Guess the number/With feedback

From Rosetta Code
Guess the number/With feedback
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to write a game that follows the following rules:

The computer will choose a number between given set limits and asks the player for repeated guesses until the player guesses the target number correctly. At each guess, the computer responds with whether the guess was higher than, equal to, or less than the target - or signals that the input was inappropriate.

C.f: Guess the number/With Feedback (Player)


<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Guess_Number_Feedback is

  procedure Guess_Number (Lower_Limit : Integer; Upper_Limit : Integer) is
     subtype Number is Integer range Lower_Limit .. Upper_Limit;
     package Number_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Number);
     package Number_RNG is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Number);
     Generator  : Number_RNG.Generator;
     My_Number  : Number;
     Your_Guess : Number;
     Number_RNG.Reset (Generator);
     My_Number := Number_RNG.Random (Generator);
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Guess my number!");
        Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Your guess: ");
        Number_IO.Get (Your_Guess);
        exit when Your_Guess = My_Number;
        if Your_Guess > My_Number then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Wrong, too high!");
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Wrong, too low!");
        end if;
     end loop;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Well guessed!");
  end Guess_Number;
  package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
  Lower_Limit : Integer;
  Upper_Limit : Integer;


     Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Lower Limit: ");
     Int_IO.Get (Lower_Limit);
     Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Upper Limit: ");
     Int_IO.Get (Upper_Limit);
     exit when Lower_Limit < Upper_Limit;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Lower limit must be lower!");
  end loop;
  Guess_Number (Lower_Limit, Upper_Limit);

end Guess_Number_Feedback;</lang>


<lang AutoHotkey>MinNum = 1 MaxNum = 99999999999

Random, RandNum, %MinNum%, %MaxNum% Loop {

InputBox, Guess, Number Guessing, Please enter a number between %MinNum% and %MaxNum%:,, 350, 130,,,,, %Guess%
If ErrorLevel
If Guess Is Not Integer
 MsgBox, 16, Error, Invalid guess.
If Guess Not Between %MinNum% And %MaxNum%
 MsgBox, 16, Error, Guess must be a number between %MinNum% and %MaxNum%.
If A_Index = 1
 TotalTime = %A_TickCount%
Tries = %A_Index%
If Guess = %RandNum%
If Guess < %RandNum%
 MsgBox, 64, Incorrect, The number guessed (%Guess%) was too low.
If Guess > %RandNum%
 MsgBox, 64, Incorrect, The number guessed (%Guess%) was too high.

} TotalTime := Round((A_TickCount - TotalTime) / 1000,1) MsgBox, 64, Correct, The number %RandNum% was guessed in %Tries% tries, which took %TotalTime% seconds.</lang>


<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <time.h>
  1. define lower_limit 0
  2. define upper_limit 100

int main(){

 int number, guess;
 srand( time( 0 ) );
 number = lower_limit + rand() % (upper_limit - lower_limit + 1);
 printf( "Guess the number between %d and %d: ", lower_limit, upper_limit );
 while( scanf( "%d", &guess ) == 1 ){
   if( number == guess ){
     printf( "You guessed correctly!\n" );
   printf( "Your guess was too %s.\nTry again: ", number < guess ? "high" : "low" );
 return 0;



Guess the number between 0 and 100: 50
Your guess was too low.
Try again: 75
Your guess was too high.
Try again: 63
Your guess was too high.
Try again: 57
Your guess was too low.
Try again: 60
Your guess was too high.
Try again: 58
Your guess was too low.
Try again: 59
You guessed correctly!


<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <cstdlib>
  2. include <ctime>

int main() {

   int lower, upper, guess;
   std::cout << "Enter lower limit: ";
   std::cin >> lower;
   std::cout << "Enter upper limit: ";
   std::cin >> upper;
   int random_number = lower + std::rand() % ((upper + 1) - lower);
       std::cout << "Guess what number I have: ";
       std::cin >> guess;
       if (guess > random_number)
           std::cout << "Your guess is too high\n";
       else if (guess < random_number)
           std::cout << "Your guess is too low\n";
           std::cout << "You got it!\n";
   } while (guess != random_number);
   return 0;

}</lang> Output:

Enter lower limit: 1
Enter upper limit: 100
Guess what number I have: 50
Your guess is too high
Guess what number I have: 40
Your guess is too high
Guess what number I have: 25
Your guess is too high
Guess what number I have: 10
Your guess is too high
Guess what number I have: 2
Your guess is too low
Guess what number I have: 4
Your guess is too high
Guess what number I have: 3
You got it!


