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Implement the [[wp:Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm|Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm]] as described in Wikipedia. This algorithm draw antialiased lines. See [[Bresenham's line algorithm]] for ''aliased'' lines.
Implement the [[wp:Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm|Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm]] as described in Wikipedia. This algorithm draw antialiased lines. See [[Bresenham's line algorithm]] for ''aliased'' lines.

=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi}}
<lang ARM Assembly>

/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program xiaolin1.s */

/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess displayerror
see at end oh this program the instruction include */

/* REMARK 2 : display use a FrameBuffer device : see raspberry pi FrameBuffer documentation
this solution write directly on the screen of raspberry pi
other solution is to use X11 windows but X11 has a function drawline !! */

/* REMARK 3 : this program do not respect the convention for use, save and restau registers
in rhe routine call !!!! */

/* Constantes */
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
.equ OPEN, 5
.equ CLOSE, 6
.equ IOCTL, 0x36
.equ MMAP, 0xC0
.equ UNMAP, 0x5B
.equ O_RDWR, 0x0002 @ open for reading and writing
.equ MAP_SHARED, 0x01 @ Share changes.
.equ PROT_READ, 0x1 @ Page can be read.
.equ PROT_WRITE, 0x2 @ Page can be written.

/* Initialized data */
szMessErreur: .asciz "File open error.\n"
szMessErreur1: .asciz "File close error.\n"
szMessErreur2: .asciz "File mapping error.\n"
szMessDebutPgm: .asciz "Program start. \n"
szMessFinOK: .asciz "Normal end program. \n"
szMessErrFix: .asciz "Read error info fix framebuffer \n"
szMessErrVar: .asciz "Read error info var framebuffer \n"
szRetourligne: .asciz "\n"
szParamNom: .asciz "/dev/fb0" @ FrameBuffer device name
szLigneVar: .ascii "Variables info : "
sWidth: .fill 11, 1, ' '
.ascii " * "
sHeight: .fill 11, 1, ' '
.ascii " Bits par pixel : "
sBits: .fill 11, 1, ' '
.asciz "\n"
szMessErr: .ascii "Error code hexa : "
sHexa: .space 9,' '
.ascii " decimal : "
sDeci: .space 15,' '
.asciz "\n"
.align 4
/* codes fonction pour la récupération des données fixes et variables */
FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO: .int 0x4602 @ function code for read infos fixes Framebuffer
FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO: .int 0x4600 @ function code for read infos variables Framebuffer

/* UnInitialized data */
.align 4
fix_info: .skip FBFIXSCinfo_fin @ memory reserve for structure FSCREENINFO
.align 4
var_info: .skip FBVARSCinfo_fin @ memory reserve for structure VSCREENINFO
/* -- Code section */
.global main

ldr r0,iAdrszMessDebutPgm
bl affichageMess @ display message
ldr r0,iAdrszParamNom @ frameBuffer device name
mov r1,#O_RDWR @ flags read/write
mov r2,#0 @ mode
mov r7,#OPEN @ open device FrameBuffer
svc 0
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
ble erreur
mov r10,r0 @ save FD du device FrameBuffer in r10
ldr r1,iAdrFBIOGET_VSCREENINFO @ read variables datas of FrameBuffer
ldr r1,[r1] @ load code function
ldr r2,iAdrvar_info @ structure memory address
mov r7, #IOCTL @ call system
swi 0
cmp r0,#0
blt erreurVar
ldr r2,iAdrvar_info
ldr r0,[r2,#FBVARSCinfo_xres] @ load screen width
ldr r1,iAdrsWidth @ and convert in string for display
bl conversion10S
ldr r0,[r2,#FBVARSCinfo_yres] @ load screen height
ldr r1,iAdrsHeight @ and convert in string for display
bl conversion10S
ldr r0,[r2,#FBVARSCinfo_bits_per_pixel] @ load bits by pixel
ldr r1,iAdrsBits @ and convert in string for display
bl conversion10S
ldr r0,iAdrszLigneVar @ display result
bl affichageMess

mov r0,r10 @ FD du FB
ldr r1,iAdrFBIOGET_FSCREENINFO @ read fixes datas of FrameBuffe
ldr r1,[r1] @ load code function
ldr r2,iAdrfix_info @ structure memory address
mov r7, #IOCTL @ call system
svc 0
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
blt erreurFix
ldr r0,iAdrfix_info

