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<lang ocaml># "Now just remind me" ^ " how the horse moves again?" ;;
<lang ocaml># "Now just remind me" ^ " how the horse moves again?" ;;
- : string = "Now just remind me how the horse moves again?"</lang>
- : string = "Now just remind me how the horse moves again?"</lang>

Pascal's original strings were limited to 255 characters. Most implementations had the string length in byte 0. Extension exist for longer strings as well as C compatible string terminated by null. See Examples below
<lang pascal>const
greeting = 'Hello';
s1: string;
s2: ansistring;
s3: pchar;
{ Assignments }
s1 := 'Mister Presiden'; (* typo is on purpose. See below! *)
{ Comparisons }
if s2 > 'a' then
writeln ('The first letter of ', s1, ' is later than a');
{ Cloning and copying }
s2 := greeting;
{ Check if a string is empty }
if s1 = '' then
writeln('This string is empty!');
{ Append a byte to a string }
s1 := s1 + 't';
{ Extract a substring from a string }
s3 := copy(S2, 2, 4); (* s3 receives ello *)
{ String replacement } (* the unit StrUtils of the FreePascal rtl has AnsiReplaceStr *)
s1 := AnsiReplaceStr('Thees ees a text weeth typos', 'ee', 'i');
{ Join strings}
s3 := greeting + ' and how are you, ' + s1 + '?';


Revision as of 16:39, 4 May 2012

Binary strings
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Many languages have powerful and useful (binary safe) string manipulation functions, while others don't, making it harder for these languages to accomplish some tasks. This task is about creating functions to handle binary strings (strings made of arbitrary bytes, i.e. byte strings according to Wikipedia) for those languages that don't have built-in support for them. If your language of choice does have this built-in support, show a possible alternative implementation for the functions or abilities already provided by the language. In particular the functions you need to create are:

  • String creation and destruction (when needed and if there's no garbage collection or similar mechanism)
  • String assignment
  • String comparison
  • String cloning and copying
  • Check if a string is empty
  • Append a byte to a string
  • Extract a substring from a string
  • Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string
  • Join strings

Possible contexts of use: compression algorithms (like LZW compression), L-systems (manipulation of symbols), many more.


Ada has native support for single dimensioned arrays, which provide all specified operations. String is a case of array. The array of bytes is predefined in Ada in the package System.Storage_Elements (LRM 13.7.1). Storage_Element is substitute for byte.

<lang Ada>declare

  Data : Storage_Array (1..20); -- Data created


  Data := (others => 0); -- Assign all zeros
  if Data = (1..10 => 0) then -- Compare with 10 zeros
        Copy : Storage_Array := Data; -- Copy Data
        if Data'Length = 0 then -- If empty
        end if;
  end if;
  ... Data & 1 ...         -- The result is Data with byte 1 appended
  ... Data & (1,2,3,4) ... -- The result is Data with bytes 1,2,3,4 appended
  ... Data (3..5) ...      -- The result the substring of Data from 3 to 5

end; -- Data destructed</lang> Storage_Array is "binary string" used for memory representation. For stream-oriented I/O communication Ada provides alternative "binary string" called Stream_Element_Array (LRM 13.13.1). When dealing with octets of bits, programmers are encouraged to provide a data type of their own to ensure that the byte is exactly 8 bits length. For example: <lang Ada>type Octet is mod 2**8; for Octet'Size use 8; type Octet_String is array (Positive range <>) of Octet;</lang> Alternatively: <lang Ada>with Interfaces; use Interfaces; ... type Octet is new Interfaces.Unsigned_8; type Octet_String is array (Positive range <>) of Octet;</lang> Note that all of these types will have all operations described above.


Translation of: Tcl
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386

<lang algol68># String creation # STRING a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,l,r; a := "hello world"; print((a, new line));

  1. String destruction (for garbage collection) #

b := (); BEGIN

 LOC STRING lb := "hello earth";  # allocate off the LOC stack  #
 HEAP STRING hb := "hello moon"; # allocate out of the HEAP space #

END; # local variable "lb" has LOC stack space recovered at END #

  1. String assignment #

c := "a"+REPR 0+"b"; print (("string length c:", UPB c, new line));# ==> 3 #

  1. String comparison #

l := "ab"; r := "CD";

BOOL result; FORMAT summary = $""""g""" is "b("","NOT ")"lexicographically "g" """g""""l$ ;

result := l < r OR l LT r; printf((summary, l, result, "less than", r)); result := l <= r OR l LE r # OR l ≤ r #; printf((summary, l, result, "less than or equal to", r)); result := l = r OR l EQ r; printf((summary, l, result, "equal to", r)); result := l /= r OR l NE r # OR l ≠ r #; printf((summary, l, result, "not equal to", r)); result := l >= r OR l GE r # OR l ≥ r #; printf((summary, l, result, "greater than or equal to", r)); result := l > r OR l GT r; printf((summary, l, result, "greater than", r));

  1. String cloning and copying #

e := f;

