Yin and yang: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: add SVG (path evenodd))
(12 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1,085:
==={{header|Locomotive Basic}}===
[[File:Cpcbasic yin yang.png|thumb|Output]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="locobasic">10 mode 2:deg:defint a-z:ink 0,26:ink 1,0:border 26
20 xp=320:yp=200:size=150:gosub 100
Line 1,995:
### </pre>
[https://easylang.dev/show/#cod=VY/dCsIwDEbv8xTftbIapx30cWYso1jXEVHs20t13SbkIj8nJ2TSJJCgAoXAwBAASTEp5JsGleihZGgqaA5j7scBb2Ro5e/p5UunLqDFDgpmXm3OuTp++GEmHKNxvFWggS6aVfGrDjhVz8Lv//jNlZkvBkOXXm6Dpud4hbWWJPpeqf7ScoluqS2jYxzP9AE= Run it]
proc circ r c . .
color c
circle r
proc yinyang x y r . .
move x y
circ 2 * r 000
color 999
circseg 2 * r 90 -90
move x y - r
circ r 000
circ r / 3 999
move x y + r
circ r 999
circ r / 3 000
background 555
yinyang 20 20 6
yinyang 50 60 14
Line 2,150 ⟶ 2,180:
[https://dartpad.dev/?id=c54bafac1d8f46c07db626dca64e13e4 Watch/play online DartPad]
<syntaxhighlight lang="dart">import 'dart:math' show pi;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
Line 2,165 ⟶ 2,195:
void main() => runApp(constCustomPaint(painter: MainAppYinYangPainter()));
class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MainApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) => CustomPaint(painter: YinYangPainter());
class YinYangPainter extends CustomPainter {
Line 2,186 ⟶ 2,210:
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) => true;
===Flutter (without CustomPaint)===
[https://dartpad.dev/?id=e0502d089330620c9866ef5fc2310042 Run online in DartPad]
<syntaxhighlight lang="dart">import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
const color = [Colors.black, Colors.white];
Widget cR(int iColor, double r, {Widget? child}) => DecoratedBox(
decoration: BoxDecoration(color: color[iColor], shape: BoxShape.circle),
child: SizedBox.square(dimension: r * 2, child: Center(child: child)));
Widget yinYang(double r, [double th = 1.0]) => Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(5),
child: ClipOval(
child: cR(0, r + th,
child: cR(1, r,
child: Stack(alignment: Alignment.center, children: [
Container(color: color[0], margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: r)),
Column(children: List.generate(2, (i) => cR(1 - i, r / 2, child: cR(i, r / 6))))
void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(
home: ColoredBox(color: color[1], child: Wrap(children: [yinYang(50), yinYang(20)]))));
Line 3,224 ⟶ 3,271:
===SVG (path evenodd)===
Run this script from the browser console (F12) or from the <script> tag in the body of the html document.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">constfunction NSsvgEl(tagName, =attrs) 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';{
const pathel = document.createElementNS(NS, 'pathhttp://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tagName);
for (const key in attrs) el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
return pathel;
function yinYang(r, x, y, th = 1) {
const cR = (dY, rad) => `M${x},${y + dY + rad} a${rad},${rad},0,1,1,.1,0z `;
const arc = (dY, rad, cw = 1) => `A${rad},${rad},0,0,${cw},${x},${y + dY} `;
const d = cR(0, r + th) + cR(r / 2, r / 6) + cR(-r / 2, r / 6)
+ `M${x},${y} ` + arc(r, r / 2, 0) + arc(-r, r) + arc(0, r / 2);
path.setAttributereturn svgEl('path', {d, 'fill-rule',: 'evenodd'});
const path = document.createElementNS(NS, 'path');
path.setAttribute('d', d);
path.setAttribute('fill-rule', 'evenodd');
return path;
const dialog = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('dialog'));
const svg = dialog.appendChild(document.createElementNSsvgEl(NS, 'svg', {width: 170, height: 120}));
svg.setAttribute('width', 170);
svg.setAttribute('height', 120);
svg.appendChild(yinYang(50.0, 60, 60));
svg.appendChild(yinYang(20.0, 140, 30));
Line 5,564 ⟶ 5,611:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var inCircle = Fn.new { |centerX, centerY, radius, x, y|
return (x-centerX)*(x-centerX)+(y-centerY)*(y-centerY) <= radius*radius
Line 5,663 ⟶ 5,710:
With a few minor changes, we can use the same code to draw these symbols in DOME.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "dome" for Window
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color