ldr r1,iAdrfix_info @ read size memory for datas
ldr r1,[r1,#FBFIXSCinfo_smem_len] @ in octets
@ datas mapping
mov r0,#0
ldr r2,iFlagsMmap
mov r3,#MAP_SHARED
mov r4,r10
mov r5,#0
mov r7, #MMAP @ 192 call system for mapping
swi #0
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
beq erreur2
mov r9,r0 @ save mapping address in r9
/* display draw */
bl dessin
mov r0,r9 @ mapping close
ldr r1,iAdrfix_info
ldr r1,[r1,#FBFIXSCinfo_smem_len] @ mapping memory size
mov r7,#UNMAP @call system 91 for unmapping
svc #0 @ error ?
cmp r0,#0
blt erreur1
@ close device FrameBuffer
mov r0,r10 @ load FB du device
mov r7, #CLOSE @ call system
swi 0
ldr r0,iAdrszMessFinOK @ display end message
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#0 @ return code = OK
b 100f
erreurFix: @ display read error datas fix
ldr r1,iAdrszMessErrFix @ message address
bl displayError @ call display
mov r0,#1 @ return code = error
b 100f
erreurVar: @ display read error datas var
ldr r1,iAdrszMessErrVar
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
erreur: @ display open error
ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreur
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
erreur1: @ display unmapped error
ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreur1
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
erreur2: @ display mapped error
ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreur2
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
100: @ end program
mov r7, #EXIT
svc 0
iAdrszParamNom: .int szParamNom
iAdrszMessErreur: .int szMessErreur
iAdrszMessErreur1: .int szMessErreur1
iAdrszMessErreur2: .int szMessErreur2
iAdrszMessDebutPgm: .int szMessDebutPgm
iAdrszMessFinOK: .int szMessFinOK
iAdrszMessErrFix: .int szMessErrFix
iAdrszMessErrVar: .int szMessErrVar
iAdrszLigneVar: .int szLigneVar
iAdrvar_info: .int var_info
iAdrfix_info: .int fix_info
iAdrsWidth: .int sWidth
iAdrsHeight: .int sHeight
iAdrsBits: .int sBits
/* dessin */
/* r9 framebuffer memory address */
push {r1-r12,lr} @ save registers
mov r0,#255 @ red
mov r1,#255 @ green
mov r2,#255 @ blue 3 bytes 255 = white
bl codeRGB @ code color RGB 32 bits
mov r1,r0 @ background color
ldr r0,iAdrfix_info @ load memory mmap size
ldr r0,[r0,#FBFIXSCinfo_smem_len]
bl coloriageFond @
/* draw line 1 */
mov r0,#200 @ X start line
mov r1,#200 @ Y start line
mov r2,#200 @ X end line
mov r3,#100 @ Y end line
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres] @ load screen width
bl drawLine
/* draw line 2 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#200
mov r3,#300
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine
/* draw line 3 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#100
mov r3,#200
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine
/* draw line 4 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#300
mov r3,#200
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine
/* draw line 5 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#100
mov r3,#100
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine
/* draw line 6 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#100
mov r3,#300
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine
/* draw line 7 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#300
mov r3,#300
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine
/* draw line 8 */
mov r0,#200
mov r1,#200
mov r2,#300
mov r3,#100
ldr r4,iAdrvar_info
ldr r4,[r4,#FBVARSCinfo_xres]
bl drawLine