  1. Check if a string is empty #

IF g = "" THEN print(("g is empty", new line)) FI; IF UPB g = 0 THEN print(("g is empty", new line)) FI;

  1. Append a byte to a string #

h +:= "A";

  1. Append a string to a string #

h +:= "BCD"; h PLUSAB "EFG";

  1. Prepend a string to a string - because STRING addition isn't communitive #

"789" +=: h; "456" PLUSTO h; print(("The result of prepends and appends: ", h, new line));

  1. Extract a substring from a string #

i := h[2:3]; print(("Substring 2:3 of ",h," is ",i, new line));

  1. Replace every occurrences of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string #

PROC replace = (STRING string, old, new, INT count)STRING: (

 INT pos;
 STRING tail := string, out;
 TO count WHILE string in string(old, pos, tail) DO
   out +:= tail[:pos-1]+new;
   tail := tail[pos+UPB old:]


j := replace("hello world", "world", "planet", max int); print(("After replace string: ", j, new line));

INT offset = 7;

  1. Replace a character at an offset in the string #

j[offset] := "P"; print(("After replace 7th character: ", j, new line));

  1. Replace a substring at an offset in the string #

j[offset:offset+3] := "PlAN"; print(("After replace 7:10th characters: ", j, new line));

  1. Insert a string before an offset in the string #

j := j[:offset-1]+"INSERTED "+j[offset:]; print(("Insert string before 7th character: ", j, new line));

  1. Join strings #

a := "hel"; b := "lo w"; c := "orld"; d := a+b+c;

print(("a+b+c is ",d, new line));

  1. Pack a string into the target CPU's word #

BYTES word := bytes pack(d);

  1. Extract a CHAR from a CPU word #

print(("7th byte in CPU word is: ", offset ELEM word, new line))</lang> Output:

hello world
string length c:         +3
"ab" is NOT lexicographically less than "CD"
"ab" is NOT lexicographically less than or equal to "CD"
"ab" is NOT lexicographically equal to "CD"
"ab" is lexicographically not equal to "CD"
"ab" is lexicographically greater than or equal to "CD"
"ab" is lexicographically greater than "CD"
g is empty
g is empty
The result of prepends and appends: 456789ABCDEFG
Substring 2:3 of 456789ABCDEFG is 56
After replace string: hello planet
After replace 7th character: hello Planet
After replace 7:10th characters: hello PlANet
Insert string before 7th character: hello INSERTED PlANet
a+b+c is hello world
7th byte in CPU word is: w


ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang basic>10 REM create two strings 20 LET s$ = "Hello" 30 LET t$ = "Bob" 40 REM choose any random character 50 LET c = INT(RND*256) 60 REM add the character to the string 70 LET s$ = s$ + CHR$(c) 80 REM check if the string is empty 90 IF s$ = "" THEN PRINT "String is empty" 100 REM compare two strings 110 IF s$ = t$ THEN PRINT "Strings are the same" 120 REM print characters 2 to 4 of a string (a substring) 130 PRINT s$(2 TO 4)</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> A$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(1) + CHR$(254) + CHR$(255) : REM assignment

     B$ = A$                                        : REM clone / copy
     IF A$ = B$ THEN PRINT "Strings are equal"      : REM comparison
     IF A$ = "" THEN PRINT "String is empty"        : REM Check if empty
     A$ += CHR$(128)                                : REM Append a byte
     S$ = MID$(A$, S%, L%)                          : REM Extract a substring
     C$ = A$ + B$                                   : REM Join strings
     REM To replace every occurrence of a byte:
     old$ = CHR$(1)
     new$ = CHR$(5)
       I% = INSTR(A$, old$)
       IF I% MID$(A$, I%, 1) = new$
     UNTIL I% = 0



<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>

typedef struct str_t { size_t len, alloc; unsigned char *s; } bstr_t, *bstr;

  1. define str_len(s) ((s)->len)

bstr str_new(size_t len) { bstr s = malloc(sizeof(bstr_t)); if (len < 8) len = 8; s->alloc = len; s->s = malloc(len); s->len = 0; return s; }

void str_extend(bstr s) { size_t ns = s->alloc * 2; if (ns - s->alloc > 1024) ns = s->alloc + 1024; s->s = realloc(s->s, ns); s->alloc = ns; }

void str_del(bstr s) { free(s->s), free(s); }

int str_cmp(bstr l, bstr r) { int res, len = l->len; if (len > r->len) len = r->len;

if ((res = memcmp(l->s, r->s, len))) return res; return l->len > r->len ? 1 : -1; }

bstr str_dup(bstr src) { bstr x = str_new(src->len); memcpy(x->s, src->s, src->len); x->len = src->len; return x; }

bstr str_from_chars(char *t) { if (!t) return str_new(0); size_t l = strlen(t); bstr x = str_new(l + 1); x->len = l; memcpy(x->s, t, l); return x; }