<lang clojure>(defn guess-run []

 (let [start 1

end 100 target (+ start (rand-int (inc (- end start))))]

   (printf "Guess a number between %d and %d" start end)
   (loop [i 1]
     (printf "Your guess %d:\n" i)
     (let [ans (read)]

(if (cond (not (number? ans)) (println "Invalid format") (or (< ans start) (> ans end)) (println "Out of range") (< ans target) (println "too low") (> ans target) (println "too high") :else true) (println "Correct") (recur (inc i)))))))</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun guess-the-number-feedback (&optional (min 1) (max 100))

 (let ((num-guesses 0)

(num (+ (random (1+ (- max min))) min)) (guess nil))

   (format t "Try to guess a number from ~:d to ~:d!~%" min max)
   (loop do (format t "Guess? ")

(incf num-guesses) (setf guess (read)) (format t "Your guess is ~[not a number.~;too small.~;too large.~;correct!~]~%" (cond ((not (numberp guess)) 0) ((< guess num) 1) ((> guess num) 2) ((= guess num) 3))) until (and (numberp guess) (= guess num)))

   (format t "You got the number correct on the ~:r guess!~%" num-guesses)))

</lang> Output:

CL-USER> (guess-the-number-feedback 1 1024)
Try to guess a number from 1 to 1,024!
Guess? 512
Your guess is too small.
Guess? 768
Your guess is too small.
Guess? 896
Your guess is too large.
Guess? 832
Your guess is too small.
Guess? 864
Your guess is too large.
Guess? 848
Your guess is too large.
Guess? 840
Your guess is too large.
Guess? 836
Your guess is correct!
You got the number correct on the eighth guess!


<lang Delphi> program GuessTheNumber;





 // Set min/max limits
 min: Integer = 1;
 max: Integer = 10;


 inp: Integer;
 s: string;
 // Initialise new game
 procedure NewGame;
   // Make sure this number isn't the same as the last one
     val := RandomRange(min,max);
     val <> last;
   // Save this number
   last := val;
   Writeln('Guess a number between '+IntToStr(min)+' and '+IntToStr(max)+' [Answer = '+IntToStr(val)+']');


 // Initialise the random number generator with a random value
 // Initialise last number
 last := 0;
 // Initialise user input
 s := ;
 // Start game
 // Loop
   // User input
   // Validate - checxk if input is a number
   if TryStrToInt(s,inp) then
       // Is it the right number?
       if (inp = val) then
           // Yes - request a new game
           Writeln('Correct! Another go? Y/N');
           if SameText(s,'Y') then
             // Start new game
         // Input too low/high
         if (inp < val) then
           Writeln('Too low! Try again...')
           if (inp > val) then
             Writeln('Too high! Try again...');
     // Input invalid
     if not SameText(s,'bored') then
       Writeln('Invalid input! Try again...');

end. </lang>


<lang ela>open Core open Con open Char open DateTime

let ^ x y = x:string ++ y:string let toInt x = x:int let rnd' v = rnd s 1 v where s = milliseconds <| now!

let start () =

       match bound! with
             Some v = writen ("Guess a number from 1 to " ^ v) $ guess <| rnd' v
             None   = start!
et bound () =
       writen "What's the upper bound?" $ bound' <| toInt <| readn!
       where bound' v | v <= 0 = writen "Bound should be greater than 0." $ None
                      | else   = Some v
et success v = 
       writen "Correct! Do you want to continue? (Y/N)" $ ask!
       where ask () = read <| upper <| readn!
          et read 'Y' = start!
             read 'N' = writen "Bye!"
             read x   = writen "Say what?" $ ask!
et failed v n =
       writen ("No, this is not " ^ v ^ ". " ^ hint) $ guess n
       where hint | v < n = "Try bigger."
                  | else  = "Try smaller."
et guess n = g <| toInt <| readn!
       where g v | v == n = success v
                 | else   = failed v n



