Matrix multiplication

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Matrix multiplication
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Multiply two Matrices together, they can be of any dimension as long as the number of columns of the first = the number of rows of the second.

Common Lisp

(defun matrix-multiply (a b)

 (flet ((col (mat i) (mapcar #'(lambda (row) (elt row i)) mat))
        (row (mat i) (elt mat i)))
   (loop for row from 0 below (length a)
         collect (loop for col from 0 below (length (row b 0))
                       collect (apply #'+ (mapcar #'* (row a row) (col b col)))))))


CREATE TABLE a (x integer, y integer, e real); CREATE TABLE b (x integer, y integer, e real);

-- test data -- A is a 2x2 matrix INSERT INTO a VALUES(0,0,1); INSERT INTO a VALUES(1,0,2); INSERT INTO a VALUES(0,1,3); INSERT INTO a VALUES(1,1,4);

-- B is a 2x3 matrix INSERT INTO b VALUES(0,0,-3); INSERT INTO b VALUES(1,0,-8); INSERT INTO b VALUES(2,0,3); INSERT INTO b VALUES(0,1,-2); INSERT INTO b VALUES(1,1, 1); INSERT INTO b VALUES(2,1,4);

-- C is 2x2 * 2x3 so will be a 2x3 matrix SELECT rhs.x, lhs.y, (SELECT sum(a.e*b.e) FROM a, b

                            WHERE a.y = lhs.y
                              AND b.x = rhs.x
                              AND a.x = b.y)
      INTO TABLE c
      FROM a AS lhs, b AS rhs
      WHERE lhs.x = 0 AND rhs.y = 0;