void str_append(bstr s, unsigned char b) { if (s->len >= s->alloc) str_extend(s); s->s[s->len++] = b; }

bstr str_substr(bstr s, int from, int to) { if (!to) to = s->len; if (from < 0) from += s->len; if (from < 0 || from >= s->len) return 0; if (to < from) to = from + 1; bstr x = str_new(to - from); x->len = to - from; memcpy(x->s, s->s + from, x->len); return x; }

bstr str_cat(bstr s, bstr s2) { while (s->alloc < s->len + s2->len) str_extend(s); memcpy(s->s + s->len, s2->s, s2->len); s->len += s2->len; return s; }

void str_swap(bstr a, bstr b) { size_t tz; unsigned char *ts; tz = a->alloc; a->alloc = b->alloc; b->alloc = tz; tz = a->len; a->len = b->len; b->len = tz; ts = a->s; a->s = b->s; b->s = ts; }

bstr str_subst(bstr tgt, bstr pat, bstr repl) { bstr tmp = str_new(0); int i; for (i = 0; i + pat->len <= tgt->len;) { if (memcmp(tgt->s + i, pat->s, pat->len)) { str_append(tmp, tgt->s[i]); i++; } else { str_cat(tmp, repl); i += pat->len; if (!pat->len) str_append(tmp, tgt->s[i++]); } } while (i < tgt->len) str_append(tmp, tgt->s[i++]); str_swap(tmp, tgt); str_del(tmp); return tgt; }

void str_set(bstr dest, bstr src) { while (dest->len < src->len) str_extend(dest); memcpy(dest->s, src->s, src->len); dest->len = src->len; }

int main() { bstr s = str_from_chars("aaaaHaaaaaFaaaaHa"); bstr s2 = str_from_chars("___."); bstr s3 = str_from_chars("");

str_subst(s, s3, s2); printf("%.*s\n", s->len, s->s);

str_del(s); str_del(s2); str_del(s3);

return 0; }</lang>


Works with: C sharp version 3.0

<lang csharp>using System;

class Program {

   static void Main()
       //string creation
       var x = "hello world";
       //# mark string for garbage collection
       x = null;
       //# string assignment with a null byte
       x = "ab\0";
       Console.WriteLine(x.Length); // 3
       //# string comparison
       if (x == "hello")
           Console.WriteLine("not equal");
       if (x.CompareTo("bc") == -1)
           Console.WriteLine("x is lexicographically less than 'bc'");
       //# string cloning 
       var c = new char[3];
       x.CopyTo(0, c, 0, 3);
       object objecty = new string(c);
       var y = new string(c);
       Console.WriteLine(x == y);      //same as string.equals
       Console.WriteLine(x.Equals(y)); //it overrides object.Equals
       Console.WriteLine(x == objecty); //uses object.Equals, return false
       //# check if empty
       var empty = "";
       string nullString = null;
       var whitespace = "   ";
       if (nullString == null && empty == string.Empty && 
           string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullString) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(empty) &&
           string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nullString) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(empty) &&
           Console.WriteLine("Strings are null, empty or whitespace");
       //# append a byte
       x = "helloworld";
       x += (char)83;
       //# substring
       var slice = x.Substring(5, 5);
       //# replace bytes
       var greeting = x.Replace("worldS", "");
       //# join strings
       var join = greeting + " " + slice;


Common Lisp

String creation (garbage collection will handle its destruction) using the string as an atom and casting a character list to a string <lang lisp> "string" (coerce (#\s #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g) 'string) </lang>

String assignment <lang lisp> (defvar *string* "string") </lang>

comparing two string <lang lisp> (equal "string" "string") </lang>

copy a string <lang lisp> (copy-seq "string") </lang>

<lang lisp> (defun string-empty-p (string)

   ((= 0 (length string))t)


<lang lisp> (concatenate 'string "string" "b") </lang>

<lang lisp> (subseq "string" 1 6) "ring" </lang>

string replacement isn't covered by the ansi standard probably best to use (replace-all) or cl-ppcre

joining strings works in the same way as appending bytes


<lang d>import std.array: empty; import std.string: replace;

void main() {

   // String creation (destruction is usually handled by
   // the garbage collector)
   ubyte[] str1;
   // String assignments
   str1 = cast(ubyte[])"blah";
   // hex string, same as "\x00\xFB\xCD\x32\xFD\x0A"
   // whitespace and newlines are ignored
   str1 = cast(ubyte[])x"00 FBCD 32FD 0A";
   // String comparison
   ubyte[] str2;
   if (str1 == str2) {} // strings equal
   // String cloning and copying
   str2 = str1.dup; // copy entire string or array
   // Check if a string is empty
   if (str1.empty) {} // string empty
   if (str1.length) {} // string not empty
   if (!str1.length) {} // string empty
   // Append a ubyte to a string
   str1 ~= x"0A";
   str1 ~= 'a';
   // Extract a substring from a string
   str1 = cast(ubyte[])"blork";
   // this takes off the first and last bytes and
   // assigns them to the new ubyte string
   // This is just a light slice, no string data copied
   ubyte[] substr = str1[1 .. $-1];
   // Replace every occurrence of a ubyte (or a string)
   // in a string with another string
   str1 = cast(ubyte[])"blah";
   replace(cast(char[])str1, "la", "al");
   // Join strings
   ubyte[] str3 = str1 ~ str2;



(Since the task is not a specific program, the code here consists of example REPL sessions, not a whole program.)