<lang euphoria>include get.e

constant lower_limit = 0, upper_limit = 100

integer number, guess number = rand(upper_limit-lower_limit+1)+lower_limit

printf(1,"Guess the number between %d and %d: ", lower_limit & upper_limit) while 1 do

   guess = floor(prompt_number("", lower_limit & upper_limit))
   if number = guess then
       puts(1,"You guessed correctly!\n")
   elsif number < guess then
       puts(1,"You guessed too high.\nTry again: ")
       puts(1,"You guessed to low.\nTry again: ")
   end if

end while</lang>


<lang fantom> class Main {

 public static Void main ()
   Int lowerLimit := 1
   Int higherLimit := 100
   Int target := (lowerLimit..higherLimit).random
   Int guess
   while (guess != target)
     echo ("Enter a guess: ")
       // read in a line of input, and try to interpret as an Int
       guess =
       if (guess == target)
         echo ("Well guessed!")
       else if (guess < target)
         echo ("Failed - your guess is too small")
       else // if (guess > target)
         echo ("Failed - your guess is too large")
     catch (Err e) 
       echo ("Your guess must be an integer") 

} </lang>

Sample game:

Enter a guess: 
Failed - your guess is too small
Enter a guess: 
Failed - your guess is too large
Enter a guess: 
Failed - your guess is too large
Enter a guess: 
Failed - your guess is too large
Enter a guess: 
Failed - your guess is too large
Enter a guess: 
Failed - your guess is too small
Enter a guess: 
Well guessed!


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

<lang fortran>program Guess_a_number

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: limit = 100
 integer :: guess, number
 real :: rnum
 write(*, "(a, i0, a)") "I have chosen a number bewteen 1 and ", limit, &
                        " and you have to try to guess it." 
 write(*, "(a/)")  "I will score your guess by indicating whether it is higher, lower or the same as that number"

 call random_seed
 call random_number(rnum)
 number = rnum * limit + 1
   write(*, "(a)", advance="no") "Enter quess: "
   read*, guess
   if(guess < number) then
     write(*, "(a/)") "That is lower"
   else if(guess > number) then
     write(*, "(a/)") "That is higher"
     write(*, "(a)") "That is correct"
   end if
 end do

end program</lang> Output

I have chosen a number bewteen 1 and 100 and you have to try to guess it.
I will score your guess by indicating whether it is higher, lower or the same as that number.

Enter guess: 50
That is lower

Enter guess: 75
That is higher

Enter guess: 62
That is higher

Enter guess: 57
That is correct


<lang go> package main

import (



const lower, upper = 1, 100

func main() {

   n64, _, _ := os.Time()
   n := lower+int(n64%int64(upper-lower+1))
   fmt.Printf("Guess integer number from %d to %d: ", lower, upper)
   for in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin); ; {
       guess, err := in.ReadString('\n')
       if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("\nSo, bye.")
       switch g, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(guess)); {
       case err != nil:
           fmt.Print("That wasn't even an integer.  Try again: ")
       case g < n:
           fmt.Print("Too low. Try again: ")
       case g > n:
           fmt.Print("Too high. Try again: ")
           fmt.Println("Well guessed!")

} </lang>


<lang haskell> import Control.Monad import System.Random

-- Repeat the action until the predicate is true. until_ act pred = act >>= pred >>= flip unless (until_ act pred)

answerIs ans guess =

 case compare ans guess of
   LT -> putStrLn "Too high. Guess again." >> return False
   EQ -> putStrLn "You got it!" >> return True
   GT -> putStrLn "Too low. Guess again." >> return False

-- Repeatedly read until the input *starts* with a number. (Since -- we use "reads" we allow garbage to follow it, though.) ask = do line <- getLine

        case reads line of
          ((num,_):_) -> return num
          otherwise -> putStrLn "Please enter a number." >> ask

main = do

 ans <- randomRIO (1,100) :: IO Int
 putStrLn "Try to guess my secret number between 1 and 100."
 ask `until_` answerIs ans



<lang j>require 'misc' game=: verb define

 assert. y -: 1 >. <.{.y
 n=: 1 + ?y
 smoutput 'Guess my integer, which is bounded by 1 and ',":y
 whilst. -. x -: n do.
   x=. {. 0 ". prompt 'Guess: '
   if. 0 -: x do. 'Giving up.' return. end. 
   smoutput (*x-n){::'You win.';'Too high.';'Too low.'


Note: in computational contexts, J programmers typically avoid loops. However, in contexts which involve progressive input and output and where event handlers are too powerful (too complicated), loops are probably best practice.