pop {r1-r12,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ end function

/* set background color */
/* r0 contains size screen memory */
/* r1 contains rgb code color */
/* r9 contains screen memory address */
push {r2,lr}
mov r2,#0 @ counter
1: @ begin loop
str r1,[r9,r2]
add r2,#4
cmp r2,r0
blt 1b
pop {r2,lr}
bx lr
/* Xiaolin Wu line algorithm */
/* no floating point compute, multiply value for 128 */
/* for integer compute */
/* r0 x1 start line */
/* r1 y1 start line */
/* r2 x2 end line */
/* r3 y2 end line */
/* r4 screen width */
push {fp,lr} @ save registers ( no other registers save )
mov r5,r0 @ save x1
mov r6,r1 @ save y1
cmp r2,r5 @ compar x2,x1
subgt r1,r2,r5
suble r1,r5,r2 @ compute dx=abs val de x1-x2
cmp r3,r6 @ compar y2,y1
subgt r0,r3,r6
suble r0,r6,r3 @ compute dy = abs val de y1-y2
cmp r1,r0 @ compare dx , dy
blt 5f @ dx < dy
@ dx > dy
cmp r2,r5 @ compare x2,x1
movlt r8,r5 @ x2 < x1
movlt r5,r2 @ swap x2,x1
movlt r2,r8
movlt r8,r6 @ swap y2,y1
movlt r6,r3
movlt r3,r8
lsl r0,#7 @ * by 128
mov r7,r2 @ save x2
mov r8,r3 @ save y2
cmp r1,#0 @ divisor = 0 ?
moveq r10,#128
beq 1f
bl division @ gradient compute (* 128)
mov r10,r2 @ r10 contient le gradient
@ display start points
mov r0,#64
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0 @ RGB color
mov r0,r5 @ x1
mov r1,r6 @ y1
mov r2,r4 @ screen witdh
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32 @ display pixel
add r1,#1 @ increment y1
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
@ display end points
mov r0,r7 @ x2
mov r1,r8 @ y2
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r1,#1 @ increment y2
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
cmp r8,r6 @ compar y2,y1
blt 3f @ y2 < y1
mov r4,r5 @ x = x1
lsl r5,r6,#7 @ compute y1 * 128
add r5,r10 @ compute intery = (y1 * 128 + gradient * 128)
2: @ start loop draw line pixels
lsr r1,r5,#7 @ intery / 128 = y
lsl r8,r1,#7
sub r6,r5,r8 @ reminder of intery /128 = brightness
mov r0,r6
bl colorPixel @ compute rgb color brightness
mov r3,r0 @ rgb color
mov r0,r4 @ x
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32 @ display pixel 1
add r1,#1 @ increment y
rsb r0,r6,#128 @ compute 128 - brightness
bl colorPixel @ compute new rgb color
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r4
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32 @ display pixel 2
add r5,r10 @ add gradient to intery
add r4,#1 @ increment x
cmp r4,r7 @ x < x2
ble 2b @ yes -> loop
b 100f @ else end
3: @ y2 < y1
mov r4,r7 @ x = x2
mov r7,r5 @ save x1
lsl r5,r8,#7 @ y = y1 * 128
add r5,r10 @ compute intery = (y1 * 128 + gradient * 128)
lsr r1,r5,#7 @ y = ent(intery / 128)
lsl r8,r1,#7
sub r8,r5,r8 @ brightness = remainder
mov r0,r8
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r4
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r1,#1
rsb r0,r8,#128
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r4
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r5,r10
sub r4,#1 @ decrement x
cmp r4,r7 @ x > x1
bgt 4b @ yes -> loop
b 100f
5: @ dx < dy
cmp r3,r6 @ compare y2,y1
movlt r8,r5 @ y2 < y1
movlt r5,r2 @ swap x1,x2
movlt r2,r8
movlt r8,r6 @ swap y1,y2
movlt r6,r3
movlt r3,r8
mov r8,r1 @ swap r0,r1 for routine division
mov r1,r0
lsl r0,r8,#7 @ dx * by 128
mov r7,r2 @ save x2
mov r8,r3 @ save y2
cmp r1,#0 @ dy = zero ?
moveq r10,#128
beq 6f
bl division @ compute gradient * 128
mov r10,r2 @ gradient -> r10
@ display start points
mov r0,#64
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0 @ color pixel
mov r0,r5 @ x1
mov r1,r6 @ y1
mov r2,r4 @ screen width
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r1,#1
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
@ display end points
mov r0,r7
mov r1,r8
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r1,#1
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
cmp r5,r7 @ x1 < x2 ?
blt 8f
mov r4,r6 @ y = y1
lsl r5,#7 @ compute x1 * 128
add r5,r10 @ compute interx
lsr r1,r5,#7 @ compute x = ent ( interx / 128)
lsl r3,r1,#7
sub r6,r5,r3 @ brightness = remainder
mov r0,r6
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r1 @ new x
add r7,r0,#1
mov r1,r4 @ y
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
rsb r0,r6,#128
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r7 @ new x + 1
mov r1,r4 @ y
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r5,r10
add r4,#1
cmp r4,r8
ble 7b
b 100f
mov r4,r8 @ y = y2
lsl r5,#7 @ compute x1 * 128
add r5,r10 @ compute interx
lsr r1,r5,#7 @ compute x
lsl r3,r1,#7
sub r8,r5,r3
mov r0,r8
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r1 @ new x
add r7,r0,#1
mov r1,r4 @ y
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
rsb r0,r8,#128
bl colorPixel
mov r3,r0
mov r0,r7 @ new x + 1
mov r1,r4 @ y
bl aff_pixel_codeRGB32
add r5,r10
sub r4,#1
cmp r4,r6
bgt 9b
b 100f
pop {fp,lr}
bx lr
/* brightness color pixel */
/* r0 % brightness ( 0 to 128) */
push {r1,r2,lr} /* save des 2 registres frame et retour */
cmp r0,#0
beq 100f
cmp r0,#128
mov r0,#127
lsl r0,#1 @ red = brightness * 2 ( 2 to 254)
mov r1,r0 @ green = red
mov r2,r0 @ blue = red
bl codeRGB @ compute rgb code color 32 bits
pop {r1,r2,lr}
bx lr