In E, binary data is represented as ELists (implemented as arrays or ropes) of integers; a String is strictly a character string. ELists come in Flex (mutable) and Const (immutable) varieties.

To work with binary strings we must first have a byte type; this is a place where E shows its Java roots (to be fixed).

<lang e>? def int8 := <type:java.lang.Byte>

  1. value: int8</lang>
  1. There are several ways to create a FlexList; perhaps the simplest is: <lang e>? def bstr := [].diverge(int8)
    1. value: [].diverge()
    ? def bstr1 := [1,2,3].diverge(int8)
    1. value: [1, 2, 3].diverge()
    ? def bstr2 := [-0x7F,0x2,0x3].diverge(int8)
    1. value: [-127, 2, 3].diverge()</lang>
    As E is a memory-safe garbage-collected language there is no explicit destruction. It is good practice to work with immutable ConstLists when reasonable, however; especially when passing strings around.
  2. There is no specific assignment between FlexLists; a reference may be passed in the usual manner, or the contents of one could be copied to another as shown below.
  3. There is no comparison operation between FlexLists (since it would not be a stable ordering ), but there is between ConstLists. <lang e>? bstr1.snapshot() < bstr2.snapshot()
    1. value: false</lang>
  4. To make an independent copy of a FlexList, simply .diverge() it again.
  5. <lang e>? bstr1.size().isZero()
    1. value: false
    ? bstr.size().isZero()
    1. value: true</lang>
  6. Appending a single element to a FlexList is done by .push(x): <lang e>? bstr.push(0) ? bstr
    1. value: [0].diverge()</lang>
  7. Substrings, or runs, are always immutable and specified as start-end indexes (as opposed to first-last or start-count). Or, one can copy an arbitrary portion of one list into another using replace(target range, source list, source range). <lang e>? bstr1(1, 2)
    1. value: [2]
    ? bstr.replace(0, bstr.size(), bstr2, 1, 3) ? bstr
    1. value: [2, 3].diverge()</lang>
  8. Replacing must be written as an explicit loop; there is no built-in operation (though there is for character strings). <lang e>? for i => byte ? (byte == 2) in bstr2 { bstr2[i] := -1 } ? bstr2
    1. value: [-127, -1, 3].diverge()</lang>
  9. Two lists can be concatenated into a ConstList by +: bstr1 + bstr2. append appends on the end of a FlexList, and replace can be used to insert at the beginning or anywhere inside. <lang e>? bstr1.append(bstr2) ? bstr1
    1. value: [1, 2, 3, -127, 2, 3].diverge()</lang>


Factor has a byte-array type which works exactly like other arrays, except only bytes can be stored in it. Comparisons on byte-arrays (like comparisons on arrays) are lexicographic.

To convert a string to a byte-array: <lang factor>"Hello, byte-array!" utf8 encode .</lang>

    72 101 108 108 111 44 32 98 121 116 101 45 97 114 114 97 121 33

Reverse: <lang factor>B{ 147 250 150 123 } shift-jis decode .</lang>



Counted strings are often used to store a string in memory. <lang forth>create cstr1 ," A sample string" create cstr2 ," another string" create buf 256 allot

cstr1 count buf place s" and " buf +place cstr2 count buf +place buf count type \ A sample string and another string</lang>

All strings are binary strings, represented with a base address and a byte count. Most string functions operate on these address-length pairs.

Built-in string/memory functions:

  • COMPARE compares two strings
  • MOVE copies a string to another location
  • CMOVE and CMOVE> can copy chunks of bytes around within a string, either down or up.

Substrings are represented by a different pointer and count within a string.

Other functions may be defined. <lang forth>: empty? ( str len -- ? ) nip 0= ;

+c ( c str len -- ) + c! ;
replace-bytes ( from to str len -- )
 bounds do
   over i c@ = if dup i c! then
 loop 2drop ;



Note that any of the following functions can be assigned to 'variables' in a working program or could just as easily be written as one-off expressions. They are given here as they are to elucidate the workings of Haskell's type system. Hopefully the type declarations will help beginners understand what's going on. Also note that there are likely more concise ways to express many of the below functions. However, I have opted for clarity here as Haskell can be somewhat intimidating to the (currently) non- functional programmer. <lang haskell>import Text.Regex {- The above import is needed only for the last function. It is used there purely for readability and conciseness -}

{- Assigning a string to a 'variable'. We're being explicit about it just for show. Haskell would be able to figure out the type of "world" -} string = "world" :: String</lang>