Example use:

<lang> game 100 Guess my integer, which is bounded by 1 and 100 Guess: 64 Too high. Guess: 32 Too low. Guess: 48 Too high. Guess: 40 Too low. Guess: 44 You win.</lang>


<lang Java>import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args)
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
       Random random = new Random();
       long from = 1;
       long to = 100;
       int randomNumber = random.nextInt(to - from + 1) + from;
       int guessedNumber = 0;
       System.out.printf("The number is between %d and %d.\n", from, to);
           System.out.print("Guess what the number is: ");
           guessedNumber = scan.nextInt();
           if (guessedNumber > randomNumber)
               System.out.println("Your guess is too high!");
           else if (guessedNumber < randomNumber)
               System.out.println("Your guess is too low!");
               System.out.println("You got it!");
       } while (guessedNumber != randomNumber);

}</lang> Demonstration:

The number is between 1 and 100.
Guess what the number is: 50
Your guess is too high!
Guess what the number is: 25
Your guess is too high!
Guess what the number is: 17
Your guess is too high!
Guess what the number is: 10
Your guess is too high!
Guess what the number is: 5
Your guess is too low!
Guess what the number is: 7
You got it!


<lang html4strict>

Pick a number between 1 and 100.

<form id="guessNumber">

   <input type="text" name="guess">
   <input type="submit" value="Submit Guess">


<script type="text/javascript"></lang> <lang javascript>var number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);

function verify() {

   var guess = Number(this.elements.guess.value),
       output = document.getElementById('output');

   if (isNaN(guess)) {
       output.innerHTML = 'Enter a number.';
   } else if (number === guess) {
       output.innerHTML = 'You guessed right!';
   } else if (guess > 100) {
       output.innerHTML = 'Your guess is out of the 1 to 100 range.';
   } else if (guess < number) {
       output.innerHTML = 'Your guess is too high.';
   } else if (guess > number) {
       output.innerHTML = 'Your guess is too low.';
   return false;


document.getElementById('guessNumber').onsubmit = verify;</lang> <lang html4strict></script></lang>

Locomotive Basic

<lang locobasic>10 CLS:RANDOMIZE TIME 20 PRINT "Please specify lower and upper limits":guess=0 30 INPUT " (must be positive integers) :", first, last 40 IF first<1 OR last<1 THEN 20 50 num=INT(RND*(last-first+1)+first) 60 WHILE num<>guess 70 INPUT "Your guess? ", guess 80 IF guess<num THEN PRINT "too small!" 90 IF guess>num THEN PRINT "too large!" 100 WEND 110 INPUT "That's correct! Another game (y/n)? ", yn$ 120 IF yn$="y" THEN 20 </lang>



<lang ocaml>let rec _read_int() =

 try read_int()
 with _ ->
   print_endline "Please give a cardinal numbers.";
   (* TODO: what is the correct word? cipher, digit, figure or numeral? *)
   _read_int() ;;

let () =

 print_endline "Please give a set limits (two integers):";
 let a = _read_int()
 and b = _read_int() in
 let a, b =
   if a < b
   then (a, b)
   else (b, a)
 let target = a + (b - a) in
 Printf.printf "I have choosen a number between %d and %d\n%!" a b;
 print_endline "Please guess it!";
 let rec loop () =
   let guess = _read_int() in
   if guess = target then
     print_endline "The guess was equal to the target.\nCongratulation!";
     exit 0
   if guess < a || guess > b then
     print_endline "The input was inappropriate."
   else if guess > target then
     print_endline "The guess was higher than the target."
   else if guess < target then
     print_endline "The guess was less than the target.";
   loop ()
 loop ()</lang>

Playing the game:

$ ocaml
Please give a set limits (two integers):
I have choosen a number between 3 and 7
Please guess it!
The guess was higher than the target.
The guess was higher than the target.
The input was inappropriate.
The guess was less than the target.
The guess was equal to the target.
$ ocaml
Please give a set limits (two integers):
I have choosen a number between 2 and 6
Please guess it!
Please give a cardinal numbers.


