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return yy
<lang ocaml>open Graphics
let draw_yinyang x y radius black white =
let hr = radius / 2 in
let sr = radius / 6 in
set_color black;
set_line_width 6;
draw_circle x y radius;
set_line_width 0;
set_color black;
fill_arc x y radius radius 270 450;
set_color white;
fill_arc x y radius radius 90 270;
fill_arc x (y + hr) hr hr 270 450;
set_color black;
fill_arc x (y - hr) hr hr 90 270;
fill_circle x (y + hr) sr;
set_color white;
fill_circle x (y - hr) sr
let () =
open_graph "";
let width = size_x()
and height = size_y() in
set_color (rgb 200 200 200);
fill_rect 0 0 width height;
let w = width / 3
and h = height / 3 in
let r = (min w h) / 3 in
draw_yinyang w (h*2) (r*2) black white;
draw_yinyang (w*2) h r blue magenta;
run with:
<pre>$ ocaml graphics.cma yinyang.ml</pre>