<lang haskell>{- Comparing two given strings and returning a boolean result using a simple conditional -} strCompare :: String -> String -> Bool strCompare x y =

   if x == y
       then True
       else False</lang>

<lang haskell>{- As strings are equivalent to lists of characters in Haskell, test and see if the given string is an empty list -} strIsEmpty :: String -> Bool strIsEmpty x =

   if x == []
       then True
       else False</lang>

<lang haskell>{- This is the most obvious way to append strings, using the built-in (++) concatenation operator Note the same would work to join any two strings (as 'variables' or as typed strings -} strAppend :: String -> String -> String strAppend x y = x ++ y</lang>

<lang haskell>{- Take the specified number of characters from the given string -} strExtract :: Int -> String -> String strExtract x s = take x s</lang>

<lang haskell>{- Take a certain substring, specified by two integers, from the given string -} strPull :: Int -> Int -> String -> String strPull x y s = take (y-x+1) (drop x s)</lang>

<lang haskell>{- Much thanks to for this nice and elegant solution. Using an imported standard library (Text.Regex), replace a given substring with another -} strReplace :: String -> String -> String -> String strReplace old new orig = subRegex (mkRegex old) orig new</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Icon and Unicon strings strings are variable length and unrestricted. See Logical Operations for ways to manipulate strings at the bit level. <lang Icon>s := "\x00" # strings can contain any value, even nulls s := "abc" # create a string s := &null # destroy a string (well sbsnfon it for garbage collection) v := s # assignment s == t # expression s equals t s << t # expression s less than t s <<= t # expression s less than or equal to t v := s # strings are immutable, no copying or cloning are needed s == "" # equal empty string

  • s = 0 # string length is zero

s ||:= "a" # append a byte "a" to s via concatenation t := s[2+:3] # t is set to position 2 for 3 characters s := replace(s,s2,s3) # IPL replace function s := s1 || s2 # concatenation (joining) of strings</lang>


provides the procedure replace in strings

<lang Icon>procedure replace(s1, s2, s3) #: string replacement

  local result, i
  result := ""
  i := *s2
  if i = 0 then fail			# would loop on empty string
  s1 ? {
     while result ||:= tab(find(s2)) do {
        result ||:= s3
     return result || tab(0)



J's literal data type supports arbitrary binary data (strings are binary strings by default). J's semantics are pass by value (with garbage collection) with a minor exception (mapped files).

  • Example binary string creation

<lang j> name=: </lang>

  • Example binary string deletion (removing all references to a string allows it to be deleted, in this case we give the name a numeric value to replace its prior string value):

<lang j> name=: 0</lang>

  • Example binary string assignment

<lang j> name=: 'value'</lang>

  • Example binary string comparison

<lang j> name1 -: name2</lang>

  • Example binary string cloning and copying

<lang j> name1= 'example'

  name2= name1</lang>

Though, technically, its the internal reference which is cloned, not the internal representation of the value. But operations which modify strings are copy on write, so this distinction is not visible without going outside the language.

  • Example check if a binary string is empty

<lang j> 0=#string</lang>

  • Example apppend a byte to a binary string

<lang j> string=: 'example'

  byte=: DEL
  string=: string,byte</lang>
  • Extract a substring from a binary string

<lang j> 3{.5}.'The quick brown fox runs...'</lang>

  • Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string

<lang j>require 'strings' 'The quick brown fox runs...' rplc ' ';' !!! '</lang>

  • Join strings

<lang j> 'string1','string2'</lang>

Note also: given an integer n, the corresponding byte value may be obtained by indexing into a. which is the ordered array of all bytes.: <lang j> n{a.</lang>

Thus, the binary string containing bytes with numeric values 1 0 255 can be obtained this way: <lang j>1 0 255{a.</lang>

Liberty BASIC

Liberty BASIC's strings are native byte strings. They can contain any byte sequence. They are not zero-terminated. They can be huge in size. <lang lb> 'string creation s$ = "Hello, world!"

'string destruction - not needed because of garbage collection s$ = ""

'string comparison s$ = "Hello, world!" If s$ = "Hello, world!" then print "Equal Strings"

'string copying a$ = s$

'check If empty If s$ = "" then print "Empty String"

'append a byte s$ = s$ + Chr$(33)

'extract a substring a$ = Mid$(s$, 1, 5)

'replace bytes a$ = "Hello, world!" for i = 1 to len(a$)

   if mid$(a$,i,1)="l" then
   end if

next print a$

'join strings s$ = "Good" + "bye" + " for now."