<lang parigp>guess_the_number(N=10)={ a=random(N); print("guess the number between 0 and "N); for(x=1,N, if(x>1, if(b>a, print("guess again lower") , print("guess again higher") ); b=input(); if(b==a,break()) ); print("You guessed it correctly") };</lang>


<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict ; use warnings ;

sub validateInput {

  my $dataentry = shift ;
  chomp $dataentry ;
  while ( $dataentry !~ m/^\b\d+\b$/ ) {
     print "Incorrect data entry! Please guess again!\n" ;
     $dataentry = <STDIN> ;
     chomp $dataentry ;
  return $dataentry ;


my $times_guessed = 0 ; my $lowerborder = 0 ; print "Which upper border do you want me to set?\n" ; my $upperborder = <STDIN> ; $upperborder = validateInput( $upperborder ) ; my $targetnumber = int( rand ( $upperborder + 1 ) ) ; print "Try to guess a number from $lowerborder to $upperborder!\n" ; my $guessinput = <STDIN> ; $guessinput = validateInput( $guessinput ) ; while ( $guessinput != $targetnumber ) {

  if ( $guessinput < $targetnumber ) {
     print "Your guess is too small!\n" ;
  else {
     print "Your guess is too large!\n" ;
  $times_guessed++ ;
  $guessinput = <STDIN> ;
  $guessinput = validateInput( $guessinput ) ;

} print "Your guess is correct!\n" ; print "It took you $times_guessed attempts to guess the correct number!\n" ;</lang> Sample output:

Which upper border do you want me to set?
Try to guess a number from 0 to 24!
Your guess is too large!
Your guess is too large!
Your guess is too large!
Your guess is correct!
It took you 3 attempts to guess the correct number!

Perl 6

<lang perl6> my $b; $b = prompt("Hello, please give me an upper boundary\n>>"); until Inf != $b > 0 {

$b = prompt("Sorry! The upper boundary should be > 0 and not Inf\n>>");

} my ($number, $guessed_right, $count) = (1..$b).pick, False, 0; repeat {

   prompt("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and $b, try to guess it!\n>>") {
   when "exit" {say 'goodbye'; exit}
   when 1 > $_ or $_ >= $b {
    say "You really should give me a number in the Range"
   say "Sorry, my number is smaller" when $_ > $number;
   say "Sorry, my number is greater" when $_ < $number;
   $guessed_right = True when $number;

} until $guessed_right; say "Great you guessed right after $count attempts!";</lang>

Hello, please give me an upper boundary
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, try to guess it!
Sorry, my number is greater
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, try to guess it!
You really should give me a number in the Range
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, try to guess it!
Sorry, my number is greater
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, try to guess it!
Great you guessed right after 4 attempts!


<lang php> <?php


if(isset($_SESSION['number'])) {

  $number = $_SESSION['number'];

} else {

  $_SESSION['number'] = rand(1,10);



   $guess  = htmlspecialchars($_POST['guess']);

echo $guess . "

   if ($guess < $number)


       echo "Your guess is too low";

elseif($guess > $number) {

       echo "Your guess is too high";

elseif($guess == $number) {

       echo "You got the correct number!";

} ?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Guess A Number</title> </head>

<body> <form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post" name="guess-a-number"> <label for="guess">Guess A Number:</label>
<input type="text" name="guess" /> <input name="number" type="hidden" value="<?= $number ?>" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" /> </form> </body> </html> </lang>


Translation of: PureBasic

<lang PicoLisp>(de guessTheNumber ()

  (use (Low High Guess)
           (prin "Enter low limit : ")
           (setq Low (read))
           (prin "Enter high limit: ")
           (setq High (read))
           (> High Low) ) )
     (seed (time))
     (let Number (rand Low High)
           (prin "Guess what number I have: ")
           (T (= Number (setq Guess (read)))
              (prinl "You got it!") )
              "Your guess is too "
              (if (> Number Guess) "low" "high")
              "." ) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (guessTheNumber)
Enter low limit : 1
Enter high limit: 64
Guess what number I have: 32
Your guess is too high.
Guess what number I have: 16
Your guess is too low.
Guess what number I have: 24
You got it!


<lang PureBasic>OpenConsole()


 ; Ask for limits, with sanity check
 Print("Enter low limit : "): low  =Val(Input())
 Print("Enter high limit: "): High =Val(Input())

Until High>low

TheNumber=Random(High-low)+low Debug TheNumber Repeat

 Print("Guess what number I have: "): Guess=Val(Input())
 If Guess=TheNumber
   PrintN("You got it!"): Break
 ElseIf Guess < TheNumber
   PrintN("Your guess is to low.")
   PrintN("Your guess is to high.")



