table: (shuffle this\table) ; creates a random game
;; The current movement. When less, better is your punctuation
this\movements: 0
;; The current 'playerPosition in table
;; Used to evaluate if certain movement is possible or not
this\playerPosition: getPlayerPosition this\table
;; Defines it the gameLoop still running
this\running?: true
;; A builtin print function that simplifies the use
print: [
render {
Movements: |this\movements|, Position: |this\playerPosition|
|this\table\0| |this\table\1| |this\table\2| |this\table\3|
|this\table\4| |this\table\5| |this\table\6| |this\table\7|
|this\table\8| |this\table\9| |this\table\10| |this\table\11|
|this\table\12| |this\table\13| |this\table\14| |this\table\15|
;; Compares the internal's 'table with another :block
compare: [
if this\table = that
-> return true
;; These are the commands used internally on game
;; To avoid ambiguity, User's input'll to be translated to this
gameActions: ['up, 'left, 'down, 'right, 'quit]
;; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
;; -->> Print funnctions <<---
;; A template for print instructions
printInstructions: [
color #cyan "Type (WASD) to move and (Q) to quit."
;; A template for print input warning
;; 'input: the wrong input itself that will be printed
printWrongInput: $[inp :string][
print color #red
~"Wrong input: '|inp|'"
;; A template for print input warning
;; 'action: could be 'up, 'down, 'left or 'right
printWrongMovement: $[action :literal][
print color #red
~"Wrong movement. Can't go |action|"
;; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
;; --->> Validators/Checkers functions <<---
;; Checks if a 'input is in 'gameActions
;; Valids for: 'up, 'down, 'left, 'right and 'quit
validInput?: $[inp :any][
return (in? inp gameActions)
;; Checks if the current movement tried is possible
;; 'game » is the current game
;; 'movement » must be in 'gameActions, but can't be 'quit
validMovement?: $[
game :game
movement :literal
pos: game\playerPosition
case [movement]
when? [='up]
-> return (not? in? pos [0..3])
when? [='down]
-> return (not? in? pos [12..15])
when? [='left]
-> return (not? in? pos [0 4 8 12])
when? [='right]
-> return (not? in? pos [3 7 11 15])
-> return false
;; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
;; --->> Action functions <<---
;; Gets user input from terminal
;; returning a :literal from 'gameActions
;; Raises: In case of wrong input,
;; will be returned the same input as a :string
parseInput: $[inp :string][
lowerInp: lower inp
case [lowerInp]
when? [="w"] -> return 'up
when? [="a"] -> return 'left
when? [="s"] -> return 'down
when? [="d"] -> return 'right
when? [="q"] -> return 'quit
else -> return inp
;; Moves the player in Game's Table
;; Note that this's a unsafe function,
;; use 'validMovement? to check a 'movement given a game,
;; and then use this
movePlayer: $[
game :game
movement :literal
position: game\playerPosition
updateGame: $[
game :game
playerPosition :integer
relativePosition :integer
try [
; 'otherPosition is the real index of the 'relativePosition
otherPosition: + playerPosition relativePosition
; -- Updates the table, swaping the positions
temp: game\table\[playerPosition]
game\table\[playerPosition]: game\table\[otherPosition]
game\table\[otherPosition]: temp
; -- Updates player's status
game\playerPosition: otherPosition
game\movements: inc game\movements
] else -> panic "'movement didn't checked."
case [movement]
when? [='up]
-> (updateGame game position (neg 4))
when? [='down]
-> (updateGame game position (4))
when? [='left]
-> (updateGame game position (neg 1))
when? [='right]
-> (updateGame game position (1))
else -> panic "'movement didn't checked."
endGame: $[
message :string
print message
;; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
;; --->> Run function <<---
;; Inits ans runs the game
;; 'sampleTable must be already solved
runGame: $[sampleTable :block][
game: to :game [sampleTable]
while [game\running?] [
print game
print printInstructions
command: parseInput input ">> "
if command = 'quit
-> endGame "Exiting game..."
validInp: validInput? command
if? validInp [
validMov: validMovement? game command
-> movePlayer game command
-> printWrongMovement command
] else
-> printWrongInput command
if sampleTable = game
-> endGame "Congratulations! You won!"
print ""
runGame solvedTable</syntaxhighlight>