<lang lua>foo = 'foo' -- Ducktyping foo to be string 'foo' bar = 'bar' assert (foo == "foo") -- Comparing string var to string literal assert (foo ~= bar) str = foo -- Copy foo contents to str if #str == 0 then -- # operator returns string length

   print 'str is empty'

end str=str..string.char(50)-- Char concatenated with .. operator substr = str:sub(1,3) -- Extract substring from index 1 to 3, inclusively

str = "string string string string" -- This function will replace all occurances of 'replaced' in a string with 'replacement' function replaceAll(str,replaced,replacement)

   local function sub (a,b)
       if b > a then
           return str:sub(a,b)
       return nil
   a,b = str:find(replaced)
   while a do
       str = str:sub(1,a-1) .. replacement .. str:sub(b+1,#str)
       a,b = str:find(replaced)
   return str

end str = replaceAll (str, 'ing', 'ong') print (str)

str = foo .. bar -- Strings concatenate with .. operator</lang>


<lang Mathematica>(* String creation and destruction *) BinaryString = {}; BinaryString = . ; (* String assignment *) BinaryString1 = {12,56,82,65} , BinaryString2 = {83,12,56,65} -> {12,56,82,65} -> {83,12,56,65} (* String comparison *) BinaryString1 === BinaryString2 -> False (* String cloning and copying *) BinaryString3 = BinaryString1 -> {12,56,82,65} (* Check if a string is empty *) BinaryString3 === {} -> False (* Append a byte to a string *) AppendTo[BinaryString3, 22] -> {12,56,82,65,22} (* Extract a substring from a string *) Take[BinaryString3, {2, 5}] -> {56,82,65,22} (* Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string *) BinaryString3 /. {22 -> Sequence[33, 44]} -> {12,56,82,65,33,44} (* Join strings *) BinaryString4 = Join[BinaryString1 , BinaryString2] -> {12,56,82,65,83,12,56,65}</lang>


  • String creation and destruction

String.create n returns a fresh string of length n, which initially contains arbitrary characters: <lang ocaml># String.create 10 ;; - : string = "\000\023\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000"</lang>

No destruction, OCaml features a garbage collector.

OCaml strings can contain any of the 256 possible bytes included the null character '\000'.

  • String assignment

<lang ocaml># let str = "some text" ;; val str : string = "some text"

(* modifying a character, OCaml strings are mutable *)

  1. str.[0] <- 'S' ;;

- : unit = ()</lang>

  • String comparison

<lang ocaml># str = "Some text" ;; - : bool = true

  1. "Hello" > "Ciao" ;;

- : bool = true</lang>

  • String cloning and copying

<lang ocaml># String.copy str ;; - : string = "Some text"</lang>

  • Check if a string is empty

<lang ocaml># let string_is_empty s = (s = "") ;; val string_is_empty : string -> bool = <fun>

  1. string_is_empty str ;;

- : bool = false

  1. string_is_empty "" ;;

- : bool = true</lang>

  • Append a byte to a string

it is not possible to append a byte to a string, in the sens modifying the length of a given string, but we can use the concatenation operator to append a byte and return the result as a new string

<lang ocaml># str ^ "!" ;; - : string = "Some text!"</lang>

But OCaml has a module named Buffer for string buffers. This module implements string buffers that automatically expand as necessary. It provides accumulative concatenation of strings in quasi-linear time (instead of quadratic time when strings are concatenated pairwise).

<lang ocaml>Buffer.add_char str c</lang>

  • Extract a substring from a string

<lang ocaml># String.sub str 5 4 ;; - : string = "text"</lang>

  • Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string

using the Str module <lang ocaml># #load "str.cma";;

  1. let replace str occ by =
   Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string occ) by str

val replace : string -> string -> string -> string = <fun>

  1. replace "The white dog let out a single, loud bark." "white" "black" ;;

- : string = "The black dog let out a single, loud bark."</lang>

  • Join strings

<lang ocaml># "Now just remind me" ^ " how the horse moves again?" ;; - : string = "Now just remind me how the horse moves again?"</lang>


Pascal's original strings were limited to 255 characters. Most implementations had the string length in byte 0. Extension exist for longer strings as well as C compatible string terminated by null. See Examples below <lang pascal>const

 greeting = 'Hello';


 s1: string;
 s2: ansistring;
 s3: pchar;

begin { Assignments }

 s1 := 'Mister Presiden';  (* typo is on purpose. See below! *)

{ Comparisons }

 if s2 > 'a' then
   writeln ('The first letter of ', s1, ' is later than a');

{ Cloning and copying }

 s2 := greeting;

{ Check if a string is empty }

 if s1 =  then
   writeln('This string is empty!');

{ Append a byte to a string }

 s1 := s1 + 't';

{ Extract a substring from a string }

 s3 := copy(S2, 2, 4);  (* s3 receives ello *)

{ String replacement } (* the unit StrUtils of the FreePascal rtl has AnsiReplaceStr *)

 s1 := AnsiReplaceStr('Thees ees a text weeth typos', 'ee', 'i');

{ Join strings}

 s3 := greeting + ' and how are you, ' + s1 + '?';



Byte strings are represented in PicoLisp as lists of numbers. They can be maniplated easily with the built-in list functionality.