<lang python>import random

inclusive_range = (1, 100)

print("Guess my target number that is between %i and %i (inclusive).\n"

     % inclusive_range)

target = random.randint(*inclusive_range) answer, i = None, 0 while answer != target:

   i += 1
   txt = input("Your guess(%i): " % i)
       answer = int(txt)
   except ValueError:
       print("  I don't understand your input of '%s' ?" % txt)
   if answer < inclusive_range[0] or answer > inclusive_range[1]:
       print("  Out of range!")
   if answer == target:
       print("  Ye-Haw!!")
   if answer < target: print("  Too low.")
   if answer > target: print("  Too high.")

print("\nThanks for playing.")</lang>

Sample Game

Guess my target number that is between 1 and 100 (inclusive).

Your guess(1): 50
  Too high.
Your guess(2): 25
  Too low.
Your guess(3): 40
  Too high.
Your guess(4): 30
  Too low.
Your guess(5): 35
  Too high.
Your guess(6): 33
  Too high.
Your guess(7): 32
  Too high.
Your guess(8): 31

Thanks for playing.

Sample trapped Errors

Guess my target number that is between 1 and 100 (inclusive).

Your guess(1): 0
  Out of range!
Your guess(2): 101
  Out of range!
Your guess(3): Howdy
  I don't understand your input of 'Howdy' ?
Your guess(4): 


<lang rexx>/*REXX program that plays the guessing (the number) game. */

low=1                /*lower range for the guessing game.*/

high=100 /*upper range for the guessing game.*/ try=0 /*number of valid attempts. */ r=random(1,100) /*get a random number (low-->high). */

lows='low small below puny'

highs='high big above huge'

 do forever
 say "guess the number, it's between" low 'and',
     high '(inclusive)   ---or---  QUIT:'
 pull g
 if g== then iterate
 if g=='QUIT' then exit
 if \datatype(g,'W') then do
                          call ser g "isn't a whole number"
 if g<low then do
               call ser g 'is below the lower limit of' low
 if g>high then do
                call ser g 'is above the higher limit of' low
 if g==r then leave
 if g>r then what=word(highs,random(1,words(highs)))
        else what=word( lows,random(1,words( lows)))
 say 'your guess of' g "is" what'.'

tries='tries' if try==1 then do; try='one'; tries="try"; end say say 'Congratulations!, you guessed the number in' try tries"." say exit

ser: say; say '*** error ! ***'; say arg(1); say; return</lang>


<lang tcl>set from 1 set to 10 set target [expr {int(rand()*($to-$from+1) + $from)}] puts "I have thought of a number from $from to $to." puts "Try to guess it!" while 1 {

   puts -nonewline "Enter your guess: "
   flush stdout
   gets stdin guess
   if {![string is int -strict $guess] || $guess < $from || $guess > $to} {

puts "Your guess should be an integer from $from to $to (inclusive)."

   } elseif {$guess > $target} {

puts "Your guess was too high. Try again!"

   } elseif {$guess < $target} {

puts "Your guess was too low. Try again!"

   } else {

puts "Well done! You guessed it." break


}</lang> Sample output:

I have thought of a number from 1 to 10.
Try to guess it!

Enter your guess: 2
Your guess was too low. Try again!
Enter your guess: skfg
Your guess should be an integer from 1 to 10 (inclusive).
Enter your guess: 9
Your guess was too high. Try again!
Enter your guess: 5
Your guess was too low. Try again!
Enter your guess: 7
Your guess was too high. Try again!
Enter your guess: 6
Well done! You guessed it.


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT PRINT "Find the luckynumber (7 tries)!" SET luckynumber=RANDOM NUMBERS (1,100,1) LOOP round=1,7 SET message=CONCAT ("[",round,"] Please insert a number") ASK $message: n=""

IF (n!='digits') THEN
  PRINT "wrong insert: ",n," Please insert a digit"
ELSEIF (n>100.or.n<1) THEN
  PRINT "wrong insert: ",n," Please insert a number between 1-100"
ELSEIF (n==#luckynumber) THEN
  PRINT "too big"
  PRINT "too small"

ENDIF IF (round==7) PRINT/ERROR "You've lost: luckynumber was: ",luckynumber ENDLOOP </lang> Output:

Find the luckynumber (7 tries)!
[1] Please insert a number >51
too small
[2] Please insert a number >76
too small
[3] Please insert a number >89
too big
[4] Please insert a number >80
too small
[5] Please insert a number >84
too small
[6] Please insert a number >86
too small
[7] Please insert a number >88
too big
@@@@@@@@  You've lost: luckynumber was: 87