/* display pixels 32 bits */
/* r9 framebuffer memory address */
/* r0 = x */
/* r1 = y */
/* r2 screen width in pixels */
/* r3 code color RGB 32 bits */
push {r0-r4,lr} @ save registers
@ compute location pixel
mul r4,r1,r2 @ compute y * screen width
add r0,r0,r4 @ + x
lsl r0,#2 @ * 4 octets
str r3,[r9,r0] @ store rgb code in mmap memory
pop {r0-r4,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr
/* Code color RGB */
/* r0 red r1 green r2 blue */
/* r0 returns RGB code */
lsl r0,#16 @ shift red color 16 bits
lsl r1,#8 @ shift green color 8 bits
eor r0,r1 @ or two colors
eor r0,r2 @ or 3 colors in r0
bx lr

.include "./affichage.inc"

/* structure FSCREENINFO */
/* voir explication détaillée : https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/fb/api.txt */
.struct 0
FBFIXSCinfo_id: /* identification string eg "TT Builtin" */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_id + 16
FBFIXSCinfo_smem_start: /* Start of frame buffer mem */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_smem_start + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_smem_len: /* Length of frame buffer mem */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_smem_len + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_type: /* see FB_TYPE_* */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_type + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_type_aux: /* Interleave for interleaved Planes */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_type_aux + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_visual: /* see FB_VISUAL_* */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_visual + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_xpanstep: /* zero if no hardware panning */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_xpanstep + 2
FBFIXSCinfo_ypanstep: /* zero if no hardware panning */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_ypanstep + 2
FBFIXSCinfo_ywrapstep: /* zero if no hardware ywrap */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_ywrapstep + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_line_length: /* length of a line in bytes */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_line_length + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_mmio_start: /* Start of Memory Mapped I/O */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_mmio_start + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_mmio_len: /* Length of Memory Mapped I/O */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_mmio_len + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_accel: /* Indicate to driver which specific chip/card we have */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_accel + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_capabilities: /* see FB_CAP_* */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_capabilities + 4
FBFIXSCinfo_reserved: /* Reserved for future compatibility */
.struct FBFIXSCinfo_reserved + 8

/* structure VSCREENINFO */
.struct 0
FBVARSCinfo_xres: /* visible resolution */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_xres + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_yres + 4
FBVARSCinfo_xres_virtual: /* virtual resolution */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_xres_virtual + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_yres_virtual + 4
FBVARSCinfo_xoffset: /* offset from virtual to visible resolution */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_xoffset + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_yoffset + 4
FBVARSCinfo_bits_per_pixel: /* bits par pixel */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_bits_per_pixel + 4
FBVARSCinfo_grayscale: /* 0 = color, 1 = grayscale, >1 = FOURCC */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_grayscale + 4
FBVARSCinfo_red: /* bitfield in fb mem if true color, */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_red + 4
FBVARSCinfo_green: /* else only length is significant */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_green + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_blue + 4
FBVARSCinfo_transp: /* transparency */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_transp + 4
FBVARSCinfo_nonstd: /* != 0 Non standard pixel format */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_nonstd + 4
FBVARSCinfo_activate: /* see FB_ACTIVATE_* */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_activate + 4
FBVARSCinfo_height: /* height of picture in mm */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_height + 4
FBVARSCinfo_width: /* width of picture in mm */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_width + 4
FBVARSCinfo_accel_flags: /* (OBSOLETE) see fb_info.flags */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_accel_flags + 4
/* Timing: All values in pixclocks, except pixclock (of course) */
FBVARSCinfo_pixclock: /* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_pixclock + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_left_margin + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_right_margin + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_upper_margin + 4
.struct FBVARSCinfo_lower_margin + 4
FBVARSCinfo_hsync_len: /* length of horizontal sync */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_hsync_len + 4
FBVARSCinfo_vsync_len: /* length of vertical sync */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_vsync_len + 4
FBVARSCinfo_sync: /* see FB_SYNC_* */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_sync + 4
FBVARSCinfo_vmode: /* see FB_VMODE_* */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_vmode + 4
FBVARSCinfo_rotate: /* angle we rotate counter clockwise */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_rotate + 4
FBVARSCinfo_colorspace: /* colorspace for FOURCC-based modes */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_colorspace + 4
FBVARSCinfo_reserved: /* Reserved for future compatibility */
.struct FBVARSCinfo_reserved + 16