I/O of raw bytes is done via the 'wr' (write) and 'rd' (read) functions. The following creates a file consisting of 256 bytes, with values from 0 to 255: <lang PicoLisp>: (out "rawfile"

  (mapc wr (range 0 255)) )</lang>

Looking at a hex dump of that file: <lang PicoLisp>: (hd "rawfile") 00000000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ................ 00000010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F ................ 00000020 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F  !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 00000030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 0123456789:;<=>? ...</lang> To read part of that file, an external tool like 'dd' might be used: <lang PicoLisp>: (in '(dd "skip=32" "bs=1" "count=16" "if=rawfile")

     (while (rd 1)
        (link @) ) ) )

-> (32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47)</lang> Now such byte lists can be assigned the normal way ('let', 'setq' etc.), they can be compared with '=', '>', '>=' etc, and manipulated with all internal map-, filter-, concatenation-, reversal-, pattern matching, and other functions.

If desired, a string containing meaningful values can also be converted to a transient symbol, e.g. the example above <lang PicoLisp>: (pack (mapcar char (32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47))) -> " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./"</lang>


<lang PL/I> /* PL/I has immediate facilities for all those operations except for */ /* replace. */ s = t; /* assignment */ s = t || u; /* catenation - append one or more bytes. */ if length(s) = 0 then ... /* test for an empty string. */ if s = t then ... /* compare strings. */ u = substr(t, i, j); /* take a substring of t beginning at the */

                          /* i-th character andcontinuing for j     */
                          /* characters.                            */

substr(u, i, j) = t; /* replace j characters in u, beginning */

                          /* with the i-th character.               */

/* In string t, replace every occurrence of string u with string v. */ replace: procedure (t, u, v);

  declare (t, u, v) character (*) varying;
  do until (k = 0);
     k = index(t, u);
     if k > 0 then
        t = substr(t, 1, k-1) || v || substr(t, k+length(u));

end replace; </lang>


<lang PureBasic>

string creation

x$ = "hello world"

string destruction

x$ = ""

string comparison

If x$ = "hello world" : PrintN("String is equal") : EndIf

string copying;

y$ = x$

check If empty

If x$ = "" : PrintN("String is empty") : EndIf

append a byte

x$ = x$ + Chr(41)

extract a substring

x$ = Mid(x$, 1, 5)

replace bytes

x$ = ReplaceString(x$, "world", "earth")

join strings

x$ = "hel" + "lo w" + "orld" </lang>



Python 2.x's string type (str) is a native byte string type. They can contain any byte sequence - they're not zero-terminated. There is a separate type for Unicode data (unicode).

  • String creation

<lang python>s1 = "A 'string' literal \n" s2 = 'You may use any of \' or " as delimiter' s3 = """This text

  goes over several lines
      up to the closing triple quote"""</lang>
  • String assignment

There is nothing special about assignments:

<lang python>s = "Hello " t = "world!" u = s + t # + concatenates</lang>

  • String comparison

They're compared byte by byte, lexicographically:

<lang python>assert "Hello" == 'Hello' assert '\t' == '\x09' assert "one" < "two" assert "two" >= "three"</lang>

  • String cloning and copying

Strings are immutable, so there is no need to clone/copy them. If you want to modify a string, you must create a new one with the desired contents. (There is another type, array, that provides a mutable buffer)

  • Check if a string is empty

<lang python>if x==: print "Empty string" if not x: print "Empty string, provided you know x is a string"</lang>

  • Append a byte to a string

<lang python>txt = "Some text" txt += '\x07'

  1. txt refers now to a new string having "Some text\x07"</lang>
  • Extract a substring from a string

Strings are sequences, they can be indexed with s[index] (index is 0-based) and sliced s[start:stop] (all characters from s[start] up to, but not including, s[stop])

<lang python>txt = "Some more text" assert txt[4] == " " assert txt[0:4] == "Some" assert txt[:4] == "Some" # you can omit the starting index if 0 assert txt[5:9] == "more" assert txt[5:] == "more text" # omitting the second index means "to the end"</lang>

Negative indexes count from the end: -1 is the last byte, and so on:

<lang python>txt = "Some more text" assert txt[-1] == "t" assert txt[-4:] == "text"</lang>

  • Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string

Strings are objects and have methods, like replace:

<lang python>v1 = "hello world" v2 = v1.replace("l", "L") print v2 # prints heLLo worLd</lang>

  • Join strings

If they're separate variables, use the + operator:

<lang python>v1 = "hello" v2 = "world" msg = v1 + " " + v2</lang>

If the elements to join are contained inside any iterable container (e.g. a list)

<lang python>items = ["Smith", "John", "417 Evergreen Av", "Chimichurri", "481-3172"] joined = ",".join(items) print joined

  1. output:
  2. Smith,John,417 Evergreen Av,Chimichurri,481-3172</lang>

The reverse operation (split) is also possible:

<lang python>line = "Smith,John,417 Evergreen Av,Chimichurri,481-3172" fields = line.split(',') print fields

  1. output:
  2. ['Smith', 'John', '417 Evergreen Av', 'Chimichurri', '481-3172']</lang>


Python 3.x has two binary string types: bytes (immutable) and bytearray (mutable). They can contain any byte sequence. They are completely separate from the string type (str). Most of the operators for strings, also work on bytes and bytearray

To specify a literal immutable byte string (bytes), prefix a string literal with "b": <lang python>s1 = b"A 'byte string' literal \n" s2 = b'You may use any of \' or " as delimiter' s3 = b"""This text

  goes over several lines
      up to the closing triple quote"""</lang>

You can use the normal string escape sequences to encode special bytes.

Indexing a byte string results in an integer (the byte value at that byte): <lang python>x = b'abc' x[0] # evaluates to 97</lang>

Similarly, a byte string can be converted to and from a list of integers:

<lang python>x = b'abc' list(x) # evaluates to [97, 98, 99] bytes([97, 98, 99]) # evaluates to b'abc'</lang>


<lang REXX>/* Rexx */ dingsta='11110101'b /*4 versions of bit string assignment. */ dingsta="11110101"b /*same as above. */ dingsta='11110101'B /*same as above. */ dingsta='1111 0101'B /*same as above. */

dingst2=dingsta /*clone one string to another (copy). */

other='1001 0101 1111 0111'b /*another binary (bit) string. */

if dingsta=other then say 'they are equal' /*compare two strings.*/

if other== then say 'OTHER is empty.' /*see if it's empty.*/ if length(other)==0 then say 'OTHER is empty.' /*another version. */

otherA=other || '$' /*append a dollar sign to OTHER. */ otherB=other'$' /*same as above, with less fuss. */

guts=substr(c2b(other),10,3) /*get the tenth through 12th bits. */

                            /*see subroutine below.   Some REXXes  */
                            /*have  C2B  as a built-in function.   */

new=changestr('A',other,"Z") /*change the letter A to the letter Z. */

tt=changestr('~~',other,";") /*change two tildes to a semicolon. */

joined=dignsta || dingst2 /*join two strings together (concat). */


c2b:return x2b(c2x(arg(1))) /*return the string as a binary string.*/ </lang>


A String object holds and manipulates an arbitrary sequence of bytes. There are also the Array#pack and String#unpack methods to convert data to binary strings. <lang ruby># string creation x = "hello world"

  1. string destruction

x = nil

  1. string assignment with a null byte

x = "a\0b" x.length # ==> 3

  1. string comparison

if x == "hello"

 puts equal


 puts "not equal"

end y = 'bc' if x < y

 puts "#{x} is lexicographically less than #{y}"


  1. string cloning

xx = x.dup x == xx # true, same length and content x.equal?(xx) # false, different objects

  1. check if empty

if x.empty?

 puts "is empty"


  1. append a byte

x << "\07"

  1. substring

xx = x[0..-2]

  1. replace bytes

y = "hello world".tr("l", "L")

  1. join strings

a = "hel" b = "lo w" c = "orld" d = a + b + c</lang>


Seed7 strings are capable to hold binary data. The memory of Seed7 strings is managed automatically. String declaration:

var string: stri is "asdf";   # variable declaration
const string: stri is "jkl";  # constant declaration

String assignment

stri := "blah";

String comparison

stri1 =  stri2         # equal
stri1 <> stri2         # not equal
stri1 <  stri2         # less than
stri1 <= stri2         # less than or equal
stri1 >  stri2         # greater than
stri1 >= stri2         # greater than or equal
compare(stri1, stri2)  # return -1, 0 or 1, depending on the comparison.

String copying (same as assignment)

stri2 := stri2;

Check if a string is empty

stri = ""         # compare with ""
length(stri) = 0  # check length

Append a byte to a string

stri &:= 'a';

Extract a substring from a string

stri[startPos .. endPos]   # substring from startPos to endPos
stri[startPos ..]          # substring from startPos to the end of stri
stri[.. endPos]            # substring from the beginning of stri to endPos
stri[startPos len aLength  # substring from startPos with maximum length of aLength

Replace every occurrence of a byte (or a string) in a string with another string


Join strings

stri3 = stri1 & stri2;

The string.s7i library contains more string functions.


Tcl strings are binary safe, and a binary string is any string that only contains UNICODE characters in the range \u0000\u00FF. <lang tcl># string creation set x "hello world"

  1. string destruction

unset x

  1. string assignment with a null byte

set x a\0b string length $x ;# ==> 3

  1. string comparison

if {$x eq "hello"} {puts equal} else {puts "not equal"} set y bc if {$x < $y} {puts "$x is lexicographically less than $y"}

  1. string copying; cloning happens automatically behind the scenes

set xx $x

  1. check if empty

if {$x eq ""} {puts "is empty"} if {[string length $x] == 0} {puts "is empty"}

  1. append a byte

append x \07

  1. substring

set xx [string range $x 0 end-1]

  1. replace bytes

set y [string map {l L} "hello world"]

  1. join strings

set a "hel" set b "lo w" set c "orld" set d $a$b$c</lang>